111 research outputs found

    Formation and formulation of state policy to ensure national security: theoretical and legal aspects

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    In the article there were defined and substantiated the theoretical and legal foundations of the formation and formulation of state policy to ensure national security. The essential features of the formation of state policy on ensuring national security as a legal category were determined. Structural elements, main forms and their varieties, methods of the formation of state policy were substantiated and characterized. It was proved that state policy of ensuring the national security of Ukraine was inextricably linked with the law. The meaning of legal principles is revealed and the need for their implementation and observance is substantiated, as well as the creation of a system of scientific support for the principles of implementation of state policy to ensure national security. Author’s proposals were presented in the article

    Epidemiological assessment of the prevalence of coxarthrosis according to reports from medical organizations

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    Background. Coxarthrosis prevalence rates are necessary to assess the socio-economic significance of this pathology and to calculate the need for endoprosthetics. Information about the provision of medical care to patients with coxarthrosis is presented in the reports of various medical organizations, but in state statistical reports at the regional level this nosological form is not taken into account as a separate line.The aim. To estimate the prevalence of coxarthrosis based on the combined use of medical records from various sources in a region with a specialized clinic for prosthetics of large joints.Materials and methods. A retrospective descriptive epidemiological study based on materials from the Irkutsk region for 10 years (2008–2017) was carried out. Three main sources of data on patients with coxarthrosis were used: continuous and randomized samples based on population visits to polyclinics (n = 24 029), information from the bureau of medical and social expertise on disability (n = 19 081) and information from a specialized clinic on total hip arthroplasty (THAP) (n = 6227). The dynamics of indicators by years, the distribution of patients by sex, age and groups of disabilities have been analyzed. Regional indicators of incidence and prevalence of coxarthrosis were calculated based on extrapolation of sample data.Results. The following average annual regional indicators for patients with coxarthrosis were calculated: primary visits to polyclinics (incidence) – 73.8 (71.9–75.7) with a frequency of visits 1.9 times a year, the frequency of THAP operations – 3,3 (3,0÷3,6), disability – 10.1 (10.0÷10.3). The median age of patients at the initial visit was 61 years (Q1 = 46; Q3 = 76). The proportion of men among different groups of patients ranged from 41 to 44%, the proportion of disabled people among patients of the polyclinic and surgical hospital – from 45.2 to 47.1%. The estimated prevalence of coxarthrosis among the adult population was 413.5 (410,6÷416,4) / 10000.Conclusions. The epidemiological analysis algorithm described in the article is proposed as the first stage in assessing the social and economic significance of coxarthrosis and the regional need for arthroplasty of large joints

    Analysis of intra annual spatial dynamics of community-aсquired pneumonia incidence in the urban environment

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    Background. The spread of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children and adults is interconnected and conditioned by natural, climatic and social factors.The aim. To assess the relationship between the incidences of CAP in different seasons of the year with the location of educational institutions in the urban settlement.Materials and methods. A cross-sectional study of the spatial distribution and seasonal dynamics of CAP cases in 2015 in a Siberian city with a population of more than 600 thousand people was carried out. Using GIS, 787 cases of CAP were analyzed among children of preschool and school age and adults. For statistical processing, 111 analyzed territorial units (ATUs) with an area of 250 m2 each were allocated on the maps. The dynamics of morbidity was assessed by weeks and seasons of the year among different age groups.Results. There was a direct moderate correlation between the number of CAP cases registered during the year with the number of schools and preschool educational institutions in ATU (r = 0.59; p < 0.001). ATUs with the presence and absence of educational institutions differed in the number of epidemic foci of CAP among the total population in winter and spring. The maximum number of cases of CAP among children and adults was registered in the second half of winter (weeks 3–13), the minimum – in the summer months (weeks 25–34).Conclusions. GIS analysis confirms the more frequent registration of CAP diseases among the total population in urban areas with educational institutions. There was established a direct moderate correlation between the incidence of CAP in children and adults by weeks of the year. Statistically significant differences in the number of cases in areas with and without educational institutions were noted in seasons with a higher incidence (autumn and winter)

    New Lyssavirus Genotype from the Lesser Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis blythi), Kyrghyzstan

