406 research outputs found

    Sequential reciprocity in two-player, two-stage games: An experimental analysis.

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    We experimentally test Dufwenberg and Kirchsteiger’s (2004) theory of sequential reciprocity in a sequential prisoner’s dilemma (SPD) and a mini-ultimatum game (MUG). Data on behavior and first- and second-order beliefs allow us to classify each subject’s behavior as a material best response, a reciprocity best response, both, or none. We found that in both games the behavior of about 80% of the firstmovers was a material best response, a reciprocity best response, or both. The remaining 20% of first-movers almost always made choices that were “too kind” according to the theory of reciprocity. Secondmover behavior, in both games, was fully in line with the predictions of the theory. The average behavior and beliefs across subjects were compatible with a sequential reciprocity equilibrium in the SPD but not in the MUG. We also found first- and second-order beliefs to be unbiased in the SPD and nearly unbiased in the MUG.Sequential reciprocity; Sequential prisoner’s dilemma; Mini-ultimatum game;

    Why Should Universities Contribute to New Utopias?

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    What would the ideal society look like, and its university? In 1516 the English humanist Thomas More tried his hand at imagining a perfect society on a distant island. His Utopia was first published in the Flemish town of Leuven, home of a university that was established almost a century earlier in 1425. Five hundred years later, university scholars revisit More’s exercise in an interdisciplinary range of science-based utopias. Like More’s Utopia, later and new utopias have to be read in the light of their own times. Utopias are connected to and embedded in their social realities. They belong to their own realities and evolve with these realities. Just as utopias need their matching realities, realities also need their matching utopias. At first sight there may seem to be an inescapable tension between scientific research and the description of an ou-topos, a non-existent place. Clearly, utopias can neither change nor replace the laws of nature. Yet utopias and science can and should be related, and universities should contribute to developing new utopias.

    Diseminacija znanstvenih spoznaja o reformama javne uprave: promjene u mehanizmima

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    This paper is about organising knowledge on the functioning of the public sector. This knowledge is not contained within a single discipline but within many empirical disciplines ranging from law, economics, management, and political science to sociology, psychology, and the like. This knowledge is clustered and scientifically organised in the field of Public Administration (PA). This paper is also relevant for knowledge about the content of policies, in which case knowledge provided by the field of PA must be added to specific knowledge of the relevant policy field, for example, education, health, security, agriculture, and so on. To make the field of PA fit for purpose, i.e., to develop grounded and evidence-based reform policies for a functional public sector of the future, there is a need to reflect thoroughly on how to organise supply and demand and the match between these, not just with regard to data and information but useful knowledge as well. To do this, it is necessary to study the shifting mechanisms of PA knowledge supply, demand, and their match (or mismatch). A set of eleven “lessons” for stakeholders in the field of PA knowledge has been formulated.Rad se bavi sistematizacijom znanstvenih spoznaja o djelovanju javnog sektora. Ovom se temom ne bavi samo jedna disciplina, već su tome posvećena mnogobrojne discipline s empirijskim pristupom znanosti poput prava, ekonomije, menadĆŸmenta, političkih znanosti, sociologije, psihologije i drugih srodnih disciplina, a ovom se temom sustavno bavi upravna znanost. U radu se također govori o spoznajama vezanima za sadrĆŸaj javnih politika, a u tom se slučaju znanja iz upravne znanosti nadograđuju specifičnim znanjima iz odgovarajućeg područja javnih politika poput, primjerice, obrazovanja, zdravstva, sigurnosnih pitanja, poljoprivrede i slično. Cilj je učiniti upravnu znanost svrhovitom te izgraditi reformsku politiku utemeljenu na znanstvenim činjenicama kako bi javni sektor budućnosti bio funkcionalan. Stoga je potrebno podrobno promisliti o tome kako organizirati i uskladiti ponudu i potraĆŸnju, kako podataka i informacija tako i korisnih spoznaja. To se moĆŸe postići proučavanjem promjena u mehanizmima ponude i potraĆŸnje o spoznajama iz područja upravne znanosti te proučavanjem u kojoj su mjeri ti mehanizmi (ne)usklađeni. U radu je navedeno jedanaest preporuka dionicima u području spoznaja o upravnoj znanosti

    ‘Frontier methods’ offer a powerful but accessible approach for measuring the efficiency of public sector organisations

