100 research outputs found

    Сучасний стан і шляхи подальшого розвитку вітчизняної вугільної промисловості

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    Викладено загальну характеристику вугільної промисловості України (порівняно з деякими іншими країнами), наведено динаміку основних показників вітчизняної вугільної галузі за останнє десятиріччя. Визначено найбільш актуальні проблеми розвитку галузі та заходи щодо їх вирішення.Изложена общая характеристика угольной промышленности Украины (в сравнении с некоторыми другими странами), приведена динамика основных показателей отечественной угольной отрасли за последнее десятилетие. Определены наиболее актуальные проблемы развития отрасли и меры по их решению.Coal mining of Ukraine is characterized (as compared with some other countries), dynamics of main native mining indices for the last ten years is demonstrated. The urgent problems of mining development have been identified and the ways to solve them as well

    Late-life depressive symptoms, religiousness, and mood in the last week of life

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    Aim of the current study is to examine whether previous depressive symptoms modify possible effects of religiousness on mood in the last week of life. After-death interviews with proxy respondents of deceased sample members of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam provided information on depressed mood in the last week of life, as well as on the presence of a sense of peace with the approaching end of life. Other characteristics were derived from interviews with the sample members when still alive. Significant interactions were identified between measures of religiousness and previous depressive symptoms (CES-D scores) in their associations with mood in the last week of life. Among those with previous depressive symptoms, church-membership, church-attendance and salience of religion were associated with a greater likelihood of depressed mood in the last week of life. Among those without previous depressive symptoms, church-attendance and salience of religion were associated with a higher likelihood of a sense of peace. For older adults in the last phase of life, supportive effects of religiousness were more or less expected. Fore those with recent depressive symptoms, however, religiousness might involve a component of existential doubt

    Depressive symptoms and risk of Alzheimer's disease in more highly educated older people

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    In an earlier study we observed that a depressive syndrome was highly predictive of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) in older persons with normal baseline cognition and higher levels of education. We interpreted these findings as the depression being an early noncognitive manifestation of AD in persons with more cognitive reserve. The present study examines whether specific symptoms of depression can be identified that predict AD among older subjects with higher levels of education. In the community-based Amsterdam Study of the Elderly (AMSTEL), a sample of 3,147 nondemented persons with normal cognition, 65 to 84 years old, was selected and divided into subjects with >8 years and 8 years and 31 with 8 years of education depressed mood and subjective bradyphrenia were strongly associated with incident AD. No association between depressive symptoms and AD was observed among subjects with <or =8 years of education. Both depressed mood and subjective bradyphrenia seem to indicate subclinical AD in older people with higher levels of education. Clinicians should be alert that in these persons, AD may become apparent within a relatively short period of tim

    Criterion validity of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale (CES-D): results from a community-based sample of older subject in the Netherlands

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    The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale (CES-D) has been widely used in studies of late-life depression. Psychometric properties are generally favourable, but data on the criterion validity of the CES-D in elderly community-based samples are lacking. In a sample of older (55-85 years) inhabitants of the Netherlands, 487 subjects were selected to study criterion validity of the CES-D. Using the 1-month prevalence of major depression derived from the Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) as criterion, the weighted sensitivity of the CES-D was 100%; specificity 88%; and positive predictive value 13.2%. False positives were not more likely among elderly with physical illness, cognitive decline or anxiety. We conclude that the criterion validity of the CES-D for major depression was very satisfactory in this sample of older adults


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    Professional and religious approaches to care for West African victims of human trafficking in The Netherlands: the challenge of new Pentecostalism

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    The current study focuses on care for West African Victims of human trafficking (VHTs) in The Netherlands and addresses the question of how (1) social and legal professionals and (2) religious leaders of African-led migrant (Pentecostal) churches perceive their relationship with these VHTs. Thematic analyses of qualitative interviews (N = 21) revealed that both groups share the perception that VHTs are vulnerable, especially in view of so-called voodoo spells. Social and legal professionals noticed that West African VHTs prototypically appear as ‘demanding’ in a rather pro-active manner. Religious leaders on the other hand indicated that the VHTs feel at ease in the church in a more adaptive sense and may find ways of changing their lives after experiencing the Pentecostal “deliverance” ritual.</p

    Religion as a Cross-cultural Determinant of Depression in Elderly Europeans: Results from the EURODEP Collaboration

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    Background. The protective effects of religion against late life depression may depend on the broader sociocultural environment. This paper examines whether the prevailing religious climate is related to cross-cultural differences of depression in elderly Europeans. Methods. Two approaches were employed, using data from the EURODEP collaboration. First, associations were studied between church-attendance, religious denomination and depression at the syndrome level for six EURODEP study centres (five countries, N = 8398). Secondly, ecological associations were computed by multi-level analysis between national estimates of religious climate, derived from the European Value Survey and depressive symptoms, for the pooled dataset of 13 EURODEP study centres (11 countries, N = 17739). Results. In the first study, depression rates were lower among regular church-attenders, most prominently among Roman Catholics. In the second study, fewer depressive symptoms were found among the female elderly in countries, generally Roman Catholic, with high rates of regular church-attendance. Higher levels of depressive symptoms were found among the male elderly in Protestant countries. Conclusions. Religious practice is associated with less depression in elderly Europeans, both on the individual and the national level. Religious practice, especially when it is embedded within a traditional value-orientation, may facilitate coping with adversity in later life