376 research outputs found

    Corpo, sociedade e escola: sensibilidade educativa

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    EntretextosNeste artigo analisa-se a conexão entre estas três dimensões: corpo, sociedade e escola. Se cada sociedade tem o seu padrão cultural e se a cultura não é estática porque é recriada por cada um de nós, o homem passa a ser não só intérprete mas também criador de cultura. É da relação da natureza com a cultura que nasce uma outra realidade que designamos por CORPO. A construção o corpo processa-se no plano cultural e social sendo aqui que ele é inventado, dando origem à formação de uma nova realidade suprabiológica de grande carga simbólica. É pelos mitos, ritos, crenças, que o homem atribui um significado ao mundo e a seus objectos. Acresce que a escola encerra, no dizer de Michel Foucault (1987), um tipo específico de poder - o poder disciplinar que actua sobre o adestramento do corpo. Na escola, o controlo do corpo é feito na moldura do tempo e do espaço uma vez que são vigiados os gestos, as posturas e, todas as operações do corpo - o levantar do braço, o virar a cabeça, o sentar e o levantar, o falar e o estar calado, etc. Assim, o que se nos afigura imperioso é ter uma nova sensibilidade educativa para tornar inteligível a interrelação entre corpo, sociedade e a escola.This paper examines the connection between the following three dimensions: the body, the society and the school. If each society has its own cultural patterns and culture is not of a static kind, because it is recreated by each of us, man becomes not just an interpreter but also a creator of culture. It is from the relationship between the nature and the culture that springs another reality that we call BODY. The construction of the body that takes place on a cultural and social plan while being created at this level, leads to the formation of a new supra-biological reality of great symbolic significance. It is by the myths, rituals, beliefs, that man attaches great importance to the world and its objects. Moreover, in the words of Michel Foucault (1987), school embodies a specific type of power - the disciplinary power that acts on the training of the body. At school, control of the body is made in the framework of time and space as they are watched through gestures, postures, and all operations of the body, such as the lifting of the arm, the turning of the head, the sitting and standing up, the speaking and being silent, etc. So, what if we deem as imperative is to have a new awareness of education to make intelligible the interrelationship between body, society and school

    Governo e salvação do corpo : a lenta inflexão do discurso da salvação

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    EntretextosNeste artigo, pretende-se analisar a forma como o aparecimento do Estado moderno veio colocar o problema do capital-vida, conduzindo à magna questão da salvação do corpo como uma das suas preocupações e uma das suas metas. Interessa-nos sobretudo saber como se deu início à operação de salvação do corpo, partindo do pressuposto que a formação do Estado e do governo visam, em última análise, conservar todos os membros da sociedade. A compreensão deste problema passa pela ideia da governamentalidade, conceito que expressa o trajecto intelectual de Foucault e que contém, por sua vez, o conceito de biopoder que toma forma com a ideia de biopolítica da população e com a anatomia política do corpo. Ao contrário da cura das almas o cuidar do corpo insere-se num certo uso terapêutico que exige novas competências. Procura-se fugir da doença porque agora valoriza-se não o sofrimento mas o bem-estar (salvação do corpo). A saúde passa a ser a chave de acesso aos prazeres e não o desejo de penitência que sacralizava o sofrimento. A nova relação saúde-doença, veio colocar a necessidade de salvar o corpo, uma vez que a antiga retórica religiosa da redenção é agora substituída por um discurso laico se bem que o auto-controlo e a reflexividade, enquanto espaços de gestão da liberdade individual, façam também parte integrante do governo de salvação. A sociedade salva-se na medida em que souber salvar o corpo.This article aims to analyze how the emergence of the modern state has placed the problem of capital-life, leading to the great question of salvation of the body as one of your concerns and one of its goals. We are interested in particular how it started the rescue operation of the body, assuming that the training of state and government aimed, ultimately, keep all members of society. Understanding this problem is the idea of governmentality, a concept that expresses the intellectual journey of Foucault and contains, in turn, the concept of biopower that took shape with the idea of biopolitics of the population and the political anatomy of the body. Unlike the cure of souls taking care of the body part of a certain therapeutic use that requires new skills. Seeks to escape the disease because now is valued not suffering but the well-being (salvation of the body). Health becomes the access key to the pleasures and not the desire of penance sacralized suffering. The new relationship between health and disease has placed the need to save the body, since the old religious rhetoric of redemption is now replaced by a secular discourse although the self-control and reflexivity, as space management of individual freedom, make also part of the government of salvation. The society is saved as you know to save the body

    What hides behind the fixed-term contracts wage gap?

