75 research outputs found

    Tidal Dwarf Galaxies and missing baryons

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    Tidal dwarf galaxies form during the interaction, collision or merger of massive spiral galaxies. They can resemble "normal" dwarf galaxies in terms of mass, size, and become dwarf satellites orbiting around their massive progenitor. They nevertheless keep some signatures from their origin, making them interesting targets for cosmological studies. In particular, they should be free from dark matter from a spheroidal halo. Flat rotation curves and high dynamical masses may then indicate the presence of an unseen component, and constrain the properties of the "missing baryons", known to exist but not directly observed. The number of dwarf galaxies in the Universe is another cosmological problem that can be significantly impacted if tidal dwarf galaxies formed frequently at high redshift, when the merger rate was high, and many of them survived until today.Comment: Tutorial Review for the special issue "Dwarf galaxies and Cosmology" in Advances in Astronomy. (10 pages, 4 figures

    Polar ring galaxies: formation and properties

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    Formation scenarios for polar ring galaxies are studied through N-body simulatio ns that are compared with existing observations. It is shown that polar rings ar e likely to be formed by tidal accretion of the polar material from a gas rich d onor galaxy. The distribution of dark matter in polar ring galaxies is studied: dark halos seem to be flattened towards the polar rings.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings SF2A-2002, Paris, ed. F. Combes and D. Barret, EDP-Science

    A diversity of progenitors and histories for isolated spiral galaxies

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    We analyze a suite of 33 cosmological simulations of the evolution of Milky Way-mass galaxies in low-density environments. Our sample spans a broad range of Hubble types at z=0, from nearly bulgeless disks to bulge-dominated galaxies. Despite the fact that a large fraction of the bulge is typically in place by z=1, we find no significant correlation between the morphology at z=1 and at z=0. The z=1 progenitors of disk galaxies span a range of morphologies, including smooth disks, unstable disks, interacting galaxies and bulge-dominated systems. By z=0.5, spiral arms and bars are largely in place and the progenitor morphology is correlated with the final morphology. We next focus on late-type galaxies with a bulge-to-total ratio B/T<0.3 at z=0. These show a correlation between B/T at z=0 and the mass ratio of the largest merger at z1. We find that the galaxies with the lowest B/T tend to have a quiet baryon input history, with no major mergers at z<2, and with a low and constant gas accretion rate that keeps a stable angular-momentum direction. More violent merger or gas accretion histories lead to galaxies with more prominent bulges. Most disk galaxies have a bulge Sersic index n<2. The galaxies with the highest bulge Sersic index tend to have histories of intense gas accretion and disk instability rather than active mergers.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 29 pages, 32 figure

    Non-linear violent disc instability with high Toomre's Q in high-redshift clumpy disc galaxies

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    We utilize zoom-in cosmological simulations to study the nature of violent disc instability (VDI) in clumpy galaxies at high redshift, z=1z=1--55. Our simulated galaxies are not in the ideal state assumed in Toomre instability, of linear fluctuations in an isolated, uniform, rotating disk. There, instability is characterised by a QQ parameter below unity, and lower when the disk is thick. Instead, the high-redshift discs are highly perturbed. Over long periods they consist of non-linear perturbations, compact massive clumps and extended structures, with new clumps forming in inter-clump regions. This is while the galaxy is subject to frequent external perturbances. We compute the local, two-component QQ parameter for gas and stars, smoothed on a ∼1 kpc\sim1~{\rm kpc} scale to capture clumps of 108−9 M⊙10^{8-9}~{\rm M}_\odot. The Q<1Q<1 regions are confined to collapsed clumps due to the high surface density there, while the inter-clump regions show QQ significantly higher than unity. Tracing the clumps back to their relatively smooth Lagrangian patches, we find that QQ prior to clump formation typically ranges from unity to a few. This is unlike the expectations from standard Toomre instability. We discuss possible mechanisms for high-QQ clump formation, e.g. rapid turbulence decay leading to small clumps that grow by mergers, non-axisymmetric instability, or clump formation induced by non-linear perturbations in the disk. Alternatively, the high-QQ non-linear VDI may be stimulated by the external perturbations such as mergers and counter-rotating streams. The high QQ may represent excessive compressive modes of turbulence, possibly induced by tidal interactions.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 20 pages, 21 figure

    ISM properties in hydrodynamic galaxy simulations: Turbulence cascades, cloud formation, role of gravity and feedback

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    We study the properties of ISM substructure and turbulence in hydrodynamic (AMR) galaxy simulations with resolutions up to 0.8 pc and 5x10^3 Msun. We analyse the power spectrum of the density distribution, and various components of the velocity field. We show that the disk thickness is about the average Jeans scale length, and is mainly regulated by gravitational instabilities. From this scale of energy injection, a turbulence cascade towards small-scale is observed, with almost isotropic small-scale motions. On scales larger than the disk thickness, density waves are observed, but there is also a full range of substructures with chaotic and strongly non-isotropic gas velocity dispersions. The power spectrum of vorticity in an LMC-sized model suggests that an inverse cascade of turbulence might be present, although energy input over a wide range of scales in the coupled gaseous+stellar fluid could also explain this quasi-2D regime on scales larger than the disk scale height. Similar regimes of gas turbulence are also found in massive high-redshift disks with high gas fractions. Disk properties and ISM turbulence appear to be mainly regulated by gravitational processes, both on large scales and inside dense clouds. Star formation feedback is however essential to maintain the ISM in a steady state by balancing a systematic gas dissipation into dense and small clumps. Our galaxy simulations employ a thermal model based on a barotropic Equation of State (EoS) aimed at modelling the equilibrium of gas between various heating and cooling processes. Denser gas is typically colder in this approach, which is shown to correctly reproduce the density structures of a star-forming, turbulent, unstable and cloudy ISM down to scales of a few parsecs.Comment: MNRAS in pres
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