8 research outputs found

    Caractérisation et typologie des marchés des vins en vrac à la production : le cas des vins de table et de pays rouges en France. Note de synthèse

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    La note est la synthèse d'une étude sur l'évolution des marchés des vins de table et de pays à la production, en France. Elle s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet de recherche (ACI) plus vaste sur la construction et la différenciation des marchés des vins (incluant aussi les AOC) en Languedoc et en Bourgogne. L'analyse porte sur l'étude des trajectoires économiques d'une soixantaine de dénominations de vins de pays sur la période 1987-2002. Le classement de ces trajectoires permet d'évaluer les dépendances économiques entre dénominations et de suggérer un positionnement des dénominations dans cinq grands types de situation de marché

    La différenciation des coopératives vinicoles de l'Hérault : analyse de trajectoires entre 1988 et 1997

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    National audienceCet article présente les premiers résultats d'une recherche sur l'évolution des 142 coopératives vinicoles de l'Hérault de 1988 à 1997. Un classement des trajectoires de la rémunération moyenne des apports de raisin est proposé en valeurs absolues et sur les données centrées réduites. Les différentes classes de trajectoires sont ensuite interprétées par l'effet de quatre types de facteurs traduisant : l'environnement commun (prix du vin de table), l'environnement spécifique de chaque coopérative (évolution du vignoble), la stratégie suivie (investissement matériel et humain) ainsi que les données structurelles de 1988. Les tests montrent que la forme de trajectoire de chaque classe peut être associée à une combinaison spécifique de changements exogènes et endogènes des coopératives

    Common features and different trajectories of land cover changes in six Western Mediterranean urban regions

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    Land use and land cover change (LULCC) dynamics have been particularly strong in the Mediterranean region, due to its historical development and to agro-pedoclimatic conditions favorable to human settlement. This area has undergone in the 1950s and the 1980s intense urbanization processes that has followed different trajectories. Urban expansion commonly occurs at the expense of agricultural land, leading to the fragmentation of natural areas and conflicts over access to land resources. These dynamics mainly concern the fringe between urban and agricultural land, e.g. the peri-urban areas usually included within functional urban regions. Here, to identify common features of LULCC in Western Mediterranean urban regions, we investigated two main features: direct changes due to urbanization and indirect changes affecting non-artificial land uses.We compared LULCC dynamics in 6 case studies from the north and south of the Western Mediterranean region: the urban regions of Montpellier and Avignon (France), Pisa (Italy), Madrid (Spain), Meknes (Morocco), and Constantine (Algeria), using a 30-year multitemporal spatial analysis (1980e2010). Two series of Landsat TM images were acquired for each case study and land cover data were analyzed both for dynamics and for land patterns, using landscape and class metrics. We found no significant north-south differences in LULCC dynamics between the investigatedWestern Mediterranean urban regions. Differences are more pronounced between smallemedium cities and large metropolitan areas in type of urban diffusion, which is more sprawled in smallemedium cities and more compact in large metropolitan areas. Rather, differences occur in LULCC not directly affected by urbanization, since in Northern Mediterranean urban regions afforestation and abandonment of agricultural areas are prevalent and closer to the urban areas, whereas transformation of natural areas into agricultural ones occurs mainly in Southern Mediterranean urban regions at a similar distance from urban areas than it happens for afforested or abandoned areas. In attempting for the first time to assess LULCC in these Mediterranean urban regions, we provide a preliminary comprehensive analysis that can contribute to the active LULCC research in the Mediterranean basin and that can be easily applied to other Mediterranean urban regions

    Strengthening the diagnostic capacity to detect Bio Safety Level 3 organisms in unusual respiratory viral outbreaks

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    Background: Experience with a highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak in the Netherlands (2003) illustrated that the diagnostic demand for respiratory viruses at different biosafety levels (including BSL3), can increase unexpectedly and dramatically. Objectives: We describe the measures taken since, aimed at strengthening national laboratory surge capacity and improving preparedness for dealing with diagnostic demand during outbreaks of (emerging) respiratory virus infections, including pandemic influenza virus. Study design: Academic and peripheral medical-microbiological laboratories collaborated to determine minimal laboratory requirements for the identification of viruses in the early stages of a pandemic or a large outbreak of avian influenza virus. Next, an enhanced collaborative national network of outbreak assistance laboratories (OAL) was set up. An inventory was made of the maximum diagnostic throughput that this network can deliver in a period of intensified demand. For an estimate of the potential magnitude of this surge demand, historical counts were calculated from hospital-and physician-based registries of patients presenting with respiratory symptoms. Results: Number of respiratory physician-visits ranged from 140,000 to 615,000 per month and hospitalizations ranged from 3000 to 11,500 per month. The established OAL-network provides rapid diagnostic response with agreed quality requirements and a maximum throughput capacity of 1275 samples/day (38,000 per month), assuming other routine diagnostic work needs to be maintained. Conclusions: Thus surge demand for diagnostics for hospitalized cases (if not distinguishable from other respiratory illness) could be handled by the OAL network. Assessing etiology of community acquired acute respiratory infection however, may rapidly exceed the capacity of the network. Therefore algorithms are needed for triaging for laboratory diagnostics; currently this is not addressed in pandemic preparedness plans. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V

    Targeting mitochondria for cancer therapy

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