353 research outputs found

    On the relation of Language to culture and its effect on teaching Turkish İn Persia

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    Kültür ve dil kavramlarının birbiriyle sıkı sıkıya ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. Dil ve kültür arasındaki bu ilişki, anlam bilimi düzeyinde, o dilin söz varlığında en belirgin şekilde kendini göstermektedir. Bir dilin söz varlığı, o dili konuşan halkın gelenekleri, inançları ve yaşama bakışları hakkında genel bilgiler verir. Bu nedenle bir halkın yaşayışında meydana gelen değişiklikler o halkın konuştuğu dili ve söz varlığını doğrudan etkiler. Bu hususun ışığında geçmiş yüzyıllarda Türkler ile Farslar arasında doğrudan ve dolaylı iletişim yaşanmıştır. Bu çerçevede Türk kültürüyle Fars kültürünün birbirleriyle olan münasebetinin sonucu olarak da Farsça ile Türkçe arasında ciddi bir ilişki ve kültür, dil, bilgi alış verişi ortaya çıkmıştır. Öyleki bu ilişki islamiyet öncesi dönemden günümüze kadar sürmüştür. Bu ilişkinin en etkili olduğu alanlardan biri de dildir. Farsça ile Türkçe arasındaki ilişki sadece kelime alış verişi ile sınırlı kalmamış aynı zamanda dillerin söz dizimi bile bu ilişkiden etkilenmiştir. Bu çalışmada İranda yabancı dil olarak Türkçenin öğretiminde, bu ilişkiden nasıl yararlanabilineceğini, İran’da Türkçe öğretiminin diğer ülkelere göre farklı yanlarının neler olduğunu, Türk ve Fars kültürünün ortak yönlerinin, yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğrenenlerin en çok zorlandığı atasözü ve deyimlerin öğretimini nasıl kolaylaştırdığını, Farsça ve Türkçe arasındaki ortak kelime, deyim ve atasözlerinin neler olduğunu, farklı kurlarda Türkçe öğrenen İranlı öğrencilerin bildikleri ve kullandıkları kelime, atasözü ve deyimlerden örneklerle ortaya koymaya çalıştık.It is a well-known fact that language and culture is related. That relationship between language and culture in semantic level can be clearly seen in the vocabulary of that particular language. The lexicon of a language reflects traditions, beliefs and the perspectives of the society that use this specific language. Thus changes occur in a society directly effects the language and its lexicon. In the light of that, there has been communication both directly and indirectly between Persian and Turkish for centuries. As a consequence of the cultural interaction between Turkish and Persian languages, these two languages affected interculturally. It can be traced back to pre-Islamic period. One of the most striking field whose effects can be felt is language. The relationship between Turkish and Persian is not limited to lexical borrowing and also syntactic borrowings can be observed. In this stud points that are examined are: how these relations can be used in teaching Turkish as a second language in Persia and how shared knowledge make learning Turkish proverbs and idioms easier. Persians student's usage of proverbs and idioms in different level of Turkish language course are also revealed

    Histological and immunohistochemical evaluation of normal and gestational trophoblastic diseased placentas and the hormones they include.

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    Fertilizasyon sonrası uterusda gelişen yapıya plasenta denir. Plasenta gebeliğin devamı için gerekli hormonları sentezler. Bu hormonlardan olan human koryonik gonadotropin (hCG), human plasental laktojen (hPL), progesteron, inhibin ve aktivin araştırmamızda kullanıldı Bu çalışmamızda hormonların normal ve gestasyonel trofoblastik hastalıklarda (komplet mol ve parsiyel mol plasentalarda) ne kadar etkili olduğu bunlar arasında morfolojik ve immünohistokimyasal farklar var mı sorularına cevap arandı Normal plasentaların chorion villus epitel hücreleri (sinsisyotrofoblast ve sitotrofoblast) histolojik olarak düzgün yüzeyler içermekte, immünohistokimyasal olarak da hormon etkilerine cevap vermektedir Komplet mol ve parsiyel mol plasentaların epitel hücreleri düzensiz yüzeyli olup, yer yer kalınlaşma, incelme ve erime gösterirken, bağ dokusu artışı ile de histolojik farklılıklar ortaya koymaktaydı. Ayrıca, hormonların etkisin de yetersiz ve zayıf kalırken sitotrofoblastlarda şişme ve balonlaşma vardır İmmünohistokimyasal boyama; normal, komplet mol ve parsiyel mol plasentalar arasındaki farkları belirlemektedir. Normal plasenta ile mol hidatiformlu plasentalar arasındaki ayırıcı özellikler çocuk sağlığı için önemli olduğunu vurgulamaktadır. Plasentanın erken tanısı tedavi imkanı vereceği ve fetus kayıplarının azalacağını düşündürmektedir.The structure that develops in uterus after fertilisation is called placenta. Placentasynthesizes the hormones which are necessary for the continuation of pregnancy. Humanchorionic gonadotropin (hCG), human placental lactogen (hPL), progesterone, inhibin and activin which are among these hormones, were used in our study We tried to find out the morphological and immunohistochemal differencs between these hormones and display their effecct on gestatioal trophoblastic diseaases in complet moles and partial mole placentas In our study, eight cases of partial molar and complete molar pregnancy, and ten cases of normal placenta are enrolled. The difference from the tissues that were stained immunohistochemically with five hormones was introduced. It is found that all of these five hormones were held regularly on the epithelium in the control placenta. Irregularities and poor staining were detected in the epithelial cells of the complete and partial moles. Dilatation in connective tissues of complete mole and partial mole was observed. Bubbling was detected in cytotrophoblast when complete mole was stained immunohistochemically with hCG and hPL. Bubbling was observed also in partial mole during immunohistochemical staining with hCG, hPL and progesterone. When partial mole was stained with hCG and hPL, the decidua cells were also stained With these differences between the subjects, we consider they will be helpful in differential diagnosis

