2,682 research outputs found

    Two-way satellite time transfer using low power CW tones

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    In the search for an economical means of precise time transfer, the NRC Time Laboratory decided to adapt the techniques used by radio astronomers in an experiment to compare the phases of the local oscillators at widely separated VLBI stations. The objective is to design a system which would use commercial satellites, and which would be of reasonable cost for the ground stations and for operations. Two satellite ground stations were installed at NRC about 100 m from the Time Laboratory. For the preliminary experiment, a channel on the Anik Al 6/4 GHz satellite was made available by TELESAT Canada. Two tones were transmitted + or - MHz from the suppressed carrier. The difference frequency of 32 MHz was recorded using narrow band receivers. A low level 1 MHz phase modulation was added to identify the 32 MHz cycle, giving 1 microsec ambiguity in the time transfer. With less than 1/4 W in each tone, the EIRP is 43 dB below that of a normal TV Earth station, and no frequency dispersion is required. The measurements taken each second for the 32 MHz have an rms scatter of 1 ns

    Two-way time transfers between NRC/NBS and NRC/USNO via the Hermes (CTS) satellite

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    At each station the differences were measured between the local UTC seconds pulse and the remote UTC pulse received by satellite. The difference between the readings, if station delays are assumed to be symmetrical, is two times the difference between the clocks at the two ground station sites. Over a 20-minute period, the precision over the satellite is better than 1 ns. The time transfer from NRC to the CRC satellite terminal near Ottawa and from NBS to the Denver HEW terminal was examined

    Compactifications of conformal gravity

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    We study conformal theories of gravity, i.e. those whose action is invariant under the local transformation g_{\mu\nu} -> \omega^2 (x) g_{\mu\nu}. As is well known, in order to obtain Einstein gravity in 4D it is necessary to introduce a scalar compensator with a VEV that spontaneously breaks the conformal invariance and generates the Planck mass. We show that the compactification of extra dimensions in a higher dimensional conformal theory of gravity also yields Einstein gravity in lower dimensions, without the need to introduce the scalar compensator. It is the field associated with the size of the extra dimensions (the radion) who takes the role of the scalar compensator in 4D. The radion has in this case no physical excitations since they are gauged away in the Einstein frame for the metric. In these models the stabilization of the size of the extra dimensions is therefore automatic.Comment: 13 page

    Metafitting: Weight optimization for least-squares fitting of PTTI data

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    For precise time intercomparisons between a master frequency standard and a slave time scale, we have found it useful to quantitatively compare different fitting strategies by examining the standard uncertainty in time or average frequency. It is particularly useful when designing procedures which use intermittent intercomparisons, with some parameterized fit used to interpolate or extrapolate from the calibrating intercomparisons. We use the term 'metafitting' for the choices that are made before a fitting procedure is operationally adopted. We present methods for calculating the standard uncertainty for general, weighted least-squares fits and a method for optimizing these weights for a general noise model suitable for many PTTI applications. We present the results of the metafitting of procedures for the use of a regular schedule of (hypothetical) high-accuracy frequency calibration of a maser time scale. We have identified a cumulative series of improvements that give a significant reduction of the expected standard uncertainty, compared to the simplest procedure of resetting the maser synthesizer after each calibration. The metafitting improvements presented include the optimum choice of weights for the calibration runs, optimized over a period of a week or 10 days

    Tracing the energetics and evolution of dust with Spitzer : a chapter in the history of the Eagle Nebula

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    Context. The Spitzer GLIMPSE and MIPSGAL surveys have revealed a wealth of details about the Galactic plane in the infrared (IR)with orders of magnitude higher sensitivity, higher resolution, and wider coverage than previous IR observations. The structure of the interstellar medium (ISM) is tightly connected to the countless star-forming regions. We use these surveys to study the energetics and dust properties of the Eagle Nebula (M16), one of the best known star-forming regions. Aims. We present MIPSGAL observations of M16 at 24 and 70 μm and combine them with previous IR data. The mid-IR image shows a shell inside the well-known molecular borders of the nebula, as in the ISO and MSX observations from 15 to 21 μm. The morphologies at 24 and 70 μm are quite different, and its color ratio is unusually warm. The far-IR image resembles the one at 8 μm that enhances the structure of the molecular cloud and the "pillars of creation". We use this set of IR data to analyze the dust energetics and properties within this template for Galactic star-forming regions. Methods. We measure IR spectral energy distributions (SEDs) across the entire nebula, both within the inner shell and the photodissociation regions (PDRs).We use the DUSTEM model to fit these SEDs and constrain the dust temperature, the dust-size distribution, and the radiation field intensity relative to that provided by the star cluster NGC 6611 (χ/χ0). Results. Within the PDRs, the inferred dust temperature (~35 K), the dust-size distribution, and the radiation field intensity (χ/χ0 < 1) are consistent with expectations. Within the inner shell, the dust is hotter (~70 K). Moreover, the radiation field required to fit the SED is larger than that provided by NGC 6611 (χ/χ0 > 1). We quantify two solutions to this problem: (1) The size distribution of the dust in the shell is not that of interstellar dust. There is a significant enhancement of the carbon dust-mass in stochastically heated very small grains. (2) The dust emission arises from a hot (~10^6 K) plasma where both UV and collisions with electrons contribute to the heating. Within this hypothesis, the shell SED may be fit for a plasma pressure p/k ~ 5 × 10^7 K cm^(−3). Conclusions. We suggest two interpretations for the M16 inner shell: (1) The shell matter is supplied by photo-evaporative flows arising from dense gas exposed to ionized radiation. The flows renew the shell matter as it is pushed out by the pressure from stellar winds. Within this scenario, we conclude that massive-star forming regions such as M16 have a major impact on the carbon dustsize distribution. The grinding of the carbon dust could result from shattering in grain-grain collisions within shocks driven by the dynamical interaction between the stellar winds and the shell. (2) We also consider a more speculative scenario where the shell is a supernova remnant. In this case, we would be witnessing a specific time in the evolution of the remnant where the plasma pressure and temperature would enable the remnant to cool through dust emission

