43 research outputs found

    Caracterisation agro-morphologique et etude comparative de deux methodes d’extraction d’huile d’accessions de sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)

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    Le sĂ©same (Sesamum indicum L.) est une culture olĂ©agineuse faisant l’objet d’un commerce international en plein essor des graines, de l’huile et du tourteau. Au Niger, un engouement des producteurs vers des cultures moins exigeantes en eau et en intrants s’est vite dĂ©veloppĂ© pour augmenter leur revenu et renforcer leur sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire dans un contexte de variabilitĂ© climatique. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude consistait Ă identifier des accessions de sĂ©same Ă  haut potentiel de rendement en grains et/ou de teneur en huile. En outre, cette Ă©tude a comparĂ© le  procĂ©dĂ© d’extraction de l’huile par le solvant Ă  celui d’une presse manuelleĂ  piston. L’expĂ©rimentation a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e sur la Parcelle ExpĂ©rimentale de la FacultĂ© d’Agronomie de Niamey dans un dispositif en blocs complets randomisĂ©s avec 3 rĂ©pĂ©titions. Le facteur Ă©tudiĂ© Ă©tait l’accession Ă  10 niveaux. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude rĂ©vĂšlent des diffĂ©rences significatives entre les accessions au niveau des paramĂštres agro-morphologiques et de la teneur en huile. Les accessions SN-01-28 (600 kg ha-1), SN-01-06 (587,08 kg ha-1) et SN-01-TKG 21 (564,03 kg ha-1) sont les plus  performantes en termes de rendement en grains alors que les teneurs en huile sont plus Ă©levĂ©es dans les accessions SN-01-22 (53,26 %) et  SN-01-24 (53,09 %). Les relations entre la teneur en huile et les  composantes du rendement sont faibles. Par ailleurs, le taux d’huile extraite est meilleur par le procĂ©dĂ© utilisant le solvant organique (50,20 %) que par la presse manuelle (28 %). La mĂ©thode du solvant a certes une suprĂ©matie sur la presse manuelle par rapport Ă  la quantitĂ© d’huile extraite, mais la presse manuelle prĂ©sente plus d’avantages pour le monde rural.Mots clĂ©s : PhĂ©nologie, rendement, teneur en huile, mĂ©thode d’extraction, sĂ©same

    Prise en charge du spondylolisthesis par lyse isthmique a niamey, a propos de 20 cas

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    Objectif Evaluer la prise en charge chirurgicale du spondylolisthĂ©sis par lyse isthmique Ă  Niamey. MĂ©thode Etude prospective en sĂ©rie continue rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le service de Neurochirurgie de Niamey de Janvier 1999Ă  Janvier 2006. Etaient inclus les spondylolisthĂ©sis par lyse isthmique. Les spondylolisthĂ©sis Ă©taient classĂ©s selon la classification de Meyerding. L’indication opĂ©ratoire Ă©tait retenue aprĂšs Ă©chec du traitement conservateur sur les radiculalgies. L’évaluation clinique prĂ©opĂ©ratoire et post opĂ©ratoire Ă©tait basĂ©e sur la cotation fonctionnelle de Beaujon. Le traitement comprenait une dĂ©compression radiculaire associĂ©e Ă  une ostĂ©osynthĂšse par montage rigide et court. RĂ©sultats Il s’agissait de 11 hommes et 09 femmes. La moyenne d’ñge Ă©tait de 27,231ans avec des extrĂȘmes de 17ans et de 40 ans; les radiculalgies Ă©voluaient depuis 1,01 ans en moyenne .La radiculalgie Ă©tait systĂ©matisĂ©e dans 65% des cas. Sur le plan radiologique, 10 patients Ă©taient au stade I selon Meyerdig, 7 au stade II et 3 au stade III. La lyse isthmique Ă©tait sur L5 bilatĂ©rale chez 17cas patients (85% des cas), sur L4 dans 3 cas (15%). Le score moyen prĂ©opĂ©ratoire Ă©tait de 9.1/20 ; Ă  3 mois du postopĂ©ratoire, il Ă©tait Ă©valuĂ© Ă  14.8 sur 20.Conclusion AprĂšs Ă©chec du traitement conservateur, l’indication opĂ©ratoire basĂ©e sur la radiculalgie donne des rĂ©sultats satisfaisants

