79 research outputs found

    On a temporal logic of prefixes and infixes

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    A classic result by Stockmeyer [16] gives a non-elementary lower bound to the emptiness problem for star-free generalized regular expressions. This result is intimately connected to the satisfiability problem for interval temporal logic, notably for formulas that make use of the so-called chop operator. Such an operator can indeed be interpreted as the inverse of the concatenation operation on regular languages, and this correspondence enables reductions between non-emptiness of star-free generalized regular expressions and satisfiability of formulas of the interval temporal logic of the chop operator under the homogeneity assumption [5]. In this paper, we study the complexity of the satisfiability problem for a suitable weakening of the chop interval temporal logic, that can be equivalently viewed as a fragment of Halpern and Shoham interval logic featuring the operators B, for \u201cbegins\u201d, corresponding to the prefix relation on pairs of intervals, and D, for \u201cduring\u201d, corresponding to the infix relation. The homogeneous models of the considered logic naturally correspond to languages defined by restricted forms of regular expressions, that use union, complementation, and the inverses of the prefix and infix relations

    The addition of temporal neighborhood makes the logic of prefixes and sub-intervals EXPSPACE-complete

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    A classic result by Stockmeyer gives a non-elementary lower bound to the emptiness problem for star-free generalized regular expressions. This result is intimately connected to the satisfiability problem for interval temporal logic, notably for formulas that make use of the so-called chop operator. Such an operator can indeed be interpreted as the inverse of the concatenation operation on regular languages, and this correspondence enables reductions between non-emptiness of star-free generalized regular expressions and satisfiability of formulas of the interval temporal logic of chop under the homogeneity assumption. In this paper, we study the complexity of the satisfiability problem for suitable weakenings of the chop interval temporal logic, that can be equivalently viewed as fragments of Halpern and Shoham interval logic. We first consider the logic BDhom\mathsf{BD}_{hom} featuring modalities BB, for \emph{begins}, corresponding to the prefix relation on pairs of intervals, and DD, for \emph{during}, corresponding to the infix relation. The homogeneous models of BDhom\mathsf{BD}_{hom} naturally correspond to languages defined by restricted forms of regular expressions, that use union, complementation, and the inverses of the prefix and infix relations. Such a fragment has been recently shown to be PSPACE-complete . In this paper, we study the extension BDhom\mathsf{BD}_{hom} with the temporal neighborhood modality AA (corresponding to the Allen relation \emph{Meets}), and prove that it increases both its expressiveness and complexity. In particular, we show that the resulting logic BDAhom\mathsf{BDA}_{hom} is EXPSPACE-complete.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2109.0832

    Zero-Reachability in Probabilistic Multi-Counter Automata

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    We study the qualitative and quantitative zero-reachability problem in probabilistic multi-counter systems. We identify the undecidable variants of the problems, and then we concentrate on the remaining two cases. In the first case, when we are interested in the probability of all runs that visit zero in some counter, we show that the qualitative zero-reachability is decidable in time which is polynomial in the size of a given pMC and doubly exponential in the number of counters. Further, we show that the probability of all zero-reaching runs can be effectively approximated up to an arbitrarily small given error epsilon > 0 in time which is polynomial in log(epsilon), exponential in the size of a given pMC, and doubly exponential in the number of counters. In the second case, we are interested in the probability of all runs that visit zero in some counter different from the last counter. Here we show that the qualitative zero-reachability is decidable and SquareRootSum-hard, and the probability of all zero-reaching runs can be effectively approximated up to an arbitrarily small given error epsilon > 0 (these result applies to pMC satisfying a suitable technical condition that can be verified in polynomial time). The proof techniques invented in the second case allow to construct counterexamples for some classical results about ergodicity in stochastic Petri nets.Comment: 20 page

    LTL Parameter Synthesis of Parametric Timed Automata

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    The parameter synthesis problem for parametric timed automata is undecidable in general even for very simple reachability properties. In this paper we introduce restrictions on parameter valuations under which the parameter synthesis problem is decidable for LTL properties. The investigated bounded integer parameter synthesis problem could be solved using an explicit enumeration of all possible parameter valuations. We propose an alternative symbolic zone-based method for this problem which results in a faster computation. Our technique extends the ideas of the automata-based approach to LTL model checking of timed automata. To justify the usefulness of our approach, we provide experimental evaluation and compare our method with explicit enumeration technique.Comment: 23 pages, extended versio

