1,301 research outputs found

    State scaling of continuous-time sigma-delta modulators

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    In this paper, the common method of scaling the feedback coefficients of continuous time sigma delta modulators in order to stabilize the system is enhanced. The presented approach scales the different states of the system instead of the coefficients. The new corresponding coefficients are then calculated from the solution of the state space description. Therewith, it is possible to tune the maximum out-of-band gain directly in continuous time. In addition, the input amplitude distribution between each quantization level of multi bit sigma-delta modulator can be adapted

    CPD damage recognition by transcribing RNA polymerase II.

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    Cells use transcription-coupled repair (TCR) to efficiently eliminate DNA lesions such as ultraviolet light–induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs). Here we present the structure-based mechanism for the first step in eukaryotic TCR, CPD-induced stalling of RNA polymerase (Pol) II. A CPD in the transcribed strand slowly passes a translocation barrier and enters the polymerase active site. The CPD 5′-thymine then directs uridine misincorporation into messenger RNA, which blocks translocation. Artificial replacement of the uridine by adenosine enables CPD bypass; thus, Pol II stalling requires CPD-directed misincorporation. In the stalled complex, the lesion is inaccessible, and the polymerase conformation is unchanged. This is consistent with nonallosteric recruitment of repair factors and excision of a lesion-containing DNA fragment in the presence of Pol II

    STF Optimierung von single-bit CT ΣΔ Modulatoren basierend auf skalierten Filterkoeffizienten

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Signalübertragungsverhalten von single-bit continuous-time (CT) ΣΔ Modulatoren. Dabei liegt der Fokus der Untersuchung auf dem Peaking der Signaltransferfunktion (STF). Dieser Effekt kann die Performance und die Stabilität des Gesamtsystems negativ beeinflussen, da bei auftretendem STF-Peaking Signale außerhalb des Signalbands verstärkt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuer Ansatz zur Reduktion des Peakings vorgestellt, der auf der Optimierung der Systemdynamik basiert. Dabei werden die Filterkoeffizienten des Modulators systematisch angepasst. Anhand eines Beispielsystems wird gezeigt, dass der Ansatz genutzt werden kann, um das Übertragungsverhalten des Modulators abhängig vom Ausgangssystem zu verändern. So kann entweder die Systemsperformance verbessert werden, ohne Peaking in der STF zu erzeugen, oder das STF-Peaking reduziert werden, ohne die Systemperformance stark zu beeinflussen.DF

    Mechanism of transcriptional stalling at cisplatin-damaged DNA.

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    The anticancer drug cisplatin forms 1,2-d(GpG) DNA intrastrand cross-links (cisplatin lesions) that stall RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and trigger transcription-coupled DNA repair. Here we present a structure-function analysis of Pol II stalling at a cisplatin lesion in the DNA template. Pol II stalling results from a translocation barrier that prevents delivery of the lesion to the active site. AMP misincorporation occurs at the barrier and also at an abasic site, suggesting that it arises from nontemplated synthesis according to an 'A-rule' known for DNA polymerases. Pol II can bypass a cisplatin lesion that is artificially placed beyond the translocation barrier, even in the presence of a GdotA mismatch. Thus, the barrier prevents transcriptional mutagenesis. The stalling mechanism differs from that of Pol II stalling at a photolesion, which involves delivery of the lesion to the active site and lesion-templated misincorporation that blocks transcription

    Analyzing the neocortical fine-structure

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    Cytoarchitectonic fields of the human neocortex are defined by characteristic variations in the composition of a general six-layer structure. It is commonly accepted that these fields correspond to functionally homogeneous entities. Diligent techniques were developed to characterize cytoarchitectonic fields by staining sections of post-mortem brains and subsequent statistical evaluation. Fields were found to show a considerable interindividual variability in extent and relation to macroscopic anatomical landmarks. With upcoming new high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocols, it appears worthwhile to examine the feasibility of characterizing the neocortical fine-structure from anatomical MRI scans, thus, defining neocortical fields by in vivo techniques. A fixated brain hemisphere was scanned at a resolution of approximately 0.3 mm. After correcting for intensity inhomogeneities in the dataset, the cortex boundaries (the white/grey matter and grey matter/background interfaces) were determined as a triangular mesh. Radial intensity profiles following the shortest path through the cortex were computed and characterized by a sparse set of features. A statistical similarity measure between features of different regions was defined, and served to define the extent of Brodmann’s Areas 4, 17, 44 and 45 in this dataset

    Combined Description of NN\bf{\overline{N}N} Scattering and Annihilation With A Hadronic Model

