769 research outputs found

    Uncharted waters: the unintended impacts of residual chlorine on water quality and biofilms

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    Disinfection residuals in drinking water protect water quality and public heath by limiting planktonic microbial regrowth during distribution. However, we do not consider the consequences and selective pressures of such residuals on the ubiquitous biofilms that persist on the vast internal surface area of drinking water distribution systems. Using a full scale experimental facility, integrated analyses were applied to determine the physical, chemical and biological impacts of different free chlorine regimes on biofilm characteristics (composition, structure and microbiome) and water quality. Unexpectedly, higher free chlorine concentrations resulted in greater water quality degredation, observable as elevated inorganic loading and greater discolouration (a major cause of water quality complaints and a mask for other failures). High-chlorine concentrations also reduced biofilm cell concentrations but selected for a distinct biofilm bacterial community and inorganic composition, presenting unique risks. The results challenge the assumption that a measurable free chlorine residual necessarily assures drinking water safety

    Quantity and Quality Benefits of in-Service Invasive Cleaning of Trunk Mains

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    Trunk mains are high risk critical infrastructure where poor performance can impact on large numbers of customers. Both quantity (e.g. hydraulic capacity) and quality (e.g. discolouration) of trunk main performance are affected by asset deterioration in the form of particle accumulation at the pipe wall. Trunk main cleaning techniques are therefore desirable to remove such material. However, little is quantified regarding the efficacy of different maintenance interventions or longer-term changes following such cleaning. This paper presents an assessment of quantity and quality performance of a trunk main system pre, post and for 12 months following cleaning using pigging with ice slurry. Hydraulic calibration showed a 7 times roughness height reduction after ice slurry pigging, evidencing substantially improved hydraulic capacity and reduced headloss. Turbidity response due to carefully imposed shear stress increase remained significant after the cleaning intervention, showing that relatively loose material had not been fully removed from the pipe wall. Overall the results demonstrate that cleaning by pigging with ice slurry can be beneficial for quantity performance, but care and further assessment may be necessary to realise the full quality benefits

    Ensemble decision tree models using RUSBoost for estimating risk of iron failure in drinking water distribution systems

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    Safe, trusted drinking water is fundamental to society. Discolouration is a key aesthetic indicator visible to customers. Investigations to understand discolouration and iron failures in water supply systems require assessment of large quantities of disparate, inconsistent, multidimensional data from multiple corporate systems. A comprehensive data matrix was assembled for a seven year period across the whole of a UK water company (serving three million people). From this a novel data driven tool for assessment of iron risk was developed based on a yearly update and ranking procedure, for a subset of the best quality data. To avoid a ‘black box’ output, and provide an element of explanatory (human readable) interpretation, classification decision trees were utilised. Due to the very limited number of iron failures, results from many weak learners were melded into one high-quality ensemble predictor using the RUSBoost algorithm which is designed for class imbalance. Results, exploring simplicity vs predictive power, indicate enough discrimination between variable relationships in the matrix to produce ensemble decision tree classification models with good accuracy for iron failure estimation at District Management Area (DMA) scale. Two model variants were explored: ‘Nowcast’ (situation at end of calendar year) and ‘Futurecast’ (predict end of next year situation from this year’s data). The Nowcast 2014 model achieved 100% True Positive Rate (TPR) and 95.3% True Negative Rate (TNR), with 3.3% of DMAs classified High Risk for un-sampled instances. The Futurecast 2014 achieved 60.5% TPR and 75.9% TNR, with 25.7% of DMAs classified High Risk for un-sampled instances. The output can be used to focus preventive measures to improve iron compliance

    Ensemble decision tree models using RUSBoost for estimating risk of iron failure in drinking water distribution systems

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    Safe, trusted drinking water is fundamental to society. Discolouration is a key aesthetic indicator visible to customers. Investigations to understand discolouration and iron failures in water supply systems require assessment of large quantities of disparate, inconsistent, multidimensional data from multiple corporate systems. A comprehensive data matrix was assembled for a seven year period across the whole of a UK water company (serving three million people). From this a novel data driven tool for assessment of iron risk was developed based on a yearly update and ranking procedure, for a subset of the best quality data. To avoid a ‘black box’ output, and provide an element of explanatory (human readable) interpretation, classification decision trees were utilised. Due to the very limited number of iron failures, results from many weak learners were melded into one high-quality ensemble predictor using the RUSBoost algorithm which is designed for class imbalance. Results, exploring simplicity vs predictive power, indicate enough discrimination between variable relationships in the matrix to produce ensemble decision tree classification models with good accuracy for iron failure estimation at District Management Area (DMA) scale. Two model variants were explored: ‘Nowcast’ (situation at end of calendar year) and ‘Futurecast’ (predict end of next year situation from this year’s data). The Nowcast 2014 model achieved 100% True Positive Rate (TPR) and 95.3% True Negative Rate (TNR), with 3.3% of DMAs classified High Risk for un-sampled instances. The Futurecast 2014 achieved 60.5% TPR and 75.9% TNR, with 25.7% of DMAs classified High Risk for un-sampled instances. The output can be used to focus preventive measures to improve iron compliance

    The impact of biofilms upon surfaces relevant to an intermediate level radioactive waste geological disposal facility under simulated near field conditions.

