23 research outputs found
Conséquences de l'effet de fond sur l'instabilité des conduites soumises à une pression interne
Cet article a pour objet d'éclairer, par quelques exemples concrets et simples, les problÚmes inhérents à la mécanique statique des tubes élancés soumis à une pression interne. En effet, la production pétroliÚre en mer, par grande profondeur d'eau, amÚne de plus en plus souvent à des solutions originales d'assemblage des conduites ou à envisager l'emploi de nouveaux matériaux anisotropes. Cela peut conduire à des instabilités mécaniques (flambement) des tubes, ou bien entraßner des surcontraintes de traction ou de flexion importantes qu'il est nécessaire d'analyser avec précaution. Cette analyse est au demeurant indispensable pour déterminer avec plus de précision les spécifications et les coefficients de sécurité applicables aux nouveaux produits tubulaires envisageables pour ces objectifs
Flambage vertical des conduites en souillées Vertical Buckling of Buried Pipes
Si l'apparition d'un flambage vertical des conduites rigides enfouies dans une tranchĂ©e est un phĂ©nomĂšne assez rare, il peut ne pas en ĂȘtre de mĂȘme pour des conduites flexibles dont les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques sont de nature diffĂ©rente. Une Ă©tude thĂ©orique et expĂ©rimentale, ayant pour but de proposer une mĂ©thode analytique de calcul de l'apparition du flambage et de son Ă©volution sous l'effet de la pression interne, a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e. II apparaĂźt que les conduites flexibles actuelles sont trĂšs sensibles Ă ce phĂ©nomĂšne et qu'il serait nĂ©cessaire, pour l'Ă©liminer Ă coup sĂ»r, de rĂ©examiner la structure des flexibles ou d'imaginer des artifices dans la procĂ©dure d'ensouillage <br> Whereas the appearance of vertical buckling in rigid pipes buried in a trench is a relatively rare phenomenon, the same cannot be said for flexible pipes which have mechanical properties of a different nature. A theoretical and experimental study has been made with the aim of proposing an analytical method for computing the appearance of buckling and its evolution under the effect of outside pressure. Current flexible pipes appear to be very sensitive to this phenomenon, and to be certain of eliminating it the structure of flexible pipes should be reexamined or stratagems in the burying procedure should be devised
Tubes légers à haute résistance pour des applications pétroliÚres marines Light High Strength Tubes for Offshore Petroeleum Applications
Les besoins nouveaux en tubes Ă haute rĂ©sistance, crĂ©Ă©s par le dĂ©veloppement actuel des gisements pĂ©troliers marins, nous ont conduits Ă Ă©tudier des tubes composites particuliers, Ă©laborĂ©s par enrouiement hĂ©licoĂŻdal de rubans d'acier minces Ă haute rĂ©sistance enrobĂ©s d'une rĂ©sine Ă©poxy polymĂ©risable. Un mode de recouvrement adaptĂ© des rubans d'acier confĂšre au composite une bonne Ă©tanchĂ©itĂ© et des caractĂ©ristiques mĂ©caniques Ă©levĂ©es. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s physiques et chimiques de la matrice de rĂ©sine permettent Ă©galement d'obtenir une faible densitĂ© et une rĂ©sistance convenable Ă la corrosion par les fluides pĂ©troliers, l'eau de mer ou les boues de forage. Cette Ă©tude prĂ©liminaire comporte une analyse thĂ©orique simplifiĂ©e de ce type de structure composite, puis une partie expĂ©rimentale destinĂ©e a sĂ©lectionner les caractĂ©ristiques optimales de l'acier et de la rĂ©sine et Ă vĂ©rifier les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques et physico-chimiques obtenues sur ces tubes. Enfin, des exemples d'application en mer profonde destinĂ©s Ă comparer ces tubes composites aux tubes en acier sont prĂ©sentĂ©s. Les premiĂšres conclusions de cette Ă©tude semblent confirmer l'intĂ©rĂȘt de ce type de matĂ©riau pour ces applications. <br> The new requirements for high-strength tubes created by thĂ© current development of offshore oilfields led thĂ© authors ta study thĂ© development ot spĂ©cial composite tubes formed by thĂ© spiral winding of high-strength thin steel strips coated with a polymerĂŻzable epoxy resin. A particular method of overlapping thĂ© steel strips makes the composite leakproof and leads to good mechanical properties: The physical and chemical properties of thĂ© resin matrix also make for a low specific gravity and suitable rĂ©sistance to corrosion coused by petroleum fluids, seawater or drilling mud. This preliminary article presents a simplified theoretical analysis of this type of composite structure, followed by an expĂ©rimental study of thĂ© choice of thĂ© optimum steel and resin properties and thĂ© controls of thĂ© mechanical and physico-chemical properties of these tubes. Finally, deep offshore applications are described in an effort to compare thĂ© composite tubes with steel tubes. The initial conclusions of this study appear to comfirm the interest of this type of material for such applications