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    How can the efficiency of public sector organisations best be measured? Jesse Stroobants and Geert Bouckaert write that while the efficiency of an organisation is typically measured using performance indicators, there are some notable problems with this approach, such as the tendency for different indicators to produce conflicting conclusions on organisational performance. As an alternative, they outline so called ‘frontier methods’, which use direct comparisons between different organisations to create a benchmark or standard for performance. They argue that the frontier approach not only alleviates some of the problems associated with performance indicators, but is also broadly accessible for those employed in public administration

    The Public Sector in the XXI. Century: Renewing Public Sector Performance Measurement

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    A szerzƑ elemzĂ©sĂ©t azzal kezdi, hogy ma mĂĄr nem lehet megkerĂŒlni a közszolgĂĄlati szektor teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂ©nek mĂ©rĂ©sĂ©t. A közszfĂ©rĂĄban azonban a teljesĂ­tmĂ©ny fogalmĂĄnak meghatĂĄrozĂĄsa sem könnyƱ feladat. Hasznosnak lĂĄtszik a teljesĂ­tmĂ©ny szempontjĂĄbĂłl is elkĂŒlönĂ­teni egymĂĄstĂłl a mikro- , makro-, Ă©s a mezoszintet. Mikroszinten az egyes szervezetek szempontjĂĄbĂłl kell vizsgĂĄlni az eredmĂ©nyessĂ©get. A mezoszint lĂ©nyegĂ©ben a helyi önkormĂĄnyzat szintje, vĂ©gĂŒl a makroszint a nemzetĂĄllami szintƱ eredmĂ©ny. MindhĂĄrom szintre felĂĄllĂ­thatĂłk modellek, amelyek alapjĂĄn mĂ©rhetƑvĂ© tehetƑ a teljesĂ­tmĂ©ny. Mikroszinten fontos eleme az eredmĂ©nynek az ĂĄllampolgĂĄr bizalma a konkrĂ©t ĂĄllami intĂ©zmĂ©nyben. SƑt, bizonyos szempontbĂłl ez a bizalom tekinthetƑ az outputnak, amire törekednie kell a közszolgĂĄltatĂł intĂ©zmĂ©nynek. A cĂ©l soha nem vĂ©gpont a közszolgĂĄltatĂł szektor szĂĄmĂĄra. A cĂ©l csak egy közbensƑ ĂĄllomĂĄs, Ă©s ez kĂŒlönösen fontos megĂĄllapĂ­tĂĄs a közĂ©psƑ szinten, hiszen itt kell tartĂłsan megalapozni az ĂĄllami intĂ©zmĂ©nyrend- szerbe vetett bizalmat. A cikk hĂĄrom fontos megĂĄllapĂ­tĂĄst tesz ezen a terĂŒleten: 1. Ășj koordinĂĄciĂłs modellre van szĂŒksĂ©g a nagy ĂĄllami programok között (egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgy, oktatĂĄs, stb.) 2. tudomĂĄnyosan is össze kell kapcsolni a konkrĂ©t politikai irĂĄnyt a közszolgĂĄlati menedzsmenttel, Ă©s vĂ©gĂŒl 3. be kell vonni a vĂĄllalati-gazdĂĄlkodĂĄsi szervezeti formĂĄkat a közszolgĂĄlati intĂ©zmĂ©nyek mƱködtetĂ©sĂ©be (könyvvizsgĂĄlat, stb.). Makroszinten is hĂĄrom fontos következtetĂ©se van a szerzƑnek: 1. a makroszintƱ teljesĂ­tmĂ©ny az alapvetƑ versenykĂ©pessĂ©gi kĂ©rdĂ©s, amit az Ă©letminƑsĂ©ggel szoktak mĂ©rni a közgazdasĂĄgtanban. 2. össze kell hangolni a politikatudomĂĄnyt Ă©s a közszolgĂĄlattal foglalkozĂł menedzsment-ismereteket, 3. meg kell teremteni a kapcsolatot a civil tĂĄrsadalom, a közszolgĂĄlatot irĂĄnyĂ­tĂłk Ă©s a politikusok között

