14 research outputs found

    Estimation of ecosystem respiration and its components by means of stable isotopes and improved closed-chamber methods

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    Overestimation of closed-chamber soil CO2 effluxes at low atmospheric turbulence

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    Soil respiration (Rs) is an important component of ecosystem carbon balance, and accurate quantification of the diurnal and seasonal variation of Rs is crucial for a correct interpretation of the response of Rs to biotic and abiotic factors, as well as for estimating annual soil CO2 efflux rates. In this study, we measured Rs hourly for 1 year by automated closed chambers in a temperate Danish beech forest. The data showed a clear diurnal pattern of Rs across all seasons with higher rates during night-time than during daytime. However, further analysis showed a clear negative relationship between flux rates and friction velocity (u∗) above the canopy, suggesting that Rs was overestimated at low atmospheric turbulence throughout the year due to non-steady-state conditions during measurements. Filtering out data at low u∗ values removed or even inverted the observed diurnal pattern, such that the highest effluxes were now observed during daytime, and also led to a substantial decrease in the estimated annual soil CO2 efflux. By installing fans to produce continuous turbulent mixing of air around the soil chambers, we tested the hypothesis that overestimation of soil CO2 effluxes during low u∗ can be eliminated if proper mixing of air is ensured, and indeed the use of fans removed the overestimation of Rs rates during low u∗. Artificial turbulent air mixing may thus provide a method to overcome the problems of using closed-chamber gas-exchange measurement techniques during naturally occurring low atmospheric turbulence conditions. Other possible effects from using fans during soil CO2 efflux measurements are discussed. In conclusion, periods with low atmospheric turbulence may provide a significant source of error in Rs rates estimated by the use of closed-chamber techniques and erroneous data must be filtered out to obtain unbiased diurnal patterns, accurate relationships to biotic and abiotic factors, and before estimating Rs fluxes over longer timescales

    Combining a Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer with an Automated Closed-Chamber System for δ13C Measurements of Forest Soil, Tree Stem and Tree Root CO2 Fluxes

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    Recent advances in laser spectroscopy have allowed for real-time measurements of the C-13/C-12 isotopic ratio in CO2, thereby providing new ways to investigate carbon cycling in natural ecosystems. In this study, we combined an Aerodyne quantum cascade laser spectrometer for CO2 isotopes with a LI-COR LI-8100A/8150 automated chamber system to measure the delta C-13 of CO2 during automated closed-chamber measurements. The isotopic composition of the CO2 flux was determined for each chamber measurement by applying the Keeling plot method. We found that the delta C-13 measured by the laser spectrometer was influenced by water vapour and CO2 concentration of the sample air and we developed a method to correct for these effects to yield accurate measurements of delta C-13. Overall, correcting for the CO2 concentration increased the delta C-13 determined from the Keeling plots by 3.4 parts per thousand compared to 2.1 parts per thousand for the water vapour correction. We used the combined system to measure delta C-13 of the CO2 fluxes automatically every two hours from intact soil, trenched soil, tree stems and coarse roots during a two-month campaign in a Danish beech forest. The mean delta C-13 was -29.8 +/- 0.32 parts per thousand for the intact soil plots, which was similar to the mean delta C-13 of -29.8 +/- 1.2 parts per thousand for the trenched soil plots. The lowest delta C-13 was found for the root plots with a mean of -32.6 +/- 0.78 parts per thousand. The mean delta C-13 of the stems was -30.2 +/- 0.74 parts per thousand, similar to the mean delta C-13 of the soil plots. In conclusion, the study showed the potential of using a quantum cascade laser spectrometer to measure delta C-13 of CO2 during automated closed-chamber measurements, thereby allowing for measurements of isotopic ecosystem CO2 fluxes at a high temporal resolution. It also highlighted the importance of proper correction for cross-sensitivity with water vapour and CO2 concentration of the sample air to get accurate measurements of delta C-13.Danish Ministry for Research, Innovation and Higher Education; Danish Council for Independent Research [DFF-1323-00182]Open Access JournalThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Combining a Quantum Cascade Laser Spectrometer with an Automated Closed-Chamber System for delta δ<sup>13</sup> Measurements of Forest Soil, Tree Stem and Tree Root CO<sub>2</sub> Fluxes

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    Recent advances in laser spectroscopy have allowed for real-time measurements of the 13C/12C isotopic ratio in CO2, thereby providing new ways to investigate carbon cycling in natural ecosystems. In this study, we combined an Aerodyne quantum cascade laser spectrometer for CO2 isotopes with a LI-COR LI-8100A/8150 automated chamber system to measure the &#948;13C of CO2 during automated closed-chamber measurements. The isotopic composition of the CO2 flux was determined for each chamber measurement by applying the Keeling plot method. We found that the &#948;13C measured by the laser spectrometer was influenced by water vapour and CO2 concentration of the sample air and we developed a method to correct for these effects to yield accurate measurements of &#948;13C. Overall, correcting for the CO2 concentration increased the &#948;13C determined from the Keeling plots by 3.4&#8240; compared to 2.1&#8240; for the water vapour correction. We used the combined system to measure &#948;13C of the CO2 fluxes automatically every two hours from intact soil, trenched soil, tree stems and coarse roots during a two-month campaign in a Danish beech forest. The mean &#948;13C was &#8722;29.8 &#177; 0.32&#8240; for the intact soil plots, which was similar to the mean &#948;13C of &#8722;29.8 &#177; 1.2&#8240; for the trenched soil plots. The lowest &#948;13C was found for the root plots with a mean of &#8722;32.6 &#177; 0.78&#8240;. The mean &#948;13C of the stems was &#8722;30.2 &#177; 0.74&#8240;, similar to the mean &#948;13C of the soil plots. In conclusion, the study showed the potential of using a quantum cascade laser spectrometer to measure &#948;13C of CO2 during automated closed-chamber measurements, thereby allowing for measurements of isotopic ecosystem CO2 fluxes at a high temporal resolution. It also highlighted the importance of proper correction for cross-sensitivity with water vapour and CO2 concentration of the sample air to get accurate measurements of &#948;13C