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    In Portugal, about 20% of full-time workers are employed under a fixed-term contract. Using a rich longitudinal matched employer-employee dataset for Portugal, with more than 20 million observations and covering the 2002-2012 period, we confirm the common idea that fixed-term contracts are not desirable when compared to permanent ones, by estimating a conditional wage gap of -1.7 log points. Then, we evaluate the sources of that wage penalty by combining a three way high-dimensional fixed effects model with the decomposition of Gelbach (2014), in which the three dimensions considered are the worker’s unobserved ability, the firm’s compensation wage policy and the job title effect. It is shown that the average worker with a fixed-term contract is less productive than his/her permanent counterparts, explaining -3.92 log points of the FTC wage penalty. Additionally, the sorting of workers into lower-paid job titles is also responsible for -0.59 log points of the wage gap. Surprisingly, we found that the allocation of workers among firms mitigates the existing wage penalty (in 4.23 log points), as fixed-term workers are concentrated into firms with a more generous compensation policy. Finally, following Figueiredo et al. (2014), we further control for the worker-firm match characteristics and reach the conclusion that fixed-term employment relationships have an overrepresentation of low quality worker-firm matches, explaining 0.65 log points of the FTC wage penalty.NSBE - UN

    Production of UCST-like thermosensitive membranes by colloidal electrospinning

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    In the last decades, the focus in materials science has been the development of multifunctional materials with enhanced properties as “smart materials”. This new generation of materials possess adaptive capabilities to external stimuli, that is, they can change their properties due to an external stimulus. For instance, over the last years there has been an increasing interest in thermosensitive microgels, because of their potential applications on many distinct fields, mainly in biomedical engineering. This dissertation reports on the development of polymeric composite membranes toward smart systems. The production of the composite membranes was achieved by the confinement of positive thermosensitive microgels that might act as active sites inside a polymeric fiber, by means of colloidal electrospinning process, which is a variant of the classical electrospinning methodology. For the production of this composite membranes, first poly(acrylamide) and poly(acrylamide-acrylic acid) microgels were synthesized using inverse emulsion polymerization technique. The obtained UCST microgels were characterized in terms of their morphology, swelling properties and chemical structure. Then, the obtained microgels were dispersed in the polymeric fiber template solution (Polyvinylpyrrolidone /Ethanol) and further electrospun by means of colloidal electrospinning. Previous works already report the encapsulation of PNIPAAm microgels in electrospun fibers, and there is also reports of the synthesis of positive thermosensitive poly(acrylamide-acrylic acid) microgels. The novelty of this dissertation is the encapsulation of these positive microgels inside electrospun fibers. Tensile test experiments infer that the addiction of microgels improves the mechanical properties of composite membranes. The confinement of the microgels were further confirmed by SEM, resulting on a “bead-on-string” fiber morphology. The presence of water in the solvent system of the polymeric solution revealed to be a crucial factor in the confinement of the microgels inside the fibers, since it not only stabilized the microgels dispersed in the polymeric solution, but also reduced significantly the fiber diameters. Since the size of these “beads” on the fiber is tunable, this could mean that this system could have the ability to tune the roughness of the fibers, hydrophobicity and wettability. This results in a very versatile system with potential development for various applications

    Assistente virtual para apoio a coordenadores de reuniões

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    The increasing importance of meetings is an undeniable fact. Meetings are indispensable in any company and they are continuously looking for new ways to increase their efficiency, make them more organized and more time efficient. This Dissertation fulfills the development of an Assistant based on a meetings platform that can help the coordinator and participants, providing them with relevant information. The development of the Assistant started by extraction of requirements, using a user-centric approach. Scenarios were developed for work meetings in a company with the coordinator as the main Persona. Three versions of the Assistant were developed iteratively using Dialogflow. The requirements extracted from the scenarios were used for the first version, resulting in multiple intents for each one. The following versions were evaluated using the System Usability Scale complemented by questions related to both positive and negative aspects. The results obtained (final SUS above 85%) showed that the support system for meetings with the new Assistant is already a useful tool to help coordinators and participants in meetings.O aumento da importância das reuniões é um facto incontestável. São indispensáveis na organização de qualquer empresa e essas procuram cada vez mais maneiras de aumentar a sua eficiência, torná-las mais organizadas e não desperdiçar tempo aos seus trabalhadores. Nesta dissertação é realizado o desenvolvimento de um Assistente que, apoiando-se numa plataforma de apoio a reuniões, possa ajudar o coordenador e participantes de uma reunião fornecendo-lhes informações relevantes. Para o desenvolvimento do Assistente, começou-se por extrair os requisitos usando uma abordagem centrada nos utilizadores. Foram desenvolvidos cenários para reuniões de trabalho numa empresa tendo como Persona principal o coordenador da reunião. Foram desenvolvidas três versões do Assistente, de forma iterativa, usando o Dialogflow. Na primeira versão, foram usados os requisitos retirados dos cenários, criando vários intents(intenções) para cada uma. As versões seguintes foram avaliadas usando o System Usability Scale complementado por questões relativas a aspetos positivos e negativos. Os resultados obtidos (SUS final acima dos 85%) mostraram que o sistema de apoio a reuniões com o novo Assistente é já uma ferramenta útil para ajudar coordenadores e participantes em reuniões.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Crowdsourcing in the food industry: the impact of creator’s body type and gender on healthy food consumption

