8 research outputs found

    Multi-omics analysis identifies mitochondrial pathways associated with anxiety-related behavior

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    Author summary Genetic and environmental factors contribute to the etiology of psychiatric diseases but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Chronic psychosocial stress is a well-known risk factor for anxiety disorders. To identify biological pathways involved in psychosocial stress-induced anxiety and resilience to it, we used a well-characterized mouse model of chronic social defeat stress (CSDS) in two inbred mouse strains, C57BL/6NCrl (B6) and DBA/2NCrl (D2), which differ in their susceptibility to stress. We focused on the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, a key brain region behind stress-response and anxiety, and carried out genome-wide analysis of mRNA, and miRNA expression, and protein abundance. Bioinformatic integration of these data supported differences in mitochondrial pathways as a major stress response. To translate these findings to human anxiety, we investigated blood cell gene expression in mice and in panic disorder patients exposed to fearful situations and experiencing panic attacks. Concurring with our brain findings, expression of mitochondrial pathways was also affected in mouse and human blood cells, suggesting that the observed stress response mechanisms are evolutionarily conserved. Therefore, chronic stress may critically affect cellular energy metabolism, a finding that may offer new targets for therapeutic interventions of stress-related diseases.Peer reviewe

    Long-lived proteins and DNA as candidate predictive biomarkers for tissue associated diseases

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    Summary: Protein turnover is an important mechanism to maintain proteostasis. Long-lived proteins (LLPs) are vulnerable to lose their function due to time-accumulated damages. In this study we employed in vivo stable isotope labeling in mice from birth to postnatal day 89. Quantitative proteomics analysis of ten tissues and plasma identified 2113 LLPs, including widespread and tissue-specific ones. Interestingly, a significant percentage of LLPs was detected in plasma, implying a potential link to age-related cardiovascular diseases. LLPs identified in brains were related to neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, the relative quantification of DNA-derived deoxynucleosides from the same tissues provided information about cellular DNA renewal and showed good correlation with LLPs in the brain. The combined data reveal tissue-specific maps of mouse LLPs that may be involved in pathology due to a low renewal rate and an increased risk of damage. Tissue-derived peripheral LLPs hold promise as biomarkers for aging and age-related diseases

    The presenilin C-terminus is required for ER-retention, nicastrin-binding and γ-secretase activity

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    γ-Secretase is an intramembrane cleaving protease involved in Alzheimer's disease. γ-Secretase occurs as a high molecular weight complex composed of presenilin (PS1/2), nicastrin (NCT), anterior pharynx-defective phenotype 1 and PS enhancer 2. Little is known about the cellular mechanisms of γ-secretase assembly. Here we demonstrate that the cytoplasmic tail of PS1 fulfills several functions required for complex formation, retention of unincorporated PS1 and γ-secretase activity. The very C-terminus interacts with the transmembrane domain of NCT and may penetrate into the membrane. Deletion of the last amino acid is sufficient to completely block γ-secretase assembly and release of PS1 from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This suggests that unincorporated PS1 is actively retained within the ER. We identified a hydrophobic stretch of amino acids within the cytoplasmic tail of PS1 distinct from the NCT-binding site, which is required to retain unincorporated PS1 within the ER. Deletion of the retention signal results in the release of PS1 from the ER and the assembly of a nonfunctional γ-secretase complex, suggesting that at least a part of the retention motif may also be required for the function of PS1

    Control of peripheral nerve myelination by the beta-secretase BACE1

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    Although BACE1 (beta-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme 1) is essential for the generation of amyloid-b peptide in Alzheimer's disease, its physiological function is unclear. We found that very high levels of BACE1 were expressed at time points when peripheral nerves become myelinated. Deficiency of BACE1 resulted in the accumulation of unprocessed neuregulin 1 (NRG1), an axonally expressed factor required for glial cell development and myelination. BACE1-/- mice displayed hypomyelination of peripheral nerves and aberrant axonal segregation of small-diameter afferent fibers, very similar to that seen in mice with mutations in type III NRG1 or Schwann cell-specific ErbB2 knockouts. Thus, BACE1 is required for myelination and correct bundling of axons by Schwann cells, probably through processing of type III NRG1.status: publishe

