157 research outputs found

    Results from a synthetic model of the ITER XRCS-Core diagnostic based on high-fidelity x-ray ray tracing

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    A high-fidelity synthetic diagnostic has been developed for the ITER core x-ray crystal spectrometer diagnostic based on x-ray ray tracing. This synthetic diagnostic has been used to model expected performance of the diagnostic, to aid in diagnostic design, and to develop engineering tolerances. The synthetic model is based on x-ray ray tracing using the recently developed XICSRT ray tracing code and includes a fully three-dimensional representation of the diagnostic based on the computer aided design. The modeled components are: plasma geometry and emission profiles, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite pre-reflectors, spherically bent crystals, and pixelated x-ray detectors. Plasma emission profiles have been calculated for Xe44+, Xe47+, and Xe51+, based on an ITER operational scenario available through the Integrated Modelling & Analysis Suite database, and modeled within the ray tracing code as a volumetric x-ray source; the shape of the plasma source is determined by equilibrium geometry and an appropriate wavelength distribution to match the expected ion temperature profile. All individual components of the x-ray optical system have been modeled with high-fidelity producing a synthetic detector image that is expected to closely match what will be seen in the final as-built system. Particular care is taken to maintain preservation of photon statistics throughout the ray tracing allowing for quantitative estimates of diagnostic performance

    Sur l'existence de la craie blanche en place, dans l'Aber de Roscoff (Finistère)

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    National audienc

    Emergence and uses of the concept of resilience in the academic and institutional worlds

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    Depuis le début de la décennie 2000, l’usage du concept de résilience est devenu récurrent, voire incontournable dans les domaines institutionnels de l’aide internationale (aide d’urgence, aide au développement) et de la sécurité civile (prévention, protection de la population, gestion des risques et des crises). Le concept de résilience fait parallèlement l'objet d'usages variés et parfois beaucoup plus anciens en psychologie, en géographie, dans le domaine de l'écologie, en sociologie, en science politique, en sciences de gestion et en ergonomie. Ce travail de thèse vise précisément à identifier et faire l'inventaire de ces différents usages académiques et institutionnels. La première partie recense les usages du concept de résilience dans les différentes disciplines et domaines de recherche précédemment évoqués. La seconde partie recense dans un premier temps l'usage du concept de résilience au sein des principales institutions et ONG d'aide internationale. Elle recense dans un second temps les usages du concept de résilience au sein des institutions et organisations directement concernées par les questions de sécurité civile au niveau international et européen et aux niveaux nationaux américain, britannique et français. Elle montre que l'usage du concept de résilience correspond à un processus de reconfiguration et de relégitimation de leurs activités dans un contexte de persistance des situations de crise qui a progressivement fragilisé les conditions de leur mise en œuvre.Since the beginning of the decade 2000, the concept of resilience has been repeatedly used in the institutional fields of international aid (emergency aid, development aid) and civil security (prevention, population protection, risks and crises management) until becoming impossible to ignore. In parallel, the concept of resilience has been used in various disciplines for a much longer time, like in psychology, geography, in the field of ecology, in political science, in management studies and in ergonomics. This thesis work precisely aims at identifying and making the inventory of these different academic and institutional uses. The first part of the thesis provides an accounting of the different uses of the concept of resilience in the disciplines and search fields previously mentioned. The second part is primarly focused on the use of the concept of resilience by the main international aid institutions and NGOs. It is secondly focused on the uses of the concept of resilience by the institutions and organizations directly involved in civil security issues at an international and European level and at a national level with the United States, the United Kingdom and France. It shows that the use of the concept of resilience can be interpreted as a reconfiguration process of their activity in a context where crises persistently happen and progressively weaken their own legitimacy and conditions of action

    Lunéville: une garnison de cavalerie dans l'espace frontalier lorrain, 1873-1921. Représentation et évolution d'une division de cavalerie aux avants-postes

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    Closely connected to the history of Lorraine, Luneville is marked by its famous riding tradition as early as the eighteenth century, in particular from its final attachment to the kingdom of France in 1766. Gradually established as a model cavalry town, Luneville appears after the 1870-1871 war as a major cavalry garrison in the outpost of the annexed Lorraine. Somewhat far the civil and military life of this town, the new border between the French Republic and the German Empire was then the subject of much attention until the end of the First World War. As part of the works on the military history of France in general and the history of the French cavalry in particular, a specific study on the 2nd Cavalry Division and its units stationed in Luneville from 1873 to 1921 offers the opportunity to identify the garrison life of this Lorraine cavalry town in a period comprised between two chronologically post-conflict reconstruction phases between France and Germany. By addressing the subject from the history of events as well as the history of representations viewpoints, this thesis also highlights the major contribution of the garrison to the technical and tactical developments of the French cavalry, and to the life in a Lorraine specific town.Intimement liée à l'histoire de la Lorraine, Lunéville est marquée par une spécificité cavalière dès le XVIIIe siècle, notamment à partir de son rattachement définitif au royaume de France en 1766. Patiemment établie comme une cité cavalière de référence et d'excellence, Lunéville s'affiche après la guerre de 1870-1871 comme une garnison de cavalerie majeure aux avant-postes de la Lorraine annexée. A quelques distances de la vie civile et militaire de la cité, la nouvelle frontière entre la République française et l'Empire allemand fait alors l'objet de toutes les attentions jusqu'à la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale. Dans le cadre des travaux portant sur l'histoire militaire de la France en général et sur l'histoire de la cavalerie française en particulier, une étude spécifique sur la 2e division de cavalerie et ses unités stationnant à Lunéville de 1873 à 1921, offre l'opportunité de cerner la vie de garnison de la cité cavalière lorraine dans un espace chronologique borné par deux temps de reconstruction post-conflictuel entre la France et l'Allemagne. En abordant le sujet sur le plan évènementiel aussi bien que dans le registre de l'histoire des représentations, ce travail souligne en outre la contribution des acteurs de la garnison aux évolutions techniques et tactiques de la cavalerie française, ainsi qu'à la vie d'une cité lorraine

