480 research outputs found

    Long dephasing time and high temperature ballistic transport in an InGaAs open quantum dot

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    We report on measurements of the magnetoconductance of an open circular InGaAs quantum dot between 1.3K and 204K. We observe two types of magnetoconductance fluctuations: universal conductance fluctuations (UCFs), and 'focusing' fluctuations related to ballistic trajectories between openings. The electron phase coherence time extracted from UCFs amplitude is larger than in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots and follows a similar temperature dependence (between T^-1 and T^-2). Below 150K, the characteristic length associated with 'focusing' fluctuations shows a slightly different temperature dependence from that of the conductivity.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of ICSNN2002, to appear in Physica

    Antioxidant, antibacterial and cell toxicity effects of polyphenols Fromahmeur bouamer grape seed extracts

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    In this work and for the first time, significant concentrations of total polyphenols and flavonoids from Vitis vinifera L. grape seed extracts were obtained (256.15 ± 17.40 mg GAE/gdm and 14.08 ± 0.64 mg CE/gdm, respectively).The LC/MS analysis revealed richness in procyanidins. For antioxidant, antimicrobial and antifungal effects, the grape seed extract (GSE) responded positively. At 100 μg/mL, GSE induced a moderate toxicity of the order of 3.88% on 3T6 cells at the first 24 hours of treatment, whereas, its prolonged effect to 48 hours reduced this toxicity to less than 0.5%. As for the anti-proliferative effect on tumoral cell lines, a cell death of 18.39% to 23.79% and 10.30% to 20.37% was registered respectively for HeLa and BCPAP cells during 24 and 48 hours of treatment. Consequently, it is possible to consider using GSE at lower concentrations as an anti-proliferative agent without losing sight of its benefic effect on healthy cells.Keywords: grape seed extract, 3T6 cell, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-proliferation

    JNK3 Is Required for the Cytoprotective Effect of Exendin 4.

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    Preservation of beta cell against apoptosis is one of the therapeutic benefits of the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP1) antidiabetic mimetics for preserving the functional beta cell mass exposed to diabetogenic condition including proinflammatory cytokines. The mitogen activated protein kinase 10 also called c-jun amino-terminal kinase 3 (JNK3) plays a protective role in insulin-secreting cells against death caused by cytokines. In this study, we investigated whether the JNK3 expression is associated with the protective effect elicited by the GLP1 mimetic exendin 4. We found an increase in the abundance of JNK3 in isolated human islets and INS-1E cells cultured with exendin 4. Induction of JNK3 by exendin 4 was associated with an increased survival of INS-1E cells. Silencing of JNK3 prevented the cytoprotective effect of exendin 4 against apoptosis elicited by culture condition and cytokines. These results emphasize the requirement of JNK3 in the antiapoptotic effects of exendin 4

    Novel routes towards bioplastics from plants: elucidation of the methylperillate biosynthesis pathway from <i>Salvia dorisiana </i>trichomes

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    Plants produce a large variety of highly functionalized terpenoids. Functional groups such as partially unsaturated rings and carboxyl groups provide handles to use these compounds as feedstock for biobased commodity chemicals. For instance, methylperillate, a monoterpenoid found in Salvia dorisiana, may be used for this purpose, as it carries both an unsaturated ring and a methylated carboxyl group. The biosynthetic pathway of methylperillate in plants is still unclear. In this work, we identified glandular trichomes from S. dorisiana as the location of biosynthesis and storage of methylperillate. mRNA from purified trichomes was used to identify four genes that can encode the pathway from geranyl diphosphate towards methylperillate. This pathway includes a (–)-limonene synthase (SdLS), a limonene 7-hydroxylase (SdL7H, CYP71A76), and a perillyl alcohol dehydrogenase (SdPOHDH). We also identified a terpene acid methyltransferase, perillic acid O-methyltransferase (SdPAOMT), with homology to salicylic acid OMTs. Transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana of these four genes, in combination with a geranyl diphosphate synthase to boost precursor formation, resulted in production of methylperillate. This demonstrates the potential of these enzymes for metabolic engineering of a feedstock for biobased commodity chemicals

