226 research outputs found

    The Role of Sports in International Relations

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    The sport became and continue to be  a major sanction tool in international relations in a positive way. By its increasing effects it is one of the most important cases from the past century to nowadays. The sportive competitions executed previously by a very small minority has  influence almost all the world before the Olympic Games, and then other organizations (especially football). The sport has become even a phenomena more widespread than the facts  such as the democracy, the free market, and even the freedom. The sport has been a decisive instrument  in national and international politics. As a global phenomenon it has  the  popularity due to the governmental socio-economic conditions of communities. It takes place  in the consumption phenomenon accelerated by the globalization. The politically bipolar world was considered as  a world based on competition between two camps which  have established the culture, art, sports, literature, technology, military and policy. In fact  the sport in that period played a significant role in the test  of power and competition between the two poles in an  environment  without war, because athletic competitions mean the war of which the results are not death. The economic effects of the globalization also show itself in the sports industry

    Investigation of changes in metabolites during tomato paste processing

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    Pek &ccedil;ok end&uuml;striyel &uuml;r&uuml;n&uuml;yle domates, olduk&ccedil;a &ouml;nemli ve bol t&uuml;ketilen meyvelerin başında gelmektedir. Domatesin zengin besin değeri, gıda işlemenin antioksidan aktiviteye sahip değerli bileşenlerine etkilerinin araştırılmasını &ouml;nemli hale getirmiştir. Genel olarak sal&ccedil;a &uuml;retimi; yıkama, par&ccedil;alama, ayıklama, pulper ve ince elekten ge&ccedil;irme, buharlaştırma, kutulama, past&ouml;rizasyon (veya sterilizasyon ve aseptik ambalajlama) ve soğutma aşamalarından oluşmaktadır. Bu &ccedil;alışmada &uuml;retim s&uuml;recinin her bir aşaması LC-QTOF-MS y&ouml;ntemiyle t&uuml;m metabolitleri a&ccedil;ısından analizlenerek meydana gelen değişimler incelenmiştir. T&uuml;m metabolitler değerlendirildiğinde, toplam 3177 metabolitle ilişkili k&uuml;tle sinyalinin %40&rsquo;ından fazlasının işleme esnasında &ouml;nemli &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;de değiştiği tespit edilmiştir. Metabolik profilde &ouml;nemli &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;de farklılığa neden olan iki &uuml;retim basamağı ise par&ccedil;alama ve kabuk ve &ccedil;ekirdeğin ayrılması olarak bulunmuştur. &Ouml;rnekler arasında yapılan karşılaştırmalar, meyvede sal&ccedil;aya g&ouml;re &ouml;nemli &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;de y&uuml;ksek bulunan bileşikler arasında bir grup glikozilatlanmış alkoloidler, hidroksisinamat, flavonoidler ve tomatozit A&rsquo;nın bulunduğunu g&ouml;stermiştir. Diğer taraftan sadece likoperozit H ve naringenin meyveye oranla sal&ccedil;ada y&uuml;ksek bulunmuştur. Sal&ccedil;ada d&uuml;ş&uuml;k d&uuml;zeyde bulunan bileşikler, kabuk ve &ccedil;ekirdeğin uzaklaştırılması sırasında &uuml;retim zincirinden kaybolmuştur. Bu nedenle, kabuk ve &ccedil;ekirdek fraksiyonu &ccedil;ok sayıda flavonoidin yanı sıra, &ccedil;eşitli alkoloidleri de i&ccedil;ermektedir. Meyve ve par&ccedil;alanmış meyve arasında &ouml;nemli &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;de farklı olan bileşikler incelendiğinde ise &ccedil;eşitli flavonoidlerin ve glikoalkoloidlerin olduğu belirlenmiştir. &Ouml;zellikle narincenin, narincenin kalkon, rutin, rutin apiozit, kamferol rutinozit ve likoperozit H bileşiklerinin par&ccedil;alama işleminden sonra 1.3-4.3 kat oranında arttığı tespit edilmiştir.