121 research outputs found

    De la compréhension de programmes en génie logiciel à la reconnaissance d’algorithmes d’apprenants en EIAH

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    International audienceIn order to assess learners in algorithmics, we suggest a methodbased on the automatic understanding of the algorithms proposed by thestudents using comprehension methods from the domain of the softwareengineering. We use prebuilt models of student’s propositions, each onerepresenting algorithms, organized into tasks and subtasks and documentedwith information and pedagogical characteristics. The mark is based on adistance calculus between the model and the proposition. A first experimentoccurs with exam forms. It gives interesting recognition rates and marks forrecognized forms close to the marks obtained during the exam.Dans le but d’évaluer les productions d’apprenants en algorithmique,nous présentons une méthode de reconnaissance des algorithmes proposés parles apprenants basée sur les techniques de compréhension des programmes dugénie logiciel. Notre méthode repose sur une décomposition des algorithmes entâche et sous-tâche à accomplir ; à associer à chaque sous-tâche des « lignescritiques » et des propriétés spécifiques. Cette décomposition/modélisationpermet l’utilisation des techniques de compréhension de programmes de GénieLogiciel et mène à une évaluation/notation des propositions d’algorithmesbasée sur le modèle identifié d’une base de modèles étiquetés et sur la distanceentre le modèle et la proposition. Une première expérimentation à partir decopies d’examen donne des taux de reconnaissance intéressants et des notespour les copies reconnues proches des notations manuelles


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    Aims: The aim of this study is to assess the mutagenicity effect of occupational exposure to cytostatc in order to propose an environmental medical prevention program. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted for three months, it involved 39 nurses exposed to cytostatic drugs in oncology and 43 referents. They were matched by age, sex, smoking, seniority .The data were collected using a medical questionnaire. Mutagenicity was evaluated by the Ames test. The calculation of the ICC has allowed the classification of exposure. Results: The average age of exposed subjects is 42.28 ± 9.90 years with female predominance. 75% of staff is classified exposure level 3 and 2. Among the contact with cytostatic drugs is associated with a risk of mutagenic 3 (RR = 3.28, 95% CI: 1.73, 6, 22) with a highly significant difference (P << 0 .0001). 60% of samples of exposed and 15% of referents were positive, the mean number of positive revertants was 527.94 with a good correlation between the number of revertants and the ICC. Conclusion: This study confirms mutagenic risk among nurses handling cytostatic without adequate safeguards. It encourages the alignment on best practices to improve working conditions in oncology structures

    Determining the impacts of climate change on Spatio-temporal patterns of meteorological drought using SPI: A case study of Ain Defla, Algeria.

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    As an associated aspect of climate change, drought has become a severe challenge in different parts of the world, especially in regions where life depends on predominantly rain-fed agriculture. The Ain Defla study area is mostly agricultural land, most of its activity depends on rain. In recent years, droughts of varying impact and severity have affected crops. Therefore, this study aimed to identify and study the regions that are most vulnerable to drought in terms of time and space. Moreover, it provides a detailed picture of the drought in the region and finds appropriate solutions in the event of its return in the future. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the deviation from the average (EM) were calculated annually for 38 years for 13 stations from 1981 to 2019 within the study area. GIS was used to compile digital maps to visualize the spatial distribution of rainfall (P) and the difference in rainfall (EM) and determine the aridity using SPI values within the region based on the statistical method of Kriging. The Ain Defla region was subjected to drought of varying intensity and impact during the years (1983, 1989 and 2000), which extends with a decreasing value from east to west. Some wet years were also observed (2013 and 2018). Most years were in the moderate category by 60%. It is possible to rely on rain-fed agriculture in the western regions, that were less prone to drought during the study period compared to the eastern part, an area where drought is stable on an ongoing basis

