243 research outputs found

    QED and relativistic corrections in superheavy elements

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    In this paper we review the different relativistic and QED contributions to energies, ionic radii, transition probabilities and Land\'e gg-factors in super-heavy elements, with the help of the MultiConfiguration Dirac-Fock method (MCDF). The effects of taking into account the Breit interaction to all orders by including it in the self-consistent field process are demonstrated. State of the art radiative corrections are included in the calculation and discussed. We also study the non-relativistic limit of MCDF calculation and find that the non-relativistic offset can be unexpectedly large.Comment: V3, May 31st, 200

    Precision Spectroscopy at Heavy Ion Ring Accelerator SIS300

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    Unique spectroscopic possibilities open up if a laser beam interacts with relativistic lithium-like ions stored in the heavy ion ring accelerator SIS300 at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research FAIR in Darmstadt, Germany. At a relativistic factor gamma = 36 the 2P 1/2 level can be excited from the 2S 1/2 ground state for any element with frequency doubled dye-lasers in collinear geometry. Precise transition energy measurements can be performed if the fluorescence photons, boosted in forward direction into the X-ray region, are energetically analyzed with a single crystal monochromator. The hyperfine structure can be investigated at the 2P 1/2 - 2S 1/2 transition for all elements and at the 2P 3/2 - 2S 1/2 transition for elements with Z < 50. Isotope shifts and nuclear moments can be measured with unprecedented precision, in principle even for only a few stored radioactive species with known nuclear spin. A superior relative line width in the order of 5E-7 may be feasible after laser cooling, and even polarized external beams may be prepared by optical pumping

    Relativistic Calculation of two-Electron one-Photon and Hypersatellite Transition Energies for 12Z3012\leq Z\leq30 Elements

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    Energies of two-electron one-photon transitions from initial double K-hole states were computed using the Dirac-Fock model. The transition energies of competing processes, the Kα\alpha hypersatellites, were also computed. The results are compared to experiment and to other theoretical calculations.Comment: accepted versio

    Programmable active memories in real-time tasks: implementing data-driven triggers for LHC experiments

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    The future Large Hadron Collider (LHC), to be built at CERN, presents among other technological challenges a formidable problem of real-time data analysis. At a primary event rate of 40 MHz, a multi-stage trigger system has to analyze data to decide which is the fraction of events that should be preserved on permanent storage for further analysis. We report on implementations of local algorithms for feature extraction as part of triggering, using the detectors of the proposed ATLAS experiment as a model. The algorithms were implemented for a decision frequency of 100 kHz, on different data-driven programmable devices based on structures of field- programmable gate arrays and memories. The implementations were demonstrated at full speed with emulated input, and were also integrated into a prototype detector running in a test beam at CERN, in June 1994

    An in vitro model to assess the peripheral vestibulotoxicity of aromatic solvents.

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    peer reviewedEpidemiological and experimental studies indicate that a number of aromatic solvents widely used in the industry can affect hearing and balance following chronic exposure. Animal studies demonstrated that long-term exposure to aromatic solvents directly damages the auditory receptor within the inner ear: the cochlea. However, no information is available on their effect on the vestibular receptor, which shares many structural features with the cochlea and is also localized in inner ear. The aim of this study was to use an in vitro approach to assess and compare the vestibular toxicity of different aromatic solvents (toluene, ethylbenzene, styrene and ortho-, meta-, para-xylene), all of which have well known cochleotoxic properties. We used a three-dimensional culture model of rat utricles ("cysts") with preserved functional sensory and secretory epithelia, and containing a potassium-rich (K+) endolymph-like fluid for this study. Variations in K+ concentrations in this model were considered as biomarkers of toxicity of the substances tested. After 72 h exposure, o-xylene, ethylbenzene and styrene decreased the K+ concentration by 78 %, 37 % and 28 %, respectively. O- xylene and styrene both caused histopathological alterations in secretory and sensory epithelial areas after 72 h exposure, whereas no anomalies were observed in ethylbenzene-exposed samples. These in vitro results suggest that some widely used aromatic solvents might have vestibulotoxic properties (o-xylene, styrene and ethylbenzene), whereas others may not (p-xylene, m-xylene, toluene). Our results also indicate that variations in endolymphatic K+ concentration may be a more sensitive marker of vestibular toxicity than histopathological events. Finally, this study suggests that cochleotoxic solvents might not be necessarily vestibulotoxic, and vice versa

    Impacts of Climate Change on indirect human exposure to pathogens and chemicals from agriculture

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    Objective: Climate change is likely to affect the nature of pathogens and chemicals in the environment and their fate and transport. Future risks of pathogens and chemicals could therefore be very different from those of today. In this review, we assess the implications of climate change for changes in human exposures to pathogens and chemicals in agricultural systems in the United Kingdom and discuss the subsequent effects on health impacts. Data sources: In this review, we used expert input and considered literature on climate change ; health effects resulting from exposure to pathogens and chemicals arising from agriculture ; inputs of chemicals and pathogens to agricultural systems ; and human exposure pathways for pathogens and chemicals in agricultural systems. Data synthesis: We established the current evidence base for health effects of chemicals and pathogens in the agricultural environment ; determined the potential implications of climate change on chemical and pathogen inputs in agricultural systems ; and explored the effects of climate change on environmental transport and fate of different contaminant types. We combined these data to assess the implications of climate change in terms of indirect human exposure to pathogens and chemicals in agricultural systems. We then developed recommendations on future research and policy changes to manage any adverse increases in risks. Conclusions: Overall, climate change is likely to increase human exposures to agricultural contaminants. The magnitude of the increases will be highly dependent on the contaminant type. Risks from many pathogens and particulate and particle-associated contaminants could increase significantly. These increases in exposure can, however, be managed for the most part through targeted research and policy changes

    Styrene alters potassium endolymphatic concentration in a model of cultured utricle explants.