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Domates işleme, sal&ccedil;a, &nbsp;metabolit, flavonoid, glikoalkoloit, LC-QTOF-MS.Tomato is an important and highly-consumed fruit that has many different industrial products. The consumption of tomatoes has been proposed to reduce the risk of several chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer. In addition, tomato consumption leads to decreased serum lipid levels and low density lipoprotein oxidation. The nutritional value of tomato created a great interest in the effect of processing on its valuable compounds showing antioxidant activity. In general, tomato paste production includes the basic steps of cleaning, breaking, finisher-separating the pulp from skin, and seeds, evaporating, canning, pasteurizing (or sterilizing and aseptic packaging), and final cooling. In this study, every step of processing was investigated in detail to elucidate the changes in untargeted metabolomics. In order to determine which of the processing steps mostly affects the overall metabolite composition of the final paste, all tomato samples were extracted in aqueous-methanol and analyzed using an untargeted LC-QTOF MS - based metabolomics approach. The mass profiles obtained were processed and aligned across all samples using MetalignTM software. After filtering out mass signals that were < 10 times the local noise in all 30 samples, the resulting data matrix contained intensity values (calculated as peak heights) of 3177 mass signals aligned across all samples. The mass intensity data were 2 log-transformed and then subjected to multivariate analysis using GeneMathsTM software. The results of LC-QTOF MS-based metabolomics approach was applied on a principal component analysis (PCA) diagram. The first principal component (36% of the total variation in the dataset) pointed to the most dominant step in the paste-production process, and it clearly corresponded to the separation of seed and skin from the rest of the tomato material. The second component explained 20% of the variation and corresponded to the step-wise processing from fruit to paste. The largest overall variation between the 5 biological replicates at each processing step, calculated over all 3177 mass signals detected, was observed within the pulp samples where this value was 32% in all the other samples. The most important differences in those metabolites were observed in between fruit and paste, fruit and seed and the skin, and fruit and breaker. In general, nearly 43% (1356 signals) of the total number of mass signals differed significantly (p 0.05) between fruit and paste samples. Likewise, about 60% of the signals were statistically different between fruit and seed and skin, and about 25% between fruit and breaker. Among the compounds that were significantly higher in fruit versus paste were a range of glycosylated alkaloids (lycoperoside- and esculeoside-isomers), hydroxycinnamates (mono-, di- and tricaffeoyl derivatives), flavonoids (specifically naringenin chalcone and two of its glycosides), and the saponin tomatoside A. The ratio for the compounds higher in the fruit compared to the paste, changed from 1.4 to 62.3 as in pantothenic acid-hexose and tomatoside A, respectively. In contrast, only the alkaloid lycoperoside H and the flavonoid naringenin were, respectively, 2-fold and 6-fold higher in paste compared to original fruit. Clearly, most compounds that were lower in paste were lost from the production chain upon removal of the seed and skin fraction. This fraction, therefore, contained relatively high levels of all flavonoids, as well as several alkaloids. On the other hand, compounds that were relatively low in the seed and skin fraction were several hydroxycinnamates (chlorogenic acid and 3 caffeic acid hexosides), citric acid, a glycoside of pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), and UDP-Glucose which is 22-fold higher than in the seed and skin fraction. For the rest of the compounds the seed and skin fraction contained 3 to 14-fold higher amounts compared to the fruit as in coumaric acid-hexose, and -tomatin, respectively. When the compounds that were significantly different between fruit and breaker samples were investigated, again several flavonoids and glycoalkaloids were determined. The relative levels of compounds including, naringenin, naringenin chalcone, rutin, rutin apioside, kaempferol-rutinoside, lycoperoside H, increased with ratios of 1.3 to 4.3-fold after the breaking treatment as compared to the intact fruits. On the other hand, only pantothenic acid-hexose, UDP-Glucose, ferulic acid-hexose decreased by 25% to 50% when fruit was processed into breaker. Keywords: Tomato processing, paste, metabolite, flavonoid, glycoalkoloid, LC-QTOF-MS.