    The Energetics of Molecular Gas in NGC 891 from H_2 and Far-infrared Spectroscopy

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    We have studied the molecular hydrogen energetics of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 891, using a 34 position map in the lowest three pure rotational H_2 lines observed with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph. The S(0), S(1), and S(2) lines are bright with an extinction-corrected total luminosity of ~2.8 × 10^7 L_☉, or 0.09% of the total-infrared luminosity of NGC 891. The H_2 line ratios are nearly constant along the plane of the galaxy—we do not observe the previously reported strong drop-off in the S(1)/S(0) line intensity ratio in the outer regions of the galaxy, so we find no evidence for the very massive cold CO-free molecular clouds invoked to explain the past observations. The H_2 level excitation temperatures increase monotonically indicating that there is more than one component to the emitting gas. More than 99% of the mass is in the lowest excitation (T_(ex) ~ 125 K) "warm" component. In the inner galaxy, the warm H_2 emitting gas is ~16% of the CO(1-0)-traced cool molecular gas, while in the outer regions the fraction is twice as high. This large mass of warm gas is heated by a combination of the far-UV photons from stars in photodissociation regions (PDRs) and the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy. Including the observed far-infrared [O I] and [C II] fine-structure line emission and far-infrared continuum emission in a self-consistent manner to constrain the PDR models, we find essentially all of the S(0) and most (70%) of the S(1) line arise from low excitation PDRs, while most (80%) of the S(2) and the remainder of the S(1) line emission arise from low-velocity microturbulent dissipation

    Accuracy metrics for judging time scale algorithms

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    Time scales have been constructed in different ways to meet the many demands placed upon them for time accuracy, frequency accuracy, long-term stability, and robustness. Usually, no single time scale is optimum for all purposes. In the context of the impending availability of high-accuracy intermittently-operated cesium fountains, we reconsider the question of evaluating the accuracy of time scales which use an algorithm to span interruptions of the primary standard. We consider a broad class of calibration algorithms that can be evaluated and compared quantitatively for their accuracy in the presence of frequency drift and a full noise model (a mixture of white PM, flicker PM, white FM, flicker FM, and random walk FM noise). We present the analytic techniques for computing the standard uncertainty for the full noise model and this class of calibration algorithms. The simplest algorithm is evaluated to find the average-frequency uncertainty arising from the noise of the cesium fountain's local oscillator and from the noise of a hydrogen maser transfer-standard. This algorithm and known noise sources are shown to permit interlaboratory frequency transfer with a standard uncertainty of less than 10(exp -15) for periods of 30-100 days

    Mixed-symmetry tensor conserved currents and AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We present the full list of conserved currents built of two massless spinor fields in Minkowski space and their derivatives multiplied by Clifford algebra elements. The currents have particular mixed-symmetry type described by Young diagrams with one row and one column of arbitrary lengths and heights. Along with Yukawa-like totally antisymmetric currents the complete set of constructed currents exactly matches the spectrum of AdS mixed-symmetry fields arising in the generalized Flato-Fronsdal theorem for two spinor singletons. As a by-product, we formulate and study general properties of primary fields and conserved currents of mixed-symmetry type.Comment: 17 pages; v2: typos corrected, clarifications and refs added; v3: more explanations and refs added; contribution to the J.Phys.A special volume on "Higher Spin Theories and AdS/CFT" edited by Matthias Gaberdiel and Mikhail Vasilie

    Supersymmetric Higher Spin Theories

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    We revisit the higher spin extensions of the anti de Sitter algebra in four dimensions that incorporate internal symmetries and admit representations that contain fermions, classified long ago by Konstein and Vasiliev. We construct the dS4dS_4, Euclidean and Kleinian version of these algebras, as well as the corresponding fully nonlinear Vasiliev type higher spin theories, in which the reality conditions we impose on the master fields play a crucial role. The N=2{\cal N}=2 supersymmetric higher spin theory in dS4dS_4, on which we elaborate further, is included in this class of models. A subset of Konstein-Vasiliev algebras are the higher spin extensions of the AdS4AdS_4 superalgebras osp(4N)osp(4|{\cal N}) for N=1,2,4{\cal N}=1,2,4 mod 4 and can be realized using fermionic oscillators. We tensor the higher superalgebras of the latter kind with appropriate internal symmetry groups and show that the N=3{\cal N}=3 mod 4 higher spin algebras are isomorphic to those with N=4{\cal N}=4 mod 4. We describe the fully nonlinear higher spin theories based on these algebras as well, and we elaborate further on the N=6{\cal N}=6 supersymmetric theory, providing two equivalent descriptions one of which exhibits manifestly its relation to the N=8{\cal N}=8 supersymmetric higher spin theory.Comment: 30 pages. Contribution to J. Phys. A special volume on "Higher Spin Theories and AdS/CFT" edited by M. R. Gaberdiel and M. Vasilie

    Stochastic series expansion method for quantum Ising models with arbitrary interactions

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    A quantum Monte Carlo algorithm for the transverse Ising model with arbitrary short- or long-range interactions is presented. The algorithm is based on sampling the diagonal matrix elements of the power series expansion of the density matrix (stochastic series expansion), and avoids the interaction summations necessary in conventional methods. In the case of long-range interactions, the scaling of the computation time with the system size N is therefore reduced from N^2 to Nln(N). The method is tested on a one-dimensional ferromagnet in a transverse field, with interactions decaying as 1/r^2.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure