980 research outputs found

    Epidemiology of the anal cancer

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    Le cancer anal est un cancer rare. Sa frĂ©quence est trĂšs infĂ©rieure Ă  celle des cancers colorectaux puisqu’il ne reprĂ©sente que 3 % de l’ensemble des cancers de la partie basse du tube digestif. Dans la population gĂ©nĂ©rale, le cancer de l’anus est plus frĂ©quent chez les femmes que chez les hommes et survient trĂšs gĂ©nĂ©ralementaprĂšs 60 ans. L’infection Ă  Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) est lefacteur Ă©tiologique le plus important avec l’immunodĂ©pression quifavorise la transformation maligne des dysplasies anales induitespar l’infection HPV. La population infectĂ©e par le VIH, etsinguliĂšrement les patients homosexuels, sont plus Ă  risque de cancer anal que la population gĂ©nĂ©rale. En France, l’incidence du cancer anal a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©cemment estimĂ©e Ă  1,4/100000 personnes/annĂ©e (PA) en population gĂ©nĂ©rale, Ă  56,3/100 000 PA dans la population infectĂ©e par le VIH et Ă  95,0/100000 PA dans le sous-groupe des homosexuels masculins VIH+. Un tel sur-risque justifie de mettre en place un dĂ©pistage systĂ©matique dans la population infectĂ©e par le VIH d’autant plus que les combinaisons antirĂ©trovirales semblent sans effet sur le risque d’apparition du cancer anal.Anal cancer is a rare tumor that represents 3 % of all cancer of the lower gastrointestinal tract. In the general population, anal cancer is more frequent in women than in men and usually arises after 60 years. Human Papilloma Virus infection is the most important etiologic factor together with immunodepression that facilitates the malignant transformation of HPV-induced anal dysplasia. In France, the incidence of anal cancer has been estimated to 1.4/100000 person-years (PY) in the general population and to 56.3/100000 PY in HIV-infected patients. This increased risk is in favor of adapting surveillance and screening programs for HIV-infected patients especially since combined antiretroviral therapy does not seem to have any impact on the risk of anal cancer occurrence

    Incidence of HIV-related anal cancer remains increased despite long-term combined antiretroviral treatment: results from the french hospital database on HIV.

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    PURPOSE: To study recent trends in the incidence of anal cancer in HIV-infected patients receiving long-term combined antiretroviral treatment (cART) compared with the general population. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From the French Hospital Database on HIV, we identified 263 cases of invasive anal squamous cell carcinoma confirmed histologically between 1992 and 2008. We compared incidence rates of anal cancer across four calendar periods: 1992-1996 (pre-cART period), 1997-2000 (early cART period), and 2001-2004 and 2005-2008 (recent cART periods). Standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated by using general population incidence data from the French Network of Cancer Registries. RESULTS: In HIV-infected patients, the hazard ratio (HR) in the cART periods versus the pre-cART period was 2.5 (95% CI, 1.28 to 4.98). No difference was observed across the cART calendar periods (HR, 0.9; 95% CI, 0.6 to 1.3). In 2005-2008, HIV-infected patients compared with the general population had an excess risk of anal cancer, with SIRs of 109.8 (95% CI, 84.6 to 140.3), 49.2 (95% CI, 33.2 to 70.3), and 13.1 (95% CI, 6.8 to 22.8) for men who have sex with men (MSM), other men, and women, respectively. Among patients with CD4 cell counts above 500/ÎŒL for at least 2 years, SIRs were 67.5 (95% CI, 41.2 to 104.3) when the CD4 nadir was less than 200/ÎŒL for more than 2 years and 24.5 (95% CI, 17.1 to 34.1) when the CD4 nadir was more than 200/ÎŒL. CONCLUSION: Relative to that in the general population, the risk of anal cancer in HIV-infected patients is still extremely high, even in patients with high current CD4 cell counts. cART appears to have no preventive effect on anal cancer, particularly in MSM

    High‐spatial‐resolution measurements of iron isotopes in pyrites by secondary ion mass spectrometry using the new Hyperion‐II radio‐frequency plasma source

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    International audienceIron isotopic signatures in pyrites are considered as a good proxy to reconstruct paleoenvironmental and local redox conditions. However, the investigation of micro-pyrites less than 20”m in size has been limited by the evaluable analytical techniques. The development of the new brighter radio-frequency plasma ion source (Hyperion-II source) enhances the spatial resolution by increasing the beam density 10 times compared with the Duoplasmatron source.Here we present high-spatial-resolution measurements of iron isotopes in pyrites using a 3 nA–3 ÎŒm primary 16O− beam on two Cameca IMS 1280-HR2 ion microprobe instruments equipped with Hyperion sources at CRPG-IPNT (France) and at SwissSIMS (Switzerland). We tested analytical effects, such as topography and crystal orientation, that could induce analytical biases perceptible through variations of the instrumental mass fractionation (IMF).Results: The ÎŽ56Fe reproducibility for the Balmat pyrite standard is ±0.25‰ (2 standard deviations) and the typical individual internal error is ±0.10‰(2 standard errors). The sensitivity on 56Fe+ was 1.2 × 107 cps/nA/ppm or better. Tests on Balmat pyrites revealed that neither the crystal orientation nor channeling effects seem to significantly influence the IMF. Different pyrite standards (Balmat and SpainCR) were used to test the accuracy of the measurements. Indium mounts must be carefully prepared with a sample topography less than 2 ÎŒm, which was checked using an interferometric microscope. Such a topography is negligible for introducing change in the IMF. This new source increases the spatial resolution while maintaining the high precision of analyses and the overall stability of the measurements compared with the previous Duoplasmatron source.Conclusions: A reliable method was developed for performing accurate and highresolution measurements of micrometric pyrites. The investigation of sedimentary micro-pyrites will improve our understanding of the processes and environmental conditions during pyrite precipitation, including the contribution of primary (microbial activities or abiotic reactions) and secondary (diagenesis and/or hydrothermal fluid circulation) signatures

