689 research outputs found

    Hypersensitivity Lung Disease in the Turkey Raising Industry

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    journal articleBiomedical Informatic

    Optical properties of potential-inserted quantum wells in the near infrared and Terahertz ranges

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    We propose an engineering of the optical properties of GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells using AlAs and InAs monolayer insertions. A quantitative study of the effects of the monolayer position and the well thickness on the interband and intersubband transitions, based on the extended-basis sp3d5s* tight-binding model, is presented. The effect of insertion on the interband transitions is compared with existing experimental data. As for intersubband transitions, we show that in a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well including two AlAs and one InAs insertions, a three level {e1 , e2 , e3 } system where the transition energy e3-e2 is lower and the transition energy e2-e1 larger than the longitudinal optical phonon energy (36 meV) can be engineered together with a e3-e2 transition energy widely tunable through the TeraHertz range

    A rare case of sinus of valsalva-right atrial fistula secondary to an abscess perforation from underlying aortic valve endocarditis

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    Sinus of Valsalva-right atrial fistulas are abnormal connections between the aorta and the right atrium, and present challenging surgical conditions. An extremely rare etiology of aorto-right atrial fistula is infective endocarditis. This case report presents a 21 year old Caucasian female patient who had native aortic valve Staphylococcus aureus endocarditis complicated by sinus of Valsalva abscess perforation associated with an acute heart block, an aorto-right atrial fistula, severe heart failure, and cardiogenic shock. She underwent emergent aortic valve replacement and complex sinus of Valsalva fistula pericardial patch reconstruction and repair. This case report further explores the advantages and disadvantages of different valves for different patient populations, and evaluates the patient\u27s prosthesis mismatch and effective orifice area

    Formation of a rotating hole from a close limit head-on collision

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    Realistic black hole collisions result in a rapidly rotating Kerr hole, but simulations to date have focused on nonrotating final holes. Using a new solution of the Einstein initial value equations we present here waveforms and radiation for an axisymmetric Kerr-hole-forming collision starting from small initial separation (the ``close limit'' approximation) of two identical rotating holes. Several new features are present in the results: (i) In the limit of small separation, the waveform is linear (not quadratic) in the separation. (ii) The waveforms show damped oscillations mixing quasinormal ringing of different multipoles.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Images of survival, stories of destruction: Nuclear war on British screens from 1945 to the early 1960s

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    This article discusses a range of depictions and discussions of nuclear war, which appeared on British screens in the first half of the Cold War, in order to understand the changing way nuclear weapons were viewed within British culture. Using such screened images to understand how nuclear war was constructed and represented within British culture, the article argues that the hydrogen bomb, not the atomic bomb, was the true harbinger of the nuclear revolution that transformed cultural understandings of warfare and destruction. Although the atomic bomb created a great deal of anxiety within British popular culture, representations of atomic attack elided atomic destruction with that experienced in 1939-45, emphasising the 'survivability' of atomic war. In the thermonuclear era, the Second World War could not undertake the same symbolic work. The image of the city-destroying bomb was an imaginative as well as technological step-change. Screened representations stressed that a thermonuclear war would literally end the world. As such, they preceded, and indeed provided the cultural climate for, the rise of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). The Campaign exploited and further popularised this idea of the apocalyptic nuclear war as a key aspect of its political and moral standpoint. The article concludes, however, that the cultural hegemony of this vision of nuclear war equally helped underpin notions of nuclear deterrence. The basic assumptions about the nature of nuclear war constructed and circulated on British screens therefore formed part of CND's 'cultural' victory but the article also explains why this did not translate into the political realm. © Edinburgh University Press

    Pseudogap-less high Tc_{c} superconductivity in BaCox_{x}Fe2x_{2-x}As2_{2}

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    The pseudogap state is one of the peculiarities of the cuprate high temperature superconductors. Here we investigate its presence in BaCox_{x}Fe2x_{2-x}As2_{2}, a member of the pnictide family, with temperature dependent scanning tunneling spectroscopy. We observe that for under, optimally and overdoped systems the gap in the tunneling spectra always closes at the bulk Tc_{c}, ruling out the presence of a pseudogap state. For the underdoped case we observe superconducting gaps over large fields of view, setting a lower limit of tens of nanometers on the length scale of possible phase separated regions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Trajectories of self-rated health in people with diabetes: Associations with functioning in a prospective community sample

