309 research outputs found

    Microsoft Academic is on the verge of becoming a bibliometric superpower

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    Last year, the new Microsoft Academic service was launched. Sven E. Hug and Martin P. Brändle look at how it compares with more established competitors such as Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science. While there are reservations about the availability of instructions for novice users, Microsoft Academic has impressive semantic search functionality, broad coverage, structured and rich metadata, and solid citation analysis features. Moreover, accessing raw data is relatively cheap. Given these benefits and its fast pace of development, Microsoft Academic is on the verge of becoming a bibliometric superpower

    Ultrastructural alterations in capillaries of the diabetic hypertensive rat retina: protective effects of ACE inhibition

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    Aims/hypothesis: The ACE inhibitor cilazapril was administered to diabetic hypertensive rats to evaluate its ability to influence the development of retinal capillary alterations. Methods: Normotensive (strain: Wistar Kyoto) and genetically hypertensive (strain: spontaneously hypertensive) rats were rendered diabetic by intravenous injections of streptozotocin. Half of the diabetic animals received cilazapril with their daily food. At 20 weeks of diabetes, endothelial cells, pericytes and extracellular matrix were assessed by ultrastructural morphometry. Each experimental group consisted of seven animals. Results: Cilazapril normalised systolic arterial pressure in diabetic hypertensive rats (137±2mmHg compared with 188±16mmHg in non-medicated diabetic hypertensive rats, p<0.001). The number of endothelial intercellular junctions was reduced in untreated diabetic hypertensive rats (0.15±0.05, p<0.02, vs 0.47±0.20 in non-diabetic normotensive rats). In diabetic hypertensive animals treated with cilazapril, this loss was attenuated (0.32±0.16, p<0.05). The significant thickening of the basement membrane observed in the diabetic normotensive (132.8±19.4nm) and diabetic hypertensive (150.3±20.2nm) groups was decreased by cilazapril in the diabetic hypertensive group (116.7±11.0nm, p<0.01), but was unaffected in the normotensive (131.9±17.3nm) group. No protective effect of the drug was observed in either group on pericytes. Conclusions/interpretation: Long-term administration of an effective antihypertensive therapy normalises endothelial alterations and basement membrane thickness in diabetic hypertensive conditions, and thus may account for the well-known improvement of the blood-retinal barrier observed during antihypertensive treatmen

    Neonatal tolerance to Mls-1a determinants: deletion or anergy of Vβ6 + T lymphocytes depending upon MHC compatibility of neonatally injected cells

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    Recent investigations in mice revealed that natural immunologlcal tolerance to endogenous minor lymphocyte-stimulating locus 1a (MIs-1a antigen correlates primarily with deletion of Mls-1aspeciflc Vβ6+ T lymphocytes In the thymus. Similar mechanisms account for acquired tolerance in some Instancessince the neonatal injection of Mls-1 a-expressing MHC compatible cells in neonatal mice within the first 24 hof life causes clonal deletion of Vβ6+ T cells. Here we demonstrate that Vβ6+ T cells are not deleted In mice neonatally treated with Mls-1a spleen cells expressing allogenelc H-2 molecules. However, when such non-deleted Vβ6+ T cells were tested In vitro, no interleukin 2 (IL-2) secretion or proliferation was observed after Mls-1a stimulation. This non-responsive state could be overcome by addition of exogenous IL-2, consistent with the fact that Vβ6+ cells enlarged and expressed IL-2 receptors upon Mls-1a stimulation. Furthermore, the same neonatally treated mice showed In vitro functional unresponsiveness of cytotoxic T cells but not of IL-2-secreting cells specific for the tolerated allogeneic MHC antigens. Taken together, our data Indicate that neonatal tolerance to Mls-1a can be accomplished by either clonal deletion or clonal anergy, and that it does not necessarily correlate with tolerance to MHC determinant

    Neuroimaging of chronic MDMA ("ecstasy") effects: A meta-analysis

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    In this meta-analysis, we aimed to assess the evidence from neuroimaging studies for chronic alterations in the brains of MDMA users. The databases PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science were searched for studies published from inception to August 24, 2018, without any language restriction. Sixteen independent studies comprising 356 MDMA users and 311 controls were included. Of these, five studies investigated frontal and occipital N-acetylaspartate/creatine and myo-inositol/creatine ratios, three studies assessed basal ganglia blood flow and ten studies investigated serotonin transporter (SERT) density in various regions. We found significantly decreased SERT density in eight of 13 investigated regions. Meta-regression indicated a positive association with abstinence, but none with lifetime episodes of use. Therefore, other variables (such as doses taken per occasion) might be more important determinants. Positive associations between time of abstinence and SERT density might indicate that these alterations are reversible to some extent. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between user and control groups in terms of neurochemical ratios in the frontal and occipital lobes and blood flow in the basal ganglia. Overall, MDMA user groups showed heavy use patterns and study quality was poor

