64 research outputs found

    Spreadsheet Framework for Visual Exploration of Biomedical Datasets

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    In this paper, we present our spreadsheet framework, which uses a spreadsheet-likeinterface for exploring biomedical datasets. The principles and advantages of this classof visualization systems are illustrated, and a case study for the analysis of hip jointcongruity is presented. Throughout this use case, we see how end users can comparedifferent datasets, apply parallel operations on data, create analysis templates, andhow this helps them in the exploration process

    Gaze Behaviors for Virtual Crowd Characters

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    Nowadays, crowds of virtual characters are used in many domains such as neurosciences, psychology, and computer sciences. Since as human beings, we are natural experts in human being representation and movement, it makes it that much harder to correctly model and animate virtual characters. This becomes even more challenging when considering crowds of virtual characters. Indeed, in addition to the representation and animation, there is the mandatory trade-off between rich, realistic behaviors and computational costs. In this paper, we present a crowd engine, to which we introduce and extra layer which allows its characters to produce gaze behaviors. We thus enhance crowd realism by allowing the characters composing it to be aware of their environment and other characters and/or a user

    Characterizing first and third person viewpoints and their alternation for embodied interaction in virtual reality

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    Empirical research on the bodily self has shown that the body representation is malleable, and prone to manipulation when conflicting sensory stimuli are presented. Using Virtual Reality (VR) we assessed the effects of manipulating multisensory feedback (full body control and visuo-tactile congruence) and visual perspective (first and third person perspective) on the sense of embodying a virtual body that was exposed to a virtual threat. We also investigated how subjects behave when the possibility of alternating between first and third person perspective at will was presented. Our results support that illusory ownership of a virtual body can be achieved in both first and third person perspectives under congruent visuo-motor-tactile condition. However, subjective body ownership and reaction to threat were generally stronger for first person perspective and alternating condition than for third person perspective. This suggests that the possibility of alternating perspective is compatible with a strong sense of embodiment, which is meaningful for the design of new embodied VR experiences

    Animated impostors for real-time display of numerous virtual humans

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    Rendering and animating a multitude of articulated characters in real-time presents a real challenge, and few hardware systems are up to the task. Up to now, little research has been conducted to tackle the issue of real-time rendering of numerous virtual humans. However, due to the growing interest in collaborative virtual environments, the demand for numerous realistic avatars is becoming stronger. This paper presents a hardware-independent technique that improves the display rate of animated characters by acting on the geometric and rendering information. We first review the acceleration techniques traditionally used in computer graphics and highlight their suitability for articulated characters. Then we show how impostors can be used to render virtual humans. Finally, we introduce a concrete case study that demonstrates the effectiveness of our approac

    Deformable tissue parameterized by properties of real biological tissue

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    Realistic mechanical models of biological soft tissues are a key issue to allow the implementation of reliable systems to aid on orthopedic diagnosis and surgery planning. We are working to develop a computerized soft tissues model for biotissues based on a mass-spring-like approach. We present several experiments towards the parameterization of our model from the elastic properties of real material
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