466 research outputs found

    Pour en finir avec le Bronze final ? Les haches Ă  douille de type armoricain en France

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    A discussion about socket armorican bronze axes datation. They are from Ha D period (VII th & VIt h century B.C.)RĂ©vision de la datation des haches Ă  douille de type armoricain, au seul Hallstatt D (VIIe-VIe s; av. J.-C.

    Translating surveillance data into incidence estimates

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    Monitoring a population for a disease requires the hosts to be sampled and tested for the pathogen. This results in sampling series from which we may estimate the disease incidence, i.e. the proportion of hosts infected. Existing estimation methods assume that disease incidence does not change between monitoring rounds, resulting in an underestimation of the disease incidence. In this paper we develop an incidence estimation model accounting for epidemic growth with monitoring rounds that sample varying incidence. We also show how to accommodate the asymptomatic period that is characteristic of most diseases. For practical use, we produce an approximation of the model, which is subsequently shown to be accurate for relevant epidemic and sampling parameters. Both the approximation and the full model are applied to stochastic spatial simulations of epidemics. The results prove their consistency for a very wide range of situations. The estimation model is made available as an online application. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Modelling infectious disease outbreaks in humans, animals and plants: epidemic forecasting and control’. This theme issue is linked with the earlier issue ‘Modelling infectious disease outbreaks in humans, animals and plants: approaches and important themes’

    Measures Matter: Scales for Adaptation, Cultural Distance, and Acculturation Orientation Revisited

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    Building upon existing measures, four new brief acculturation scales are presented, measuring sociocultural adaptation, psychological adaptation, perceived cultural distance, and acculturation orientation. Following good scale reliability in initial samples, the English scales were translated into nine different languages (Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish). The translated scales were administered to a large sample of sojourners (N = 1,929), demonstrating good reliability and adequate structural equivalence across languages. In line with existing theory, sociocultural adaptation and psychological adaptation were positively correlated, and showed a negative association with perceived cultural distance. General measures of well-being were correlated with adaptation and distance, with better adaptation relating to higher well-being, and more distance relating to lower well-being. Acculturation orientation toward the home and host culture were measured separately and a weak negative correlation was found between the two, supporting their independence. Arguing against dichotomization, these subscales were analyzed as continuous variables. Regression analysis showed sojourners to be better adapted, if they were oriented more toward the host culture and less toward the home culture. These new scales are proposed as alternatives to existing measures

    Colour-Octet Effects in Radiative ΄\Upsilon Decays

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    We investigate the effects of colour-octet contributions to the radiative ΄\Upsilon decay within the Bodwin, Braaten and Lepage NRQCD factorization framework. Photons coming both from the coupling to hard processes (`direct') and by collinear emission from light quarks (`fragmentation') are consistently included at next-to-leading order (NLO) in αs\alpha_s. An estimate for the non-perturbative matrix elements which enter in the final result is then obtained. By comparing the NRQCD prediction at NLO for total decay rates with the experimental data, it is found that the non-perturbative parameters must be smaller than expected from the na\"\i ve scaling rules of NRQCD. Nevertheless, colour-octet contributions to the shape of the photon spectrum turn out to be significant.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, 8 figure

    Accessing transversity with interference fragmentation functions

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    We discuss in detail the option to access the transversity distribution function h1(x)h_1(x) by utilizing the analyzing power of interference fragmentation functions in two-pion production inside the same current jet. The transverse polarization of the fragmenting quark is related to the transverse component of the relative momentum of the hadron pair via a new azimuthal angle. As a specific example, we spell out thoroughly the way to extract h1(x)h_1(x) from a measured single spin asymmetry in two-pion inclusive lepton-nucleon scattering. To estimate the sizes of observable effects we employ a spectator model for the fragmentation functions. The resulting asymmetry of our example is discussed as arising in different scenarios for the transversity.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures in .eps format included, typesetted in RevTeX and epsfig.sty, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Vitality, Language Use, and Life Satisfaction : A Study of Bilingual Hungarian Adolescents Living in Romania

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    This study examined the relationship between objective and subjective vitality, in-group language use, and life satisfaction among two groups of bilingual Hungarians adolescents living in Romania: a low objective vitality group from Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvar, where Hungarians are the demographic minority, and a high objective vitality group from Sfantu Gheorghe/Sepsiszentgyorgy, where Hungarians are the demographic majority. Consistent with predictions, the high objective vitality group reported higher subjective Hungarian vitality, lower subjective Romanian vitality, more frequent use of the Hungarian language, and higher life satisfaction, compared with the low objective vitality group. The effects of objective vitality on language use were partially mediated by subjective Romanian (but not Hungarian) vitality. Conversely, the effects of objective vitality on life satisfaction were fully mediated by subjective Hungarian (but not Romanian) vitality.Peer reviewe

    Kinematic Effects in Radiative Quarkonia Decays

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    Non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD) predicts colour octet contributions to be significant not only in many production processes of heavy quarkonia but also in their radiative decays. We investigate the photon energy distributions in these processes in the endpoint region. There the velocity expansion of NRQCD breaks down which requires a resummation of an infinite class of colour octet operators to so-called shape functions. We model these non-perturbative functions by the emission of a soft gluon cluster in the initial state. We found that the spectrum in the endpoint region is poorly understood if the values for the colour octet matrix elements are taken as large as indicated from NRQCD scaling rules. Therefore the endpoint region should not be taken into account for a fit of the strong coupling constant at the scale of the heavy quark mass.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 5 figures. The complete paper is also available via the www at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/Preprints

    Recognition of vitamin B metabolites by mucosal-associated invariant T cells

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    The mucosal-associated invariant T-cell antigen receptor (MAIT TCR) recognizes MR1 presenting vitamin B metabolites. Here we describe the structures of a human MAIT TCR in complex with human MR1 presenting a non-stimulatory ligand derived from folic acid and an agonist ligand derived from a riboflavin metabolite. For both vitamin B antigens, the MAIT TCR docks in a conserved manner above MR1, thus acting as an innate-like pattern recognition receptor. The invariant MAIT TCR a-chain usage is attributable to MR1-mediated interactions that prise open the MR1 cleft to allow contact with the vitamin B metabolite. Although the non-stimulatory antigen does not contact the MAIT TCR, the stimulatory antigen does. This results in a higher affinity of the MAIT TCR for a stimulatory antigen in comparison with a non-stimulatory antigen. We formally demonstrate a structural basis for MAIT TCR recognition of vitamin B metabolites, while illuminating how TCRs recognize microbial metabolic signatures
