29 research outputs found
Diversité taxonomique des Hominidés fossiles en Asie : de nouvelles méthodes pour une vieille question
Les objectifs de cette Ă©tude sont de dĂ©terminer si les fossiles dâHominidĂ©s retrouvĂ©s en Asie du Sud-est reprĂ©sentent un ou plusieurs taxons, dâidentifier ceux-ci, de mesurer les distances entre ces taxons et de les comparer Ă celles existant entre des espĂšces et sous-espĂšces actuelles phylogĂ©nĂ©tiquement proches (grands singes). Pour cela, nous avons utilisĂ© les nouvelles mĂ©thodes de morphomĂ©trie gĂ©omĂ©trique. Vingt points repĂšres tridimensionnels ont Ă©tĂ© numĂ©risĂ©s sur un Ă©chantillon de 110 crĂąnes : 18 spĂ©cimens fossiles issus dâAsie et datĂ©s de 6 000 Ă 1 150 000 ans, 31 spĂ©cimens dâHomo sapiens actuels, 31 spĂ©cimens de chimpanzĂ©s et 30 spĂ©cimens de gorilles. La mĂ©thode Procruste a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e afn de sĂ©parer la variable taille des variables de conformation. Nous avons utilisĂ© une nouvelle mĂ©thode originale en trois Ă©tapes, dans une dĂ©marche logique et objective. 1) La variabilitĂ© globale des quatre groupes a Ă©tĂ© explorĂ©e avec diffĂ©rents indices (variance, distances euclidiennes et de Manhattan). 2) Afin de sâaffranchir des regroupement arbitraires de fossiles dans des catĂ©gories taxonomiques prĂ©-Ă©tablies, des analyses en composantes principales (ACP) et de classification (Neighbor Joining et UPGMA) ont permis dâidentifier des sous-groupes au sein des quatre groupes (fossiles, H. sapiens, chimpanzĂ©s et gorilles). 3) Enfin, les distances de Mahalanobis entre ces diffĂ©rents sous-groupes ont Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©es et comparĂ©es entre elles. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la variabilitĂ© globale des fossiles est significativement supĂ©rieure Ă celle des H. sapiens. Elle est Ă©galement supĂ©rieure, mais de maniĂšre non significative, Ă celle des chimpanzĂ©s dâune part et des gorilles dâautre part. Les mĂ©thodes de classification et dâACP ont permis dâidentifier deux groupes au sein de lâĂ©chantillon des fossiles : un groupe dâaffinitĂ© H. erectus et un autre dâaffinitĂ© H. sapiens. La plus grande distance de Mahalanobis est observĂ©e entre les gorilles et les H. sapiens, puis entre les chimpanzĂ©s et les H. sapiens. Suit la distance entre les chimpanzĂ©s et les gorilles, qui est trĂšs proche de celle entre les H. sapiens actuels et les H. erectus. Cette derniĂšre est proche de la distance entre les H. sapiens fossiles et les H. erectus. En revanche, la distance entre les H. sapiens fossiles et actuels est nettement infĂ©rieure et est comparable aux distances observĂ©es entre les diffĂ©rents sous-groupes identifiĂ©s au sein des H. sapiens actuels, des chimpanzĂ©s et des gorilles. Cette nouvelle mĂ©thode originale a permis de conclure que les fossiles Ă©tudiĂ©s appartiennent bien Ă deux taxons diffĂ©rents. Le premier (les H. sapiens fossiles) peut ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme appartenant au mĂȘme taxon que celui des hommes actuels. Le deuxiĂšme appartient Ă un taxon diffĂ©rent.The  objectives  of  this  study  were  to  determine  whether  the  fossils  discovered  in Asia  belong  to  one  or  several taxa, to identify them and to compare the distances between them to the distances between actual groups and species of anthropoids. For  this purpose, we have used new geometric morphometric methods. Twenty  three dimensional  landmarks were digitized on 110  skulls: 18  fossils  from Asia dated between 1,150,000  years and 6,000 BC, 31 modern Homo sapiens, 31 chimpanzees and 30 gorillas. Landmarks were registered by Generalized Procruste Analysis. We used a  logical and objective method with  three steps. 1) The  taxa variabilities were explored by using several distance  indices  (variance, Euclidean and Manhattan distances). 2) We have  chosen not  to arbitrarily group  fossils  in established taxonomic categories: Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical classification methods (UPGMA and NJ) were applied  to  identify subgroups  for each of  the  four  taxa. Finally, Mahalanobis distances between  identified groups and subgroups were calculated and compared between each other. The  overall  variability  was  larger  for  the  fossil  group  than  for  any  of  the  three  actual  species,  although  the difference was statistically significant only for the comparison to the modern H. sapiens. Classification and PCA analysis identified two subgroups within the fossil group: one with an H. sapiens affinity and the other with an H. erectus affinity. The Mahalanobis distances were ordered as  follows  (decreasing order): gorilla/modern H. sapiens, chimpanzee/modern H. sapiens, chimpanzee/gorilla which was very similar to the distance between modern H. sapiens and H. erectus. This last distance was similar to the one between fossil H. sapiens and H. erectus. Distances between modern and fossil H. sapiens and between subgroups of actual species were similar and less than the preceding ones. We finally concluded that the fossils belong to two different taxa. The first (fossil H. sapiens) belongs to the same taxon as modern H. sapiens and the second, H. erectus, is different
Bénéfice économique de Pradaxa
La maladie thromboembolique veineuse (MTEV) est une pathologie grave qui
peut engager le pronostic vital en cas d'embolie pulmonaire ou
entraßner des séquelles importantes. Les patients qui
bénéficient d'une chirurgie orthopédique majeure
représentent une population à risque élevé de MTEV.
