21 research outputs found

    Deconvolution of the Response to Bacillus Calmette–Guérin Reveals NF-κB-Induced Cytokines As Autocrine Mediators of Innate Immunity

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    Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) is used as a vaccine and diagnostic test for tuberculosis, as well as immunotherapy in the treatment of bladder cancer. While clinically useful, the response to mycobacterial stimulation is complex and the induced protein signature remains poorly defined. We characterized the cell types directly engaged by BCG, as well as the induced cytokine loops that transmit signal(s) to bystander cells. Standardized whole-blood stimulations and mechanistic studies on single and purified cell populations identified distinct patterns of activation in monocytes as compared to neutrophils and invariant lymphocyte populations. Deconvoluting the role of Toll-like receptor 2/4 and Dectin-1/2 in the inflammatory response to BCG, we revealed Dectin-1/2 as dominant in neutrophils as compared to monocytes, which equally engaged both pathways. Furthermore, we quantified the role of NF-κB and NADPH/reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent cytokines, which triggered a JAK1/2-dependent amplification loop and accounted for 40–50% of the induced response to BCG. In sum, this study provides new insight into the molecular and cellular pathways involved in the response to BCG, establishing the basis for a new generation of immunodiagnostic tools

    Autophagy diminishes the early interferon- ? response to influenza A virus resulting in differential expression of interferon- stimulated genes

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    Influenza A virus (IAV) infection perturbs metabolic pathways such as autophagy, a stress-induced catabolic pathway that crosstalks with cellular inflammatory responses. However, the impact of autophagy perturbation on IAV gene expression or host cell responses remains disputed. Discrepant results may be a reflection of in vivo studies using cell-specific autophagy-related (Atg) gene-deficient mouse strains, which do not delineate modification of developmental programmes from more proximal effects on inflammatory response. In vitro experiments can be confounded by gene expression divergence in wild-type cultivated cell lines, as compared to those experiencing long-term absence of autophagy. With the goal to investigate cellular processes within cells that are competent or incompetent for autophagy, we generated a novel experimental cell line in which autophagy can be restored by ATG5 protein stabilization in an otherwise Atg5-deficient background. We confirmed that IAV induced autophagosome formation and p62 accumulation in infected cells and demonstrated that perturbation of autophagy did not impact viral infection or replication in ATG5-stablized cells. Notably, the induction of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) by IAV was diminished when cells were autophagy competent. We further demonstrated that, in the absence of ATG5, IAV-induced interferon-β (IFN-β) expression was increased as compared to levels in autophagy-competent lines, a mechanism that was independent of IAV non-structural protein 1. In sum, we report that induction of autophagy by IAV infection reduces ISG expression in infected cells by limiting IFN-β expression, which may benefit viral replication and spread

    Exclusion de la surinfection et génomes défectifs induits par le virus chikungunya : un nouvel éclairage sur la régulation de la diversité génique des alphavirus