    le management du tourisme durable en Algérie: outils innovants et perspectives

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    Le but de ce papier est d’exploiter le tourisme durable en Algérie à travers l’exposition de quelques données clefs relatives au développement durable, seront expliqué après quelques outils innovants en management stratégique du tourisme durable, à savoir “la chaine de valeur” ce concept sera appliqué au secteur du tourisme, notamment durable, et la notion de “CLUSER” qui concrétise un nouveau mode de développement touristique durable , ce papier s’intéresse au dernier lieu aux perspectives du tourisme durable en Algérie. Mots clés&nbsp;: tourisme/ tourisme durable/ chaine de valeur/ tourisme algérien. ملخص: تهدف هذه الورقة البحثية إلى استكشاف حقيقة السياحة المستدامة في الجزائر من خلال عرض معطيات أساسية مرتبطة بالتنمية المستدامة، يتم بعدها التعرض لبعض الأساليب الحديثة المستخدمة في الإدارة الإستراتيجية، ألا و هي "حلقة القيمة" و مفهوم "cluster&nbsp;"، بحيث سوف يتم تطبيق هذه المفاهيم الجديدة على السياحة المستدامة، و في الأخير يكون التركيز على أفاق السياحة المستدامة في الجزائر. الكلمات المفتاحية:السياحة/ السياحة المستدامة/ حلقة القيمة/السياحة الجزائري

    Removal of a food dye on two solid supports by adsorption

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    Activated carbon and natural clay are extremely promising for the removal of dyes in a water solution. Natural clay and activated carbon were characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) techniques, and the food dye was characterized by UV-Visible. The effects of various experimental parameters, such as initial carmine concentration, contact time, temperature and pH were studied. The removal of the dye increases with the decrease in the initial concentration of carmine and the contact time of the solution. The percentage of carmine removal increases accordingly, reaching 97% for activated carbon and 67% for natural clay. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models were used for the adsorption equilibrium descriptions. The data was very well corrected with these models. Monolayer adsorption capacities were equal to 31 mgg-1 at pH 8.0 and 27°C. Adsorption measurements show that the adsorption process is very fast and physical in nature. Thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy ∆H°, ∆S° entropy and ∆G° free enthalpy were also evaluated to reveal the nature of adsorption. The results explain that the adsorption process is an exothermic, spontaneous physisorption

    De l'ego à la classe de locuteurs : lecture linguistique des Méditations

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    Magid Ali Bouacha : « De l'ego à la classe de locuteurs : lecture linguistique des Méditations » Descartes' Metaphysical Meditations can be read as both a particularizing and generalizing discourse. The first person subject category is precisely the site in which the first person morpheme / and the philosophical concept of the ego are worked out. An analysis of the uses of the first person as a marker of discursive and ennunciative operations demonstrates that the stakes of the Metaphysical Meditations are less a question of constructing a universal subject position than the opening of a category of speakers retrospectively. This category can be constituted a posteriori through each one of their utterances which can be repeated by different speakers under the same truth conditions.Ali Bouacha Magid. De l'ego à la classe de locuteurs : lecture linguistique des Méditations. In: Langages, 29ᵉ année, n°119, 1995. L'analyse du discours philosophique, sous la direction de Frédéric Cossutta . pp. 79-94

    Des choix terminologiques à la pratique grammaticale en milieu scolaire

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    L�enseignement/apprentissage de la grammaire en FLE ne cesse de poser de délicates questions aussi bien à la linguistique appliquée, qu�à l�enseignant de langue comme à l�apprenant. En matière d�enseignement grammatical français, on semble, encore et toujours, à la recherche de la meilleure approche susceptible de réconcilier la grammaire et sa didactisation adéquate au travers de sa terminologie dont l�usage est indispensable à l�analyse du système de la langue et du discours aussi. Prenant en considération les acquis de la tradition scolaire mais également les apports des sciences du langage, elle tente de nous révéler toute la richesse de la langue. Or, comme elle n�est pas en soi un objet d�apprentissage pour les élèves, les enseignants tentent de l�utiliser à bon escient afin de traduire certaines indications des programmes de la langue destinés à être appliqués au niveau des classes. Correspond-elle toujours aux besoins attendus, et surtout s�adapte-elle toujours au niveau des apprenants et surtout à leurs capacités d�assimilation