17 research outputs found

    Minne im Dialog : Die ›Winsbeckin‹

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    “Et cur, ô mea mater Germania, hunc Genium tuae Musae non etiam porrò continuâsti?“ Diese Klage über die fehlende Kontinuität hochrangiger deutscher Dichtung des Mittelalters stammt aus der Feder des Altphilologen Friedrich Taubmann, und sie steht im Kommentar seiner Ausgabe von Vergils ›Culex‹ aus dem Jahre 1618. Es waren nicht Hartmann, Wolfram oder Gottfried, die dem Wittenberger Professor für Poesie und Altphilologie die Möglichkeiten deutscher Sprache und Dichtung so schmerzlich bewusst werden ließen, nein, es waren die ›Winsbeckischen Gedichte‹, die der befreundete Rechtshistoriker und Diplomat Melchior Goldast 1604 in seine Ausgabe paränetischer Texte des deutschen Mittelalters aufgenommen hatte, strophische Lehrgespräche zwischen Vater und Sohn resp. Mutter und Tochter. Goldasts Vorliebe für die Paraeneses ad Filios und Taubmanns „superlativisches Lob auf den Rang der Winsbeckischen Gedichte“ leiteten eine Hochschätzung dieser Texte ein, die bis ins spätere 18. Jahrhundert ungebrochen blieb und selbst bei Anhängern unterschiedlicher, sich ansonsten befehdender ‘Schulen’ zu finden war. Für Johann Jakob Bodmer etwa repräsentierten die ›Winsbeckischen Gedichte‹ „das ächteste, das wir aus dem Schwäbischen Weltalter haben“. Er begeisterte sich insbesondere für „Weinsbecks Frau“ – sie avancierte in seiner Literaturgeschichte von 1743 zur zentralen Lichtgestalt staufischer Literatur. Seine Bewunderung galt der Minneethik des Gedichts und auch der Darbietungsweise, „[m]it zärtlichem Affect, worinn der Geist noch glimmet“. Bis um 1800 hielt die Hochschätzung der ›Winsbeckischen Gedichte‹ an, von da an ist eine nachlassende Begeisterung und endlich auch ein nachlassendes Interesse für diese Texte zu verzeichnen, das schließlich in Verständnislosigkeit und Geringschätzung mündete

    Ram pressure stripping of disc galaxies orbiting in clusters. I. Mass and radius of the remaining gas disc

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    We present the first 3D hydrodynamical simulations of ram pressure stripping of a disc galaxy orbiting in a galaxy cluster. Along the orbit, the ram pressure that this galaxy experiences varies with time. In this paper, we focus on the evolution of the radius and mass of the remaining gas disc and compare it with the classical analytical estimate proposed by Gunn & Gott 1972. We find that this simple estimate works well in predicting the evolution of the radius of the remaining gas disc. Only if the ram pressure increases faster than the stripping timescale, the disc radius remains larger than predicted. However, orbits with such short ram pressure peaks are unlikely to occur in other than compact clusters. Unlike the radius evolution, the mass loss history for the galaxy is not accurately described by the analytical estimate. Generally, in the simulations the galaxy loses its gas more slowly than predicted.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted by MNRAS, high resolution pdf version available at http://www.faculty.iu-bremen.de/eroediger/PAPERS/eroediger_crossing.pd

    Ram pressure stripping of disc galaxies: The role of the inclination angle

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    We present 3D hydrodynamical simulations of ram pressure stripping of massive disc galaxies in clusters. Studies of galaxies that move face-on have predicted that in such a geometry the galaxy can lose a substantial amount of its interstellar medium. But only a small fraction of galaxies is moving face-on. Therefore, in this work we focus on a systematic study of the effect of the inclination angle between the direction of motion and the galaxy's rotation axis. In agreement with some previous works, we find that the inclination angle does not play a major role for the mass loss as long as the galaxy is not moving close to edge-on. We can predict this behaviour by extending Gunn & Gott's estimate of the stripping radius, which is valid for face-on geometries, to moderate inclinations. The inclination plays a role as long as the ram pressure is comparable to pressures in the galactic plane, which can span two orders of magnitude. For very strong ram pressures, the disc will be stripped completely, and for very weak ram pressures, mass loss is negligible independent of inclination. We show that in non-edge-on geometries the stripping proceeds remarkably similar. A major difference between different inclinations is the degree of asymmetry introduced in the remaining gas disc. We demonstrate that the tail of gas stripped from the galaxy does not necessarily point in a direction opposite to the galaxy's direction of motion. Therefore, the observation of a galaxy's gas tail may be misleading about the galaxy's direction of motion.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, submitted to MNRAS. pdf version with high resolution figures available at http://www.faculty.iu-bremen.de/eroediger/PLOTLINKS/eroediger_rps.pd

