113 research outputs found

    Seasonal hysteresis of surface urban heat islands

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    Temporal dynamics of urban warming have been extensively studied at the diurnal scale, but the impact of background climate on the observed seasonality of surface urban heat islands (SUHIs) remains largely unexplored. On seasonal time scales, the intensity of urban–rural surface temperature differences (ΔTs) exhibits distinctive hysteretic cycles whose shape and looping direction vary across climatic zones. These observations highlight possible delays underlying the dynamics of the coupled urban–biosphere system. However, a general argument explaining the observed hysteretic patterns remains elusive. A coarse-grained model of SUHI coupled with a stochastic soil water balance is developed to demonstrate that the time lags between radiation forcing, air temperature, and rainfall generate a rate-dependent hysteresis, explaining the observed seasonal variations of ΔTs. If solar radiation is in phase with water availability, summer conditions cause strong SUHI intensities due to high rural evaporative cooling. Conversely, cities in seasonally dry regions where evapotranspiration is out of phase with radiation show a summertime oasis effect controlled by background climate and vegetation properties. These seasonal patterns of warming and cooling have significant implications for heat mitigation strategies as urban green spaces can reduce ΔTs during summertime, while potentially negative effects of albedo management during winter are mitigated by the seasonality of solar radiation

    Inverse Cascade Evidenced by Information Entropy of Passive Scalars in Submerged Canopy Flows

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    Turbulent mixing of scalars within canopies is investigated using a flume experiment with canopy-like rods of height h mounted to the channel bed. The data comprised a time sequence of high-resolution images of a dye recorded in a plane parallel to the bed at z/h= 0.2. Image processing shows that von Kármán wakes shed by canopy drag and downward turbulent transport from upper canopy layers impose distinct scaling regimes on the scalar spectrum. Measures from information theory are then used to explore the dominant directionality of the interaction between small and large scales underlying these two spectral regimes, showing that the arrival of sweeps from aloft establishes an inertial-range spectrum with forward “information” cascade. In contrast, wake growth with downstream distance leads to persistent upscale transfer (inverse cascade) of scalar variance, which hints at their nondiffusive character and the significance of the stem diameter as an active length scale in canopy turbulence

    A scale-dependent Lagrangian dynamic model for large eddy simulation of complex turbulent flows

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    A scale-dependent dynamic subgrid model based on Lagrangian time averaging is proposed and tested in large eddy simulations sLESd of high-Reynolds number boundary layer flows over homogeneous and heterogeneous rough surfaces. The model is based on the Lagrangian dynamic Smagorinsky model in which required averages are accumulated in time, following fluid trajectories of the resolved velocity field. The model allows for scale dependence of the coefficient by including a second test-filtering operation to determine how the coefficient changes as a function of scale. The model also uses the empirical observation that when scale dependence occurs ssuch as when the filter scale approaches the limits of the inertial ranged, the classic dynamic model yields the coefficient value appropriate for the test-filter scale. Validation tests in LES of high Reynolds number, rough wall, boundary layer flow are performed at various resolutions. Results are compared with other eddy-viscosity subgrid-scale models. Unlike the Smagorinsky–Lilly model with wall-damping swhich is overdissipatived or the scale-invariant dynamic model swhich is underdissipatived, the scale-dependent Lagrangian dynamic model is shown to have good dissipation characteristics. The model is also tested against detailed atmospheric boundary layer data that include measurements of the response of the flow to abrupt transitions in wall roughness. For such flows over variable surfaces, the plane-averaged version of the dynamic model is not appropriate and the Lagrangian averaging is desirable. The simulated wall stress overshoot and relaxation after a jump in surface roughness and the velocity profiles at several downstream distances from the jump are compared to the experimental data. Results show that the dynamic Smagorinsky coefficient close to the wall is very sensitive to the underlying local surface roughness, thus justifying the use of the Lagrangian formulation. In addition, the Lagrangian formulation reproduces experimental data more accurately than the planar-averaged formulation in simulations over heterogeneous rough walls

    A novel approach for unraveling the energy balance of water surfaces with a single depth temperature measurement

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    The partitioning of solar energy over the Earth's surface drives weather and climate of the coupled land–ocean–atmosphere system. Over water surfaces, the evolution of water temperatures at a given depth in the mixed layer implicitly contains the signature of surface energy partitioning, and as such it can be used to diagnose the surface energy balance. In this study, we develop a novel numerical scheme by combining the Green's function approach and linear stability analysis to estimate the water surface energy balance using water temperature measurement at a single depth. The proposed method is capable of predicting water temperature in the mixed layer, and solving for the components of the surface energy budgets with physically based schemes. Evaluation against in situ measurement and the maximum entropy production method demonstrates that this approach is robust and of good accuracy. It is found that performance of the proposed method depends strongly on the accurate estimation of turbulent thermal diffusivity from in situ measurements, which carries information of meteorological and limnological conditions. Without explicitly using wind speed or temperature/moisture gradient, the proposed approach reduces uncertainty and potential error associated with meteorological measurements in estimation of water surface energy balance

