10 research outputs found

    Aplikacija neophodne traktorske elektroopreme sa ciljem izbora dobavljača

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    It was noticed that a certain number of suppliers of electronic equipment put on the market the goods of unknown origin in latest years. Therefore, tractor manufacturers before proceeding with installation of product they must carry out necessary tests in terms of quality checks to protect the validity of their products out to market. Basic remarks were that the suppliers of electrical equipment didn’t have complete technical documentation for product they offer, in order to fulfill quality of the tractor as whole product. Electrical equipment should have a satisfactory quality which is evidenced by the necessary technical documentation and the certification with the applicable standards for their purposes. When the tractor manufacturer seeks from the suppliers of electrical equipment for cooperation, it requires that with received sample and is all relevant technical documentation. As for the manufacturer it is necessary for the methodology and procedures are how to test the observed sample. This means that by determining the basic technical and functional characteristics, manufacturer has to define technical conditions and requirements for technical criteria by assessing required quality. Thus, the results are compared with the established technical requirements and the criteria in technical documentation are based on which appreciation is made and in the validity of the quality-of-technical system. Following these tests and comparative analysis of the manufacturer decides to have positive evaluated a sample of electronic equipment that can be mounted on the respective tractors. So far, the tractor manufacturer IMR performs testing of certain types for electronic equipment and tractor according to the prescribed procedures and methodology, and by that accordingly choose suppliers.Uočeno je da određeni broj dobavljača elektroopreme u zadnjim godinama plasira na tržište robu nepoznatog porekla. Proizvođači traktora pre ugradnje moraju da izvrše potrebna ispitivanja, u smislu provere kvaliteta, kako bi zaštitili valjanost svoga proizvoda. Osnovne primedbe su da snabdevači elektroopreme ne poseduju kompletnu tehničku dokumentaciju za proizvod koji nude, čime dovode u pitanje kvalitet traktora u celini. Elektrooprema treba da ima zadovoljavajući kvalitet, što se dokazuje potrebnom tehničkom dokumentacijom i sertifikacijom po važećim standardima za svoje namene. Kada proizvođač traktora potražuje elektroopremu od dobavljača, on zahteva da uz pristigle uzorke bude i relevantna tehnička dokumentacija. Kod proizvođača, metodologije i procedure podrazumevaju način ispitivanja posmatranog uzorka. Ispitivanja se odnose na određivanje osnovnih tehničko-funkcionalnih karakteristika, tehničke uslove i zahteve kao i tehničke kriterijume za ocenu potrebnog kvaliteta. Na taj način dobijeni rezultati upoređuju se sa postavljenim tehničkim zahtevima i kriterijumima u tehničkoj dokumentaciji, na osnovu čega se donosi oceana o valjanosti upotrebnog kvaliteta tehničkog sistema. Nakon obavljenih ispitivanja i uporednih analiza, proizvođač donosi odluku da se pozitivno ocenjeni uzorak elektroopreme može ugraditi na odnosne traktore. Dakle i proizvođač traktora IMR vrši ispitivanja određene vrste traktorske elektroopreme po propisanim procedurama i metodologiji i shodno tome vrši odabir dobavljača

