6 research outputs found

    Participation of the Orthodox Clergy of the Volyn Province in the Activities of the «Union of the Russian People»

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    У статті розкрито участь православного духовенства Волинської губернії в діяльності чорносотенної організації «Союза русского народа». Показано структурну організацію Почаївського відділу СРН, визначено частку пред¬ставників духовенства, що були окружними старостами й організаторами його низових ланок. Охарактеризовано діяльність волинських кліриків-чорносотенців в економічній, громадській та культурно-просвітницькій сферах. The article reveals the participation of the Orthodox clergy of the Volyn province in the activities of the organization «Union of the Russian people». The structural organization of the Pochayiv Department of the SRN is shown, and a certain proportion of the clergy, who were district chiefs and organizers of its grass roots, were determined. This is a description of the activities of Volyn clerics in the economic, social and cultural-educational spheres

    Православні та унійні парафії Луцького повіту наприкінці XVIII ст.

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    У статті показане становище православних та унійних парафій Луцького повіту Волинської губернії в ході процесу навернення на православ’я 1795−1796 рр., встановлена динаміка утвердження Православної Церкви у регіоні наприкінці XVIII ст. Розкривається інформативний потенціал клірових відомостей для дослідження церковної історії. The article shows the position of the Orthodox and Uniate parishes Lutsk district of Volyn province during the handling process to Orthodoxy 1795−1796. Recorded cases of transitions Uniate priests to Orthodoxy, traced the dynamics of increasing the number of Orthodox parishes in the late XVIII century. It is found that the implementation of the process of circulation, accompanied by a significant number of problems: the newcomers to their parishes priests lacked official books antimensia, the world commit to worship; 90 % of Orthodox priests Lutsk county, ordained to new parishes were young people who have just finished their studies at the seminary; оnly seven of the Uniate priests county switched to Orthodoxy. Defined area of land fundusha parish priests; who established the church clergy was presented; number of parishioners in the parishes, number of wooden and stone churches; age of priests and who were ordained. Named the major performers of shares circulation on the territory of the Russian Orthodox Diocese of Volyn. Disclosed potential Klirovye informative statements for the study of church history

    Atmospheric Abundances in Post-AGB candidates of Intermediate Temperature

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    Detailed atmospheric abundances have been calculated for a sample of A-G supergiant stars with IR fluxes and/or high galactic latitudes. HD 172481 and HD 158616 show clear indications of being post-AGB stars that have experienced third dredge-up. HD 158616 is carbon-rich while the abundance pattern of HD 172481 and its large Li enhancement gives support to the hot bottom burning scenario that explains paucity of carbon-rich stars among AGB stars. HD 172324 is very likely a hot post-AGB star that shows a strong carbon deficiency. HD 725, HD 218753 and HD 331319 also appear to be evolved objects between the red giant and the AGB. HD 9167, HD 173638 with a few exceptions, reflect solar abundances and no signs of post red giant evolution. They are most likely young massive disk supergiants. Further analysis of proto-Planetary Nebula HDE 341617 reveals that He lines show signs of velocity stratification. The emission lines have weakened considerably since 1993. The envelope expands at 19 km s1^{-1} relative to the star. Atmospheric abundances, evolutionary tracks and isochrones are used to estimate masses and ages of all stars in the sample.Comment: 19 pages (text), 14 tables, 5 figure

    Chemical composition of A--F type post-AGB candidates

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    An abundance analysis has been conducted for a sample of nine post-AGB candidate stars; eight of them have not been explored before. We find four very promising objects like HD 105262, HD 53300 and CpD62o5428-62^o5428 among them. We find strong evidence of dust-gas separation through selective depletion of refractive elements in HD 105262. The same effect is also observed in HD 53300, CpD62o5428-62^o5428 and HD 114855 although abundance peculiarities are relatively smaller for the last two stars. We find strong enrichment of nitrogen for HD 725, HD 842, HD 1457, HD 9233 and HD 61227 but no further evidence to support their post-AGB nature. We have compared the observed [N/C] ratios of these stars with the predictions of evolutionary models which include the rotation induced mixing.Comment: Accepted in MNRAS, 18 pages, 12 figure