    Delphi in Criminal Justice Policy: A Case Study on Judgmental Forecasting

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    This article provides an in-depth case study analysis of a pilot project organized by the section Strategic Analysis of the Belgian Federal Police. Using the Delphi method, which is a judgmental forecasting technique, a panel of experts was questioned about future developments of crime, based on their expertise in criminal or social trends. The results demonstrate how police authorities could implement judgmental forecasting methods like Delphi methodology for the anticipation of future criminal trends, and how this technique, applied under specific conditions, can complement current crime analysis techniques. This article will not focus on criminal trends that were forecasted in the pilot project, but on the preconditions for using the Delphi method in criminal justice policy. Hence, this article could contribute to future applications of judgmental forecasting techniques by practitioners in both criminal justice systems and other policy domains

    Local government in the EU at a glance: survey analysis

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    Public service performance and trust in government: the problem of causality

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    Concerns for restoring citizens’ trust in government are at the core of public sector modernization. Public distrust is often blamed on the bad functioning of public services, and in political discourse well-functioning public services are said to create trust in government. This is a very rational and mechanistic reasoning, only part of which corresponds to reality. The link between performance and trust can only be made when very specific conditions are present. The core of the discussion deals with causality: it is obvious that performance of the public administration has a certain impact on trust in government, but existing levels of trust in government may also have an impact on perceptions of government performance. In this article, we outline a framework for research on this performance-trust relation

    Comparer les niveaux de confiance des citoyens et de satisfaction des utilisateurs en tant qu'indicateurs de ‘bonne gouvernance’

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    Jusque rĂ©cemment, l’administration publique avait surtout recours Ă  ce qu’on appelle des « indicateurs concrets », comme les ressources et les extrants, pour Ă©valuer son rendement. L’importance croissante de la responsabilisation et des questions liĂ©es aux impacts et aux rĂ©sultats ont favorisĂ© l’émergence d’ « indicateurs secondaires » - ex. satisfaction des citoyens et des utilisateurs. Par ailleurs, l’on exige de plus en plus souvent des informations relatives Ă  l’efficacitĂ© de la « gouvernance » dans son ensemble, comme les indicateurs de « qualitĂ© de vie ». Les politiques, les journalistes et les citoyens s’inquiĂštent de plus en plus de la baisse du niveau de confiance envers l’État et des effets nĂ©fastes que cela entraĂźne sur celui-ci et sur la cohĂ©sion de la sociĂ©tĂ© – ils semblent penser qu’une confiance accrue et une plus grande satisfaction Ă©quivalent Ă  une meilleure gouvernance. L’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© de la gouvernance entraĂźnera donc aussi des citoyens plus satisfaits et plus confiants. Cet article dĂ©montre que les techniques actuelles servant Ă  mesurer la confiance et la satisfaction Ă  l’égard de l’État sont tendancieuses si l’on pense qu’elles mesurent la bonne gouvernance, cela pour deux raisons. D’abord, la satisfaction est difficile Ă  mesurer, et elle est surtout axĂ©e sur l’un ou l’autre service. Ensuite, bien que la confiance dans l’État soit plus simple Ă  mesurer, ses liens avec la bonne gouvernance sont loin d’ĂȘtre Ă©vidents. MĂȘme si l’on parvient Ă  mesurer la confiance dans l’État, rien ne prouve que les variations dans le niveau de confiance sont vĂ©ritablement influencĂ©es par des facteurs en rapport avec l’État. Pour terminer, nous Ă©mettons l’hypothĂšse selon laquelle la confiance est peut-ĂȘtre insuffisante mais fait inĂ©vitablement partie d’une sĂ©rie d’indicateurs qui ne sont pas nĂ©cessaires mais suffisants pour la bonne gouvernance

    A tale of two charters

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    Charters are official commitments to quality and reform. Belgium introduced its Charter of the User of Public Services in 1993. The federal administration’s Copernicus reform began in 1999 and had a strong external outlook. It therefore may be considered as a second User Charter. In this article we focus on the administrative and political contingencies of the introduction of the two charters in Belgium. We show that actual administrative reform and political attention for administrative reform are distinct phenomena. Variations in political attention for reform depend on crises and on political realignment. Both charters were introduced in a period of disturbed relations between citizens and politics. The introduction of a User Charter and the launch of the Copernicus reform were definitely political events, and not merely administrative ones. A charter was needed to restore citizen-government relations. The charters, as pledges for reform, served as lightning rods for political discontent