    Evaluating the effects of soy ingredients on soy bread properties

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    Bu &ccedil;alışmada, soya &uuml;r&uuml;nlerinin fonksiyonel gıda bileşenlerinin belirlenmesi ve &ouml;zellikle yeni bir soya &uuml;r&uuml;n&uuml; olan Soya S&uuml;t&uuml; Tozunun (SST) ekmek &ouml;zellikleri &uuml;zerine etkilerinin a&ccedil;ıklığa kavuşturulması ama&ccedil;lanmıştır. Bu ama&ccedil;la SST&rsquo;nin i&ccedil;erdiği bileşenleri ayrı ayrı i&ccedil;eren &ccedil;eşitli ticari soya &uuml;r&uuml;nleri ekmeğe ilave edilerek kalite &ouml;zellikleri ayrıntılı şekilde incelenmiştir. Fonksiyonel bileşenler kapsamında soya &uuml;r&uuml;nlerinde; fenolik madde miktarı ve profili, izoflavon miktarı ve profili ve antioksidan aktiviteler analizlenmiş ve kimyasal kompozisyon belirlenmiştir. Daha sonra SST&rsquo;nin i&ccedil;erdiği bileşenlerle soya ekmekleri &uuml;retilmiş, taze ve depolanmış ekmeklerde kaliteyi etkileyen fiziksel ve fizikokimyasal &ouml;zelliklere her bileşenin etkileri belirlenmiştir. Soya S&uuml;t&uuml; Tozu (SST), Soya Unu (SU), Soya Lifleri (&Ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;n&uuml;r-&Ccedil;SL ve &Ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;n&uuml;r Olmayan-&Ccedil;OSL) ve Soya Protein İzolatları (SPI, farklı denat&uuml;rasyon derecelerinde) ile &uuml;retilen soya ekmeklerinde kompozisyon analizleri (nem, k&uuml;l, protein, diyet lifi), fiziksel &ouml;zellikler (ekmek hacmi, sertliği, ekmek i&ccedil;i ve kabuk rengi) ve fizikokimyasal &ouml;zellikler (su aktivitesi, nem i&ccedil;eriği, dondurulabilir/dondurulabilir olmayan su miktarları, amilopektin kristallenmesi, sıkılık) depolama s&uuml;resince analizlenmiştir. Soya &uuml;r&uuml;nlerinde en y&uuml;ksek fenolik madde, izoflavon miktarları ve antioksidan aktiviteleri SU ve SST i&ccedil;in elde edilmiştir. Ekmeklerde hacim artışı ve yumuşaklığa &Ccedil;SL neden olurken, SPI 1 ve &Ccedil;OSL olumsuz etkiler g&ouml;stermiştir. Depolama s&uuml;resinde SST&rsquo;nin bayatlamayı geciktirdiği ve bu etkinin &ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;n&uuml;r lif ve yağ i&ccedil;eriğinin birlikte etkileriyle olduğu ve &Ccedil;OSL&rsquo;nin ise bayatlamayı olumsuz y&ouml;nde etkilediği belirlenmiştir. Soya s&uuml;t&uuml; tozu ilavesi hem fonksiyonel bileşenler a&ccedil;ısından zenginleştirme, hem de ekmek &ouml;zelliklerinin geliştirilmesi a&ccedil;ısından ekmek form&uuml;lasyonlarında yararlı bir bileşen olarak ortaya &ccedil;ıkmaktadır. &nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Soya &uuml;r&uuml;nleri, soya ekmeği, bayatlama.Positive health effects of soybean can be supplied to consumers via soy products that are widely consumed and having acceptable quality. Nowadays, soy bread is becoming one of the best food product for presenting those advantages to consumers. Use of soy ingredients in bakery products is quite limited as they yield breads having less acceptable sensory, textural and quality characteristics. The objectives of this study were to determine the functional food components of soy products and examine the role of each soy milk component on the functionality of soy-containing bread in order to understand the impact of soy milk powder (SMP) on physical and physicochemical properties of soy bread. In this content, firstly the properties of functional components in soy based ingredients were characterized. Afterwards, soy breads were produced by additions of soy based ingredients at levels that were simulating the components of SMP, and the effect of each component was determined on fresh and stale soy breads by evaluating the physical and physicochemical properties that were effective in bread quality. Chemical compositions; soluble and insoluble fiber fractions, protein and moisture contents of soy ingredients such as SMP, soy flour (SF), soy fibers (soluble-SDF and insoluble-ISDF), and soy protein isolates (SPI, at different denaturation levels) were