22 research outputs found

    Peter Eeckhout. Pachacamac durant l’IntermĂ©diaire rĂ©cent: Étude d’un site monumental prĂ©hispanique de la CĂŽte centrale du PĂ©rou

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    Pachacamac et la rĂ©gion de LurĂ­n occupent un espace presque mythique dans l’imaginaire non seulement des pĂ©ruviens mais de tous ceux et celles qui s’intĂ©ressent Ă  l’histoire ancienne du PĂ©rou. Jusqu’à tout rĂ©cemment la plupart de nos connaissances sur le sujet Ă©taient basĂ©es sur de maigres donnĂ©es archĂ©ologiques et des informations de nature ethnohistorique, souvent imprĂ©cises, voire contradictoires et quelquefois mĂȘme traitĂ©es de façon fantastique. Tour Ă  tour et au grĂ© des auteurs et des ap..

    VLTI status update: a decade of operations and beyond

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    We present the latest update of the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope interferometer (VLTI). The operations of VLTI have greatly improved in the past years: reduction of the execution time; better offering of telescopes configurations; improvements on AMBER limiting magnitudes; study of polarization effects and control for single mode fibres; fringe tracking real time data, etc. We present some of these improvements and also quantify the operational improvements using a performance metric. We take the opportunity of the first decade of operations to reflect on the VLTI community which is analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Finally, we present briefly the preparatory work for the arrival of the second generation instruments GRAVITY and MATISSE.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of the SPIE, 9146-1

    Secular trends of cardiorespiratory fitness in children and adolescents over a 35-year period: Chronicle of a predicted foretold

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    BackgroundIn the context of concerns regarding the cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) of youth populations, the aims of this study were: (1) to update reference values for the VO2max for school-aged Canadians and (2) to document secular trends in CRF after a 35-year interval.MethodsBetween September 2014 and April 2017, the CRF of 3725 students (53.2% boys; 6.0 to 17.9 yrs) was determined using the 20-m shuttle run test. The sample was collected in 36 different schools from six cities of QuĂ©bec (Canada).ResultsMedian values of VO2max decreased with age in both sexes (p ≀ 0.05). By the age of 10, more than 20% of boys showed VO2max values below the recommended value (42 ml·kg−1·min−1). At the age of 17, that proportion reached 56.8%. A similar proportion of 12 yrs girls (20%) were under the recommended minimal value (37 ml·kg−1·min−1) and that value reached 69.9% at the age of 17. Compared to 1982, the VO2max at age 17 has declined by 18% for boys and 12% for girls. The situation is worse in terms of functional capacity (number of stages completed) with an overall decrease of more than 30%.ConclusionThis study demonstrates that, compared to data obtained using the same methodology 35 years ago, the CRF and functional capacity of children and adolescents has declined to levels that should raise concerns from a public health perspective. Thus, the development of strategies to promote a physically active lifestyle in youth is more relevant than ever

    O final dos reinos: DiĂĄlogos entre Tiwanaku e La Aguada

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    Este escrito pone de nuevo a dialogar las iconografĂ­as de Tiwanaku (altiplano del Titicaca, Bolivia) y La Aguada (Noroeste de la Argentina), a mĂĄs de 40 años de los trabajos de Rex GonzĂĄlez y de Ponce SanginĂ©s. Lo hace en un contexto enteramente diferente con un Ă©nfasis decolonial. Objetos, imĂĄgenes, informaciĂłn etnogrĂĄfica y arqueĂłlogos de ambos lados de una frontera entre "naciones", se ensamblan con la clara intenciĂłn de cuestionar supuestos subyacentes muy profundos de la arqueologĂ­a. MetodologĂ­a: a partir de los caminos que plantean las imĂĄgenes y colores, se amarran en estos nudos tambiĂ©n los humanos y las cosas, las experiencias chamĂĄnicas y los fenĂłmenos meteorolĂłgicos, todos enlazados de modo relacional. Conclusiones: tras poner a dialogar a La Aguada y Tiwanaku, con base en nuestras trayectorias investigativas, la discusiĂłn desemboca en una reflexiĂłn acerca de las consecuencias presentes de naturalizar miradas segmentadas y funcionalistas de los mundos animales y vegetales en el pasado, que se originan en los subyacentes ontolĂłgicos de nuestra propia modernidad. Originalidad: el texto apunta a abordar la crĂ­tica decolonial a partir del estudio de casos concretos y a aportar a esos debates desde materialidades arqueolĂłgicas.This paper once again brings the iconographies of Tiwanaku (Titicaca high plateau, Bolivia) and La Aguada (Northwest of Argentina) into discussion, more than 40 years after the works of Rex GonzĂĄlez and Ponce SanginĂ©s. It does so in an entirely different context with a decolonial emphasis. Objects, images, ethnographic information and archaeologists from both sides of a border between “nations” are assembled with the clear intention of questioning very deep underlying assumptions of archaeology. Methodology: Beginning with the paths posed by images and colors, these knots also bind humans and things, shamanic experiences and meteorological phenomena. Conclusions: After bringing La Aguada and Tiwanaku into dialogue, based on our research trajectories, the discussion leads to a reflection on the present consequences of naturalizing segmented and functionalist gazes of the animal and plant worlds in the past, which originate in the ontological underpinnings of our own modernity. Originality: The text aims to approach decolonial criticism from the study of concrete cases and to contribute to these debates on the basis of archaeological materiality.Fil: Marconetto, MarĂ­a Bernarda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Instituto de AntropologĂ­a de CĂłrdoba. Universidad Nacional de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de FilosofĂ­a y Humanidades. Instituto de AntropologĂ­a de CĂłrdoba; ArgentinaFil: Villanueva Criales, Juan Eduardo. Museo Nacional de EtnografĂ­a y Folklore; Bolivi