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    Les arbovirus (dont le virus chikungunya, CHIKV) sont responsables de millions d'infections chaque année ; aucun vaccin n'est encore approuvé, et les traitements disponibles restent limités. De part leur circulation constante entre le moustique et l'humain, leur adaptation rapide à différents hôtes est un facteur clé pour leur pathogenèse. Le taux d'erreur particulièrement élevé de leur polymérase ARN permet une rapide diversification génique qui conduit à la génération d'un nuages de mutants, appelée quasi espèce. Les quasi espèces contiennent non seulement des génomes mutés, mais aussi des ARN recombinés à partir de deux génomes d'origine différente, ainsi que des génomes avec de grandes délétions, incapables de se répliquer sans l'aide d'un autre virion qui doit infection la même cellule, nommés génomes viraux défectifs (GVD). Une régulation étroite de la taille du nuage de mutants est clé pour une pathogenèse efficace : si trop petit, le potentiel adaptatif du virus sera impacté ; au contraire, une quasi-espèce trop grande peut mener à l'accumulation rapide de mutations délétères pour le virus. Alors que la régulation du paysage mutationnel est atteinte grâce à un taux d'erreur de la polymérase viral finement contrôlé, la recombinaison et la réplication des génomes défectifs sont influencés par le potentiel de co-infection des cellules cibles. Dans ce contexte, l'exclusion de la surinfection (ESI), un processus par lequel l'infection par un premier virus inhibe l'infection par un second virus, peut influer le dynamique de la quasi-espèce. Bien que décrite dans la plupart des familles virales, les mécanismes à l'origine de l'ESI restent mal caractérisés. Dans ce travail, je montre que CHIKV exclut une infection future par CHIKV, mais aussi par le virus Sindbis et le virus de la grippe A, mais non par le virus du Nil occidental. Je démontre que l'exclusion de CHIKV se situe au niveau de la pénétration du génome viral dans le cytoplasme, puis de sa réplication, mais n'influence ni l'attachement du virion ni la traduction de son génome. Je montre également que l'ESI est indépendant de l'action des interférons de type I, et qu'elle n'est médiée ni par la transcription cellulaire, ni par un facteur soluble. De plus, l'exclusion n'est pas due à une unique protéine virale, suggérant un potentiel rôle de la réponse cellulaire à l'infection.Déterminer l'influence des pressions immunologiques dans l'établissement de la quasi-espèce peut aider à une meilleure compréhension de l'interaction entre évolution virale et réponse immunitaire. Bien que la caractérisation non biaisée des mutations ponctuelles fût le fruit de nombreux travaux, les GVD restent peu caractérisées, en particulier chez les alphavirus. Dans la deuxième partie de ce travail, je développe des outils bio-informatiques pour isoler rapidement les GVD de données de séquençage à haut débit, et analyse les avantages et les inconvénients d'un ajout d'une étape de pré-amplification pour détecter et quantifier les GVD. À l'aide de ces outils, je fournis ensuite la première description complète des GVD produits par des passages séquentiels de CHIKV en culture cellulaire. En particulier, je montre que le type de GVD générés est très dépendants du type cellulaire, avec des motifs de séquences et des cadres de lecture ouverts différents lorsque les cellules hôtes sont des cellules de mammifère ou d'insecte. Ces résultats soulignent le role de l'environnement cellulaire dans le modelage de la quasi-espèce, et des GVD en particulier. Des travaux futurs aideront à dévoiler les mécanismes sous-jacents à cette interaction et pourraient permettre la conception de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques ciblant les dynamiques des quasi-espèces.Arboviruses such as chikungunya virus (CHIKV) are responsible for millions of yearly infections, with no approved vaccines and limited treatments. Because they circulate between mosquitoes and humans, their fast adaptation potential to different hosts is key to pathogenesis. To achieve genome diversification, they rely on the error-prone nature of their self-encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which quickly generates a cloud of mutants, termed quasispecies. Quasispecies contain not only mutated genomes, but also shuffled genomes of different parental origin (through a process known as recombination), as well as genomes with large deletions, unable to replicate without the co-infection with a full-length helper genome, and thus termed defective viral genomes (DVGs). A tight regulation of the mutant cloud size is key to pathogenesis: if too small, it will limit the adaptation potential of the virus, whilst too big a quasispecies may lead to the fast accumulation of deleterious mutations. While regulation of the mutational landscape is achieved through the finely tuned error rate of the viral polymerase, recombination and DVG replication are influenced by the co-infection potential of the target cells.In this context, superinfection exclusion (SIE), a process by which infection by a first virus prevents infection by a second, closely related virus, can regulate quasispecies dynamics. While described in most viral families, mechanisms underlying SIE remain poorly characterised. Here, I show that CHIKV infection excludes subsequent infection by CHIKV, Sindbis virus and influenza A virus, but not West Nile virus. I demonstrate that CHIKV exclusion occurs at two steps, impacting independently viral penetration and replication, but does not directly influence binding, nor viral protein translation. I further show that SIE is interferon independent, and does not rely on host cell transcription nor on soluble cellular factors. Moreover, exclusion is not mediated by the action of a single CHIKV protein, suggesting that a cellular response may be at play. Assessing how different immunological pressures can shape quasispecies landscape may prove useful to a more thorough understanding of the interplay between viral evolution and the immune response. Although the unbiased study of point mutations has received much attention, less is known about the characteristics of DVGs, especially in alphaviruses. In the second part of this work, I develop bioinformatics tools to quickly isolate DVGs from next-generation sequencing data, and assess the advantages and drawbacks of pre-amplification steps to detect and quantify DVGs. Using these tools, I provide the first unbiased description of the DVG landscape generated through serial passaging of CHIKV in cell culture. In particular, I show that the DVG landscape is highly dependent on the cell type, with sequence patterns and open reading frames differing between DVGs generated in mammalian and insect cells. These results highlight the role of the cellular environment in shaping quasispecies, and DVGs in particular. Future work will help uncover the mechanisms underlying this crosstalk and may prove useful for the design of treatments targeting quasispecies dynamics