determined. In the extent of functional component evaluation in soy products, phenolic contents/profile and isoflavone contents/profile were determined using reversed phase HPLC methods and antioxidant activities were analyzed by DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activity methods. Soy breads were produced by addition of each ingredient as SMP, SF, soy fibers (SDF and ISDF) and SPIs (at different denaturation levels) in order to simulate SMP, and breads were stored for 7 days. In those breads, proximate analysis (moisture, ash, protein, dietary fiber) were carried out. In addition, physical properties (loaf volume, firmness, crumb and crust color) and physicochemical properties (water activity, moisture content, freezable water content, unfreezable water content, amylopectin crystallisation, stiffness) of breads were determined during storage by thermal analysis techniques. Soy products were found to be significantly different in their functional components and properties. SMP, in addition to its lower insoluble fiber content (14.2%) compared to that of SF (21.3%) also involved little more soluble fiber than SF. The highest phenolic contents in soy products were obtained for SF (3.15 mg GA/g sample), SMP (2.80 mg GA/g sample), and partly denatured SPI ingredients (2.02 mg GA/g sample). In addition, SF (2860.1 ppm) and SMP (1917.1 ppm) contained higher amounts of isoflavones and antioxidant activities than all other soy products. Insoluble fiber (10.4%) and soy protein additions (9.7-13.0%) significantly decreased loaf volumes. On the other hand, soluble fiber addition increased loaf volume (1.3%). The negative effect of SMP addition on loaf volume was associated to the higher insoluble soy fiber and soy protein contents. Addition of SPI, with its high protein content, increased bread firmness. On the other hand, soluble fiber addition provided significant softness in soy breads. At the end of storage significant differences in crumb and crust colors were found in each formulation. Generally, staling induced slight changes in crumb color. However, crust color got darker in all formulations. Moisture contents of breads decreased during staling. As the content of soy based ingredients increased, the amount of water held in bread matrix also increased. Highest moisture contents in breads were obtained with insoluble fiber (47.27%) and soy protein additions (47.63%). Soluble and insoluble fiber additions increased freezable water content in all fresh breads with respect to SF (10.0-16.3%). Lowest unfreezable water contents were observed in fiber added breads (12.3-14.3%). It was obvious that fiber additions significantly changed bread firmness during 7 days of storage. This change in firmness was found to be highest for soluble soy fiber (approximately 5 fold) and lowest for SMP (12.3%) additions. Amylopectin crystallisation increased in all breads during storage. Insoluble fiber additions significantly increased amylopectin crystallisation (from 0.01 W/g to 0.57 W/g). Soluble fiber additions (0.30 W/g) retarded staling with respect to SF bread (0.39 W/g). Especially, the lowest enthalpy obtained for SMP (0.12 W/g) added bread was attributed to possible synergistics effect of its soluble fiber and/or oil content of this ingredient. Keywords: Soy products, soy bread, bread staling


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    Pek çok ünlü yazar kentsel yaşamı romanlarında aktarmıştır. Bu kentsel yaşamlar; yazarın gözlemleri, imgelemi ve anıları üzerine yeniden yapılandırılarak yazınsal mekanlara dönüştürülmüş, gerçek veya düşsel kentler olarak okuyucuya sunulmaktadır. Edebiyattaki bu yazınsal mekanlar, mekanların kurulmasını ve mekan kavramını, mimarlığın ve kentsel mekanın kendi disiplinine ait sınırları dışındaki öznelerin gözünden anlamamıza yardımcı olmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çürüyen bir kavak ağacının devrilme sürecini kapsayan bir buçuk saatlik zaman