    Flop Transitions in M-theory Cosmology

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    We study flop-transitions for M-theory on Calabi-Yau three-folds and their applications to cosmology in the context of the effective five-dimensional supergravity theory. In particular, the additional hypermultiplet which becomes massless at the transition is included in the effective action. We find the potential for this hypermultiplet which includes quadratic and quartic terms as well as additional dependence on the Kahler moduli. By constructing explicit cosmological solutions, it is demonstrated that a flop-transition can indeed by achieved dynamically, as long as the hypermultiplet is set to zero. Once excitations of the hypermultiplet are taken into account we find that the transition is generically not completed but the system is stabilised close to the transition region. Regions of moduli space close to flop-transitions can, therefore, be viewed as preferred by the cosmological evolution.Comment: 18 pages, Latex, 8 eps-figures, typos correcte

    Five-Dimensional Moving Brane Solutions with Four-Dimensional Limiting Behaviour

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    Under certain conditions some solutions to five-dimensional heterotic M-theory can be accurately described by the four-dimensional action of the theory - they have a four-dimensional limit. We consider the connection between solutions of four and five-dimensional heterotic M-theory when moving five-branes are present in the bulk. We begin by describing how to raise the known four-dimensional moving brane solutions to obtain approximate solutions to the five-dimensional theory, presenting for the first time the metric template necessary for this procedure. We then present the first solutions to the five-dimensional theory containing moving five-branes. We can then discuss the connection between our new exact five-dimensional solution and the four-dimensional ones. It is shown that our new solution corresponds to a solution with a static brane in four-dimensions. In other words our new solution could not have been identified as containing a moving brane from a purely four-dimensional viewpoint.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Five-Branes in Heterotic Brane-World Theories

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    The effective action for five-dimensional heterotic M-theory in the presence of five-branes is systematically derived from Horava-Witten theory coupled to an M5-brane world-volume theory. This leads to a five-dimensional N=1 gauged supergravity theory on S^1/Z_2 coupled to four-dimensional N=1 theories residing on the two orbifold fixed planes and an additional bulk three-brane. We analyse the properties of this action, particularly the four-dimensional effective theory associated with the domain-wall vacuum state. The moduli Kahler potential and the gauge-kinetic functions are determined along with the explicit relations between four-dimensional superfields and five-dimensional component fields.Comment: 19 pages, Latex, typos corrected, reference adde

    Partizipation im digitalen Staat : Möglichkeiten und Bedeutung digitaler und analoger Partizipationsinstrumente im Vergleich

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    Mit der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung eröffnet sich für Verwaltungen die Möglichkeit, durch den Einsatz sogenannter E-Partizipationsinstrumente, Bürgerbeteiligung auch digital anzubieten. Dieser Artikel stellt sich die Frage, welche Chancen und Risiken bezüglich des Prozesses, der Akzeptanz und der Ergebnisse bei digitaler Partizipation im Vergleich zu analoger zu erwarten sind. Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage werden verschiedene Partizipationsinstrumente bewertet, von denen sowohl eine digitale als auch eine analoge Form existiert. Um diese Bewertung vorzunehmen, wurde auf Basis einer Literaturrecherche ein Kriterienkatalog erarbeitet. Die Resultate der Gegenüberstellung zeigen die in der Literatur diskutierten Vorteile von digitalen gegenüber analogen Partizipationsinstrumenten, wie geringerer Zeitaufwand, tiefere Kosten, einfachere Zugänglichkeit sowie ein höheres Inklusionspotential auf. Gleichzeitig wird deutlich, dass digitale Instrumente zwar bezüglich Prozesskriterien den analogen Formen überlegen sind, sie dafür jedoch schlechter bezüglich Argumentationsmöglichkeiten und Aktivierungspotential abschneiden

    Trait Aggressiveness Predicting Aggressive Behavior: The Moderating Role of Meta-Cognitive Certainty.

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    Research on aggression has benefitted from using individual-difference measures to predict aggressive behavior. Research on meta-cognition has recently identified that the predictive utility of individual-difference inventories can be improved by considering the certainty with which people hold their self-views. Merging these two frameworks, the present research examines whether assessing certainty in trait aggressiveness improves its ability to predict aggressive outcomes. Across two studies, participants reported their level of trait physical aggressiveness and the certainty with which they held their responses to the scale (predictor variables). Aggressive behavioral intentions (Study 1 and 2) and actual aggressive behavior (Study 2) were used as dependent measures. As hypothesized, results indicated that certainty moderated the effects of individual-differences in aggressiveness on both aggressive outcomes. Therefore, considering the certainty with which people hold their relevant traits can be useful for understanding aggression, and also for predicting the consistency between personality and behavior.pre-print741 K