    Chikungunya virus superinfection exclusion is mediated by a block in viral replication and does not rely on non-structural protein 2.

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    Superinfection exclusion (SIE) is a process by which a virally infected cell is protected from subsequent infection by the same or a closely related virus. By preventing cell coinfection, SIE favors preservation of genome integrity of a viral strain and limits its recombination potential with other viral genomes, thereby impacting viral evolution. Although described in virtually all viral families, the precise step(s) impacted by SIE during the viral life cycle have not been systematically explored. Here, we describe for the first time SIE triggered by chikungunya virus (CHIKV), an alphavirus of public health importance. Using single-cell technologies, we demonstrate that CHIKV excludes subsequent infection with: CHIKV; Sindbis virus, a related alphavirus; and influenza A, an unrelated RNA virus. We further demonstrate that SIE does not depend on the action of type I interferon, nor does it rely on host cell transcription. Moreover, exclusion is not mediated by the action of a single CHIKV protein; in particular, we observed no role for non-structural protein 2 (nsP2), making CHIKV unique among characterized alphaviruses. By stepping through the viral life cycle, we show that CHIKV exclusion occurs at the level of replication, but does not directly influence virus binding, nor viral structural protein translation. In sum, we characterized co-infection during CHIKV replication, which likely influences the rate of viral diversification and evolution

    Deconvolution of the Response to Bacillus Calmette–Guérin Reveals NF-κB-Induced Cytokines As Autocrine Mediators of Innate Immunity

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    International audienceBacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is used as a vaccine and diagnostic test for tuberculosis, as well as immunotherapy in the treatment of bladder cancer. While clinically useful, the response to mycobacterial stimulation is complex and the induced protein signature remains poorly defined. We characterized the cell types directly engaged by BCG, as well as the induced cytokine loops that transmit signal(s) to bystander cells. Standardized whole-blood stimulations and mechanistic studies on single and purified cell populations identified distinct patterns of activation in monocytes as compared to neutrophils and invariant lymphocyte populations. Deconvoluting the role of Toll-like receptor 2/4 and Dectin-1/2 in the inflammatory response to BCG, we revealed Dectin-1/2 as dominant in neutrophils as compared to monocytes, which equally engaged both pathways. Furthermore, we quantified the role of NF-κB and NADPH/reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent cytokines, which triggered a JAK1/2-dependent amplification loop and accounted for 40-50% of the induced response to BCG. In sum, this study provides new insight into the molecular and cellular pathways involved in the response to BCG, establishing the basis for a new generation of immunodiagnostic tools

    RNA-seq accuracy and reproducibility for the mapping and quantification of influenza defective viral genomes

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    L'article est placé en CC-BY, 1 an après la publication du numéroInternational audienceLike most RNA viruses, influenza viruses generate defective viral genomes (DVGs) with large internal deletions during replication. There is accumulating evidence supporting a biological relevance of such DVGs. However, further understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie the production and biological activity of DVGs is conditioned upon the sensitivity and accuracy of detection methods, that is, next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies and related bioinformatics algorithms. Although many algorithms were developed, their sensitivity and reproducibility were mostly assessed on simulated data. Here, we introduce DG-seq, a time-efficient pipeline for DVG detection and quantification, and a set of biological controls to assess the performance of not only our bioinformatics algorithm but also the upstream NGS steps. Using these tools, we provide the first rigorous comparison of the two commonly used sample processing methods for RNA-seq, with or without a PCR preamplification step. Our data show that preamplification confers a limited advantage in terms of sensitivity and introduces size- but also sequence-dependent biases in DVG quantification, thereby providing a strong rationale to favor preamplification-free methods. We further examine the features of DVGs produced by wild-type and transcription-defective (PA-K635A or PA-R638A) influenza viruses, and show an increased diversity and frequency of DVGs produced by the PA mutants compared to the wild-type virus. Finally, we demonstrate a significant enrichment in DVGs showing direct, A/T-rich sequence repeats at the deletion breakpoint sites. Our findings provide novel insights into the mechanisms of influenza virus DVG production