    Les pratiques paysannes de regeneration naturelle assistee des arbustes favorisent le developpement des champignons mycorhiziens arbusculaires

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    Dans les pays sahĂ©liens en gĂ©nĂ©ral et au Niger en particulier, la technique de la rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©ration naturelle assistĂ©e (RNA) est une pratique que les paysans utilisent pour recrĂ©er un systĂšme agroforestier. Ce travail a pour objectif principal d’évaluer l’impact de la RNA sur le potentiel mycorhizogĂšne des sols dans le terroir de Dan Saga. La technique mise en Ɠuvre a consistĂ© Ă  prĂ©lever des Ă©chantillons de sol et des racines fines Ă  1 m, 3 m et 5 m Ă  partir du tronc des arbustes sur trois demi-cercles concentriques et Ă  une profondeur de 20 - 40 cm dans les champs oĂč la RNA est pratiquĂ©e. Des prĂ©lĂšvements de sol ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© faits dans des placettes de 1m2 Ă  la mĂȘme profondeur en plein champ cultivĂ©. L’analyse au laboratoire a portĂ© sur des paramĂštres de la mycorhization Ă  savoir la frĂ©quence de la colonisation mycorhizienne, l’intensitĂ© de la colonisation du cortex racinaire, l’intensitĂ© de la colonisation dĂ©veloppĂ©e dans la partie mycorhizĂ©e du systĂšme racinaire et la teneur en arbuscules. La densitĂ© sporale des sols et une identification morphologique des spores ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent une rĂ©elle diversitĂ© de morphotypes de spores de champignons glomĂ©romycĂštes dans les champs RNA. Il ressort de cette Ă©tude que la frĂ©quence de mycorhization est plus Ă©levĂ©e pour la RNA de 10 ans et plus faible pour celle de 3 ans et le tĂ©moin. Quant Ă  l’intensitĂ© de mycorhization, elle est aussi plus importante dans la RNA de 10 ans et faible pour celle de 3 ans et le site sans RNA ou tĂ©moin. Par ailleurs, la densitĂ© sporale est plus importante dans les sols RNA que dans les sols sans RNA. La RNA favorise ainsi une installation et un dĂ©veloppement de l’activitĂ© symbiotique mycorhizienne dans les champs cultivĂ©s.Mots clĂ©s : Pratiques paysannes, RNA, mycorhizes, sahel, Niger.  Farming management natural regeneration practices of shrubs promote the development of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungiFarming Management Natural Regeneration of trees (FMNR) in farmers’ field is one of the methods which farmers used in the re-greening process of their fields. This work was undertaken to evaluate the influence of FMNR on the soil richness in vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in Dan Saga cultivated lands. The method used was to collect soil samples in farmers field practicing FMNR for 3, 5 and 10 years agoand roots of shrubs at distances of 1 m, 3 m and 5m from the tree trunk at 20-40 cm depth. In roots mycorrhization evaluation, the Trouvelot’s method was used and the counting of spores was done with a binocular magnifying glass. The results evidenced the diversity of AMF in the cultivated soils under FMNR. The most important frequency of mycorrhization is observed with FMNRfields of 10 years old and the lowest frequency with that of 3 years old compared to the control. The intensity of mycorrhization was higher with FMNRof 10 yearsold and lower with that of 3 years old compared to the control. The Farming Management Natural Regeneration of trees favored installation and development of mycorrhizal activity in the cultivated farms. Keywords : Farmers practices, farming management natural regeneration, mycorrhizes, Sahel, Niger

    Wind energy potential estimation using neural network and SVR approaches

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    The distribution of wind speed and the optimal assessment of wind energy potential are very important factors when selecting a suitable site for a wind power plant. In wind farm design projects for the supply of electrical energy, designers use the Weibull distribution law to analyse the characteristics and variations of wind speed in order to evaluate the wind potential. In our study we used two approaches, namely, the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) approach and the Support Vector Machine (SVR) approach to determine a distribution law of wind speeds and to optimally evaluate the wind potential. These two approaches were compared to two well-known numerical methods which are the Justus Empirical Method (EMJ) and the Maximum Likelihood Method (MLM). The results show that the neural network approach produces a better fit of the distribution curve with an Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 0.00005016 at Lomé, 0.000040289 at Cotonou site and a more interesting estimate of the wind potential. After that SVR show a better result too with an RMSE of 0.0095618 at the Lomé site and 0.0053549 at the Cotonou site

