Kritički osvrt na domaće poljoprivredne traktore ИМР sa aspekta primene elektroopreme


Tractor represents is the important machine in agriculture, designed to pull and drive in various connecting machines and also dedicated to additional devices used in complex technological operations of agricultural production. Also, the participation of agricultural tractors in traffic and road safety is of immense importance. Modern agricultural tractors IMR are equipped with a large number of electronic components to control and manage of various tractor assemblies. In this manner, it facilitates the work of the driver, ensures the safety in the working properties of the tractor, achieves a better effect and allows for a longer working cycle of the agricultural machinery i.e.tractor, thus by reducing the occurrence of defects. Farming tractors manufacturers in Serbia have modernized their product range with their own research and development. Using advanced technology for electrical equipment, they developed and constructed agricultural tractors whose functioning contributes to the safe operation of the tractor operator. All this was aimed at contributing to the overall quality of the tractor. At the same time, the operator of the tractor enabled efficiency, comfort, safety in operation and safe traffic in traffic. Starting from these facts, today's needs of the users of agricultural machinery as well as requirements from the aspect of protection and preservation of the environment are examined. This paperwork’s considered huge insight into the research and development (followed in lab and field exploitation tests) of certain electrical equipment that are of great importance for the modernization of agricultural tractors with domestic manufacturers.Traktor reprezentuje najvažniju mašinu u polјoprivredi, konstruisanu da vuče i pokreće razne priklјučne mašine ili namenski dodatne uređaje primenjene u kompleksnim tehnološkim operacijama polјoprivredne proizvodnje. Takođe, učešće polјoprivrednih traktora u saobraćaju i bezbednost na putevima je od velikog značaja. Savremeni polјoprivredni traktori IMR opremljeni su sa velikim brojem elektronskih komponenti koje kontrolišu i upravlјaju sklopovima traktora. Na taj način olakšava se rad vozača, obezbeđuje sigurnost u radu traktora, postiže bolјi efekat i omogućava duži vek traktora odnosno smanjuje pojava kvarova. Proizvođači poljoprivrednih traktora u Srbiji modernizovali su svoj proizvodni asortiman sopstvenim istraživanjem i razvojem. Upotrebom napredne tehnologije kod elektroopreme razvili su i konstruisali poljoprivredne traktore čije funkcionisanje doprinosi sigurnom radu rukovaoca traktora. Sve to je imalo za cilj doprinos ukupnom kvalitetu traktora. Istovremeno rukovaocu traktora omogućilo je efikasnost, komfornost, sigurnost u radu i bezbedno kretanje u saobraćaju. Polazeći od ovih činjenica, sagledane su današnje potrebe korisnika polјoprivredne mehanizacije kao i zahtevi sa aspekta zaštite i očuvanja životne sredine. Ovaj rad omogućava uvid istraživanja i razvoj određene elektroopreme potrebne za modernizaciju polјoprivrednih traktora kod domaćih proizvođača

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