    Des tubercules pour la mort. Analyses préliminaires des relations entre l'ordre naturel et l'ordre culturel dans l'iconographie mochica

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    Tubers and Death: Preliminary Analysis of the Relations Between the Natural and Cultural Order in Mochica Iconography Abstract The objective of this article is to demonstrate that the Mochicas have designed their iconography system by studying closely their natural environment. Hence, there is a correlation between the natural comportments of the animals or the properties of the plants and their representations in the iconography. We explore the relation between the representations of tubers, human and animals beings, and the mortuary world.RĂ©sumĂ© Le but de cet article est de dĂ©montrer que c'est Ă  partir de savantes observations du milieu naturel que les Mochicas ont puisĂ© leur inspiration pour former leur iconographie. Il y aurait donc une corrĂ©lation entre les reprĂ©sentations de plantes ou d'animaux et leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s et comportements naturels. Nous explorons ici les relations entre les reprĂ©sentations de tubercules, d'humains, de certains animaux, et le monde mortuaire.Los tubĂ©rculos y la muerte: AnĂĄlisis preliminares de las relaciones entre el orden natural y el orden cultural en la iconografĂ­a mochica Resumen Se demuestra en este artĂ­culo que, para plasmar su iconografĂ­a, los mochicas se inspiraron de sabias observaciones del medio natural. Entonces habĂ­a un vĂ­nculo entre las representaciones de plantas y animales, sus propriedades y comportamientos naturales. Se indica aquĂ­ las relaciones entre las representaciones de tubĂ©rculos, de humanos, de ciertos animales, y el mundo mortuario.Bourget Steve. Des tubercules pour la mort. Analyses prĂ©liminaires des relations entre l'ordre naturel et l'ordre culturel dans l'iconographie mochica. In: Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines, tome 19, N°1, 1990. pp. 45-85

    Pratiques sacrificielles et funéraires au site Moche de la Huaca de la Luna, cÎte nord du Pérou

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    Sacrificial and funerary practices at the Moche site Huaca de la Luna, north coast of Peru Archaeological research carried out at the Moche site of Huaca de la Luna has led to the discovery of a sacrificial site and a funerary platform. A number of individuals were sacrificed during spells of torrential rains (phenomenon of El Niño) in a plaza dedicated to these practices. In an associated structure, a series of four high status burials was found. Some of the data suggests that two of these tombs were the resting places of two sacrificial priests. This exceptional site provides new insights into the nature of the ideology and religious system of the Moche.De rĂ©centes recherches archĂ©ologiques au site Moche de la Huaca de la Luna ont conduit Ă  la dĂ©couverte d’un important site sacrificiel et d’une plate-forme funĂ©raire. Dans une enceinte situĂ©e vers l’arriĂšre du temple et jointe Ă  la plate-forme principale, plusieurs individus auraient Ă©tĂ© sacrifiĂ©s lors de pluies torrentielles (phĂ©nomĂšne de El Niño). Dans une structure attenante au site sacrificiel, des tombes ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© localisĂ©es dont celles de deux officiants religieux. Des artefacts retrouvĂ©s dans ces sĂ©pultures semblent indiquer que ceux-ci Ă©taient des spĂ©cialistes du sacrifice. Certains rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires seront prĂ©sentĂ©s ici. Il appert d’ores et dĂ©jĂ  que ce site exceptionnel permettra de mieux comprendre les dimensions funĂ©raires et sacrificielles du systĂšme idĂ©ologique et religieux Moche.PrĂĄcticas sacrificiales y funerarias en el sitio Moche de la Huaca de la Luna, costa norte del PerĂș Investigaciones arqueĂłlogicas realizadas en el sitio Moche de la Huaca de la Luna han conducido al descubrimiento de un importante sitio sacrificial y de una plataforma funeraria. En primer lugar, en una plaza de la Huaca, numerosos individuos habrĂ­an sido sacrificado durante lluvias torrentiales (fenĂłmeno de El Niño). En segundo lugar, en una plataforma asociada a la plaza, cuatro tumbas elaboradas han sido localizadas. Algunos elementos descubiertos en dos de estas tumbas parecen indicar que serĂ­an las de dos especialistas de los sacrificios. Solamente los resultados preliminares estarĂĄn presentados aquĂ­, pero parece que este sitio excepcional permitirĂĄ comprender mejor las dimensiones funerarias y sacrificiales del sistema ideolĂłgico y religioso Moche.Bourget Steve. Pratiques sacrificielles et funĂ©raires au site Moche de la Huaca de la Luna, cĂŽte nord du PĂ©rou. In: Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines, tome 27, N°1, 1998. pp. 41-74