    Le littoral breton, du Mont Saint-Michel au Finistère

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    National audienc

    Émergence et usages du concept de résilience dans les mondes académique et institutionnel

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    Since the beginning of the decade 2000, the concept of resilience has been repeatedly used in the institutional fields of international aid (emergency aid, development aid) and civil security (prevention, population protection, risks and crises management) until becoming impossible to ignore. In parallel, the concept of resilience has been used in various disciplines for a much longer time, like in psychology, geography, in the field of ecology, in political science, in management studies and in ergonomics. This thesis work precisely aims at identifying and making the inventory of these different academic and institutional uses. The first part of the thesis provides an accounting of the different uses of the concept of resilience in the disciplines and search fields previously mentioned. The second part is primarly focused on the use of the concept of resilience by the main international aid institutions and NGOs. It is secondly focused on the uses of the concept of resilience by the institutions and organizations directly involved in civil security issues at an international and European level and at a national level with the United States, the United Kingdom and France. It shows that the use of the concept of resilience can be interpreted as a reconfiguration process of their activity in a context where crises persistently happen and progressively weaken their own legitimacy and conditions of action.Depuis le début de la décennie 2000, l’usage du concept de résilience est devenu récurrent, voire incontournable dans les domaines institutionnels de l’aide internationale (aide d’urgence, aide au développement) et de la sécurité civile (prévention, protection de la population, gestion des risques et des crises). Le concept de résilience fait parallèlement l'objet d'usages variés et parfois beaucoup plus anciens en psychologie, en géographie, dans le domaine de l'écologie, en sociologie, en science politique, en sciences de gestion et en ergonomie. Ce travail de thèse vise précisément à identifier et faire l'inventaire de ces différents usages académiques et institutionnels. La première partie recense les usages du concept de résilience dans les différentes disciplines et domaines de recherche précédemment évoqués. La seconde partie recense dans un premier temps l'usage du concept de résilience au sein des principales institutions et ONG d'aide internationale. Elle recense dans un second temps les usages du concept de résilience au sein des institutions et organisations directement concernées par les questions de sécurité civile au niveau international et européen et aux niveaux nationaux américain, britannique et français. Elle montre que l'usage du concept de résilience correspond à un processus de reconfiguration et de relégitimation de leurs activités dans un contexte de persistance des situations de crise qui a progressivement fragilisé les conditions de leur mise en œuvre

    Risks and Crisis management : a New Cause for the Policy Makers?

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    International audienceThe general interest of policy scientist in risks and crisis management has constantly grown since Ulrich Beck's Risk Society in 1986. It is now widely admitted that natural or man-made disasters, biological risks and sanitary crisis have to be considered first as the results of social and economical dynamics if not concrete political choices. On the other hand, the multiple recent fails of crisis management during episodes such as the H1N1 outbreak in 2009 and 2010, or the E.coli crisis in 2011, and the unprecedented impacts of disasters such as the Indian ocean tsunami in 2004, the hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, rather show that governments still struggle to consider risks and crisis management as priorities of their political agenda. Yet risks and crisis management policies are numerous and still increasing in many countries, but they are disseminated through a wide variety of institutions and organizations, and their objectives are diverse,ranging from regulation to simple consulting. Moreover, their legitimacy is often challenged by other organisations from the civil society and the private sector. Reciprocally, some emerging actors, mainly coming from international organisations, local governments and NGOs use the topic of risks and crisis management as a gateway to "penetrate" the field of public policies : they develop and promote their own knowledge, and challenge the action of the national governments on this specific topic. Is risks and crisis management becoming an autonomous problematic inside the public policies

    Risks and Crisis management : a New Cause for the Policy Makers?

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    International audienceThe general interest of policy scientist in risks and crisis management has constantly grown since Ulrich Beck's Risk Society in 1986. It is now widely admitted that natural or man-made disasters, biological risks and sanitary crisis have to be considered first as the results of social and economical dynamics if not concrete political choices. On the other hand, the multiple recent fails of crisis management during episodes such as the H1N1 outbreak in 2009 and 2010, or the E.coli crisis in 2011, and the unprecedented impacts of disasters such as the Indian ocean tsunami in 2004, the hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005, and the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, rather show that governments still struggle to consider risks and crisis management as priorities of their political agenda. Yet risks and crisis management policies are numerous and still increasing in many countries, but they are disseminated through a wide variety of institutions and organizations, and their objectives are diverse,ranging from regulation to simple consulting. Moreover, their legitimacy is often challenged by other organisations from the civil society and the private sector. Reciprocally, some emerging actors, mainly coming from international organisations, local governments and NGOs use the topic of risks and crisis management as a gateway to "penetrate" the field of public policies : they develop and promote their own knowledge, and challenge the action of the national governments on this specific topic. Is risks and crisis management becoming an autonomous problematic inside the public policies