
Two-way satellite time transfer using low power CW tones


In the search for an economical means of precise time transfer, the NRC Time Laboratory decided to adapt the techniques used by radio astronomers in an experiment to compare the phases of the local oscillators at widely separated VLBI stations. The objective is to design a system which would use commercial satellites, and which would be of reasonable cost for the ground stations and for operations. Two satellite ground stations were installed at NRC about 100 m from the Time Laboratory. For the preliminary experiment, a channel on the Anik Al 6/4 GHz satellite was made available by TELESAT Canada. Two tones were transmitted + or - MHz from the suppressed carrier. The difference frequency of 32 MHz was recorded using narrow band receivers. A low level 1 MHz phase modulation was added to identify the 32 MHz cycle, giving 1 microsec ambiguity in the time transfer. With less than 1/4 W in each tone, the EIRP is 43 dB below that of a normal TV Earth station, and no frequency dispersion is required. The measurements taken each second for the 32 MHz have an rms scatter of 1 ns

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