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    A model for the nucleon-antinucleon interaction is presented which is based on meson-baryon dynamics. The elastic part is the GG-parity transform of the Bonn NNNN potential. Annihilation into two mesons is described in terms of microscopic baryon-exchange processes including all possible combinations of π,η,ρ,ω,a0,f0,a1,f1,a2,f2,K,K\pi,\eta,\rho,\omega,a_0,f_0,a_1,f_1,a_2,f_2,K,K^*. The remaining annihilation part is taken into account by a phenomenological energy- and state independent optical potential of Gaussian form. The model enables a simultaneous description of nucleon-antinucleon scattering and annihilation phenomena with fair quality.Comment: revised version, REVTEX, 9 pages, 10 figures available from this URL ftp://ikp113.ikp.kfa-juelich.de/pub/kph140/nucl-th.9411014.u

    The 2003 eclipse of EE Cep is coming. A review of past eclipses

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    EE Cep is an eclipsing binary with a period of 5.6 years. The next eclipse will occur soon, in May-June 2003, and all available past eclipses were collected and briefly analysed. EE Cep shows very large changes of the shape and the depth of minima during different eclipses, however it is possible to single out some persistent features. The analysis suggests that the eclipsing body should be a long object surrounded by an extended semi-transparent envelope. As an explanation, a model of a precessing optically thick disc, inclined to the plane of the binary orbit, is invoked. The changes of its spatial orientation, which is defined by the inclination of the disc and the tilt, induced most probably by precession of the disc spin axis with a period of about 50 years, produce strange photometric behaviour of this star. The H_alpha emission, and possibly the NaI absorptions, show significant changes during several months outside of the eclipse phase.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX2e, accepted by A&

    Opposite tendency between yield and taste of organic tomato by increasing biochar doses in a slightly humous arenosol

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    Received: February 4th, 2022 ; Accepted: April 6th, 2022 ; Published: April 28th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] tomato is the edible berry of the plant Solanum lycopersicum. Tomato plants are widely grown in temperate climates worldwide and are mostly cultivated as annuals. The objective of this study was to understand the interrelation between fruit quality of tomato, some soil biological parameters, and the addition of increasing biochar (BC) soil amendment doses. BC is an industrial product, made from organic waste by pyrolysis. Its use in the soil is known to improve fertility and several soil functions. Among organic, ecological conditions, a field experiment was performed in a type of slightly humous arenosol soil. Effect of increasing doses of biochar (BC) (0.5-, 1.0-, 2.5-, 5.0, 10 m/m% and control) was studied. Nutrient content and Total Soluble Solid (TSS) of the fruits, the ripeness, and the marketable/non-marketable ratio of yield were assessed. The presence of some cultivable microbial physiological groups (fungi, bacteria) and the soil-dehydrogenase activity (DHA) was estimated. Results represented that the changes of fruit TSS content was not linear with the increasing doses of BC. The increased yield (+53%) had an inverse correlation with the TSS content of the berry's pulps, and the content was lowest at the highest BC dose. Optimum doses of BC were considered, like 1–2.5 m/m%, supported by the nutritive element content (+55% N, +76% P, +83% K) and enhanced microbial activities (+45% DHA). Grouping the parameters by Pearson Correlation Coefficient, the biochar amendment was a driving factor for tomato growth, with certain dose limits in the studied organic agricultural practice

    Authorship in scientific publications: analysis and recommendations.

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    In 2008, a Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences working group chaired by Professor Emilio Bossi issued a "Memorandum on scientific integrity and the handling of misconduct in the scientific context", together with a paper setting out principles and procedures concerning integrity in scientific research. In the Memorandum, unjustified claims of authorship in scientific publications are referred to as a form of scientific misconduct - a view widely shared in other countries. In the Principles and Procedures, the main criteria for legitimate authorship are specified, as well as the associated responsibilities. It is in fact not uncommon for disputes about authorship to arise with regard to publications in fields where research is generally conducted by teams rather than individuals. Such disputes may concern not only the question who is or is not to be listed as an author but also, frequently, the precise sequence of names, if the list is to reflect the various authors' roles and contributions. Subjective assessments of the contributions made by the individual members of a research group may differ substantially. As scientific collaboration - often across national boundaries - is now increasingly common, ensuring appropriate recognition of all parties is a complex matter and, where disagreements arise, it may not be easy to reach a consensus. In addition, customs have changed over the past few decades; for example, the practice of granting "honorary" authorship to an eminent researcher - formerly not unusual - is no longer considered acceptable. It should be borne in mind that the publications list has become by far the most important indicator of a researcher's scientific performance; for this reason, appropriate authorship credit has become a decisive factor in the careers of young researchers, and it needs to be managed and protected accordingly. At the international and national level, certain practices have therefore developed concerning the listing of authors and the obligations of authorship. The Scientific Integrity Committee of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences has collated the relevant principles and regulations and formulated recommendations for authorship in scientific publications. These should help to prevent authorship disputes and offer guidance in the event of conflicts