126 research outputs found

    Marketing plan of club triatlĂłn CastellĂłn

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    Treball Final de Grau en AdministraciĂł d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2018-2019Club TriatlĂłn CastellĂłn is currently one of the largest clubs in the province of CastellĂłn, with more than 145 adult members and a newly opened school. In spite of its short life as a club, it has known how to enter the triathlon sector and has known how to carry out all the steps that this entails. If we look at the economic environment, the economic crisis has not drastically affected the club, but technological advances and consumer habits of members are changing progressively, due to the new ideas and new initiatives that are emerging. In addition, competition in this sector is growing considerably in many autonomous communities, mainly in Valencia, Catalonia, Madrid and Andalusia, and if we focus on our city, CastellĂłn currently has more than 25 triathlon clubs. Therefore, with this marketing plan we will try to give a series of proposals and recommendations so that the club can adapt in the best possible way in the sports sector, offering the best services, in order to meet the expectations of its current customers and future customers. In the marketing plan, an internal research has been carried out in which we have studied the opinions of the members in terms of management, schedules, training, services, prices and level of satisfaction. Once the market research has been carried out, several action programs have been carried out, where some of the main objectives are to increase our visibility through social networks and create a new service. Finally, the action plans have been quantified in the budget and a timetable has been drawn up timing the implementation of each action, where it will subsequently be controlled by means of proposals that we have recommended

    Fecundity of The Pine Processionary, Thaumetopoea Pityocampa (Denis & SchiffermĂŒller, 1775) In The Case Of Reforestation In Moudjbara (Djelfa - Algeria)

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    A study of the fecundity of female populations of the pine processionary in the Moudjbara reforestation indicates that there are cyclical variations in the reproduction of this species. Descriptive analysis of pine processionary oviposition lengths showed greater significance for oviposition deposited on needles than for oviposition deposited on twigs. A very highly significant difference was noted between the lengths of the egg-laying supports from the Moudjbara reforestation (p=0.0001). The 195 pine processionary oviposition sites revealed a total of 37,272 eggs, with an average of 191 eggs per oviposition site. Analysis of the variance between the various categories of eggs showed a highly significant probability (p=0.0001). Three parasitoids were identified that emerged from oviposits collected at the Moudjbara reforestation site, with rates varying from year to year. T. embryophagum was encountered only sporadically in 2018, 2019 and 2021, with respective percentages not exceeding 2%. For the four pine processionary caterpillar populations studied, B. servadeii appeared to be more abundant than O. pityocampae. The number of B. servadeii adults observed reached 83.91% in 2020. Parasitoid activity was greater on eggs located at the ends of the clutch. It also appears that O. pityocampae mainly parasitizes the upper part of the egg, whereas B. servadeii shows a preference for the lower part

    Construction semi-automatique d'une ontologie sur des manuscrits ouest sahariens

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    International audienceAs more efforts are performed to digitize Western Saharan manuscripts, for preserving the memory they represent, the need to be able to work on thesedigitized materials naturally grows. Beyond cataloguing, an ontology is the basis to provide to researchers new tools for retrieving and integrating these knowledge sources. In this paper, we present the design of OMOS, an ontology describing Western Saharan manuscripts. We illustrate each step, from expert interviews and local resources analysis to the alignment with well-established reference ontologies, including an automatic enrichment from existing thesaurus.Dans le cadre de la sauvegarde et de la valorisation des documents patrimoniaux, des campagnes de numérisation des manuscrits anciens ont été entreprises dans différents endroits notamment dans une partie de l'ouest africain. Ces campagnes de numérisation ont généré un nombre important des ressources numériques potentiellement riches en informations que les chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales et le grand public désireraient exploiter. Dans cet article, nous proposons un moyen d'accÚs à toutes les informations sur les manuscrits qui soit plus riche que ceux disponibles dans les catalogues. Pour cela, nous avons construit de façon semi-automatique une ontologie regroupant les connaissances sur les manuscrits. Les différentes étapes suivies dans la construction de l'ontologie allant de l'acquisition des connaissances à partir d'un certain nombre de ressources jusqu'à son enrichissement semi-automatique à partir d'un thésaurus sont présentées. Nous avons par la suite procédé à son alignement avec certaines ontologies de référence

    Usinage des composites renforcés en fibres de carbone : stratégie de surfaçage pour limiter les efforts de coupe