    Oscilatorne pojave kod poljoprivrednih traktora

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    When considering the basic aspect of ergonomic requests for the purpose of improving general comfort of tractor is very complex. Besides base ergonomic requests, (noise, mikroklimate, visibilty, air contamination to favour to handl and etc.), are qurentitatve oscilatory loads on tractor operator are very important. In IMR Institute comprehensive me asurements of acceleration of vertical vibrations on table tests add have been carred out on one type tractor, manufacturing IMR on diferent measure ments points and operating regimengine. In the contex, along with the given review of a part of obtained results, the analysis of vibratory acceleratiopns of tested seats of steeping wheel has been made from the aspect of meeting ISO standard criteria and out standard.Osnovni aspekt ergonomskih zahteva u cilju poboljšanja opšte komfornosti rukovaoca traktora je veoma kompleksan. Pored osnovnih ergonomskih zahteva (buka, mikroklima, vidljivost, pogodnost rukovanja komandama, aerozagađenje i dr.), veoma su značajna i kvantitativna oscilatorna opterećenja rukovaoca traktora. U Institutu IMR-a izvršena su opsežna merenja vertikalnih vibracija na dizel motoru na probnom stolu, i na jednom tipu traktora iz svog proizvodnog programa, na različitim mernim mestima i režimima rada motora. U tom kontekstu, dat je prikaz dela dobijenih rezultata i analiza vibratornih ubrzanja na mernim mestima kao i sedištu rukovaoca traktora sa aspekta zadovoljenja kriterijuma ISO standarda, kao i vanstandardnih ispitivanja

    Identifikacija uglova zakretanja upravljačkih točkova kod poljoprivrednih traktora

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    This paper presents methodology applied for testing and calculation of steering wheels rotation angles in IMR tractors. Importance of this methodology is in defining minimal rotation angles of steering wheels under which agricultural tractor hold basic working functions when new assembly is mounted or, in our case, with installed new drive axle. By installing new drive axle on tractors R-76 DV and R-65 DV it has been noticed that tractor construction is slightly changed within assembly of newly developed chassis. From this reason certain test was needed to define relining procedures, due to introducing newly product in production process. This paper presents some results of the testing applied.Rad prezentuje metodologiju pomoću koje je izvršeno ispitivanje i proračunavanje uglova zakretanja upravljačkih točkova kod IMR–ovih traktora. Značaj ove metodologije je u definisanju minimalnih uglova zakretanja upravljačkih točkova pri kojima poljoprivredni traktor zadržava osnovne radne funkcije pri ugradnji novog sklopa u odnosnom slučaju novog pogonskog mosta. Ugradnjom novog pogonskog mosta na traktore R-76 DV i R-65 DV, delimično se izmenila konstrukcija traktora te je u sklopu tog novo definisanog konstruktivnog stanja, bilo potrebno obaviti određena ispitivanja definisana odgovarajućim procedurama koje se primenjuju pri uvođenju novog proizvoda u proizvodni proces. Ovaj rad upravo prezentuje neke rezultate ovakve vrste ispitivanja

    Ušteda energije kod poljoprivrednih traktora pri upotrebi raznih vrsta sijalica

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    Advanced technologies contributed to the modernization of the tractor, enable the tractor operator efficiency, comfort, safety at work and the movement of traffic. Halogen bulbs and LED modules, as components for updating lighting fixtures of tractors, give a greater amount of light without shadows and brightness. LED modules is characterized by low nominal power and heat broadcasting, due to its composition are non-toxic. Looking characteristics and purpose of standard bulbs, which are used in agricultural tractor unit of light, is given adequate substitute them with halogen lamps and LED modules. We analyzed the minimum and maximum energy consumption for six models of agricultural tractors production of IMR, when using different light bulbs. There are given some possible variations in the observed energy saving models of tractors, achieved by replacing standard light bulbs to light devices and dashboard of the tractor. According to the official data on the number of agricultural tractors related to the agricultural census, in Serbia there are around 410 894 double-axle tractors. If it is assumed that 60% of registered tractors production of IMR, I came across fact on possible energy savings for a designed period of time.Napredne tehnologije doprinele su modernizaciji traktora, omogućile rukovaocu traktora efikasnost, komfornost, sigurnost u radu i kretanje u saobraćaju. Halogene sijalice i LED moduli, kao sastavni delovi za inoviranje svetlosnih uređaja kod traktora, odaju veću količinu svetlosti bez senki i blještavosti. LED module karakteriše mala nominalna snaga i toplotno emitovanje, a zbog svog sastava nisu toksični. Posmatrajući karakteristike i namenu standardnih sijalica, koje se koriste kod svetlosnih uređaja poljoprivrednih traktora, data je odgovarajuća zamena istih sa halogenim sijalicama i LED modulima. Analizirana je minimalna i maksimalna potrošnja energije za šest modela poljoprivrednih traktora proizvođača IMR-a, pri upotrebi različitih sijalica. Date su neke moguće varijante uštede energije kod posmatranih modela traktora, ostvarene zamenom standardnih sijalica na svetlosnim uređajima i instrument tabli traktora. Prema zvaničnim podacima o broju poljoprivrednih traktora vezanih za popis poljoprivrede, u Srbiji ima oko 410.894 dvoosovinskih traktora. Ako se predpostavi, da je 60 % traktora od ukupno registrovanih traktora proizvodnja IMR-a, dolazimo do podatka o mogućoj uštedi energije za neki projektovani vremenski period