    MMP9 mRNA is a potential diagnostic and treatment monitoring marker for PTSD: Evidence from mice and humans

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    Although matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9) has been found associated with various psychiatric disorders and with threat memories in humans, its role in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related animal models is understudied. Thus, we analyzed MMP9 mRNA expression kinetics during two different stress experiments, i.e., the Trier Social Stress Test and the dexamethasone suppression test (DST), in whole blood of two independent cohorts of PTSD patients vs. non-traumatized healthy controls (HC) and, moreover, in a mouse model of PTSD and in dexamethasone-treated mice. Besides MMP9, we quantified mRNA levels of four of its regulators, i.e., interleukin (IL)-1 receptor 1 and 2 (IL1R1, IL1R2), IL-6 receptor and tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) in 10 patients exposed to the DST before vs. after successful PTSD psychotherapy vs. 13 HC and, except from Il6r, also in different brain regions of the PTSD mouse model. We are the first to show that blood MMP9 mRNA concentrations were elevated after acute dexamethasone in PTSD patients, improved upon partial remission of PTSD and were, furthermore, also elevated, together with its regulator Tnfr1, in the prefrontal cortex of PTSDlike mice. In contrast, blood TNFR1 and IL1R2 were markedly underexpressed in PTSD patients. In conclusion, we found translational evidence supporting that, I, TNFR1 and MMP9 mRNA expression might be involved in PTSD pathobiology, II, might constitute potential diagnostic blood biomarkers for PTSD and, importantly, III, post-dexamethasone blood MMP9 hyperexpression, which speculatively results from post-dexamethasone underexpression of IL1R2, might serve also as potential treatment monitoring biomarker for PTSD. (c) 2021 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved

    Endoplasmic reticulum retention of the γ-secretase complex component Pen2 by Rer1

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    γ-Secretase is involved in the production of amyloid β-peptide, which is the principal component of amyloid plaques in the brains of patients with Alzheimer disease. γ-Secretase is a complex composed of presenilin (PS), nicastrin, anterior pharynx-defective phenotype 1 (Aph1) and PS enhancer 2 (Pen2). We previously proposed a mechanism of complex assembly by which unassembled subunits are retained in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and only the fully assembled complex is exported from the ER. We have now identified Retention in endoplasmic reticulum 1 (Rer1) as a protein that is involved in the retention/retrieval of unassembled Pen2 to the ER. Direct binding of unassembled Pen2 to Rer1 is mediated by the first transmembrane domain of Pen2, and a conserved asparagine in this domain is required. Downregulation of Rer1 leads to increased surface localization of Pen2, whereas overexpression of Rer1 stabilizes unassembled Pen2. To our knowledge, Rer1 is the first identified interaction partner of mammalian transmembrane-based retention/retrieval signals

    Ketamine exerts its sustained antidepressant effects via cell-type-specific regulation of Kcnq2

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    A single sub-anesthetic dose of ketamine produces a rapid and sustained antidepressant response, yet the molecular mechanisms responsible for this remain unclear. Here, we identified cell-type-specific transcriptional signatures associated with a sustained ketamine response in mice. Most interestingly, we identified the Kcnq2 gene as an important downstream regulator of ketamine action in glutamatergic neurons of the ventral hippocampus. We validated these findings through a series of complementary molecular, electrophysiological, cellular, pharmacological, behavioral, and functional experiments. We demonstrated that adjunctive treatment with retigabine, a KCNQ activator, augments ketamine's antidepressant-like effects in mice. Intriguingly, these effects are ketamine specific, as they do not modulate a response to classical antidepressants, such as escitalopram. These findings significantly advance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying the sustained antidepressant effects of ketamine, with important clinical implications