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    Dissertation presented as partial requirement for obtaining the Master’s degree in Information Management, with a specialization in Business Intelligence and Knowledge ManagementInstead of resorting exclusively to marketing experts or designers, organizations are almost required to generate the desired results with the contribution of the “crowd” of consumers. With crowdsourcing activities, companies not only achieve great results, but also change the consumer role from passive to active and ready to collaborate in companies’ offers. The current research suggests that, in a crowdsourcing context, the physical appearance of the individual (normal vs. obese body type) who created a certain food product, has an influence in the perception towards the same food product. This study further tests the moderating influence based on gender, investigating the changes in the healthy eating behavior of male and female participants after randomly confronted with a picture of a normal versus an obese individual that created the product. This effect of the creator’s body type and gender on healthy food consumption is justified by the gender differences in terms of physical self-perception and social comparison. In two studies we test our hypothesis, evaluating the perception of healthiness and tastiness in two different sets of food products commonly perceived as healthy and unhealthy (pilot study) and the effect of creator’s body type and gender on healthy food consumption (study 1). The findings have implications for research and practice regarding body image and healthy food literature

    Copy number variations and constitutional chromothripsis (Review)

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    Both copy number variations (CNVs) and chromothripsis are phenomena that involve complex genomic rearrangements. Chromothripsis results in CNVs and other structural changes. CNVs are frequently observed in the human genome. Studies on CNVs have been increasing exponentially; the Database of Genomic Variants shows an increase in the number of data published on structural variations added to the database in the last 15 years. CNVs may be a result of replicative and non-replicative mechanisms, and are hypothesized to serve important roles in human health and disease. Chromothripsis is a phenomena of chromosomal rearrangement following chromosomal breaks at multiple locations and involves impaired DNA repair. In 2011, Stephens et al coined the term chromothripsis for this type of fragmenting event. Several proposed mechanisms have been suggested to underlie chromothripsis, such as p53 inactivation, micronuclei formation, abortive apoptosis and telomere fusions in telomere crisis. Chromothripsis gives rise to normal or abnormal phenotypes. In this review, constitutional chromothripsis, which may coexist with multiple de novo CNVs are described and discussed. This reviews aims to summarize recent advances in our understanding of CNVs and chromothripsis, and describe the effects of these phenomena on human health and birth defects.publishersversionpublishe

    As disposições interiorizadas nas sociedades de Instrução Militar Preparatória = The resolutions deeply rooted in individuals within societies of preparatory military instruction