    Evaluation of medium maturity, high-tillering Pearl Millet population diallel in Niger

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    Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] is the most important staple crop of millions of people in the semiarid and arid regions of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. In 1998, ICRISAT pearl millet scientists in southern and western Africa and India initiated global pearl millet diallel crosses with the aim of promoting systematic diversification of elite regional germplasm (Bidinger et al. 2000). The project produced trait-based sets of diallel crosses among elite landrace and breeding materials from each of the three major pearl millet-growing regions. This study evaluates the potential of the medium-maturity, hightillering population diallel as new source material for use in breeding programs in the Sahelian zone of West Africa, especially Niger

    Surprising flowering response to photoperiod: Preliminary characterization of West and Central African pearl millet germplasm

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    Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is considered to be a short-day species that flowers, or flowers earlier, when day lengths are short. A few studies with two to six planting dates and few selected entries have been conducted in USA (Burton 1965), Senegal (Ramond 1968), and India (Patil et al. 1978, Das 1991). However, there is no known research on the flowering response of pearl millet to photoperiod changes over the entire year. Likewise, knowledge about the photoperiod-sensitivity in West and Central African pearl millets is insufficient

    Optical and Thermal Performance Analysis of a Steady Spherical Collector with a Crescent-shaped Rotating Absorber

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    In this paper, optical analysis of spherical concentrator is made to determine the local and the global geometric concentration, as knowing the geometric concentration of a system can help predict what temperatures can possibly be obtained with it.This leads to conclude that spherical collectors may produce higher temperatures than parabolic trough, and they could even be sharply improved by using a mixt cylindrical and cavity (or flat) absorber. A craft prototype of a steady spherical concentrator made with concreteand having a smooth inner surface mapped with mirror tape is presented. Its absorber is made with blacken steel sheets and shaped like a moon crescent to be aligned with the declination plan and to avoid motorization for the tracking of the sun from East to West. Experimental measurements lead to temperatures reaching 686°C on the curve of the least diffusion, and 252°C in the absorber oven-like reservoir. Overall, the resultsuggests higher potentialities of spherical collectors,which also show possibility of use with much reduced tracking system and less vulnerability to bad weather

    Multiplication and preliminary characterization of west and central African pearl millet landraces

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    West Africa is a center of origin and diversity of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.], but this diversity is neither well-understood nor fully accessible to and exploited by NARS breeders and farmers. The objective of the present study was to multiply and initially characterize 281 pearl millet accessions from all over West and Central Africa, with the final aim of promoting a more systematic and targeted exploitation of genetic diversity in adapted germplasm in West African pearl millet improvement programs

    Tensor Networks for Solving Realistic Time-independent Boltzmann Neutron Transport Equation

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    Tensor network techniques, known for their low-rank approximation ability that breaks the curse of dimensionality, are emerging as a foundation of new mathematical methods for ultra-fast numerical solutions of high-dimensional Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). Here, we present a mixed Tensor Train (TT)/Quantized Tensor Train (QTT) approach for the numerical solution of time-independent Boltzmann Neutron Transport equations (BNTEs) in Cartesian geometry. Discretizing a realistic three-dimensional (3D) BNTE by (i) diamond differencing, (ii) multigroup-in-energy, and (iii) discrete ordinate collocation leads to huge generalized eigenvalue problems that generally require a matrix-free approach and large computer clusters. Starting from this discretization, we construct a TT representation of the PDE fields and discrete operators, followed by a QTT representation of the TT cores and solving the tensorized generalized eigenvalue problem in a fixed-point scheme with tensor network optimization techniques. We validate our approach by applying it to two realistic examples of 3D neutron transport problems, currently solved by the PARallel TIme-dependent SN (PARTISN) solver. We demonstrate that our TT/QTT method, executed on a standard desktop computer, leads to a yottabyte compression of the memory storage, and more than 7500 times speedup with a discrepancy of less than 1e-5 when compared to the PARTISN solution.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figure