Dabigatran etexilate (PradaxaŸ) a démontré son
efficacité et sa sécurité d'emploi versus énoxaparine dans 2
essais cliniques. Au-delà des bénéfices cliniques, les objectifs
du modÚle d'impact budgétaire sont d'évaluer, selon une
perspective Assurance Maladie, la conséquence de l'introduction de ce
nouveau médicament sur le "marché Ville" en France, à partir
d'un Ă©chantillon fictif de 1000 patients par indication (ProthĂšse
Totale de Hanche et ProthĂšse Totale de Genou). L'Ă©conomie
budgĂ©taire estimĂ©e par le modĂšle dĂ©passe 36â000 Euros pour 1000
procédures en cas de PTH. Une analyse de sensibilité univariée
montre que le modĂšle est robuste et reste positif avec l'introduction de
PradaxaŸ quelles que soient les situations testées
Traitements antidiabĂ©tiques des patients diabĂ©tiques de type 2 atteints dâune insuffisance rĂ©nale modĂ©rĂ©e ou sĂ©vĂšre suivis en mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale en France
Objectif. Lâobjectif de cette Ă©tude est
de décrire les traitements antidiabétiques prescrits aux patients diabétiques
de type 2 insuffisants rénaux en France. Méthodes. Les
données ont été extraites de la base de données longitudinal
patient database - centre de gestion, de documentation,
dâinformatique et de marketing (LPD-CEGEDIM), renseignant lâactivitĂ©
dâun Ă©chantillon de 1 200 mĂ©decins gĂ©nĂ©ralistes. Lâanalyse a portĂ©
sur les patients diabétiques de type 2 (DT2) avec insuffisance rénale
(IR), définie par un débit de filtration glomérulaire (DFG) inférieur
à 60 mL/min/1,73 m2, estimé par la formule MDRD. Résultats. Parmi
les 36 255 patients DT2 identifiés, un DFG était calculable pour
8 647 patients (23,9 %), dont 1 472 (22 %) avaient une IR modérée
(DFG = [30Â mL/min/1,73 m2-60Â mL/min/1,73 m2])
et 86 (1,0 %) une IR sévÚre (DFG = [15 mL/min/1,73 m2-30mL/min/1,73
m2]). Respectivement 47,6 % des patients DT2 insuffisants rénaux
modérés et 52,3 % des insuffisants rénaux sévÚres étaient traités
par au moins un mĂ©dicament contre-indiquĂ© en cas dâIR modĂ©rĂ©e ou
sévÚre. Conclusion. Ces résultats suggÚrent de mieux
informer les médecins de ces contre-indications et soulignent le
besoin pour de nouveaux antidiabĂ©tiques pouvant ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s en
cas dâIR
Patient healthcare trajectories of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in France: A nationwide retrospective analysis
International audienceBACKGROUND: Little is known about the epidemiology and patterns of care of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) in daily clinical practice. The aims of this study were to estimate the number of declared cases during the study period 2014-2015 in France from a hospitalization database and to describe the healthcare trajectories of these patients. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was carried out using the French nationwide prospective hospitalization database. All pts with a new diagnosis of "carcinoma of the intrahepatic bile duct" who had a first hospital stay in the Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics departments (MSO) between 2014 and 2015 with a 2-year follow-up were included. Data related to the first identified stay (S1) in the MSO and on all subsequent stays in the MSO, aftercare and rehabilitation or home hospitalization were analysed. FINDINGS: A total of 3650 new iCCA cases were identified. At S1 (admission via emergency room (ER) in 28%), the median age of the patients was 73 years, 57% were male and 35% had metastases. Jaundice/anaemia/ascites/cholangitis were reported in 17%/16%/12%/7% of patients, respectively. The care of patients at S1 was mainly provided in general hospitals (CHG, 60%). A total of 896 (24%) patients died during S1. They were more frequently hospitalized via the ER (48% vs 23%), metastatic (52% vs 35%) and symptomatic. Subsequent stays were identified for 2507 (69%) patients. Three healthcare pathways were defined: surgery (n = 519; 14%), chemotherapy (CT) without surgery (n = 812; 22%) and best supportive care (BSC) (n = 2319; 63%). CT, surgery and BSC were most frequently performed in the cancer centres, university hospitals and CHG, respectively. INTERPRETATION: This medico administrative study reveals a higher number of iCCA cases than that previously reported by registries and highlights the severity of this disease. FUNDING: This study was sponsored by Incyte Biosciences International Sà rl., Geneva, Switzerland. INCYTE validated the design of the study, the analysis, the interpretation of data and the writing of the manuscript which was first written by the 2 experts and CEMKA
