6,772 research outputs found

    A model for the submarine depthkeeping team

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    The most difficult task the depthkeeping team must face occurs during periscope-depth operations during which they may be required to maintain a submarine several hundred feet long within a foot of ordered depth and within one-half degree of ordered pitch. The difficulty is compounded by the facts that wave generated forces are extremely high, depth and pitch signals are very noisy and submarine speed is such that overall dynamics are slow. A mathematical simulation of the depthkeeping team based on the optimal control models is described. A solution of the optimal team control problem with an output control restriction (limited display to each controller) is presented

    UAV surveying for a complete mapping and documentation of archaeological findings. The early Neolithic site of Portonovo

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    The huge potential of 3D digital acquisition techniques for the documentation of archaeological sites, as well as the related findings, is almost well established. In spite of the variety of available techniques, a sole documentation pipeline cannot be defined a priori because of the diversity of archaeological settings. Stratigraphic archaeological excavations, for example, require a systematic, quick and low cost 3D single-surface documentation because the nature of stratigraphic archaeology compels providing documentary evidence of any excavation phase. Only within a destructive process each single excavation cannot be identified, documented and interpreted and this implies the necessity of a re- examination of the work on field. In this context, this paper describes the methodology, carried out during the last years, to 3D document the Early Neolithic site of Portonovo (Ancona, Italy) and, in particular, its latest step consisting in a photogrammetric aerial survey by means of UAV platform. It completes the previous research delivered in the same site by means of terrestrial laser scanning and close range techniques and sets out different options for further reflection in terms of site coverage, resolution and campaign cost. With the support of a topographic network and a unique reference system, the full documentation of the site is managed in order to detail each excavation phase; besides, the final output proves how the 3D digital methodology can be completely integrated with reasonable costs during the excavation and used to interpret the archaeological context. Further contribution of this work is the comparison between several acquisition techniques (i.e. terrestrial and aerial), which could be useful as decision support system for different archaeological scenarios. The main objectives of the comparison are: i) the evaluation of 3D mapping accuracy from different data sources, ii) the definition of a standard pipeline for different archaeological needs and iii) the provision of different level of detail according to the user need

    Estimation of linkage disequilibrium and effective population size in three Italian autochthonous beef breeds

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    The objective was to investigate the pattern of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in three local beef breeds, namely, Calvana (n = 174), Mucca Pisana (n = 270), and Pontremolese (n = 44). As a control group, samples of the Italian Limousin breed (n = 100) were used. All cattle were genotyped with the GeneSeek GGP-LDv4 33k SNP chip containing 30,111 SNPs. The genotype quality control for each breed was conducted separately, and SNPs with call rate < 0.95 and minor allele frequency (MAF) > 1% were used for the analysis. LD extent was estimated in PLINK v1.9 using the squared correlation between pairs of loci (r2) across autosomes. Moreover, r2 values were used to calculate historical and contemporary effective population size (Ne) in each breed. Average r2 was similar in Calvana and Mucca Pisana (~0.14) and higher in Pontremolese (0.17); Limousin presented the lowest LD extent (0.07). LD up to 0.11–0.15 was persistent in the local breeds up to 0.75 Mbp, while in Limousin, it showed a more rapid decay. Variation of different LD levels across autosomes was observed in all the breeds. The results demonstrated a rapid decrease in Ne across generations for local breeds, and the contemporary population size observed in the local breeds, ranging from 41.7 in Calvana to 17 in Pontremolese, underlined the demographic alarming situation


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    The aim of the study was to evaluate a sheep milk payment of the milk produced in Tuscany in 2006 based on fat and protein levels. Data were collected twice a month in each of the 371 farms considered. Following the Tuscany Region recommendations three different levels of payment has been created. A neutral zone where the price of the milk remained invariant and other two levels, one positive (base milk price plus bonus) and one negative (base milk price minus bonus), both calculated by statistical procedures. The results showed that the period of the year markedly influenced the price paid and thus the payment grid has to be produced accordingly to these variations. Nonetheless the application of a payment system as the one proposed here needs a strong adjustment of the farms to the new quality requirements

    Investigation of metal flow in bridge die extrusion of Alloy 6063 and subsequent effect on surface quality and weld seam integrity

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    This paper describes a detailed study of tube extrusion by simulation using finite element method (FEM). The finite element model used one-sixth of symmetry. The extrusion load, emperature evolution and metal flow were predicted. Innovative methods, combining both grid and surface tools, were used to define in detail the flow of material. These showed clearly the inner and outer surface formation mechanisms of the tube extrusion. The seam weld, an important quality indicator, was also evaluated by selecting an appropriate criterion

    Premières réflexions sur les rapports entre la logique symbolique et l’informatique

