13,402 research outputs found

    Eye-controlled ''teletypewriter''

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    Oculometer provides dynamic measurement of subject's look direction, and its outputs can be used to generate visual display of his look pattern and/or to cause equipment operation associated with his lookpoint at given times. Measured eye-direction information could be used as control input at man/machine interface

    Late cretaceous extensional tectonics and associated igneous activity on the northern margin of the Gulf of Mexico Basin

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    Major, dominantly compressional, orogenic episodes (Taconic, Acadian, Alleghenian) affected eastern North America during the Paleozoic. During the Mesozoic, in contrast, this same region was principally affected by epeirogenic and extensional tectonism; one episode of comparatively more intense tectonic activity involving extensive faulting, uplift, sedimentation, intrusion and effusion produced the Newark Series of eposits and fault block phenomena. This event, termed the Palisades Disturbance, took place during the Late Triassic - Earliest Jurassic. The authors document a comparable extensional tectonic-igneous event occurring during the Late Cretaceous (Early Gulfian; Cenomanian-Santonian) along the southern margin of the cratonic platform from Arkansas to Georgia

    Analyticity of the SRB measure for a class of simple Anosov flows

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    We consider perturbations of the Hamiltonian flow associated with the geodesic flow on a surface of constant negative curvature. We prove that, under a small perturbation, not necessarely of Hamiltonian character, the SRB measure associated to the flow exists and is analytic in the strength of the perturbation. An explicit example of "thermostatted" dissipative dynamics is constructed.Comment: 23 pages, corrected typo

    Optimal fidelity of teleportation of coherent states and entanglement

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    We study the Braunstein-Kimble protocol for the continuous variable teleportation of a coherent state. We determine lower and upper bounds for the optimal fidelity of teleportation, maximized over all local Gaussian operations for a given entanglement of the two-mode Gaussian state shared by the sender (Alice) and the receiver (Bob). We also determine the optimal local transformations at Alice and Bob sites and the corresponding maximum fidelity when one restricts to local trace-preserving Gaussian completely positive maps.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Inversely Unstable Solutions of Two-Dimensional Systems on Genus-p Surfaces and the Topology of Knotted Attractors

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    In this paper, we will show that a periodic nonlinear, time-varying dissipative system that is defined on a genus-p surface contains one or more invariant sets which act as attractors. Moreover, we shall generalize a result in [Martins, 2004] and give conditions under which these invariant sets are not homeomorphic to a circle individually, which implies the existence of chaotic behaviour. This is achieved by studying the appearance of inversely unstable solutions within each invariant set.Comment: 19 pages with 20 figures, AMS La-TeX, to be published in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao

    Current and future graphics requirements for LaRC and proposed future graphics system

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    The findings of an investigation to assess the current and future graphics requirements of the LaRC researchers with respect to both hardware and software are presented. A graphics system designed to meet these requirements is proposed

    Standard Model Top Quark Asymmetry at the Fermilab Tevatron

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    Top quark pair production at proton-antiproton colliders is known to exhibit a forward-backward asymmetry due to higher-order QCD effects. We explore how this asymmetry might be studied at the Fermilab Tevatron, including how the asymmetry depends on the kinematics of extra hard partons. We consider results for top quark pair events with one and two additional hard jets. We further note that a similar asymmetry, correlated with the presence of jets, arises in specific models for parton showers in Monte Carlo simulations. We conclude that the measurement of this asymmetry at the Tevatron will be challenging, but important both for our understanding of QCD and for our efforts to model it.Comment: 26 p., 10 embedded figs., comment added, version to appear in PR

    Feedback mapping - The curricular cornerstone of an "educational alliance".

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    PURPOSE: The "educational alliance" concept articulates a collaborative framework to facilitate effective feedback through transparency of opportunities aligned with learner stage and intended educational outcomes. Using this framework, we evaluated feedback across a 5 year undergraduate medical program to support embedding a successful learner - teacher "educational alliance". METHOD: A comprehensive mapping exercise used an iterative action research process of source documentary analysis, consultations with key curriculum stakeholders and qualitative analysis. The "educational alliance" model provided a critical lens through which to ensure feedback opportunities aligned with intended learning outcomes and developmental progression. RESULTS: Key information about the type, frequency and timing of feedback opportunities was identified within 188 curricular components. The purpose and intended learning outcomes were mapped, aligning with the stage of learning and with an expectation of supporting learners' capacity for self-regulation. This focus providing clear articulation of feedback opportunities supported the longitudinal developmental curricular review, and facilitated enhanced awareness of dialogic feedback within the "educational alliance". CONCLUSIONS: Explicit alignment of learning intentions between learner and educator is key to forming a successful "educational alliance". The feedback map provides clarity ensuring mutual understanding of intended learning outcomes. The iterative process additionally certified feedback aligned with maturing learner developmental needs across the program

    Statistical mechanics of damage phenomena

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    This paper applies the formalism of classical, Gibbs-Boltzmann statistical mechanics to the phenomenon of non-thermal damage. As an example, a non-thermal fiber-bundle model with the global uniform (meanfield) load sharing is considered. Stochastic topological behavior in the system is described in terms of an effective temperature parameter thermalizing the system. An equation of state and a topological analog of the energy-balance equation are obtained. The formalism of the free energy potential is developed, and the nature of the first order phase transition and spinodal is demonstrated.Comment: Critical point appeared to be a spinodal poin