109 research outputs found

    High Redshift HCN Emission: Dense Star-Forming Molecular Gas in IRAS F10214+4724

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    Hydrogen cyanide emission in the J=1-0 transition has been detected at redshift z=2.2858 in IRAS F10214+4724 using the Green Bank Telescope . This is the second detection of HCN emission at high redshift. The large HCN line luminosity in F10214 is similar to that in the Cloverleaf (z=2.6) and the ultra-luminous infrared galaxies Mrk231 and Arp220. This is also true of the ratio of HCN to CO luminosities. The ratio of far-infrared luminosity to HCN luminosity, an indicator of the star formation rate per solar mass of dense gas, follows the correlation found for normal spirals and infrared luminous starburst galaxies. F10214 clearly contains a starburst that contributes, together with its embedded quasar, to its overall infrared luminosity. A new technique for removing spectral baselines in the search for weak, broad emission lines is presented.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; accepted ApJ(Letters

    VLA Limits for Intermediate Mass Black Holes in Three Globular Clusters

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    The observational evidence for central black holes in globular clusters has been argued extensively, and their existence has important consequences for both the formation and evolution of the cluster. Most of the evidence comes from dynamical arguments, but the interpretation is difficult, given the short relaxation times and old ages of the clusters. One of the most robust signatures for the existence of a black hole is radio and/or X-ray emission. We observed three globular clusters, NGC6093 (M80), NGC6266 (M62), and NGC7078 (M15), with the VLA in the A and C configuration with a 3-sigma noise of 36, 36 and 25 microJy, respectively. We find no statistically-significant evidence for radio emission from the central region for any of the three clusters. NGC6266 shows a 2-sigma detection. It is difficult to infer a mass from these upper limits due to uncertainty about the central gas density, accretion rate, and accretion model.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    A Search for Dense Molecular Gas in High Redshift Infrared-Luminous Galaxies

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    We present a search for HCN emission from four high redshift far infrared (IR) luminous galaxies. Current data and models suggest that these high zz IR luminous galaxies represent a major starburst phase in the formation of spheroidal galaxies, although many of the sources also host luminous active galactic nuclei (AGN), such that a contribution to the dust heating by the AGN cannot be precluded. HCN emission is a star formation indicator, tracing dense molecular hydrogen gas within star-forming molecular clouds (n(H2_2) ∌105\sim 10^5 cm−3^{-3}). HCN luminosity is linearly correlated with IR luminosity for low redshift galaxies, unlike CO emission which can also trace gas at much lower density. We report a marginal detection of HCN (1-0) emission from the z=2.5832z=2.5832 QSO J1409+5628, with a velocity integrated line luminosity of LHCNâ€Č=6.7±2.2×109L_{\rm HCN}'=6.7\pm2.2 \times10^{9} K km s−1^{-1} pc2^2, while we obtain 3σ\sigma upper limits to the HCN luminosity of the z=3.200z=3.200 QSO J0751+2716 of LHCNâ€Č=1.0×109L_{\rm HCN}'=1.0\times10^{9} K km s−1^{-1} pc2^2, LHCNâ€Č=1.6×109L_{\rm HCN}'=1.6\times10^{9} K km s−1^{-1} pc2^2 for the z=2.565z= 2.565 starburst galaxy J1401+0252, and LHCNâ€Č=1.0×1010L_{\rm HCN}'=1.0\times10^{10} K km s−1^{-1} pc2^2 for the z=6.42z = 6.42 QSO J1148+5251. We compare the HCN data on these sources, plus three other high-zz IR luminous galaxies, to observations of lower redshift star-forming galaxies. The values of the HCN/far-IR luminosity ratios (or limits) for all the high zz sources are within the scatter of the relationship between HCN and far-IR emission for low zz star-forming galaxies (truncated).Comment: aastex format, 4 figures. to appear in the Astrophysical Journal; Revised lens magnification estimate for 1401+025

    A New Probe of Dense Gas at High Redshift: Detection of HCO+(5-4) Line Emission in APM 08279+5255

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    We report the detection of HCO+(5-4) emission from the Broad Absorption Line (BAL) quasar APM08279+5255 at z=3.911 based on observations conducted at the IRAM Plateau de Bure interferometer. This represents the first detection of this molecular ion at such a high redshift. The inferred line luminosity, uncorrected for lensing, is L'(HCO+)=(3.5+-0.6)x10^10 Kkms^-1pc^2. The HCO+ J=5-4 source position coincides within the errors with that reported from previous HCN J=5-4 and high-J CO line observations of this quasar. The HCO+ line profile central velocity and width are consistent with those derived from HCN. This result suggests that HCO+(5-4) emission comes roughly from the same circumnuclear region probed by HCN. However, the HCN(5-4)/HCO+(5-4) intensity ratio measured in APM08279+5255 is significantly larger than that predicted by simple radiative transfer models, which assume collisional excitation and equal molecular abundances. This could imply that the [HCN]/[HCO^+] abundance ratio is particularly large in this source, or that the J=5 rotational levels are predominantly excited by IR fluorescent radiation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, May 2

    The Evolution of Interstellar Medium Mass Probed by Dust Emission: ALMA Observations at z = 0.3-2