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    peer reviewedDespite well-documented neurotoxic and ototoxic properties, styrene remains commonly used in industry. Its effects on the cochlea have been extensively studied in animals, and epidemiological and animal evidence indicates an impact on balance. However, its influence on the peripheral vestibular receptor has yet to be investigated. Here, we assessed the vestibulotoxicity of styrene using an in vitro model, consisting of three-dimensional cultured newborn rat utricles filled with a high‑potassium (K+) endolymph-like fluid, called "cysts". K+ entry in the cyst ("influx") and its exit ("efflux") are controlled by secretory cells and hair cells, respectively. The vestibular epithelium's functionality is thus linked to K+ concentration, measured using a microelectrode. Known inhibitors of K+ efflux and influx validated the model. Cysts were subsequently exposed to styrene (0.25; 0.5; 0.75 and 1 mM) for 2 h or 72 h. The decrease in K+ concentration measured after both exposure durations was dose-dependent, and significant from 0.75 mM styrene. Vacuoles were visible in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells from 0.5 mM after 2 h and from 0.25 mM after 72 h. The results presented here are the first evidence that styrene may deregulate K+ homeostasis in the endolymphatic space, thereby altering the functionality of the vestibular receptor

    To respond or not to respond - a personal perspective of intestinal tolerance

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    For many years, the intestine was one of the poor relations of the immunology world, being a realm inhabited mostly by specialists and those interested in unusual phenomena. However, this has changed dramatically in recent years with the realization of how important the microbiota is in shaping immune function throughout the body, and almost every major immunology institution now includes the intestine as an area of interest. One of the most important aspects of the intestinal immune system is how it discriminates carefully between harmless and harmful antigens, in particular, its ability to generate active tolerance to materials such as commensal bacteria and food proteins. This phenomenon has been recognized for more than 100 years, and it is essential for preventing inflammatory disease in the intestine, but its basis remains enigmatic. Here, I discuss the progress that has been made in understanding oral tolerance during my 40 years in the field and highlight the topics that will be the focus of future research

    Genetic Relations Between the Aves Ridge and the Grenada Back-Arc Basin, East Caribbean Sea

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    The Grenada Basin separates the active Lesser Antilles Arc from the Aves Ridge, described as a Cretaceous‐Paleocene remnant of the “Great Arc of the Caribbean.” Although various tectonic models have been proposed for the opening of the Grenada Basin, the data on which they rely are insufficient to reach definitive conclusions. This study presents, a large set of deep‐penetrating multichannel seismic reflection data and dredge samples acquired during the GARANTI cruise in 2017. By combining them with published data including seismic reflection data, wide‐angle seismic data, well data and dredges, we refine the understanding of the basement structure, depositional history, tectonic deformation and vertical motions of the Grenada Basin and its margins as follows: (1) rifting occurred during the late Paleocene‐early Eocene in a NW‐SE direction and led to seafloor spreading during the middle Eocene; (2) this newly formed oceanic crust now extends across the eastern Grenada Basin between the latitude of Grenada and Martinique; (3) asymmetrical pre‐Miocene depocenters support the hypothesis that the southern Grenada Basin originally extended beneath the present‐day southern Lesser Antilles Arc and probably partly into the present‐day forearc before the late Oligocene‐Miocene rise of the Lesser Antilles Arc; and (4) the Aves Ridge has subsided along with the Grenada Basin since at least the middle Eocene, with a general subsidence slowdown or even an uplift during the late Oligocene, and a sharp acceleration on its southeastern flank during the late Miocene. Until this acceleration of subsidence, several bathymetric highs remained shallow enough to develop carbonate platforms

    Does visual cortex lactate increase following photic stimulation in migraine without aura patients? A functional 1H-MRS study

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    Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) has been used in a number of studies to assess noninvasively the temporal changes of lactate (Lac) in the activated human brain. Migraine neurobiology involves lack of cortical habituation to repetitive stimuli and a mitochondrial component has been put forward. Our group has recently demonstrated a reduction in the high-energy phosphates adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and phosphocreatine (PCr) in the occipital lobe of migraine without aura (MwoA) patients, at least in a subgroup, in a phosphorus MRS (31P-MRS) study. In previous studies, basal Lac levels or photic stimulation (PS)-induced Lac levels were found to be increased in patients with migraine with aura (MwA) and migraine patients with visual symptoms and paraesthesia, paresia and/or dysphasia, respectively. The aim of this study was to perform functional 1H-MRS at 3 T in 20 MwoA patients and 20 control subjects. Repetitive visual stimulation was applied using MR-compatible goggles with 8 Hz checkerboard stimulation during 12 min. We did not observe any significant differences in signal integrals, ratios and absolute metabolite concentrations, including Lac, between MwoA patients and controls before PS. Lac also did not increase significantly during and following PS, both for MwoA patients and controls. Subtle Lac changes, smaller than the sensitivity threshold (i.e. estimated at 0.1–0.2 μmol/g at 3 T), cannot be detected by MRS. Our study does, however, argue against a significant switch to non-aerobic glucose metabolism during long-lasting PS of the visual cortex in MwoA patients