    Karakteristike powershift menjača kod poljorivrednih traktora

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    This paperwork paper presents and analises the functioning of one main tractor assemblies, precisely the transmission. This includes and it is applied to a technologically advanced gearbox solution such as Full PowerShift. This type of gearbox is the most represented currently on the market because it is transmission without interruption of power flow. Also, there will be adequate proportional solenoid valve that is an integral part of the transmission. With its construction and function, it provides specificity in gear changes. Changing gears without interrupting the power stream, during transportation does not result in stopping the tractor and changing the engine mode due to load and nominal power of machine. The overrun and in between struggle of manufacturers for the most efficient and rational solution today has led to the offer of an extremely wide range of various gearboxes. Gearboxes with different electronical elements give different exploatations characteristics. In this way, they form differential types of gearboxes, which different so much that it is almost impossible to capture them in a proper analysis.Ovaj rad daje prikaz i analizu funkcionisanja jednog od traktorskih sklopova, tačnije transmisije. To se odnosi na tehnološki napredno rešenje menjačkih sklopova kao što je Full PowerShift. Ovaj tip menjača je najzastuplјeniji trenutno na tržištu jer je menjač bez prekida toka snage. Takođe, biće reči i o proporcionalnom solenoidnom ventilu koji je sastavni deo ove transmisije. Svojom konstrukcijom i funkcijom omogućava specifičnost u promeni stepena prenosa. Promena stepeni prenosa bez prekida toka snage, u transportu nema za posledicu zaustavlјanje traktora i promene režima rada motora. Konkurencija proizvođača za najefikasnijim i najracionalnijim rešenjem uslovila je danas ponudu izuzetno širokog spektra razičitih menjačkih sklopova. Menjački sklopovi sa upotrebom različitih elektronskih elementa daju različite eksploatacione karakteristike. Na taj način formiraju pojedine tipove menjača, koji se u tolikoj meri razlikuju da ih je skoro nemoguće obuhvatiti jednom analizom

