64 research outputs found

    Statistical mechanics of the shallow-water system with a prior potential vorticity distribution

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    We adapt the statistical mechanics of the shallow-water equations to the case where the flow is forced at small scales. We assume that the statistics of forcing is encoded in a prior potential vorticity distribution which replaces the specification of the Casimir constraints in the case of freely evolving flows. This determines a generalized entropy functional which is maximized by the coarse-grained PV field at statistical equilibrium. Relaxation equations towards equilibrium are derived which conserve the robust constraints (energy, mass and circulation) and increase the generalized entropy

    Hamiltonian and Brownian systems with long-range interactions: III. The BBGKY hierarchy for spatially inhomogeneous systems

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    We study the growth of correlations in systems with weak long-range interactions. Starting from the BBGKY hierarchy, we determine the evolution of the two-body correlation function by using an expansion of the solutions of the hierarchy in powers of 1/N in a proper thermodynamic limit N+N\to +\infty. These correlations are responsible for the ``collisional'' evolution of the system beyond the Vlasov regime due to finite NN effects. We obtain a general kinetic equation that can be applied to spatially inhomogeneous systems and that takes into account memory effects. These peculiarities are specific to systems with unshielded long-range interactions. For spatially homogeneous systems with short memory time like plasmas, we recover the classical Landau (or Lenard-Balescu) equations. An interest of our approach is to develop a formalism that remains in physical space (instead of Fourier space) and that can deal with spatially inhomogeneous systems. This enlightens the basic physics and provides novel kinetic equations with a clear physical interpretation. However, unless we restrict ourselves to spatially homogeneous systems, closed kinetic equations can be obtained only if we ignore some collective effects between particles. General exact coupled equations taking into account collective effects are also given. We use this kinetic theory to discuss the processes of violent collisionless relaxation and slow collisional relaxation in systems with weak long-range interactions. In particular, we investigate the dependence of the relaxation time with the system size and provide a coherent discussion of all the numerical results obtained for these systems

    Improvement of leucocytic Na+K+ pump activity in uremic patients on low protein diet

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    Improvement of leucocytic Na+ K+ pump activity in uremic patients on low protein diet. Leucocytic Na+K+ pump activity was assessed in 20 patients with advanced renal failure. Na+K+-ATPase activity was reduced when compared with the values obtained from normal subjects (101.8 ± 48.6 versus 165.13 ± 8.9 µM of Pi hr-1 · g-1 P < 0.001) and the mean 86Rb uptake by U 937 cells was depressed by 38% after the addition of patients' sera. Subsequently, patients were put on a diet providing 0.3g protein/kg body weight daily and supplemented with ketoacids. After three months of dietary treatment Na+K+-ATPase activity increased to 142 ± 48.3 (P < 0.01) and reached normal values at the sixth month (162.8 ± 54.70 µM of Pi hr-1 · g-1; P < 0.001) whereas 86Rb uptake increased by 23 percent when compared to initial values. These data suggest that among the different mechanisms which have been advanced to explain the defects in the Na+ pump observed in uremic patients, circulating inhibitors deriving from alimentary protein intake may affect cation transport

    Brownian theory of 2D turbulence and generalized thermodynamics

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    We propose a new parametrization of 2D turbulence based on generalized thermodynamics and Brownian theory. Explicit relaxation equations are obtained that should be easily implementable in numerical simulations for three typical types of turbulent flows. Our parametrization is related to previous ones but it removes their defects and offers attractive new perspectives.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Hamiltonian and Brownian systems with long-range interactions

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    We discuss the dynamics and thermodynamics of systems with long-range interactions. We contrast the microcanonical description of an isolated Hamiltonian system to the canonical description of a stochastically forced Brownian system. We show that the mean-field approximation is exact in a proper thermodynamic limit. The equilibrium distribution function is solution of an integrodifferential equation obtained from a static BBGKY-like hierarchy. It also optimizes a thermodynamical potential (entropy or free energy) under appropriate constraints. We discuss the kinetic theory of these systems. In the N+N\to +\infty limit, a Hamiltonian system is described by the Vlasov equation. To order 1/N, the collision term of a homogeneous system has the form of the Lenard-Balescu operator. It reduces to the Landau operator when collective effects are neglected. We also consider the motion of a test particle in a bath of field particles and derive the general form of the Fokker-Planck equation. The diffusion coefficient is anisotropic and depends on the velocity of the test particle. This can lead to anomalous diffusion. For Brownian systems, in the N+N\to +\infty limit, the kinetic equation is a non-local Kramers equation. In the strong friction limit ξ+\xi\to +\infty, or for large times tξ1t\gg \xi^{-1}, it reduces to a non-local Smoluchowski equation. We give explicit results for self-gravitating systems, two-dimensional vortices and for the HMF model. We also introduce a generalized class of stochastic processes and derive the corresponding generalized Fokker-Planck equations. We discuss how a notion of generalized thermodynamics can emerge in complex systems displaying anomalous diffusion.Comment: The original paper has been split in two parts with some new material and correction