dilimini öyküleştirirken; kentin zaman, mekan ve insan ilişkilerini de yansıtan ve Sevgi Soysal tarafından 1973 yılında kaleme alınmış olan Yenişehir'de Bir Öğle Vakti romanı incelemeye değerdir. Soysal, Ankara kentindeki kentsel yaşamın modernizasyonunu, roman boyunca hassas gözlemlerine dayanan eleştirel bir anlayışla, gerçekçi bir biçimde tasvir etmektedir. Romanı mekansal olarak okumanın Ankara kentsel peyzajına dair epistemolojik alana katkıda bulunacağına inanılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak, bu makalenin amacı, 1970'ler Ankara'sında bulunan kentsel mekanların, özellikle modernizasyon sembolü olan Yenişehir sokaklarının anlamlarını analiz etmektir. Günden güne değer kaybettiği düşünülen Ankara'nın modern kentsel peyzajının gerçek anlamını kavramak, korumak ve sürdürmek için bu anlamların ortaya çıkarılması gereklidir. A notable feature of several well-known novelists is their description of urban life. These urban lives are presented to the readers as taking place in real or imaginary cities that are transformed into literary spaces, restructured on the observations, imagination and memories of the writer. These spaces, portrayed in literature, contribute to an understanding of the conception and construction of space from the point of view of those outside the disciplinary boundaries of architecture/urban space In this respect, it is important to examine the novel Noon Time in Yenişehir (Sevgi Soysal, 1973), because it reflects the relationship between time-space and the users of the city, through the fictionalization of the short period in which a poplar tree falls down. Soysal offers a realistic and critical understanding of the modernization of the urban life in the city of Ankara through sensitive observations sustained throughout the novel. It is believed that interpreting the novel in spatial terms will contribute to the epistemological realm related to the urban landscape of Ankara. Thus, the aim of this paper is to analyze the meanings of urban spaces that existed in Ankara in the 1970s, especially the streets of Yenisehir, in terms of the symbolization of modernization. An understanding of these meanings is necessary in order to comprehend, preserve and sustain the real significance of the modern urban landscape of Ankara, which is being constantly erode

    Arsenic removal from drinking water by chemical methods

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    Arsenik i&ccedil;eren su kaynakları d&uuml;nyanın pek &ccedil;ok &uuml;lkesinde karşılaşılan bir sorundur. D&uuml;nya Sağlık &Ouml;rg&uuml;t&uuml;, 1993 yılında yapmış olduğu d&uuml;zenlemeyle i&ccedil;me sularında izin verilen azami arsenik miktarını 50 &micro;g/L&rsquo;den 10 &micro;g/L&rsquo;e indirmiştir. &Uuml;lkemizde de, &ldquo;İnsani T&uuml;ketim Ama&ccedil;lı Sular Hakkında Y&ouml;netmelik&rdquo; kapsamında i&ccedil;me ve kullanma sularında 50 &mu;g/L olan arsenik limiti, 2005 yılı itibariyle 10 &mu;g/L şeklinde değiştirilmiş ve 2008 yılından bu yana uygulamaya konmuştur. Arsenik standardının 10 &mu;g/L olarak uygulanması, &uuml;lkemizdeki bazı su kaynaklarının kullanımını kısıtlamıştır. &Ouml;zellikle batı b&ouml;lgelerimizdeki bir&ccedil;ok yerleşimde (K&uuml;tahya, Emet, Simav, Uşak, İzmir, Manisa, vb.) arsenik kirliliğinin kontrol&uuml;ne y&ouml;nelik &ouml;nlemler alınması ihtiyacı ortaya &ccedil;ıkmıştır. Gerek literat&uuml;rde, gerekse uygulamada (laboratuvar ve arazi &ouml;l&ccedil;eğinde) arsenik ile ilgili &ccedil;eşitli arıtma y&ouml;ntemleri mevcuttur. Bu y&ouml;ntemler i) arıtılacak suyun miktarına (debisine), ii) sudaki arsenik konsantrasyonuna ve formuna (As3+ ve/veya As5+), iii) su i&ccedil;inde bulunan diğer parametrelere (pH, s&uuml;lfat, fosfat, organik madde, silikat, vb.) bağlı olarak farklılıklar g&ouml;sterir. Sunulan makalede arsenik arıtımında kullanılan kimyasal destekli y&ouml;ntemler incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda kire&ccedil;-soda