    Actes du Ve congrÚs national d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art

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    Actes du Ve congrÚs national d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, qui s'est tenu à Bordeaux du 21 au 24 octobre 1999. Thématiques abordées : - Les portes de l'Espagne - Le mur et l'art - La critique architecturale aux XIXe et XXe siÚcles - Art éphémÚre - La place de l'histoire de l'art dans la synthÚse historiqu

    Actes du Ve congrÚs national d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art : Bordeaux, 21-24 octobre 1999

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    Actes du Ve congrÚs national d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'art, qui s'est tenu à Bordeaux du 21 au 24 octobre 1999. Thématiques abordées : - Les portes de l'Espagne - Le mur et l'art - La critique architecturale aux XIXe et XXe siÚcles - Art éphémÚre - La place de l'histoire de l'art dans la synthÚse historiqu

    CSI 2264: Characterizing Accretion-Burst Dominated Light Curves for Young Stars in NGC 2264

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    Based on more than four weeks of continuous high cadence photometric monitoring of several hundred members of the young cluster NGC 2264 with two space telescopes, NASA's Spitzer and the CNES CoRoT (Convection, Rotation, and planetary Transits), we provide high quality, multi-wavelength light curves for young stellar objects (YSOs) whose optical variability is dominated by short duration flux bursts, which we infer are due to enhanced mass accretion rates. These light curves show many brief -- several hour to one day -- brightenings at optical and near-infrared (IR) wavelengths with amplitudes generally in the range 5-50% of the quiescent value. Typically, a dozen or more of these bursts occur in a thirty day period. We demonstrate that stars exhibiting this type of variability have large ultraviolet (UV) excesses and dominate the portion of the u-g vs. g-r color-color diagram with the largest UV excesses. These stars also have large Halpha equivalent widths, and either centrally peaked, lumpy Halpha emission profiles or profiles with blue-shifted absorption dips associated with disk or stellar winds. Light curves of this type have been predicted for stars whose accretion is dominated by Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities at the boundary between their magnetosphere and inner circumstellar disk, or where magneto-rotational instabilities modulate the accretion rate from the inner disk. Amongst the stars with the largest UV excesses or largest Halpha equivalent widths, light curves with this type of variability greatly outnumber light curves with relatively smooth sinusoidal variations associated with long-lived hot spots. We provide quantitative statistics for the average duration and strength of the accretion bursts and for the fraction of the accretion luminosity associated with these bursts.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ. 39 pages; 6 tables; 25 figures, many of which are highly degraded to meet size limits. Please download the regular resolution version at http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/amc/staufferetal2014.pd

    Vasopressin and oxytocin receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    Vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) receptors (nomenclature as recommended by NC-IUPHAR [92]) are activated by the endogenous cyclic nonapeptides vasopressin and oxytocin. These peptides are derived from precursors which also produce neurophysins (neurophysin I for oxytocin; neurophysin II for vasopressin). Vasopressin and oxytocin differ at only 2 amino acids (positions 3 and 8). There are metabolites of these neuropeptides that may be biologically active [67]

    Vasopressin and oxytocin receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Vasopressin (AVP) and oxytocin (OT) receptors (nomenclature as recommended by NC-IUPHAR [94]) are activated by the endogenous cyclic nonapeptides vasopressin and oxytocin. These peptides are derived from precursors which also produce neurophysins (neurophysin I for oxytocin; neurophysin II for vasopressin). Vasopressin and oxytocin differ at only 2 amino acids (positions 3 and 8). There are metabolites of these neuropeptides that may be biologically active [69]

    Characterization of Macrophages and Osteoclasts in the Osteosarcoma Tumor Microenvironment at Diagnosis: New Perspective for Osteosarcoma Treatment?

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    Biological and histopathological techniques identified osteoclasts and macrophages as targets of zoledronic acid (ZA), a therapeutic agent that was detrimental for patients in the French OS2006 trial. Conventional and multiplex immunohistochemistry of microenvironmental and OS cells were performed on biopsies of 124 OS2006 patients and 17 surgical (“OSNew”) biopsies respectively. CSF-1R (common osteoclast/macrophage progenitor) and TRAP (osteoclast activity) levels in serum of 108 patients were correlated to response to chemotherapy and to prognosis. TRAP levels at surgery and at the end of the protocol were significantly lower in ZA+ than ZA− patients (padj = 0.0011; 0.0132). For ZA+-patients, an increase in the CSF-1R level between diagnosis and surgery and a high TRAP level in the serum at biopsy were associated with a better response to chemotherapy (p = 0.0091; p = 0.0251). At diagnosis, high CD163+ was associated with good prognosis, while low TRAP activity was associated with better overall survival in ZA− patients only. Multiplex immunohistochemistry demonstrated remarkable bipotent CD68+/CD163+ macrophages, homogeneously distributed throughout OS regions, aside osteoclasts (CD68+/CD163−) mostly residing in osteolytic territories and osteoid-matrix-associated CD68−/CD163+ macrophages. We demonstrate that ZA not only acts on harmful osteoclasts but also on protective macrophages, and hypothesize that the bipotent CD68+/CD163+ macrophages might present novel therapeutic targets