Mise en Ćuvre dâun programme dâactivitĂ© physique adaptĂ©e chez les patients atteints de cancer : amĂ©lioration de leur qualitĂ© de vie, de leur fatigue et de leur capacitĂ© physique
Introduction : Les bĂ©nĂ©fices de lâactivitĂ© physique dans la prise en charge globale en cancĂ©rologie sont maintenant reconnus. Malheureusement, lâoffre de soin reste encore trop limitĂ©e et peu standardisĂ©e. Objectif : Cette Ă©tude vise Ă Ă©valuer le programme dâactivitĂ© physique adaptĂ©e (APA) dĂ©veloppĂ© au sein de notre institut en comparant les niveaux de qualitĂ© de vie, de fatigue, dâactivitĂ© physique et de sĂ©dentaritĂ© ainsi que des capacitĂ©s physiques Ă lâentrĂ©e et Ă la sortie du sĂ©jour de rĂ©adaptation. MĂ©thode : Ătude rĂ©trospective sur les patients (nâ=â72) ayant suivi le programme dâAPA entre aoĂ»tâ2019 et avrilâ2021. La fatigue ressentie Ă©tait dĂ©terminĂ©e par lâĂ©chelle FSS (Fatigue Severity Scale), la qualitĂ© de vie par le questionnaire MOS-SF36 (santĂ© physique et mentale), et les capacitĂ©s physiques par le TM6 (test de marche des 6âminutes). Lâanalyse statistique de lâĂ©volution des paramĂštres Ă©tudiĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e par un test de Student appariĂ© en cas de normalitĂ© des donnĂ©es ou par un test de Wilcoxon dans le cas contraire. RĂ©sultats : Ă la suite des 24âdemi-journĂ©es du programme de rĂ©adaptation, on observait une diminution significative de la fatigue ressentie (4,3â±â1,6 vs. 3,3â±â1,4 ; pâ<â0,0001***), une amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© de vie Ă©valuĂ©e par le questionnaire MOS-SF36 (score physique, mentale et santĂ© perçue) ainsi que des capacitĂ©s physiques (432â±â115,3 vs. 490,8â±â100,5âm ; pâ<â0,0001***) des patients. Conclusion : Cette expĂ©rience pilote permet de valider les bĂ©nĂ©fices globaux de notre programme dâAPA chez les patients atteints de diffĂ©rent type de tumeur maligne
Non-tuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary diseases in France: an 8 years nationwide study
International audienceBackgroundThe objective of the study was to describe the epidemiology, management and cost of non-tuberculous mycobacteria pulmonary disease (NTM-PD) in France.MethodsA retrospective analysis was performed using the SNDS (âSystĂšme national des donnĂ©es de santĂ©â) database over 2010â2017. Patients with NTM-PD were identified based on the ICD10 codes during hospitalizations and/or specific antibiotics treatment regimens. The study population was matched (age, sex and region) to a control group (1:3) without NTM-PD.Results5628 patients with NTM-PD (men: 52.9%, mean ageâ=â60.9 years) were identified over the study period and 1433 (25.5%) were treated with antibiotics. The proportion of patients still receiving treatment at 6 and 12 months was 40% and 22%, respectively. The prevalence of NTM-PD was estimated at 5.92 per 100,000 inhabitants and the incidence rate of NTM-PD remained stable over time between 1.025/100,000 in 2010 and 1.096/100,000 in 2017. Patients with NTM-PD had more co-morbidities compared to controls: corticoids (57.3% vs. 33.8%), chronic lower respiratory disease (34.4% vs. 2.7%), other infectious pneumonia (24.4% vs. 1.4%), malnutrition (based on hospitalization with the ICD-10 code reported during a hospital stay as a main or secondary diagnosis) (22.0% vs. 2.0%), history of tuberculosis (14.1% vs. 0.1%), HIV (8.7% vs. 0.2%), lung cancer and lung graft (5.7% vs. 0.4%), cystic fibrosis (3.2% vs. 0.0%), gastro-esophageal reflux disease (2.9% vs. 0.9%) and bone marrow transplant (1.3% vs. 0.0%) (pââ50% of the total expense).ConclusionPatients with NTM-PD in France were shown to have many comorbidities, their mortality risk is high and mainly driven by NTM-PD, and their management costly. Only a minority of patients got treated with antibiotics and of those patients treated, many stopped their therapy prematurely. These results underline the high burden associated with NTM-PD and the need for improvement of NTM-PD management in France