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    The ability of biofilms to form on a range of materials (cementious backfill (Nirex Reference Vault Backfill (NRVB)), graphite and stainless steel) relevant to potential UK intermediate level radioactive waste (ILW) disposal concepts was investigated by exposing these surfaces to alkaliphilic flocs generated by mature biofilm communities. Flocs are aggregates of biofilm material that are able to act as a transport vector for the propagation of biofilms.. In systems where biofilm formation was observed there was also a decrease in the sorption of isosaccharinic acids to the NRVB. The biofilms were composed of cells, extracellular DNA (eDNA), proteins and lipids with a smaller polysaccharide fraction, which was biased towards mannopyranosyl linked carbohydrates. The same trend was seen with the graphite and stainless steel surfaces at these pH values, but in this case the biofilms associated with the stainless steel surfaces had a distinct eDNA basal layer that anchored the biofilm to the surface. At pH 13 no structured biofilm was observed, rather all the surfaces accumulated an indistinct organic layer composed of biofilm materials. This was particularly the case for the stainless steel coupons which accumulated relatively large quantities of eDNA. The results demonstrate that there is the potential for biofilm formation in an ILW-GDF provided an initiation source for the microbial biofilm is present. They also suggest that even when conditions are too harsh for biofilm formation, exposed surfaces may accumulate organic material such as eDNA

    The starch-deficient plastidic <em>PHOSPHOGLUCOMUTASE </em>mutant of the constitutive crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species <em>Kalancho\ueb fedtschenkoi</em> impacts diel regulation and timing of stomatal CO<sub>2</sub> responsiveness

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2023.• Background and Aims Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) is a specialized type of photosynthesis characterized by a diel pattern of stomatal opening at night and closure during the day, which increases water-use efficiency. Starch degradation is a key regulator of CAM, providing phosphoenolpyruvate as a substrate in the mesophyll for nocturnal assimilation of CO2. Growing recognition of a key role for starch degradation in C3 photosynthesis guard cells for mediating daytime stomatal opening presents the possibility that starch degradation might also impact CAM by regulating the provision of energy and osmolytes to increase guard cell turgor and drive stomatal opening at night. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the timing of diel starch turnover in CAM guard cells has been reprogrammed during evolution to enable nocturnal stomatal opening and daytime closure. • Methods Biochemical and genetic characterization of wild-type and starch-deficient RNAi lines of Kalancho\ueb fedtschenkoi with reduced activity of plastidic phosphoglucomutase (PGM) constituted a preliminary approach for the understanding of starch metabolism and its implications for stomatal regulation in CAM plants. • Key Results Starch deficiency reduced nocturnal net CO2 uptake but had negligible impact on nocturnal stomatal opening. In contrast, daytime stomatal closure was reduced in magnitude and duration in the starch-deficient rPGM RNAi lines, and their stomata were unable to remain closed in response to elevated concentrations of atmospheric CO2 administered during the day. Curtailed daytime stomatal closure was linked to higher soluble sugar contents in the epidermis and mesophyll. • Conclusions Nocturnal stomatal opening is not reliant upon starch degradation, but starch biosynthesis is an important sink for carbohydrates, ensuring daytime stomatal closure in this CAM species

    Development of a holistic approach to river modelling in the Bradford Catchment (UK)

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    Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Philadelphia, PA, September 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1860/732A methodology has been developed to integrate catchment modelling of the river and urban drainage systems, the interactions between both systems, and the analysis of the pressures and impacts. The methodology is applied to the Bradford catchment, a complex catchment in United Kingdom. The work presented focuses on water quantity; water quality will be covered in further study. To investigate the performance of this complex system a detailed full hydrodynamic model is built up using MIKE11 modelling system (DHI). The rainfall runoff processes are modelled using the methodology of the UK Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) and NAM (DHI). These modelled results are used as an input source in the hydrodynamic model. The influence of the urban drainage system is taken into account through the combined sewage overflow (CSO) network modelled by Hydroworks (HR Wallingford) that is considered as point sources in the hydrodynamic model. It is demonstrated that this very steep, complex and urbanised catchment has major impacts on flooding downstream mainly because of a quick response time and hydraulic conditions of the river system. It also was found that the connection of a number of submodels necessary to simulate such a complex system leads to technical problems related to long computational times and high memory requirements. Therefore, a methodology developed to simplify/conceptualise the detailed models is needed

    Development of a holistic approach to river modelling in the Bradford Catchment (UK)

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    Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Philadelphia, PA, September 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1860/732A methodology has been developed to integrate catchment modelling of the river and urban drainage systems, the interactions between both systems, and the analysis of the pressures and impacts. The methodology is applied to the Bradford catchment, a complex catchment in United Kingdom. The work presented focuses on water quantity; water quality will be covered in further study. To investigate the performance of this complex system a detailed full hydrodynamic model is built up using MIKE11 modelling system (DHI). The rainfall runoff processes are modelled using the methodology of the UK Flood Estimation Handbook (FEH) and NAM (DHI). These modelled results are used as an input source in the hydrodynamic model. The influence of the urban drainage system is taken into account through the combined sewage overflow (CSO) network modelled by Hydroworks (HR Wallingford) that is considered as point sources in the hydrodynamic model. It is demonstrated that this very steep, complex and urbanised catchment has major impacts on flooding downstream mainly because of a quick response time and hydraulic conditions of the river system. It also was found that the connection of a number of submodels necessary to simulate such a complex system leads to technical problems related to long computational times and high memory requirements. Therefore, a methodology developed to simplify/conceptualise the detailed models is needed
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