y&ouml;ntemi, konvansiyonel koag&uuml;lasyon-filtrasyon, koag&uuml;lasyon destekli mikrofiltrasyon ve oksidasyon-filtrasyon y&ouml;ntemleri irdelenmiş; karar alma s&uuml;recinde yapılması gerekenler &ouml;zetlenmiştir. &Uuml;lkemizdeki i&ccedil;me suyu arıtma tesislerinde genellikle kimyasal arıtma ve filtrasyon &uuml;niteleri kullanılmaktadır. Arsenik bakımından problemli yerlerde mevcut i&ccedil;me suyu arıtma tesislerinde modifikasyonlar yapılarak arsenik giderimi sağlanabilir. Bu kapsamda &ouml;n oksidasyon kademesinin eklenmesi, koag&uuml;lan t&uuml;r&uuml; ve dozunun optimizasyonu, konvansiyonel filtrelerin modifikasyonu (adsorban &ouml;zelliği olan malzemelerin kullanılması), tesis sonunda adsorpsiyon, iyon değişimi, membran filtrasyon gibi sistemlerin kullanılması &ouml;nerilmektedir.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Arsenik, filtrasyon, kimyasal arıtma, kire&ccedil; soda ile yumuşatma, koag&uuml;lasyon, oksidasyon.Arsenic in natural waters is a worldwide problem. Weathering of arsenic rich minerals and volcanic activities are natural sources releasing arsenic to the environment. Apart from the natural phenomena, anthropogenic (man-made) inputs are also responsible from the arsenic contamination. Effluents from metallurgical industry, glassware and ceramic industries, dye and pesticide manufacturing industries, petroleum refining, leather processing, and other organic and inorganic chemical industries are major anthropogenic sources of arsenic. Furthermore agricultural uses of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, defoliants, and soil sterilants which include arsenic and arsenic compounds increase the arsenic content in water resources. Arsenic is a fairly common environmental contaminant. Both groundwater and surface water sources of drinking water can contain arsenic. The levels of arsenic are typically higher in groundwater sources. Arsenic levels in groundwater tend to vary geographically. The major routes are through inhalation, skin absorption .and ingestion. Ingestion is the predominant form of exposure among others. High doses of arsenic can cause acute toxic effects including gastrointestinal symptoms (poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), disturbance of cardiovascular and nervous systems functions (e.g. muscle cramps, heart complains) or death. Because of the proven and widespread negative health effects on humans, in 1993, the World Health Organization (WHO) lowered the health-based provisional guideline for arsenic concentration in drinking water from 50 to 10 µg/L. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) subsequently revised the maximum contaminant level (MCL) as 10 µg/L in 2001. New standards have been adopted as a national standard by most countries, including Japan, Jordan, Laos, Mongolia, Namibia, Syria and the USA, and the European Union (EU). However, many countries have retained the earlier WHO guideline of 50 µg/L as their standard or as an interim target including Bangladesh, India, Bahrain, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, etc.. Since implementation of the new guideline value of 10 µg/L requires certain investments, those countries need additional time and support to harmonize their national standards with new regulations. Turkey is a country facing and struggling with those emerging arsenic problems. Stringent standards of drinking water were promulgated by Ministry of Health (MoH) in 2005, and arsenic level was lowered from 50  g/L to 10  g/L. The new standard has been enforced since February 2008. After this limitation a number of wells which have been (planned being) used for potable water supply are considered as "arsenic-contaminated". Besides prolonged drought induced by climate change caused release of arsenic from aquifer sediments and this resulted in elevated concentrations in groundwater sources. This fact triggered problems stemming from arsenic in water in some areas. Particularly, western