    Osnivanje poljoprivrednih zadruga i njihov značaj za privredu Republike Srbije

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    The Republic of Serbia is abundant with arable land. Most of this arable land has properties in smaller, plots that are mostly distributed in the central and southern parts of Republic of Serbia, 23. Accordingly, the establishment of agricultural cooperatives in Serbia economically empowers small agricultural households. Also, arable land and agricultural production are increasing; labor force improves the observed market segment. Since agricultural cooperatives are doing various tasks in many areas, an appropriate model of business can be designed. Due to, by doing the sample method for multi-criteria decision making, as a technique for decision-making in planning, in order to increase lucrative profitability. This way of cooperation between suppliers, producers and agricultural cooperatives would generate multiple profits for all participants. By supporting this model of cooperation by state institutions, a steady and secure flow of money would be established, as well as progress in the agricultural and industrial segment.Republika Srbija obiluje bogatim plodnim obradivim površinama zemljišta. Veći deo ove obradive površine je u manjim parcelama i površinama koje su uglavnom raspoređene u središnjem i južnom delu Republike Srbije 23. U skladu sa navedenim podacima, osnivanje poljoprivrednih zadruge u Srbiji ekonomski osnažuje mala poljoprivredna domaćinstava. Takođe, povećava se površina obradivog zemljišta, i poljoprivredna proizvodnja, angažovanost radne snage, što unapređuje posmatrani tržišni segment. Obzirom da poljoprivredne zadruge sadržajno obavljaju različite poslove u mnogim oblastima, može se projektovati odgovarajući model poslovanja zadruge sa upotrebom metoda za višekriterijumsko odlučivanje, kao i tehnika u donošenju odluka pri planiranju u cilju veće profitabilnosti. Ovakvim načinom kooperacije na relaciji dobavljači, proizvođači i poljoprivredne zadruge ostvarila bi se višestruka dobit za sve učesnike. Podrškom ovog modela saradnje od strane državnih institucija, uspostavio bi se stalan i siguran protok novca, kao i napredak u poljoprivrednom i industrijskom segmentu

    Uticaji procesa reinžinjeringa elektroopreme traktora na konkurentsku prednost

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    The central role and the most important role, excluding the instability and occurrence of crisis business that come from outside the company have processes in the company. In order to maintain a position in a competitive market, it is necessary to define and implement business reengineering business processes in the enterprise. Given that modern technologies have an irreplaceable position in all business processes, it is necessary for manufacturers to adapt to emerging situations. In modern business conditions, tractor and engine manufacturers should provide alternative combinations of replacement of existing tractor equipment with suitable, which supports different applications using the same or new sensors. This implies extensive testing of samples of electrical equipment prior to installation, according to prescribed procedures and methodology. On the basis of the obtained results and defined technical-functional characteristics, an assessment of the usability of the examined sample and the system as a whole is formed. As business processes of reengineering require subprocesses and new procedures, the necessary laboratory tests and experimental research are carried out. Companies that use their resources best use their resources with their processes, achieving a competitive advantage that results in superior value creation. The results obtained lead to the acquisition of additional values ie the design of a new or redesigned product with a modern electrical appliance and a modern design. Advanced technologies for tractor electrical equipment aim to contribute to the overall quality of the tractor and enable the operator of the tractor to be efficient, comfortable, safe and safe in traffic. This paper gives a part of the exploitation research of the existing electrical equipment and laboratory testing of the functionality of the modern steering column with the associated sensor. The aim of these tests is to search for the alternatives of the electrical equipment components. The contribution of this type of test is uncertain as it ensures the quality of agricultural tractors and increases the competitive advantage. At the same time, it allows manufacturers of electrical equipment to improve the characteristics of their products.Centralno mesto i najvažniju ulogu, izuzimajući nestabilnosti i pojave kriznog poslovanja koji dolaze izvan preduzeća, imaju procesi u preduzeću. Kako bi se zadržala pozicija na konkurentnom tržištu, neophodno je definisati i inplementirati poslovne procese reinženjeringa u preduzeću. Obzirom da savremene tehnologije imaju nezamenjivu poziciju u svim procesima poslovanja potrebno je da se proizvođači prilagode novonastalim situacijama. U uslovima savremenog poslovanja, proizvođači traktora i motora treba da obezbede alternativne kombinacije zamene postojeće elektroopreme traktora odgovarajućom, koja podržava diferentne aplikacije upotrebom istih ili novih senzora. To podrazumeva opsežna ispitivanja uzoraka elektrooprema pre ugradnje, po propisanim procedurama i metodologiji. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata i definisanih tehničko-funkcionalnih karakteristika formira se ocena upotrebnog kvaliteta ispitivanog uzorka i sistema u celini. Kako poslovni procesi reinženjeringa nalažu podprocese i nove procedure, sprovode se neophodna laboratorijska ispitivanja i eksploatacijona istraživanja. Preduzeća koja svojim procesima na najbolјi način upotrebljavaju svoje resurse ostvarujući konkurentnu prednost koja rezultira superiornim kreiranjem vrednosti. Dobijeni rezultati vode prema sticanju dodatnih vrednosti, odnosno projektovanju novog ili redizajniranog proizvoda sa savremenom elektroopremom i modernim dizajnom. Napredne tehnologije kod elektroopreme traktora imaju za cilј da doprinesu ukupnom kvalitetu traktora a rukovaocu traktora omoguće efikasnost, komfornost, sigurnost u radu i bezbedno kretanje u saobraćaju. Ovaj rad daje deo eksploatacionih istraživanja postojeće elektroopreme i laboratorijskih ispitivanja provere funkcionalnosti savremenog stuba upravlјača sa pripadajućim senzorom. Cilј ovih ispitivanja je traženje altrenativnh komponenti elektroopreme. Doprinos ovakvog načina ispitivanja je nesumlјiv jer obezbeđuje kvalitet polјoprivrednih traktora i povećava konkurenstsku prednost. Istovremeno omogućava proizvođačima elektroopreme da pobolјšavaju karakteristike svojih proizvoda