Characteristics and management of outpatients with history of or current atrial fibrillation: The observational French EPHA study
SummaryBackgroundLimited French data are available for the different clinical types (paroxysmal, persistent and permanent) of atrial fibrillation and their comorbidities (AF).AimsTo provide contemporary insights into the characteristics and management of outpatients with a history of or current AF in France.MethodsEPHA is a national, observational, cross-sectional, multicentre descriptive study with retrospective data collection relating to the management, treatment and hospitalization of patients with AF.ResultsOne thousand three hundred and thirty-one patients (mean age: 74±11 years [55.7%â„75 years]; 58.8% men) were included into the study between February 2009 and May 2009; their data were collected during the past 12 months. Of these, 38.2% had paroxysmal AF, 10.0% persistent AF and 51.8% permanent AF. Most patients had at least one cardiovascular risk factor (80.8%). Almost all patients (96.6%) had received an antiarrhythmic drug in the previous year, of which 59.6% received a rhythm control strategy (class I, class III) with or without rate control strategy (class II, class IV, digitalis) and 40.6% received a rate control strategy exclusively. Almost all (94.4%) patients were treated with an antithrombotic: 83.4% with a vitamin K antagonist and 21.9% with antiplatelet therapy. Almost one-fifth (18.4%) of patients had been hospitalized related to AF at least once in the previous year. Patients with paroxysmal and persistent AF were hospitalized more frequently (20.0% and 31.1%, respectively) than patients with permanent AF (14.8%).ConclusionsAbout half of the patients had paroxysmal or persistent AF. Four-fifths of AF patients had at least one cardiovascular risk factor. The use of antiarrhythmic and antithrombotic treatments was very high. The rhythm control strategy was preferred in patients with paroxysmal or persistent AF
Xafran, a drug utilization study of rivaroxaban in stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation in France using a claim database
International audienc
0053: Incidence of cardiovascular events following myocardial infarction in France: an observational analysis using a claims database
ObjectivesTo describe the characteristics and treatments of patients having a myocardial infarction (MI) and estimate the incidence of cardiovascular events following the index MI, in the French Health Insurance database.MethodA cohort of patients who had a MI in France between 2007 and 2011 was extracted from a claim database: the Echantillon GĂ©nĂ©raliste de BĂ©nĂ©ficiaires (a 1% representative sample of subjects covered by the general health insurance (?600,000 patients). The incidence of cardiovascular events following the index MI was estimated using the Kaplan Meier method.Results1,977 subjects were identified with an index myocardial MI: 2/3 were males, mean age=67.2 y, 20.6% had diabetes, 37.6% hypercholesterolemia and 82.4% hypertension. Cumulative incidence rates for outcomes are shown in the table. All cause mortality at 3 years (including in-hospital death) was 27% (95% CI: 25.8-29.1). This incidence was high in the 3 months following the index MI stabilized thereafter.ConclusionDespite high prescription rates of post-MI treatments, rates of all-cause mortality and CV events remained high following MI. This underscores the need to improve secondary prevention.Abstratct 0053 â Table% patients treated6 months before index MI6 months after index MIStatins30.7%91.1%Ezetimibe3.6%4.9%Aspirine (Alone)59.9%11.6%Aspirine+P2Y12-I*23.9%76.0%Class III Antiarrhytmic2.4%8.4%Oral Anticoagulant5.1%10.1%Non-Thiazide Diuretics19.1%32.9%ACE Inhibitors18.6%71.0%Beta-Blockers26.5%86.0%Nitrates9.9%46.4%Other Antihypertensives**40.2%30.3%Cumulative incidence rate (95%CI)1 year2 year3 yearAll cause deaths***17.8% (16.0%;19.5%)21.6% (20.7%;23.5%)27.0% (25.8%;29.1%)Recurrent MI3.1% (2.3%;3.8%)4.1% (3.2%;5.0%)4,7% (3.7%;5.7%)Stroke orTIA1.9% (1.3%;2.5%)3.1% (2.3%;3.9%)4.1% (3.1%;5.0%)Composite of death***/ reinfarction/stroke20.7% (18.9%;22.5%)26.0% (24.0%;28.0%)32.1% (29.8%;34.3%)*mostly clopidogrel**thiazide diuretics, angiotensin II receptor blockers, CCBs***including in-hospital death