    Kinetic theory of Onsager's vortices in two-dimensional hydrodynamics

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    Starting from the Liouville equation, and using a BBGKY-like hierarchy, we derive a kinetic equation for the point vortex gas in two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamics, taking two-body correlations and collective effects into account. This equation is valid at the order 1/N where N>>1 is the number of point vortices in the system (we assume that their individual circulation scales like \gamma ~ 1/N). It gives the first correction, due to graininess and correlation effects, to the 2D Euler equation that is obtained for N+N\rightarrow +\infty. For axisymmetric distributions, this kinetic equation does not relax towards the Boltzmann distribution of statistical equilibrium. This implies either that (i) the "collisional" (correlational) relaxation time is larger than Nt_D, where t_D is the dynamical time, so that three-body, four-body... correlations must be taken into account in the kinetic theory, or (ii) that the point vortex gas is non-ergodic (or does not mix well) and will never attain statistical equilibrium. Non-axisymmetric distributions may relax towards the Boltzmann distribution on a timescale of the order Nt_D due to the existence of additional resonances, but this is hard to prove from the kinetic theory. On the other hand, 2D Euler unstable vortex distributions can experience a process of "collisionless" (correlationless) violent relaxation towards a non-Boltzmannian quasistationary state (QSS) on a very short timescale of the order of a few dynamical times. This QSS is possibly described by the Miller-Robert-Sommeria (MRS) statistical theory which is the counterpart, in the context of two-dimensional hydrodynamics, of the Lynden-Bell statistical theory of violent relaxation in stellar dynamics

    Brownian particles with long and short range interactions

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    We develop a kinetic theory of Brownian particles with long and short range interactions. We consider both overdamped and inertial models. In the overdamped limit, the evolution of the spatial density is governed by the generalized mean field Smoluchowski equation including a mean field potential due to long-range interactions and a generically nonlinear barotropic pressure due to short-range interactions. This equation describes various physical systems such as self-gravitating Brownian particles (Smoluchowski-Poisson system), bacterial populations experiencing chemotaxis (Keller-Segel model) and colloidal particles with capillary interactions. We also take into account the inertia of the particles and derive corresponding kinetic and hydrodynamic equations generalizing the usual Kramers, Jeans, Euler and Cattaneo equations. For each model, we provide the corresponding form of free energy and establish the H-theorem and the virial theorem. Finally, we show that the same hydrodynamic equations are obtained in the context of nonlinear mean field Fokker-Planck equations associated with generalized thermodynamics. However, in that case, the nonlinear pressure is due to the bias in the transition probabilities from one state to the other leading to non-Boltzmannian distributions while in the former case the distribution is Boltzmannian but the nonlinear pressure arises from the two-body correlation function induced by the short-range potential of interaction. As a whole, our paper develops connections between the topics of long-range interactions, short-range interactions, nonlinear mean field Fokker-Planck equations and generalized thermodynamics. It also justifies from a kinetic theory based on microscopic processes, the basic equations that were introduced phenomenologically in gravitational Brownian dynamics, chemotaxis and colloidal suspensions with attractive interactions

    Generalized thermodynamics and Fokker-Planck equations. Applications to stellar dynamics, two-dimensional turbulence and Jupiter's great red spot

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    We introduce a new set of generalized Fokker-Planck equations that conserve energy and mass and increase a generalized entropy until a maximum entropy state is reached. The concept of generalized entropies is rigorously justified for continuous Hamiltonian systems undergoing violent relaxation. Tsallis entropies are just a special case of this generalized thermodynamics. Application of these results to stellar dynamics, vortex dynamics and Jupiter's great red spot are proposed. Our prime result is a novel relaxation equation that should offer an easily implementable parametrization of geophysical turbulence. This relaxation equation depends on a single key parameter related to the skewness of the fine-grained vorticity distribution. Usual parametrizations (including a single turbulent viscosity) correspond to the infinite temperature limit of our model. They forget a fundamental systematic drift that acts against diffusion as in Brownian theory. Our generalized Fokker-Planck equations may have applications in other fields of physics such as chemotaxis for bacterial populations. We propose the idea of a classification of generalized entropies in classes of equivalence and provide an aesthetic connexion between topics (vortices, stars, bacteries,...) which were previously disconnected.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Hamiltonian and Brownian systems with long-range interactions: V. Stochastic kinetic equations and theory of fluctuations

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    We develop a theory of fluctuations for Brownian systems with weak long-range interactions. For these systems, there exists a critical point separating a homogeneous phase from an inhomogeneous phase. Starting from the stochastic Smoluchowski equation governing the evolution of the fluctuating density field, we determine the expression of the correlation function of the density fluctuations around a spatially homogeneous equilibrium distribution. In the stable regime, we find that the temporal correlation function of the Fourier components of the density fluctuations decays exponentially rapidly with the same rate as the one characterizing the damping of a perturbation governed by the mean field Smoluchowski equation (without noise). On the other hand, the amplitude of the spatial correlation function in Fourier space diverges at the critical point T=TcT=T_{c} (or at the instability threshold k=kmk=k_{m}) implying that the mean field approximation breaks down close to the critical point and that the phase transition from the homogeneous phase to the inhomogeneous phase occurs sooner. By contrast, the correlations of the velocity fluctuations remain finite at the critical point (or at the instability threshold). We give explicit examples for the Brownian Mean Field (BMF) model and for Brownian particles interacting via the gravitational potential and via the attractive Yukawa potential. We also introduce a stochastic model of chemotaxis for bacterial populations generalizing the mean field Keller-Segel model by taking into account fluctuations

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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