    Academic Literacy Skills of Instructors Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

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    Academic literacy covers reading, understanding, and evaluating academic studies that form the basis of science. It is one of the essential qualifications of the 21st century. In the education and training process, teachers are expected to have this skill in particular because teachers with academic qualifications integrate academic literacy skills with their professions according to the necessities of the time to improve themselves and present this to the learners during the teaching process. In this context, this study aims to determine Turkish instructors’ academic competence levels and examine them according to different variables. In the research using the survey model, «The Academic Literacy Scale» prepared by Demir and Deniz (2020) was used as a data collection tool. This scale, which consists of three factors: academic disposition, research process, and information use, consists of 28 items in total. The study determined that academic literacy skills were at a “high” level when the average score of the Turkish instructors from the overall scale was taken into account. When the academic literacy skills of Turkish instructors were examined in terms of various variables, no significant difference was found with the gender variable in the scale. Another divergence was found between the educational status variable and all the sub-dimensions of the scale, like research process, information use, and academic tendency. In addition, the graduated department variable differs with the research process and information use dimensions of the scale. There is also a significant difference between the variable of receiving education to increase academic literacy skills and the research process sub-dimension of the scale. Last but not least, a considerable distinction was discovered between all scale sub-dimensions and the overall scale in relation to the status of having knowledge of scientific research methodologies and having published academic work

    Analysis of candidate molecular targets in adult (CML) and childhood (AML, ALL) Leukemias

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Candidate molecular targets were investigated in three different types of leukemias, chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). The first group of these molecular targets was identified through a cDNA based gene expression profile analysis in sixty-seven CML patients who were classified according to clinical parameters known as new prognostic score (NPS). CML patients can be divided into three groups of low-risk, intermediate-risk, and high-risk, based on NPS. Response of these risk groups to treatment is not uniform and the gene expression profiles associated with each risk group remain unknown. Seven genes were chosen from a cDNA microarray study in which two high versus two low-risk patients were analyzed. Semi-quantitative and real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis of these differentially expressed transcripts highly correlated with the microarray data. Expression levels of all genes, except PTGS1, were significantly different between the high (n=9) and low-risk (n=7) CML by semi-quantitative RT-PCR (IFITM1 and CXCL3 p=0.001; CCNH p=0.012; RAB1A p=0.01, PRKAR2B p=0.016; UCP2 p=0.04; and PTGS1 p=0.315). Real-time RT-PCR analysis showed similar results for IFITM1 expression in thirty-four low and eleven high-risk patients (p=9.7976 x 10-11). Higher IFITM1 or lower CXCL3 expression correlated with improved survival (p=0.01 and p=0.059 respectively). Gene expression profiling is a valuable tool to identify candidate risk group indicator genes for the development of a molecular classification system for CML, which may also predict survival. Although the connection between DNA-repair gene mutations and hematological malignancies are now well established, germ-line mutations in the base excision repair (BER) pathway was only recently documented in an inherited cancer syndrome in human homologue of E. coli mut Y (MYH). Interestingly, the cancer associated MYH missense mutations Tyr165Cys and Gly382Asp have been documented with a high frequency (1 percent) in a control group of the British population. Therefore, we screened the above mentioned missense variants in two different childhood leukemias, AML (n=45) and ALL (n=140). Neither mutation was present in any of the patient samples and controls, except for one patient diagnosed with AML/M3. Tyr165Cys mutation in the heterozygous state was present in the sample obtained at the time of initial diagnosis. Further sampling, at remission, and the analysis of parental DNA, showed only the normal allele. Therefore, the mutation was considered to be specific for the leukemic blasts. Based on these results, an association between childhood leukemias and the MYH missense variants Tyr165Cys and Gly382Asp was not observed. Also, these variants appear to be absent -if not at a very low frequency- in the Turkish population, contrary to the British population.Boylu, Cemaliye AkyerliPh.D

    Engelli Bireylerin Seyahat Engellerinden Etkilenmesinde Psikolojik Faktörlerin Önemi The Importance of Psychological Factors Affecting the Travel Obstacles of Disabled People

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, engelli bireylerin sağlık ve tedavi amacıyla katıldıkları seyahatleri sırasında deneyimledikleri seyahat engellerinin psikolojileri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Literatüre bakıldığında, engellilerin turizm faaliyetlerine katılım kararı verirken seyahat engellerinin etkili olduğu tespitini yetersiz bulmakta ve seyahat kararını etkileyen diğer faktörlerin de incelenmesi gerektiğini belirtmektedir. Çalışmada literatür tarama tekniği kapsamında ikincil verilerle değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları, engelli bireylerin seyahate katılmalarında psikolojik faktörlerin önemli rol oynadığını göstermektedir

    Presenteeism In Work Life: An Evaluation In Hotel Industry

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    This study aims to examine presenteeism problem encountered in businesses frequently and evaluate this issue for hotel enterprises. Presenteeism is defined as when an employee shows up for work even though he or she is sick and performs ineffectively. Thus, it causes great costs for companies due to ineffective work performance. This situation arises in hotel businesses due to labor-intensive features of industry. It is considered that the intensity of human relationships and long shifts in hotel businesses induce stressfull working conditions and that factors increase presenteeism. Businesses could produce solutions for presenteeism with practices that prioritise employees satisfaction and take precautions to remedy physical and mental health of employees