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    The Aravan virus was isolated from a Lesser Mouse-eared Bat (Myotis blythi) in the Osh region of Kyrghyzstan, central Asia, in 1991. We determined the complete sequence of the nucleoprotein (N) gene and compared it with those of 26 representative lyssaviruses obtained from databases. The Aravan virus was distinguished from seven distinct genotypes on the basis of nucleotide and amino acid identity. Phylogenetic analysis based on both nucleotide and amino acid sequences showed that the Aravan virus was more closely related to genotypes 4, 5, and—to a lesser extent—6, which circulates among insectivorus bats in Europe and Africa. The Aravan virus does not belong to any of the seven known genotypes of lyssaviruses, namely, rabies, Lagos bat, Mokola, and Duvenhage viruses and European bat lyssavirus 1, European bat lyssavirus 2, and Australian bat lyssavirus. Based on these data, we propose a new genotype for the Lyssavirus genus


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    The prevalence of coxarthrosis in Ust-Ordynsk Buryat Region was defined as 19,8 ‰0 This article gives complex characteristics of coxarthrosis in the named region

    Assessing socio-economic damage caused by coxarthrosis in the population

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    Background. About 40 % of patients diagnosed with coxarthrosis annually seek medical help and receive social support due to this disease. Increased use of an expensive surgery for treatment of coxarthrosis and projected growth of its prevalence in the population determine the relevance of socio-economic analysis. The aim of the study. To assess the value and structure of economic damage caused by the delivering health and social care to patients with coxarthrosis at the state level of the Russian Federation. Methods. To assess economic damage, we used the average annual number of various categories of patients and disabled people with coxarthrosis in the Irkutsk region for 2008–2017. Three main categories were identified: patients who visited the outpatients’ clinic; patients with total hip replacement; disabled people due to coxarthrosis. For each category, we calculated weighted average damage per  1  conventional patient, taking into account direct and indirect costs and subsequent multiplication by the average annual number of individual categories of patients. Calculations were performed in 2017 prices. Results. The average annual socio-economic damage from coxarthrosis amounted to 1.39 (1.34÷1.43) billion rubles or 0.1 % of the gross regional product. The most of the damage (64.4 %) were indirect costs associated with disability due to coxarthrosis, 22.2  % of the total amount were the costs of hip replacement surgery, 13.4 % were the costs of outpatient visits. Indirect economic losses due to disability in patients of working age were 4.2 times higher than losses due to disability of oldage pensioners. Conclusion. The results of the study confirm the economic feasibility of surgical treatment of coxarthrosis, especially in patients of working age


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    After the epidemic in the middle of 1990-s, incidence of syphilis in Irkutsk region reduced from 432.4 in 1997 to 66.4 in 2013. At the same time incidence of gonorrhea reduced from 375.9 in 1993 to 75.8 in 2013 per 100,000 of population. About 10 000 cases of gonorrhea and 12 000 cases of syphilis are reported annually during the pick of the epidemic. We used cost-benefit analysis to estimate the economic efficiency of regional morbidity reduction. The costs were adjusted to 2013 year prices. Average direct and indirect costs per case were as follows: syphilis 23.2 and gonorrhea 7.1 thousand rubles. Reductions in syphilis and gonorrhea from maximum in the middle of 1990-s to 2013 have saved about 300 million rubles approximately. In 2005-3013 the costs reduction was estimated as 10 million rubles per year. This sum composed about 20 % of total subsidy from federal budget to Irkutsk region for struggle with sexually transmitted infections (STI). Per year correlation between sum of subsidy for struggle with STI and number of syphilis cases composed -0.54 and -0.55 of gonorrhea cases (p > 0.05). Social factors also were discussed among reasons of morbidity reduction. In 2005-2013 regional income and birth-rate in Irkutsk region were increasing in contrast with the middle of 1990-s

    Survey for Bat Lyssaviruses, Thailand

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    Surveillance for lyssaviruses was conducted among bat populations in 8 provinces in Thailand. In 2002 and 2003, a total of 932 bats of 11 species were captured and released after serum collection. Lyssavirus infection was determined by conducting virus neutralization assays on bat serum samples. Of collected samples, 538 were either hemolysed or insufficient in volume, which left 394 suitable for analysis. These samples included the following: Pteropus lylei (n = 335), Eonycteris spelaea (n = 45), Hipposideros armiger (n = 13), and Rousettus leschennaulti (n = 1). No serum samples had evidence of neutralizing antibodies when tested against rabies virus. However, 16 samples had detectable neutralizing antibodies against Aravan virus, Khujand virus, Irkut virus, or Australian bat lyssavirus; all were specifically associated with fruit bats P. lylei (n = 15) and E. spelaea (n = 1). These results are consistent with the presence of naturally occurring viruses related to new putative lyssavirus genotypes