    Attenuation of RNA viruses by redirecting their evolution in sequence space

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    International audienceRNA viruses pose serious threats to human health. Their success relies on their capacity to generate genetic variability and, consequently, on their adaptive potential. We describe a strategy to attenuate RNA viruses by altering their evolutionary potential. We rationally altered the genomes of Coxsackie B3 and influenza A viruses to redirect their evolutionary trajectories towards detrimental regions in sequence space. Specifically, viral genomes were engineered to harbour more serine and leucine codons with nonsense mutation targets: codons that could generate Stop mutations after a single nucleotide substitution. Indeed, these viruses generated more Stop mutations both in vitro and in vivo, accompanied by significant losses in viral fitness. In vivo, the viruses were attenuated, generated high levels of neutralizing antibodies and protected against lethal challenge. Our study demonstrates that cornering viruses in 'risky' areas of sequence space may be implemented as a broad-spectrum vaccine strategy against RNA viruses

    Safety of sitagliptin in treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic liver disease patients

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    International audienceBackground & Aims : Systemic therapies for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) treatment have limited efficacy and poor safety. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors were initially developed and approved as treatment for type 2 diabetes, yet oral administration of sitagliptin has recently been shown to improve naturally occurring tumour immunity in animal models of HCC.Methods : We conducted a phase Ib clinical trial to evaluate the impact of a pre-operative 3-week DPP4 inhibitor (sitagliptin) treatment in HCC patients undergoing liver resection. The primary objective was to evaluate the safety of a sitagliptin treatment in each of the three groups of patients, according to an escalating dosage of sitagliptin (100, 200 and 600 mg/d). Secondary objectives included the assessment of DPP4 activity, cytokine expression in plasma samples and circulating immune populations.Results : Fourteen patients were included and analysed. In all three dose groups, no severe adverse event related to sitagliptin was reported. A significant inhibition of DPP4 activity was observed upon sitagliptin treatment, which prevented the N-terminal truncation of CXCL10, leading to a mobilization of circulating CD8+ T cells and eosinophils. Immunochemistry analysis showed a lymphoid infiltration in all tumour samples with the presence of a population of CXCR3+ T cells in all but one of the tumours. Positivity for CXCL10 (IP10) and CCR3 in tumour and/or stroma cells was found in all resection pieces.Conclusion : In summary, sitagliptin can be used safely in patients with chronic liver disease and HCC, and could be tested in phase 2 trial, as an adjuvant in combination with others drugs, for the treatment of HCC patients

    Inhibition of the dipeptidyl peptidase DPP4 (CD26) reveals IL-33-dependent eosinophil-mediated control of tumor growth

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    International audiencePost-translational modification of chemokines mediated by the dipeptidyl peptidase DPP4 (CD26) has been shown to negatively regulate lymphocyte trafficking, and its inhibition enhances T cell migration and tumor immunity by preserving functional chemokine CXCL10. By extending those initial findings to pre-clinical models of hepatocellular carcinoma and breast cancer, we discovered a distinct mechanism by which inhibition of DPP4 improves anti-tumor responses. Administration of the DPP4 inhibitor sitagliptin resulted in higher concentrations of the chemokine CCL11 and increased migration of eosinophils into solid tumors. Enhanced tumor control was preserved in mice lacking lymphocytes and was ablated after depletion of eosinophils or treatment with degranulation inhibitors. We further demonstrated that tumor-cell expression of the alarmin IL-33 was necessary and sufficient for eosinophil-mediated anti-tumor responses and that this mechanism contributed to the efficacy of checkpoint-inhibitor therapy. These findings provide insight into IL-33- and eosinophil-mediated tumor control, revealed when endogenous mechanisms of DPP4 immunoregulation are inhibited