    Magnitude of urban heat islands largely explained by climate and population

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    Urban heat islands (UHIs) exacerbate the risk of heat-related mortality associated with global climate change. The intensity of UHIs varies with population size and mean annual precipitation, but a unifying explanation for this variation is lacking, and there are no geographically targeted guidelines for heat mitigation. Here we analyse summertime differences between urban and rural surface temperatures (ΔTs) worldwide and find a nonlinear increase in ΔTs with precipitation that is controlled by water or energy limitations on evapotranspiration and that modulates the scaling of ΔTs with city size. We introduce a coarse-grained model that links population, background climate, and UHI intensity, and show that urban–rural differences in evapotranspiration and convection efficiency are the main determinants of warming. The direct implication of these nonlinearities is that mitigation strategies aimed at increasing green cover and albedo are more efficient in dry regions, whereas the challenge of cooling tropical cities will require innovative solutions

    Estimation of urban sensible heat flux using a dense wireless network of observations

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    The determination of the sensible heat flux over urban terrain is challenging due to irregular surface geometry and surface types. To address this, in 2006-07, a major field campaign (LUCE) took place at the École Polytechnique FĂ©dĂ©rale de Lausanne campus, a moderately occupied urban site. A distributed network of 92 wireless weather stations was combined with routine atmospheric profiling, offering high temporal and spatial resolution meteorological measurements. The objective of this study is to estimate the sensible heat flux over the built environment under convective conditions. Calculations were based on Monin-Obukhov similarity for temperature in the surface layer. The results illustrate a good agreement between the sensible heat flux inferred from the thermal roughness length approach and independent calibrated measurements from a scintillometer located inside the urban canopy. It also shows that using only one well-selected station can provide a good estimate of the sensible heat flux over the campus for convective conditions. Overall, this study illustrates how an extensive network of meteorological measurements can be a useful tool to estimate the sensible heat flux in complex urban environment

    Urban climate and resiliency: A synthesis report of state of the art and future research directions

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    The Urban Climate and Resiliency-Science Working Group (i.e., The WG) was convened in the summer of 2018 to explore the scientific grand challenges related to climate resiliency of cities. The WG leveraged the presentations at the 10th International Conference on Urban Climate (ICUC10) held in New York City (NYC) on 6–10 August 2018 as input forum. ICUC10 was a collaboration between the International Association of Urban Climate, American Meteorological Society, and World Meteorological Organization. It attracted more than 600 participants from more than 50 countries, resulting in close to 700 oral and poster presentations under the common theme of “Sustainable & Resilient Urban Environments”. ICUC10 covered topics related to urban climate and weather processes with far-reaching implications to weather forecasting, climate change adaptation, air quality, health, energy, urban planning, and governance. This article provides a synthesis of the analysis of the current state of the art and of the recommendations of the WG for future research along each of the four Grand Challenges in the context of urban climate and weather resiliency; Modeling, Observations, Cyber-Informatics, and Knowledge Transfer & Applications

    Evaporation from three water bodies of diïŹ€erent sizes and climates: Measurements and scaling analysis

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    Evaporation from small reservoirs, wetlands, and lakes continues to be a theoretical and practical problem in surface hydrology and micrometeorology because atmospheric ïŹ‚ows above such systems can rarely be approximated as stationary and planar-homogeneous with no mean subsidence (hereafter referred to as idealized ïŹ‚ow state). Here, the turbulence statistics of temperature(T)and water vapor (q)most pertinent to lake evaporation measurementsover three water bodies diïŹ€ering in climate, thermal inertia and degree of advective conditions are explored. The three systems included Lac LeÂŽman in Switzerland (high thermal inertia, near homogeneous conditions with no appreciable advection due to long upwind fetch), Eshkol reservoir in Israel (intermediate thermal inertia, frequent strong advective conditions) and Tilopozo wetland in Chile (low thermal inertia, frequent but moderate advection). The data analysis focused on how similarity constants for the ïŹ‚ux-variance approach, CT/Cq, and relative transport eïŹƒciencies RwT/Rwq, are perturbed from unity with increased advection or the active role of temperature. When advection is small and thermal inertia is large, CT/Cq 1)primarily due to the active role of temperature, which is consistent with a large number of studies conducted over bare soil and vegetated surfaces. However, when advection is signiïŹcantly large, then CT/Cq >1 (orRwT/Rwq < 1). When advection is moderate and thermal inertia is low, then CT/Cq ïżœ1. This latter equality, while consistent with Monin–Obukhov similarity theory (MOST), is due to the fact that advection tends to increase CT/Cq above unity while the active role of temperature tends to decrease CT/Cq below unity. A simpliïŹed scaling analysis derived from the scalar variance budget equation, explained qualitatively how advection could perÂŹturb MOST scaling (assumed to represent the idealized ïŹ‚ow state)

    Approximating turbulent and non-turbulent events with the Tensor Train decomposition method

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    Low-rank multilevel approximation methods are often suited to attack high-dimensional problems successfully and they allow very compact representation of large data sets. Specifically, hierarchical tensor product decomposition methods, e.g., the Tree-Tucker format and the Tensor Train format emerge as a promising approach for application to data that are concerned with cascade-of-scales problems as, e.g., in turbulent fluid dynamics. Beyond multilinear mathematics, those tensor formats are also successfully applied in e.g., physics or chemistry, where they are used in many body problems and quantum states. Here, we focus on two particular objectives, that is, we aim at capturing self-similar structures that might be hidden in the data and we present the reconstruction capabilities of the Tensor Train decomposition method tested with 3D channel turbulence flow data