    Optimizacija hidrauličnog podizača traktora IMR- a

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    Purpose of hydraulics lifting system in tractor is to obtain continuity in control of functioning with certain special tools which implements plow, i.e. should at least regulate the operation of the plow by„ position”, by „virtue” and of the „mixed” (at a given „force” and „position” given at the same time). Due to tractor working conditions that sometimes could be unpredictable, it is important to analyze the performance of new or improved hydraulic system in real conditions of use. Industry of Engine Manufacture (IMR) had reconstructed some tractor's hydraulic control valve lifter installation and sent them to the exploitation trial. This paper presents an analysis of the reconstructed elements in order of tractor service in hydraulic lift due to real service conditions.Zadatak podizno - hidrauličnog sistema na poljoprivrednom traktoru je da reguliše pravilan rad ovog sistema u sprezi sa određenim oruđima posebno plugom, odnosno, treba da minimalno reguliše rad pluga po: „položaju“, po „sili“ i „mešovito“ (po zadatoj „sili“ i zadatom „položaju“ istovremeno). S obzirom da poljoprivredni traktor radi u uslovima koji, neki put, mogu biti i nepredvidivi, vrlo je bitno analizirati rad novog ili poboljšanog hidrauličnog sistema u realnim uslovima korišćenja. IMR je na nekim svojim traktorima rekonstruisao hidraulični podizač ugradnjom savremenog upravljačkog ventila nakon čega je usledilo odgovarajuće funkcionalno ispitivanje. Rad predstavlja analizu odziva rekonstruisanog podizno hidrauličnog sistema traktora u realnim uslovima rada

    Kritički osvrt na domaće poljoprivredne traktore ИМР sa aspekta primene elektroopreme