Alteration of a cement matrix subjected to biolixiviation test
International audienceThis paper reports on the assessment of durability and long-term performance of a cement matrix subjected to heterotrophic microbial mediated degradation. In near surface disposal facilities for hazardous and radioactive wastes, microbial activities may likely, in a long-term perspective threaten the integrity of cement-solidified wastes. To investigate the detrimental impact of heterotrophic microorganisms on cement matrices, Aspergillus niger reputed as versatile and prevalent fungus in soil flora was selected as candidate. It was shown that this fungus has the potential of severely degrading ordinary Portland cement pastes through organic acids production. Cement pastes experienced chemical alterations such as substantial leaching of calcium, and mechanical degradation was evident as highlighted by the drastic decline in Youngâs modulus. Their poor behaviour with respect to heterotrophic biodeterioration and susceptibility to failure were therefore demonstrated. Consequently, biolixiviation scenario should be seriously considered in order to ensure safe long-term disposal for cement-solidified wastes
Quantum modeling, beyond secularity, of the collisional dissipation of molecular alignment using the energy-corrected sudden approximation
International audienceWe propose a Markovian quantum model for the time dependence of the pressure-induced decoherence of rotational wave packets of gas-phase molecules beyond the secular approximation. It is based on a collisional relaxation matrix constructed using the energy-corrected sudden approximation, which improves the previously proposed infinite order sudden one by taking the molecule rotation during collisions into account. The model is tested by comparisons with time-domain measurements of the pressure-induced decays of molecular-axis alignment features (revivals and echoes) for HCl and CO2 gases, pure and diluted in He. For the Markovian systems HCl-He and CO2-He, the comparisons between computed and measured data demonstrate the robustness of our approach, even when the secular approximation largely breaks down. In contrast, significant differences are obtained in the cases of pure HCl and CO2, for which the model underestimates the decay rate of the alignment at short times. This result is attributed to the non-Markovianity of HCl-HCl and CO2-CO2 interactions and the important contribution of those collisions that are ongoing at the time when the system is excited by the aligning laser pulse
Effects of dietary electrolyte balance and calcium supply on mineral and acidâbase status of piglets fed a diversified diet
International audienceDietary electrolyte balance (dEB) is known to affect acidâbase status and mineral metabolism, but is rarely considered in diet formulation for pigs. Yet, the use of a wide variety of local feedstuffs in Europe contributes to lowering the dEB and increasing the fibre content. Hence, mineral requirements may be modified and skeletal health affected. Therefore, the effects of a lower dEB and a higher dietary Ca level on acidâbase balance and mineral status were assessed in young pigs fed a diversified diet. A total of twenty-four weaned pigs were fed a control moderate-dEB diet (C) or a diversified moderate-dEB (D), low-dEB (D-A) or low-dEB supplemented with Ca (D-CA) diet. Growth performance, venous blood gas and chemistry, urine pH, mineral balance and femur characteristics were determined. With an equivalent dEB compared with the C diet, the D diet caused an acidification of the urine and increased the excretion of P as a result of a higher dietary content of S. Low-grade metabolic acidosis occurred in piglets fed the D-A diet with changes at systemic and urine levels. A higher excretion of ammonia and P in urine was observed and some bone characteristics tended to be negatively affected. Ca supplementation partially counteracted the effects of low-grade acidosis. Urine excretion of P and ammonia was alleviated and bone characteristics improved. In conclusion, a higher Ca supply must be considered in more diversified diets to counteract the risk of evolving towards low-grade metabolic acidosis which can negatively affect bone