    Language Emptiness of Continuous-Time Parametric Timed Automata

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    Parametric timed automata extend the standard timed automata with the possibility to use parameters in the clock guards. In general, if the parameters are real-valued, the problem of language emptiness of such automata is undecidable even for various restricted subclasses. We thus focus on the case where parameters are assumed to be integer-valued, while the time still remains continuous. On the one hand, we show that the problem remains undecidable for parametric timed automata with three clocks and one parameter. On the other hand, for the case with arbitrary many clocks where only one of these clocks is compared with (an arbitrary number of) parameters, we show that the parametric language emptiness is decidable. The undecidability result tightens the bounds of a previous result which assumed six parameters, while the decidability result extends the existing approaches that deal with discrete-time semantics only. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first positive result in the case of continuous-time and unbounded integer parameters, except for the rather simple case of single-clock automata

    The ideal view on Rackoff's coverability technique

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    Rackoff’s small witness property for the coverability problem is the standard means to prove tight upper bounds in vector addition systems (VAS) and many extensions. We show how to derive the same bounds directly on the computations of the VAS instantiation of the generic backward coverability algorithm. This relies on a dual view of the algorithm using ideal decompositions of downwards-closed sets, which exhibits a key structural invariant in the VAS case. The same reasoning readily generalises to several VAS extensions

    Interprocedural Reachability for Flat Integer Programs

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    We study programs with integer data, procedure calls and arbitrary call graphs. We show that, whenever the guards and updates are given by octagonal relations, the reachability problem along control flow paths within some language w1* ... wd* over program statements is decidable in Nexptime. To achieve this upper bound, we combine a program transformation into the same class of programs but without procedures, with an Np-completeness result for the reachability problem of procedure-less programs. Besides the program, the expression w1* ... wd* is also mapped onto an expression of a similar form but this time over the transformed program statements. Several arguments involving context-free grammars and their generative process enable us to give tight bounds on the size of the resulting expression. The currently existing gap between Np-hard and Nexptime can be closed to Np-complete when a certain parameter of the analysis is assumed to be constant.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    An in-depth investigation of interval temporal logic model checking with regular expressions

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    In the last years, the model checking (MC) problem for interval temporal logic (ITL) has received an increasing attention as a viable alternative to the traditional (point-based) temporal logic MC, which can be recovered as a special case. Most results have been obtained by imposing suitable restrictions on interval labeling. In this paper, we overcome such limitations by using regular expressions to define the behavior of proposition letters over intervals in terms of the component states. We first prove that MC for Halpern and Shoham’s ITL (HS), extended with regular expressions, is decidable. Then, we show that formulas of a large class of HS fragments, namely, all fragments featuring (a subset of) HS modalities for Allen’s relations meets, met-by, starts, and started-by, can be model checked in polynomial working space (MC for all these fragments turns out to be PSPACE-complete)

    Approaching the Coverability Problem Continuously

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    The coverability problem for Petri nets plays a central role in the verification of concurrent shared-memory programs. However, its high EXPSPACE-complete complexity poses a challenge when encountered in real-world instances. In this paper, we develop a new approach to this problem which is primarily based on applying forward coverability in continuous Petri nets as a pruning criterion inside a backward coverability framework. A cornerstone of our approach is the efficient encoding of a recently developed polynomial-time algorithm for reachability in continuous Petri nets into SMT. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on standard benchmarks from the literature, which shows that our approach decides significantly more instances than any existing tool and is in addition often much faster, in particular on large instances.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Realizing Omega-regular Hyperproperties

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    We studied the hyperlogic HyperQPTL, which combines the concepts of trace relations and ω\omega-regularity. We showed that HyperQPTL is very expressive, it can express properties like promptness, bounded waiting for a grant, epistemic properties, and, in particular, any ω\omega-regular property. Those properties are not expressible in previously studied hyperlogics like HyperLTL. At the same time, we argued that the expressiveness of HyperQPTL is optimal in a sense that a more expressive logic for ω\omega-regular hyperproperties would have an undecidable model checking problem. We furthermore studied the realizability problem of HyperQPTL. We showed that realizability is decidable for HyperQPTL fragments that contain properties like promptness. But still, in contrast to the satisfiability problem, propositional quantification does make the realizability problem of hyperlogics harder. More specifically, the HyperQPTL fragment of formulas with a universal-existential propositional quantifier alternation followed by a single trace quantifier is undecidable in general, even though the projection of the fragment to HyperLTL has a decidable realizability problem. Lastly, we implemented the bounded synthesis problem for HyperQPTL in the prototype tool BoSy. Using BoSy with HyperQPTL specifications, we have been able to synthesize several resource arbiters. The synthesis problem of non-linear-time hyperlogics is still open. For example, it is not yet known how to synthesize systems from specifications given in branching-time hyperlogics like HyperCTL∗^*.Comment: International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2020
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