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    International audienceLes matĂ©riaux composites sont des multi-matĂ©riaux (matrice + renfort) souvent anisotropes. De part leur constitution, ces matĂ©riaux posent de nombreuses problĂ©matiques lors de leur usinage. Les dĂ©fauts gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©s lors de l'opĂ©ration de parachĂšvement de la piĂšce peuvent ĂȘtre : la dĂ©cohĂ©sion de deux plis de matiĂšre, l'Ă©caillage des fibres, ou la dĂ©gradation thermique de la rĂ©sine polymĂšre. De plus le caractĂšre abrasif des fibres de carbone tend Ă  user rapidement les arĂȘtes de coupe, augmentant ainsi la gĂ©nĂ©ration des dĂ©fauts citĂ©s prĂ©cĂ©demment. Dans cet article, nous proposons une stratĂ©gie d'usinage en surfaçage limitant les efforts sur l'arĂȘte. Le matĂ©riau utilisĂ© est un composite Carbone/rĂ©sine Ă©poxy (T800S/M21), il a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© que la rĂ©sultante des efforts s'appliquant sur l'outil est maximum lorsque l'angle entre la vitesse de coupe et la fibre est entre 0° et 45°. Connaissant les orientations des plis dans la matiĂšre, il est alors possible de jouer sur l'engagement de la fraise et la profondeur de passe pour limiter les efforts de coupe sur l'outil

    Pattern Mining for Named Entity Recognition

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    International audienceMany evaluation campaigns have shown that knowledge-based and data-driven approaches remain equally competitive for Named Entity Recognition. Our re-search team has developed CasEN, a symbolic system based on finite state tran-ducers, which achieved promising results during the Ester2 French-speaking eval-uation campaign. Despite these encouraging results, manually extending the cov-erage of such a hand-crafted system is a difficult task. In this paper, we present a novel approach based on pattern mining for NER and to supplement our sys-tem's knowledge base. The system, mXS, exhaustively searches for hierarchical sequential patterns, that aim at detecting Named Entity boundaries. We assess their efficiency by using such patterns in a standalone mode and in combination with our existing system

    A note on k-Roman graphs

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    Let G=(V,E)G=\left(V,E\right) be a graph and let kk be a positive integer. A subset DD of V(G)V\left( G\right) is a kk-dominating set of GG if every vertex in V(G)\DV\left( G\right) \backslash D has at least kk neighbours in DD. The kk-domination number Îłk(G)\gamma_{k}(G) is the minimum cardinality of a kk-dominating set of G.G. A Roman kk-dominating function on GG is a function f ⁣:V(G)⟶{0,1,2}f\colon V(G)\longrightarrow\{0,1,2\} such that every vertex uu for which f(u)=0f(u)=0 is adjacent to at least kk vertices v1,v2,
,vkv_{1},v_{2},\ldots ,v_{k} with f(vi)=2f(v_{i})=2 for i=1,2,
,k.i=1,2,\ldots ,k. The weight of a Roman kk-dominating function is the value f(V(G))=∑u∈V(G)f(u)f(V(G))=\sum_{u\in V(G)}f(u) and the minimum weight of a Roman kk-dominating function on GG is called the Roman kk-domination number ÎłkR(G)\gamma_{kR}\left( G\right) of GG. A graph GG is said to be a kk-Roman graph if ÎłkR(G)=2Îłk(G).\gamma_{kR}(G)=2\gamma_{k}(G). In this note we study kk-Roman graphs

    CaractĂ©risation et modĂ©lisation de la transformation martensitique dans l’acier austĂ©nitique instable  301

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    Cette étude concerne un acier austénitique instable AISI 301 fourni à l'état écroui. Les essais mécaniques sont réalisés à différentes températures et vitesses de sollicitations suivant différentes orientations. Un modÚle phénoménologique prenant en compte les effets de la transformation martensitique sur le comportement mécanique a été implanté dans le code de calcul par éléments finis Abaqus/Explicit.Les résultats des simulations de pliage obtenus  sont comparés à des essais expérimentaux

    Simplifying syntactic and semantic parsing of NL-based queries in advanced application domains

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    The paper presents a high level query language (MDDQL) for databases, which relies on an ontology driven automaton. This is simulated by the human-computer interaction mode for the query construction process, which is driven by an inference engine operating upon a frames based ontology description. Therefore, given that the query construction process implicitly leads to the contemporary construction of high level query trees prior to submission of the query for transformation and execution to a semantic middle-ware, syntactic and semantic parsing of a query with conventional techniques, i.e., after completion of its formulation, becomes obsolete. To this extent, only, as meaningful as possible, queries can be constructed at a low typing, learning, syntactic and semantic parsing effort and regardless the preferred natural (sub)language. From a linguistics point o view, it turns out that the query construction mechanism can easily be adapted and work with families of natural languages, which underlie another type order such as Subject-Object-Verb as opposed to the typical Subject-Verb-Object type order, which underlie most European languages. The query construction mechanism has been proved as practical in advanced application domains, such as those provided by medical applications, with an advanced and hardly understood terminology for naive users and the public

    XML Corrector. Correcteur de documents XML par rapport à un schéma

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