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    La moderna concepció liberal de ciutadania, que es remunta a la revolució Francesa i a la Declaració dels drets de l'Home de 1789, corrobora la validesa dels drets naturals sent la comprensió conceptual d'aquests drets i la voluntat de salvaguardar- los el que permet la construcció d'un món nou. Per tant, el nucli de la modernitat política es troba en el pas de la sobirania règia a la sobirania de la nació, i apareix a l'agenda política la lluita pels drets humans. Si l'educació cívica es va convertir en un aspecte nuclear de la política i del projecte pedagògic de la I República (1910-1926), ja que es pretenia amb aquesta consagrar el nou règim i donar-hi legitimitat, també les Societats d'Instrucció Militar Preparatòria, que eren espais d'adoctrinament polític, es dirigirien a la formació del ciutadà-soldat. La Instrucció Militar Preparatòria va ser una de les maneres de concretar la idea de ciutadania dels republicans. En aquest sentit, és pertinent plantejar-se les qüestions següents: Quines particularitats destaquen en aquest procés? Com es concreta la idea de ciutadania? Com es concilien els drets amb les obligacions dels ciutadans?. Amb la nostra investigació pretenem fer una anàlisi de l'educació de la joventut que dóna resposta als valors de la societat emergent. Per a això pretenem utilitzar l'enfocament metodològic de Michel Foucault. Com a conseqüència el cos servirà com focus principal de la nostra investigació.The modern liberal conception of citizenship, which dates back to the French Revolution and the Declaration of the Human Rights and of the Citizen (1789), embodies the term of natural rights being the conceptual apprehension of these rights and the willingness to safeguard them that allows the construction of a new world . The core of political modernity lies therefore in the passage of royal sovereignty to the sovereignty of the nation, putting up a fight on the political agenda on human rights. Thus, if Civic Education became nuclear in the political and pedagogical project of the 1st Portuguese Republic (1910-1926) because it was devoted to her and legitimize the new regime, also in societies of Preparatory Military Instruction, which were places of political indoctrination, the core purpose was to legitimate the formation of the citizen-soldier. The Preparatory Military Instruction was one of the possibilities of realizing the idea of citizenship of the Republicans. In this sense, it is of the utmost relevance to pose the following questions: What features stand out in this process? How does the idea of citizenship take place? How do we conciliate the right with the obligation of the citizens? With our work we want to do the analysis of the education of youth by the values of the emerging society. Therefore, we intend to apply Michel Foucault‘s methodological approach. As a result of this option, the body serves as a main focus of our research.La moderna concepción liberal de ciudadanía, que se remonta a la revolución Francesa y a la Declaración de los derechos del Hombre de 1789, corrobora la validez de los derechos naturales siendo la comprensión conceptual de estos derechos y la voluntad de salvaguardarlos lo que permirte la construcción de un mundo nuevo. Por tanto, el núcleo de la modernidad política se encuentra en el paso de la soberanía regia a la soberanía de la nación, colocandose en la agenda política la lucha por los derechos humanos. Si la educación cívica se convirtió en un aspecto nuclear de la política y del proyecto pedagógico de la I República (1910-1926), pues se pretendía con ella consagrar y legitimar el nuevo régimen, también las Sociedades de Instrucción Militar Preparatoria, que eran espacios de adoctrinamiento político, se dirigían a la formación del ciudadano-soldado. La Instrucción Militar Preparatoria fue una de las formas de concretar la idea de ciudadanía de los republicanos. En este sentido, es pertinente plantearse las siguientes cuestiones: ¿Qué particularidades destacan en este proceso? ¿Cómo se concreta la idea de ciudadanía? ¿Cómo se concilian los derechos con las obligaciones de los ciudadanos?. Con nuestra investigación pretendemos hacer un anàlisis de la educación de la juventud segun los valores de la sociedad emergente. Para ello pretendemos utilizar el enfoque metodológico de Michel Foucault. Como consecuencia el cuerpo servirá como foco principal de nuestra investigación

    SnapShot: Genetics of Parkinson’s Disease

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    Different types of genetic technologies and approaches allow for the study and identification of different types of genetic variability in a disease. Here represented are the genes and genetic loci independently replicated as being associated with the development of Parkinson’s disease (PD)/parkinsonism

    Os saberes e poderes da reforma de 1905

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    EntretextosNeste artigo, revisitamos a reforma de 1905 ao nível das inovações curriculares e dos dispositivos pedagógicos que a singularizaram. Como enfoques metodológicos, assumimos o currículo enquanto construção social, e estabelecemos uma conexão entre pedagogia do poder e do saber, na linha de Nietzsche e de Foucault de que, por detrás de todo o saber, o que está em jogo é uma luta de poder, estando o poder político intrinsecamente correlacionado com o saber. Abordamos, num primeiro momento, a nova configuração curricular proposta por este diploma - elaborado pelo director geral de Instrução Pública, Abel Andrade, e promulgado pelo ministro do Reino, Eduardo José Coelho - e colocamos em evidência, por um lado, os mecanismos que fizeram com que a educação física integrasse definitivamente o currículo dos alunos do liceu e, por outro, a forma como abriu caminho para um novo conhecimento e para uma nova construção do corpo. Num segundo momento, relevamos a importância do que designamos por novos mecanismos de regulação onde incluímos o caderno diário, o incentivo à prática pedagógica de arquivar e expor os trabalhos dos alunos e a cooperação entre o liceu e a família. Por fim, concluímos que esta reforma deve ser vista em articulação com a reforma anterior de Jaime Moniz e que ambas acabam por corresponder a duas peças fundamentais do movimento reformista cuja aposta, em última análise, era a formação da futura elite governante.In this paper, we intend to revisit the 1905 Reform focusing on the curriculum innovations and pedagogical measures that made it unique. As methodological focuses we assume the curriculum as social construction and we establish a link between the pedagogy of power and learning following Nietzsche and Foucault, considering that behind all learning and understanding what is at stake is a fight for power, being the political power intimately related with learning. We deal, at the beginning, with the new curriculum proposal of the above-mentioned document – drafted by the Director General of Public Instruction, Abel Andrade and undersigned by the Minister of the Reign, Eduardo José Coelho. We highlight, on one hand, the mechanisms that made physical education part of the students’ curriculum at grammar school, and on the other hand, the means that opened a new way to a new learning and to a new development of the human body. In a second moment, we highlight the importance of what we call the new mechanisms of regulation where we include the notebook, as an incentive to the pedagogical practice of filling and exhibiting the work done by the students and at the same time the cooperation between the grammar school and the family. At last, we assume that this Reform should be seen in articulation with the previous one by Jaime Moniz, and that both correspond to two fundamental pieces of the reform movement, which was the basis of the education of the future governmental elite