Aplikacija neophodne traktorske elektroopreme sa ciljem izbora dobavljača


It was noticed that a certain number of suppliers of electronic equipment put on the market the goods of unknown origin in latest years. Therefore, tractor manufacturers before proceeding with installation of product they must carry out necessary tests in terms of quality checks to protect the validity of their products out to market. Basic remarks were that the suppliers of electrical equipment didn’t have complete technical documentation for product they offer, in order to fulfill quality of the tractor as whole product. Electrical equipment should have a satisfactory quality which is evidenced by the necessary technical documentation and the certification with the applicable standards for their purposes. When the tractor manufacturer seeks from the suppliers of electrical equipment for cooperation, it requires that with received sample and is all relevant technical documentation. As for the manufacturer it is necessary for the methodology and procedures are how to test the observed sample. This means that by determining the basic technical and functional characteristics, manufacturer has to define technical conditions and requirements for technical criteria by assessing required quality. Thus, the results are compared with the established technical requirements and the criteria in technical documentation are based on which appreciation is made and in the validity of the quality-of-technical system. Following these tests and comparative analysis of the manufacturer decides to have positive evaluated a sample of electronic equipment that can be mounted on the respective tractors. So far, the tractor manufacturer IMR performs testing of certain types for electronic equipment and tractor according to the prescribed procedures and methodology, and by that accordingly choose suppliers.Uočeno je da određeni broj dobavljača elektroopreme u zadnjim godinama plasira na tržište robu nepoznatog porekla. Proizvođači traktora pre ugradnje moraju da izvrše potrebna ispitivanja, u smislu provere kvaliteta, kako bi zaštitili valjanost svoga proizvoda. Osnovne primedbe su da snabdevači elektroopreme ne poseduju kompletnu tehničku dokumentaciju za proizvod koji nude, čime dovode u pitanje kvalitet traktora u celini. Elektrooprema treba da ima zadovoljavajući kvalitet, što se dokazuje potrebnom tehničkom dokumentacijom i sertifikacijom po važećim standardima za svoje namene. Kada proizvođač traktora potražuje elektroopremu od dobavljača, on zahteva da uz pristigle uzorke bude i relevantna tehnička dokumentacija. Kod proizvođača, metodologije i procedure podrazumevaju način ispitivanja posmatranog uzorka. Ispitivanja se odnose na određivanje osnovnih tehničko-funkcionalnih karakteristika, tehničke uslove i zahteve kao i tehničke kriterijume za ocenu potrebnog kvaliteta. Na taj način dobijeni rezultati upoređuju se sa postavljenim tehničkim zahtevima i kriterijumima u tehničkoj dokumentaciji, na osnovu čega se donosi oceana o valjanosti upotrebnog kvaliteta tehničkog sistema. Nakon obavljenih ispitivanja i uporednih analiza, proizvođač donosi odluku da se pozitivno ocenjeni uzorak elektroopreme može ugraditi na odnosne traktore. Dakle i proizvođač traktora IMR vrši ispitivanja određene vrste traktorske elektroopreme po propisanim procedurama i metodologiji i shodno tome vrši odabir dobavljača

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