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    Tractor represents is the important machine in agriculture, designed to pull and drive in various connecting machines and also dedicated to additional devices used in complex technological operations of agricultural production. Also, the participation of agricultural tractors in traffic and road safety is of immense importance. Modern agricultural tractors IMR are equipped with a large number of electronic components to control and manage of various tractor assemblies. In this manner, it facilitates the work of the driver, ensures the safety in the working properties of the tractor, achieves a better effect and allows for a longer working cycle of the agricultural machinery i.e.tractor, thus by reducing the occurrence of defects. Farming tractors manufacturers in Serbia have modernized their product range with their own research and development. Using advanced technology for electrical equipment, they developed and constructed agricultural tractors whose functioning contributes to the safe operation of the tractor operator. All this was aimed at contributing to the overall quality of the tractor. At the same time, the operator of the tractor enabled efficiency, comfort, safety in operation and safe traffic in traffic. Starting from these facts, today's needs of the users of agricultural machinery as well as requirements from the aspect of protection and preservation of the environment are examined. This paperwork’s considered huge insight into the research and development (followed in lab and field exploitation tests) of certain electrical equipment that are of great importance for the modernization of agricultural tractors with domestic manufacturers.Traktor reprezentuje najvažniju mašinu u polјoprivredi, konstruisanu da vuče i pokreće razne priklјučne mašine ili namenski dodatne uređaje primenjene u kompleksnim tehnološkim operacijama polјoprivredne proizvodnje. Takođe, učešće polјoprivrednih traktora u saobraćaju i bezbednost na putevima je od velikog značaja. Savremeni polјoprivredni traktori IMR opremljeni su sa velikim brojem elektronskih komponenti koje kontrolišu i upravlјaju sklopovima traktora. Na taj način olakšava se rad vozača, obezbeđuje sigurnost u radu traktora, postiže bolјi efekat i omogućava duži vek traktora odnosno smanjuje pojava kvarova. Proizvođači poljoprivrednih traktora u Srbiji modernizovali su svoj proizvodni asortiman sopstvenim istraživanjem i razvojem. Upotrebom napredne tehnologije kod elektroopreme razvili su i konstruisali poljoprivredne traktore čije funkcionisanje doprinosi sigurnom radu rukovaoca traktora. Sve to je imalo za cilj doprinos ukupnom kvalitetu traktora. Istovremeno rukovaocu traktora omogućilo je efikasnost, komfornost, sigurnost u radu i bezbedno kretanje u saobraćaju. Polazeći od ovih činjenica, sagledane su današnje potrebe korisnika polјoprivredne mehanizacije kao i zahtevi sa aspekta zaštite i očuvanja životne sredine. Ovaj rad omogućava uvid istraživanja i razvoj određene elektroopreme potrebne za modernizaciju polјoprivrednih traktora kod domaćih proizvođača

    Značaj efikasnog rad zagrejača na dizel motorima

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    Heater diesel engines, with the flame heating, a system that facilitates starting the diesel internal combustion engines, especially in cold weather. In order to find opportunities to increase the temperature of the intake air of diesel engines, was followed by a study of the new construction of the burner heater using a specified algorithm. Intake manifold of diesel engine wes adapted to watch the propagation of flame heater and assessment the quality.This experiment was conducted using the methodology already developed for laboratory testing of the technical and functional characteristics of the heater using modern systems for measurement, data acquisition and process monitoring tests.Studies have shown that shorter start the diesel engine when using the heater with the burner of the sixteen orifices.This indicates that these heaters with a different frame of commercial burner, enabling more efficient heating of the intake air.The number of orifices in the burner of the heater has a direct impact on the flame or to reliably start diesel engines.Zagrejač dizel motora, sa plamenim grejanjem, predstavlja sistem koji pospešuje startovanje dizel motora sa unutrašnjim sagorevanjem, posebno u hladnim vremenskim uslovima. U cilju iznalaženja mogućnosti za povećanje temperature usisnog vazduha dizel motora, usledilo je istraživanje nove konstrukcije gorionika zagrejača pomoću zadatog algoritma. Izvršena je adaptacija usisne grane dizel motora da bi se posmatralo prostiranje plamena zagrejača i oceno kvalitet. Ova istraživanja su sprovedena pomoću već razvijene metodologija za laboratorijsko ispitivanje tehničko-funkcionalnih karakteristika zagrejača uz upotrebu savremenog sistema za merenje, akviziciju i monitoring procesa ispitivanja. Istraživanja su pokazala da je kraće vreme startovanja dizel motora pri upotrebi zagrejača sa gorionikom od šesnaest otvora. To ukazuje da ovi zagrejači sa drugačijom konstrukcijom gorionika od komercijalnih, omogućavaju efikasnije zagrevanje usisnog vazduha. Broj otvora na gorioniku zagrejača ima direktan uticaj na plamen odnosno na pouzdano startovanja dizel motora