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    Georges Kalinowski, dans « Raison, entendement et philosophie » [Kalinowski 1974, 125-127], isolait quatre fonctions d’une même faculté : l’intellect comme fonction de la connaissance intuitive, la raison (des anciens) comme fonction de la connaissance médiate, l’entendement fonction d’élaboration des sciences (au sens moderne) et la raison (des modernes) fonction d’élaboration de la philosophie ou au moins d’une partie de la philosophie. Kalinowski reconnaissait ainsi à la pensée ancienne et à la pensée moderne des contributions originales différentes. Le présent essai veut être un hommage à Georges Kalinowski, dans l’esprit de ces précisions : il donne lieu aujourd’hui, avec une brève introduction sur les rapports entre la logique de Boole et de Frege et les fondements de l’informatique, à une méditation que l’on prévoit beaucoup plus vaste sur les rapports entre logique aristotélico-thomiste, logique symbolique, mathématique, théorie des ensembles et informatique

    Evolution of productive and biodiversity features in lucerne fields of different ages

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    Received: January 10th, 2022 ; Accepted: February 23rd, 2022 ; Published: April 1st, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] sativa is a legume forage crop characterized by high production of forage, with a notable nutritive value, but in mountain areas duration of the crop could be remarkably affected by severe environmental conditions. To assess the vegetation evolution of lucerne crops in relation to crop age, data from fields of lucerne of different ages were collected. The aim is the evaluation of lucerne productive performances, evolution of forage quality and assessment of recovery by autochthonous species that naturally recolonize the studied areas in relation to age of the cropped species. With increasing years, lucerne population was significantly decreased and replaced by different functional types of plants, such as perennial graminoids and short-lived forbs. Biodiversity increased significantly along time, and evolution of similarity indices demonstrated an evolution of vegetation toward that represented by reference grassland of the area. Productive characteristics of forage, in terms of aboveground biomass and quality, were negatively affected by age. Results permitted to assess the evolution of different features of lucerne for a mountain environment and to hypothesize the appropriate management for this resource, that could contemplate also the evolution towards the reconstitution of the reference habitat for the studied area

    Evolution of production and forage quality in sown meadows of a mountain area inside Parmesan cheese consortium

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    Received: January 5th, 2021 ; Accepted: April 7th, 2021 ; Published: May 4th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] meadows, encompassing alfalfa and grass-legume mixtures, are the forage crops on which is based Parmesan cheese production system in the mountain area of the Apennines (central Italy). These grassland types experience, during their development, deep changes in terms of production potentiality, botanical composition and forage quality, thus these meadows have to be periodically renewed to guarantee adequate productive and qualitative performances. To have an accurate assessment of this evolution along time, a survey was performed in different mountain farms inside the Parmesan cheese consortium, analysing alfalfa meadows and grass-legumes mixtures of different ages. Grasslands were monitored during 2019, performing three samplings during growing season. Aboveground biomass production, botanical composition and crude protein content were collected during the survey. Results permitted to evaluate the level of production decrease along years, the evolution of analysed parameters among cutting dates and the dependence of productive and qualitative features on botanical composition and presence of sown species in the swards. Results were useful to hypothesize the composition of future mixtures, to improve management issues and to delineate the possible duration of sown meadows for the area with respect to different purposes in terms of desired productive or qualitative objectives

    A Study of Charged P-wave D Meson Production in Semileptonic B Decays

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    A Study of Charged P-wave D Meson Production in Semileptonic B Decays. A search for the semileptonic decay of B mesons into final states involving charged D** as well as non resonant D0-pi is performed in a sample of approximately 3 million hadronic Z decays recorded with the ALEPH detector at LEP. Topological vertex criteria are used to separate the B -> D**+ l nu X signal from background as well as to search for the non-resonant component B -> D0 pi l nu X. Preliminary results for the branching fraction into resonant and non-resonant components are presented

    Evaluation of saddle and driving aptitudes in Monterufoli pony.

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    The Monterufoli pony is an endangered Tuscan breed. In the 80's began a project for the conservation of the breed and at present there are roughly 200 individuals. The equine was once utilized for saddle and driving and this study deals with the training for these two aptitudes. The mor- phologic type of the pony seems suited for saddle, in particular for children and beginners, and driving. The ponies showed developed chest, strong legs with short shanks: all these characters were useful for trot and driving. In this trial 3-4 years old never tamed Monterufoli ponies were opportunely choose and subsequently trained for saddle and driving. The ponies were submitted to the "aptitude test" for the two aptitudes and the results were good both for practical and character sides. The marks for sad- dle and driving were 8.16 and 8.06 respectively. Also the 3 ponies showed good results for the Aptitude Index: 7.60, 7.87 and 7.89. The results of the trial showed the excellent ability of the Monterufoli pony for saddle and driving. The good results of the test are important for the diffusion of the breed in the territory and in particular in horse centres and in equestrian tourism sites
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