    DC/DC converter 3D assembly for autonomous sensor nodes

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    This paper reports on the design and the manufacturing of an integrated DCDC converter, which respects the specificity of sensor node network: compactness, high efficiency in acquisition and transmission modes, and compatibility with miniature Lithium batteries. A novel integrated circuit (ASIC) has been designed and manufactured to provide regulated Voltage to the sensor node from miniaturized, thin film Lithium batteries. Then, a 3D integration technique has been used to integrate this ASIC in a 3 layers stack with high efficiency passives components, mixing the wafer level technologies from two different research institutions. Electrical results have demonstrated the feasibility of this integrated system and experiments have shown significant improvements in the case of oscillations in regulated voltage. However, stability of this output voltage toward the input voltage has still to be improved

    Molecular Characterization of a isoenzyme of the targeting peptide degrading protease, PreP2- catalysis, subcellular localization, expression and evolution

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    We have previously identified a zinc metalloprotease involved in the degradation of mitochondrial and chloroplast targeting peptides, the presequence protease (PreP). In the Arabidopsis thaliana genomic database, there are two genes that correspond to the protease, the zinc metalloprotease (AAL90904) and the putative zinc metalloprotease (AAG13049). We have named the corresponding proteins AtPreP1 and AtPreP2, respectively. AtPreP1 and AtPreP2 show significant differences in their targeting peptides and the proteins are predicted to be localized in different compartments. AtPreP1 was shown to degrade both mitochondrial and chloroplast targeting peptides and to be dual targeted to both organelles using an ambiguous targeting peptide. Here, we have overexpressed, purified and characterized proteolytic and targeting properties of AtPreP2. AtPreP2 exhibits different proteolytic subsite specificity from AtPreP1 when used for degradation of organellar targeting peptides and their mutants. Interestingly, AtPreP2 precursor protein was also found to be dual targeted to both mitochondria and chloroplasts in a single and dual in vitro import system. Furthermore, targeting peptide of the AtPreP2 dually targeted green fluorescent protein (GFP) to both mitochondria and chloroplasts in tobacco protoplasts and leaves using an in vivo transient expression system. The targeting of both AtPreP1 and AtPreP2 proteases to chloroplasts in A. thaliana in vivo was confirmed via a shotgun mass spectrometric analysis of highly purified chloroplasts. Reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) analysis revealed that AtPreP1 and AtPreP2 are differentially expressed in mature A. thaliana plants. Phylogenetic evidence indicated that AtPreP1 and AtPreP2 are recent gene duplicates that may have diverged through subfunctionalization

    Diplocarpon coronariae, ein neuer Krankheitserreger im extensiven Apfelanbau

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    Einleitung - Die Marssonina Blattfallkrankheit (Diplocarpon coronariae, früher Marssonina coronaria) verursacht vorzeitigen Blattfall bei Apfelbäumen. - In Asien wurde die Bildung von Ascosporen beobachtet, in Europa verbreitet sich der Pilz vermutlich v.a. über Konidien. - Erste Infektionen können nach heutigem Wissensstand von überwintertem Falllaub ausgehen. - Wann und unter welchen Bedingungen der Sporenflug beginnt wurde bis anhin in Europa nicht erforscht

    DOMINO – Synthesis of Soil Management Strategies Integrating Plant and Waste Based Alternative Fertilizers

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    The project DOMINO (http://www.domino-coreorganic.eu/) focused on the evaluation of alternative fertilisers based on locally available wastes, legume-based materials and vermicompost extracts as alternatives to animal-based fertilizers from conventional agriculture in apple orchards. The project included incubation experiments, pot and field experiments in different European countries. In addition, a survey on nutrient budgets and soil nutrient status in organic fruit orchards was conducted in Germany. The evaluation of the fertilizers encompassed also their impact on soil nematodes and microbial activity and biodiversity. Considering all pros and cons, there is no single ideal solution for fertilization. An integrated approach using fertilizers based on legumes in combination with stillages that provide N early in the season can enhance farm internal N cycles leading to an overall higher N efficiency