18 research outputs found

    Multiple functional neurosteroid binding sites on GABAA receptors

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    Neurosteroids are endogenous modulators of neuronal excitability and nervous system development and are being developed as anesthetic agents and treatments for psychiatric diseases. While gamma amino-butyric acid Type A (GABAA) receptors are the primary molecular targets of neurosteroid action, the structural details of neurosteroid binding to these proteins remain ill defined. We synthesized neurosteroid analogue photolabeling reagents in which the photolabeling groups were placed at three positions around the neurosteroid ring structure, enabling identification of binding sites and mapping of neurosteroid orientation within these sites. Using middle-down mass spectrometry (MS), we identified three clusters of photolabeled residues representing three distinct neurosteroid binding sites in the human α1β3 GABAA receptor. Novel intrasubunit binding sites were identified within the transmembrane helical bundles of both the α1 (labeled residues α1-N408, Y415) and β3 (labeled residue β3-Y442) subunits, adjacent to the extracellular domains (ECDs). An intersubunit site (labeled residues β3-L294 and G308) in the interface between the β3(+) and α1(-) subunits of the GABAA receptor pentamer was also identified. Computational docking studies of neurosteroid to the three sites predicted critical residues contributing to neurosteroid interaction with the GABAA receptors. Electrophysiological studies of receptors with mutations based on these predictions (α1-V227W, N408A/Y411F, and Q242L) indicate that both the α1 intrasubunit and β3-α1 intersubunit sites are critical for neurosteroid action

    Imaging the 2013 explosive crater excavation and new dome formation at Volcán de Colima with TerraSAR-X, time-lapse cameras and modelling

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    The summit region of steep volcanoes hosting lava domes often displays rapid geomorphologic and structural changes, which are important for monitoring the source region of hazards. Explosive crater excavation is often followed by new lava-dome growth, which is one of the most dynamic morphometric changes that may occur at volcanoes. However, details of these crater formations, and the ensuing new dome growth remain poorly studied. A common problem is the lack of observational data due to hazardous field access and the limited resolution of satellite remote sensing techniques. This paper describes the destructive-constructive crater activity at Volcán de Colima, Mexico, which occurred between January and March 2013. The crater geometry and early dome formation were observed through a combination of high-resolution TerraSAR-X spotmode satellite radar images and permanently installed monitoring cameras. This combined time-lapse imagery was used to identify ring-shaped gas emissions prior to the explosion and to distinguish between the sequential explosion and crater excavation stages, which were followed by dome growth. By means of particle image velocimetry, the digital flow field is computed from consecutive camera images, showing that vertical dome growth is dominant at the beginning. The upward growth is found to grade into spreading and a lateral growth domain. After approximately two months of gradually filling the excavated craters with new magma, the dome overflows the western margin of the crater and develops into a flow that produces block and ash flow hazards. We discuss and compare the observations to discrete element models, allowing us to mimic the vertical and lateral growth history of the dome and to estimate the maximum strength of the bulk rock mass. Moreover, our results allow a discussion on the controls of a critical dome height that may be reached prior to its gravitational spreading

    The cholinergic antagonist α-bungarotoxin also binds and blocks a subset of GABA receptors

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    The polypeptide snake toxin α-bungarotoxin (BTX) has been used in hundreds of studies on the structure, function, and development of the neuromuscular junction because it binds tightly and specifically to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) at this synapse. We show here that BTX also binds to and blocks a subset of GABA(A) receptors (GABA(A)Rs) that contain the GABA(A)R β3 subunit. These results introduce a previously unrecognized tool for analysis of GABA(A)Rs but may complicate interpretation of some studies on neuronal nAChRs