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    © 2013 Schmitz et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Background: Self-rated health (SRH) is a single-item measure that is one of the most widely used measures of general health in population health research. Relatively little is known about changes and the trajectories of SRH in people with chronic medical conditions. The aims of the present study were to identify and describe longitudinal trajectories of self-rated health (SRH) status in people with diabetes. Methods: A prospective community study was carried out between 2008 and 2011. SRH was assessed at baseline and yearly at follow-ups (n=1288). Analysis was carried out through trajectory modeling. The trajectory groups were subsequently compared at 4 years follow-up with respect to functioning. Results: Four distinct trajectories of SRH were identified: 1) 72.2% of the participants were assigned to a persistently good SRH trajectory; 2) 10.1% were assigned to a persistently poor SRH trajectory; 3) mean SRH scores changed from good to poor for one group (7.3%); while 4) mean SRH scores changed from poor to medium/good for another group (10.4%). Those with a persistently poor perception of health status were at higher risk for poor functioning at 4 years follow-up than those whose SRH scores decreased from good to poor. Conclusions: SRH is an important predictor for poor functioning in diabetes, but the trajectory of SRH seems to be even more important. Health professionals should pay attention to not only SRH per se, but also changes in SRH over time.This work was supported by Operating Grant MOP-84574 from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). GG was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the CIHR. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Physical drivers facilitating a toxigenic cyanobacterial bloom in a major Great Lakes tributary

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    The Maumee River is the primary source for nutrients fueling seasonal Microcystis-dominated blooms in western Lake Erie\u27s open waters though such blooms in the river are infrequent. The river also serves as source water for multiple public water systems and a large food services facility in northwest Ohio. On 20 September 2017, an unprecedented bloom was reported in the Maumee River estuary within the Toledo metropolitan area, which triggered a recreational water advisory. Here we (1) explore physical drivers likely contributing to the bloom\u27s occurrence, and (2) describe the toxin concentration and bacterioplankton taxonomic composition. A historical analysis using 10-years of seasonal river discharge, water level, and local wind data identified two instances when high-retention conditions occurred over ≥ 10 d in the Maumee River estuary: in 2016 and during the 2017 bloom. Observation by remote sensing imagery supported the advection of cyanobacterial cells into the estuary from the lake during 2017 and the lack of an estuary bloom in 2016 due to a weak cyanobacterial bloom in the lake. A rapid-response survey during the 2017 bloom determined levels of the cyanotoxins, specifically microcystins, in excess of recreational contact limits at sites within the lower 20 km of the river while amplicon sequencing found these sites were dominated by Microcystis. These results highlight the need to broaden our understanding of physical drivers of cyanobacterial blooms within the interface between riverine and lacustrine systems, particularly as such blooms are expected to become more prominent in response to a changing climate

    Comparison of F(ab') versus Fab antivenom for pit viper envenomation: A prospective, blinded, multicenter, randomized clinical trial

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    BACKGROUND: Crotalidae Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) has been the only antivenom commercially available in the US since 2007 for treatment of Crotalinae envenomation. Late coagulopathy can occur or recur after clearance of Fab antivenom, often after hospital discharge, lasting in some cases more than 2 weeks. There have been serious, even fatal, bleeding complications associated with recurrence phenomena. Frequent follow-up is required, and additional intervention or hospitalization is often necessary. F(ab')2 immunoglobulin derivatives have longer plasma half life than do Fab. We hypothesized that F(ab')2 antivenom would be superior to Fab in the prevention of late coagulopathy following treatment of patients with Crotalinae envenomation. METHODS: We conducted a prospective, double-blind, randomized clinical trial, comparing late coagulopathy in snakebitten patients treated with F(ab')2 with maintenance doses [F(ab')2/F(ab')2], or F(ab')2 with placebo maintenance doses [F(ab')2/placebo], versus Fab with maintenance doses [Fab/Fab]. The primary efficacy endpoint was coagulopathy (platelet count < 150 K/mm(3), fibrinogen level < 150 mg/dL) between end of maintenance dosing and day 8. RESULTS: 121 patients were randomized at 18 clinical sites and received at least one dose of study drug. 114 completed the study. Of these, 11/37 (29.7%) in the Fab/Fab cohort experienced late coagulopathy versus 4/39 (10.3%, p < 0.05) in the F(ab')2/F(ab')2 cohort and 2/38 (5.3%, p < 0.05) in the F(ab')2/placebo cohort. The lowest heterologous protein exposure was with F(ab')2/placebo. No serious adverse events were related to study drug. In each study arm, one patient experienced an acute serum reaction and one experienced serum sickness. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, management of coagulopathic Crotalinae envenomation with longer-half-life F(ab')2 antivenom, with or without maintenance dosing, reduced the risk of subacute coagulopathy and bleeding following treatment of envenomation