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    The use of submillimeter dust continuum emission to probe the mass of interstellar dust and gas in galaxies is empirically calibrated using samples of local star-forming galaxies, Planck observations of the Milky Way, and high-redshift submillimeter galaxies. All of these objects suggest a similar calibration, strongly supporting the view that the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of the dust emission can be used as an accurate and very fast probe of the interstellar medium (ISM) in galaxies. We present ALMA Cycle 0 observations of the Band 7 (350 GHz) dust emission in 107 galaxies from z = 0.2 to 2.5. Three samples of galaxies with a total of 101 galaxies were stellar-mass-selected from COSMOS to have M* ≃ 10^(11) M☉: 37 at z ~ 0.4, 33 at z ~ 0.9, and 31 at z = 2. A fourth sample with six infrared-luminous galaxies at z = 2 was observed for comparison with the purely mass-selected samples. From the fluxes detected in the stacked images for each sample, we find that the ISM content has decreased by a factor ~6 from 1 to 2 × 10^(10) M☉ at both z = 2 and 0.9 down to ~2 × 10^9 M☉ at z = 0.4. The infrared-luminous sample at z = 2 shows a further ~4 times increase in M_(ISM) compared with the equivalent non-infrared-bright sample at the same redshift. The gas mass fractions are ~2% ± 0.5%, 12% ± 3%, 14% ± 2%, and 53% ± 3% for the four subsamples (z = 0.4, 0.9, and 2 and infrared-bright galaxies)

    ISM masses and the star formation law at Z = 1 to 6: ALMA observations of dust continuum in 145 galaxies in the COSMOS survey field

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    ALMA Cycle 2 observations of long-wavelength dust emission in 145 star-forming galaxies are used to probe the evolution of the star-forming interstellar medium (ISM). We also develop a physical basis and empirical calibration (with 72 low-z and z ~ 2 galaxies) for using the dust continuum as a quantitative probe of ISM masses. The galaxies with the highest star formation rates (SFRs) at = 2.2 and 4.4 have gas masses up to 100 times that of the Milky Way and gas mass fractions reaching 50%–80%, i.e., gas masses 1-4× their stellar masses. We find a single high-z star formation law: SFR = 35 M^(0.89)_(mol) x (1 + z)^(0.95)_(z=2) x (sSFR)^(0.23)_(MS) M⊙yr^(−1)—an approximately linear dependence on the ISM mass and an increased star formation efficiency per unit gas mass at higher redshift. Galaxies above the main sequence (MS) have larger gas masses but are converting their ISM into stars on a timescale only slightly shorter than those on the MS; thus, these "starbursts" are largely the result of having greatly increased gas masses rather than an increased efficiency of converting gas to stars. At z > 1, the entire population of star-forming galaxies has ~2–5 times shorter gas depletion times than low-z galaxies. These shorter depletion times indicate a different mode of star formation in the early universe—most likely dynamically driven by compressive, high-dispersion gas motions—a natural consequence of the high gas accretion rates

    Hydrogen-like nitrogen radio line from hot interstellar and warm-hot intergalactic gas

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    Hyperfine structure lines of highly-charged ions may open a new window in observations of hot rarefied astrophysical plasmas. In this paper we discuss spectral lines of isotopes and ions abundant at temperatures 10^5-10^7 K, characteristic for warm-hot intergalactic medium, hot interstellar medium, starburst galaxies, their superwinds and young supernova remnants. Observations of these lines will allow to study bulk and turbulent motions of the observed target and will broaden the information about the gas ionization state, chemical and isotopic composition. The most prospective is the line of the major nitrogen isotope having wavelength 5.65 mm (Sunyaev and Churazov 1084). Wavelength of this line is well-suited for observation of objects at z=0.15-0.6 when it is redshifted to 6.5-9 mm spectral band widely-used in ground-based radio observations, and, for example, for z>=1.3, when the line can be observed in 1.3 cm band and at lower frequencies. Modern and future radio telescopes and interferometers are able to observe the absorption by 14-N VII in the warm-hot intergalactic medium at redshifts above z=0.15 in spectra of brightest mm-band sources. Sub-millimeter emission lines of several most abundant isotopes having hyperfine splitting might also be detected in spectra of young supernova remnants.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Astronomy Letters; v3: details added; error fixe

    Evolution of Interstellar Medium, Star Formation, and Accretion at High Redshift

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    ALMA observations of the long wavelength dust continuum are used to estimate the interstellar medium (ISM) masses in a sample of 708 galaxies at z = 0.3 to 4.5 in the COSMOS field. The galaxy sample has known far-infrared luminosities and, hence, star formation rates (SFRs), and stellar masses (M∗_{\rm *}) from the optical-infrared spectrum fitting. The galaxies sample SFRs from the main sequence (MS) to 50 times above the MS. The derived ISM masses are used to determine the dependence of gas mass on redshift, M∗_{\rm *}, and specific SFR (sSFR) relative to the MS. The ISM masses increase approximately 0.63 power of the rate of increase in SFRs with redshift and the 0.32 power of the sSFR/sSFRMS_MS. The SF efficiencies also increase as the 0.36 power of the SFR redshift evolutionary and the 0.7 power of the elevation above the MS; thus the increased activities at early epochs are driven by both increased ISM masses and SF efficiency. Using the derived ISM mass function we estimate the accretion rates of gas required to maintain continuity of the MS evolution (>100>100 \msun yr−1^{-1} at z >> 2.5). Simple power-law dependences are similarly derived for the gas accretion rates. We argue that the overall evolution of galaxies is driven by the rates of gas accretion. The cosmic evolution of total ISM mass is estimated and linked to the evolution of SF and AGN activity at early epochs