    Ram pressure stripping of disc galaxies orbiting in clusters. II. Galactic wakes

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    We present 3D hydrodynamical simulations of ram pressure stripping of a disc galaxy orbiting in a galaxy cluster. In this paper, we focus on the properties of the galaxies' tails of stripped gas. The galactic wakes show a flaring width, where the flaring angle depends on the gas disc's cross-section with respect to the galaxy's direction of motion. The velocity in the wakes shows a significant turbulent component of a few 100 km/s. The stripped gas is deposited in the cluster rather locally, i.e. within ~150 kpc from where it was stripped. We demonstrate that the most important quantity governing the tail density, length and gas mass distribution along the orbit is the galaxy's mass loss per orbital length. This in turn depends on the ram pressure as well as the galaxy's orbital velocity. For a sensitivity limit of ~10^19 cm^-2 in projected gas density, we find typical tail lengths of 40 kpc. Such long tails are seen even at large distances (0.5 to 1 Mpc) from the cluster centre. At this sensitivity limit, the tails show little flaring, but a width similar to the gas disc's size. Morphologically, we find good agreement with the HI tails observed in the Virgo cluster by Chung et al. (2007). However, the observed tails show a much smaller velocity width than predicted from the simulation. The few known X-ray and Hα\alpha tails are generally much narrower and much straighter than the tails in our simulations. Thus, additional physics like a viscous ICM, the influence of cooling and tidal effects may be needed to explain the details of the observations. We discuss the hydrodynamical drag as a heat source for the ICM but conclude that it is not likely to play an important role, especially not in stopping cooling flows.Comment: 23 pages, 23 figures, accepted by MNRAS. Additions to method, result and discussion section, references added. Results and conclusions essentially unchanged. high resolution pdf available at http://www.faculty.iu-bremen.de/eroediger/PAPERS/eroediger_wakes.pd

    저장-보존-활용 - 유네스코의 세계기록유산으로서『니벨룽족의 노래』 필사본 A, B, C

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    1200년경 생성된 『니벨룽족의 노래 Nibelungenlied』(이하 『노래』)는 가장 대표적인 독일 중세 작품으로 대중들에게 널리 알려진 작품입니다. 현재 모든『노래』연구와 번역작업은 칼 바르취와 헬무트 드 보어의 판본(1870 년 1 쇄)을 토대로 하고 있습니다. 이 판본은 장크트갈렌 수도원도서관의 코덱스 857 에 실린 『노래』(이른바 필사본 B)를 재구성한 것으로 원문을 가장 충실하게 잘 재현한 것으로 평가받습니다. 『노래』의 대표적 필사본으로는 A(뮌헨 바이에른국립도서관), B (장크트갈렌 수도원도서관), C(칼스루에 바덴주립도서관) 판본을 꼽습니다. 필사본 B 는 다른 필사본의 서두와 달리 크림힐트를 소개하며 이야기를 시작하고 있지만 (Fol. 6), 칼 바르취의 첫 판본(1870 년도 1 쇄)은 원문과 달리 Ãalte maeren연(聯)이 맨 앞에 있습니다. 즉 그의 판본이 다른 필사본(Fol. 7:필사본 A, 필사본 C)을 참조해서 재구성한 것임을 알 수 있습니다. 필사본 B 에 충 실한 것으로 알려진 최근 대역본도 마찬가지로, Ãalte maeren첫 연이 마치 Ã『니벨룽족의 노래』의 로고Ã처럼 문학사에 오랫동안 각인되어 있음을 반증합니다

    Fassungen, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Profile einer neuen Ausgabe von Wolframs ›Parzival‹

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    This article presents the outlines of a new comprehensive edition of Wolfram’s ‘Parzival’, based on the research results of two originally independent projects: The crit- ical text is provided by the ‘Parzival’-Project at the university of Bern. It uses electronic methods for editing four textual versions alongside manuscript transcriptions and digital images. A condensed form of this multi-text-edition, reducing the various data of the latter to a single text edition with selected apparatus, is combined with the outcomes of the second project. This cooperative research endeavor at the universities of Bochum, Bonn, and Cologne gives a modern German translation of the poem together with an extensive commentary. While challenging for both sides, the merging of the projects offers the great opportunity to allow for mutual references to be included both in the editorial work and the translation and commentary of the text for a broader public. This will enable the readers to study Wolfram’s ‘Parzival’, considering the interplay of its textual diversity and semantic richness

    Fassungen, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Profile einer neuen Ausgabe von Wolframs ›Parzival

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    2017 kam eine Kooperation zwischen dem heute an Standorten in Bern, Berlin und Erlangen angesiedelte Editionsprojekt zum Parzival unter der Leitung von Michael Stolz und dem Projekt einer Neuübersetzung und Kommentierung zustande, an dem Kolleginnen und Kollegen der Universitäten Bochum, Bonn und Köln arbeiten. Es ist das Ziel, eine Ausgabe vorzulegen, die einen auf der Leithandschrift D beruhenden normalisierten Fassungstext plus Apparat mit einer darauf abgestimmten Übersetzung ins Neuhochdeutsche samt einer Erläuterung insbesondere sprachlich schwieriger Stellen zu kombinieren. Die Ausgabe, die zunächst in digitaler und dann in gedruckter Form erscheinen soll, hat den Anspruch, Wolframs Parzival auch im 21. Jahrhundert (und darüber hinaus) seinen Platz im kollektiven Gedächtnis zu sichern. Im Vortrag sollen die Grundlinien des Projekts vorgestellt werden