20 research outputs found

    The biomechanics and clinical efficacy of footwear adapted with rocker profiles--evidence in the literature.

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    Efficacy is demonstrated with regards to relief of forefoot plantar pressures. However, the definitive profile shape has not been demonstrated. The effectiveness of rocker-soled shoes in restricting sagittal plane motion in individual joints of the foot is unclear. Rocker profiles have minimal effect on the kinetics and kinematics of the more proximal joints of the lower limb, but more significant effects are seen at the ankle. Further research is warranted on the effects of rocker profiles on individual joints of the foot and the manner in which they effect lower limb muscle activity and gait patterns

    Effects of Aquaculture on Lakes in the Central Yangtze River Basin, China, III: Heavy Metals

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    Fish culture in lakes is an important component of aquaculture in some countries, but little is known about its impact on the ecosystem of the impacted lake. In summer 2015, we measured concentrations of 11 heavy metals, including copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), and manganese (Mn), in water and sediment from 23 lakes of different aquaculture classifications in the middle reach of the Yangtze River basin, China. These lakes represented the following four lake aquaculture management strategies: fish ranching in lakes classified as receiving low (LOW; used for backup drinking water and irrigation), medium (MEDIUM), or high (HIGH; fish fed commercial feed) stocking rates or as fallow (FALLOW), in which previously ranched HIGH lakes had not been stocked for 2years. Results showed a positive relationship between most heavy metal concentrations and fish culture intensity. Concentrations of Cu, Zn, and aluminum (Al) in the water column were significantly greater in the HIGH lakes than in the LOW lakes. Heavy metals in the FALLOW lakes did not appear to fully recover from past aquaculture activities. In sediment, the concentration of As in LOW lakes was significantly lower than those in MEDIUM and HIGH lakes, whereas no among-group significant differences in the other heavy metal concentrations were detected. Metals in sediments of all four lake types were at the low ecological risk level. We speculate that these results may be applied to lakes in other regions globally with similar fish stocking and management strategies

    Effects of Aquaculture on Lakes in the Central Yangtze River Basin, China, I. Water Quality

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    Lake aquaculture in China has become more common, but there has been only limited research on its effects on the quality of lake water. We measured selected water quality parameters from July to September 2015 in 23 lakes in the middle reach of the Yangtze River basin to investigate the effects of different types of lake aquaculture on water quality. The lakes were classified as low, medium, high, or fallow based on their stocking rate. The results showed that turbidity, total suspended solids, chemical oxygen demand, conductivity, chloride, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, orthophosphate, and chlorophyll a were lowest in the low lakes and highest in the high or medium lakes (and on occasion in the fallow lakes). These results confirm a close relationship between the level of fish stocking and many of the water quality parameters measured and that the effects of banning aquaculture in the fallow lakes has likely not yet been fully realized

    On the Electroimmobilization of Fishes for Research and Practice: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Needs

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    As a result of growing demand for immediate-release sedatives in fisheries research, electroimmobilization has been receiving increasing attention due to its superior induction and recovery times and practicality, particularly under field conditions. However, a review of electroimmobilization and its role in fisheries science has not been previously conducted. Here we describe and differentiate the various forms of electroimmobilization and attempt to standardize relevant terminology. We review the known efficacy of electroimmobilization of fish and summarize the current available knowledge on this topic while identifying major knowledge gaps. Although more information is needed to determine optimal forms and settings for different species, life history stages, and environmental variables, electroimmobilization is a useful tool for fish handling that equals or surpasses the capabilities of chemical sedatives without exacerbating (and sometimes reducing) the negative consequences associated with chemical sedatives and fish

    Fisheries 9RO1R1RYHPEHUZZZÀVKHULHVRUJ GUIDELINES AND REVIEWS AFS Completes Assessment, Issues New Guidance Regarding Hatchery Operation and the Use of Hatchery-Origin Fish

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    BACKGROUND The American Fisheries Society (AFS) is the oldest, larg-HVW DQGPRVW LQÀXHQWLDOSURIHVVLRQDORUJDQL]DWLRQGHYRWHG WR ¿VKHULHVFRQVHUYDWLRQDQGLQWKLVFDSDFLW\WKH$)6KDVURXWLQH-ly assessed the contributions of hatcheries to natural resource management and issued recommendations to guide natural re-VRXUFHPDQDJHUV LQEHVW XVHVRI KDWFKHU\RULJLQ¿VK)RU WKH past several decades, the Society has explored these issues in a formalized process conducted at approximately 10-year in-tervals to assess contemporary issues related to hatcheries and management of aquatic resources. Representatives of the Fish Culture and Fisheries Management Sections came together in WRDQVZHUWKHTXHVWLRQ)LVKFXOWXUH¿VKPDQDJHPHQW¶V ally? ” in a symposium entitled “The Role of Fish Culture in Fisheries Management. ” In 1994, AFS reexamined the issue