parts of central Anatolia (e.g. Kutahya, Emet, Simav, Usak) have high risk due to their geological formations and geothermal inputs which pose suitable conditions for arsenic contamination of water resources. Inventory study results carried out by General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) showed elevated arsenic concentrations in the Kutahya-Emet-Hisarcik and Nevsehir Basins (20-200 µg/L). There are several treatment technologies that are available for arsenic removal from drinking water. The most commonly used technologies include oxidation, co-precipitation and adsorption onto coagulated flocs, lime treatment, adsorption onto sorptive media, ion exchange resin and membrane techniques. Selection of an appropriate method is a quite complex decision and affected from a number of factors (e.g. arsenic compound, raw water quality, target arsenic concentration, existing water treatment plant, land availability, operational and maintenance costs, etc.). In the presented paper, chemical treatment methods used in arsenic removal (i.e. chemical oxidation, conventional coagulation and filtration, coagulation assisted microfiltration, oxidation filtration and lime-soda method etc.) are evaluated considering treatment performance, costs, operational features. In Turkey, generally chemical processes and filtration have been used in many water treatment plants. Existing water treatment plants can be modified for arsenic removal. In this framework, involvement of pre-oxidation stage, optimization of the coagulant type and dose, modification of conventional filters (utilization of adsorbent based filter materials), utilization of adsorption, ion exchange, membrane filtration processes for post-treatment purpose are recommended. Keywords: Arsenic, filtration, chemical treatment, coagulation, lime - soda softening, oxidation

    The effects of exhaustive swimming and probiotic administration in trained rats: Oxidative balance of selected organs, colon morphology, and contractility

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    The duration and intensity of exercise are significant factors in oxidative, morphological, and functional changes of the gastrointestinal tract. This study aimed to investigate the effects of both exhaustive swimming and probiotic VSL#3 on rats that had been previously trained with moderate swimming. The rats were divided into four groups labeled: control (C), probiotic (P), exercise (E), and probiotic–exercise (PE). Groups P and PE were fed with probiotic mixture VSL#3. Groups E and PE had a 5-week moderate swimming program (1 h/day for 5 days/week), followed by a 1-week exhaustive swimming program (trained like in moderate program but 3 times with 150 min resting sessions, for 5 days/week). At the end of the program, the rats were euthanized. Malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and reduced glutathione levels were measured in tissue samples from the gastrocnemius muscle, heart, liver, kidney, and colon. In vitro contractile activity and histomorphology of the colon were also determined. Exercise and/or probiotic decreased the oxidative stress and also increased the level of one or more of the antioxidant enzymes in some of the organs. Probiotics had more pronounced effects on colon morphology than exercise but unexpectedly this effect was non-trophic. In the colon, the thickness of the tunica muscularis and the number of goblet cells were not affected; however, probiotic administration decreased the crypt depth and tunica mucosa thickness. Exercise increased the Emax value of acetylcholine (ACh), while decreased its sensitivity. These findings suggest that exhaustive swimming does not cause oxidative stress and that probiotic consumption improves oxidative balance in trained rats. The probiotic intake does not alter the effect of exercise on the contractile activity of the colon. Colon mucosal changes induced by probiotics are independent of exercise