88 research outputs found

    Das ding e os impasses do objeto: duas fórmulas do desejo em o seminário, livro 7

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    Desde los años 1930, Jacques Lacan trabajó con la idea kojeveana de que el deseo es el deseo del deseo: el deseo del hombre es el deseo del Otro. Pero cuando leemos el Seminario VII: la ética del psicoanálisis, nos encontramos con una teoría diferente, que da al deseo el estado de causado –es Das Ding, la Cosa que es Causa. Este trabajo intenta pensar Das Ding, como precursora del objeto a, concepto fundamental que dará el cambio en la teoría lacaniana del deseo desde el Seminario 10Desde a década de 1930, Jacques Lacan trabalhava com a ideia kojeveana de que o desejo é desejo de desejo: o desejo do homem é desejo do Outro. Porém, quando lemos O seminário, livro 7: a ética da psicanálise, encontramos uma teoria diferente, que dá ao desejo o status de causado − trata-se de das Ding, a Coisa que é Causa. Neste artigo, busco pensar das Ding enquanto precursora do objeto a, como o conceito fundamental que dará a letra da virada lacaniana na teoria do desejo a partir de O Seminário, livro 10: a angústiaSince the 30s, Jacques Lacan worked with kojevean idea that desire is desire of desire: the desire of man is the desire of the Other. But when we read the Seminar VII, The ethics of psychoanalysis, we find a different theory, which gives the desire status of caused − it is das Ding, the Thing that is Cause. This paper attempts to think das Ding, as a precursor of the object a, such as the fundamental concept that will give the letter of lacanian turn in the theory of desire from the Seminar

    Agressividade no espelho de Lacan ou sobre a agressividade como resultado da formação do Eu

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    É n’O estádio do espelho como formador da função do eu que Jacques Lacan dirige esforços de modo a elucidar o fenômeno psíquico do narcisismo. Nele, o autor mostra como a formação da noção de eu na criança acontece a partir de uma relação alienante de identificação com o outro, processo que tem na agressividade um dos seus resultados mais importantes. O presente artigo visa transcorrer os principais temas do Estádio do Espelho, de modo a caracterizar a agressividade como seu fator consequente

    Sobre lógica formal e dominação: filosofia e ciência em Marcuse

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    Este artigo pretende analisar a relação que Herbert Marcuse estabelece, em Ideologia da Sociedade Industrial, entre lógica formal e dominação. Dentro da filosofia clássica grega, o autor aponta para a tendência transcendental e subversiva da dialética platônica, em oposição à lógica formal aristotélica, que, por meio de julgamentos formais sobre a realidade, procura antecipar os critérios de verdade e falsidade. Essa antecipação ganha status de controle, pois nega qualquer possibilidade de transcendência do momento positivo – o que, levado para uma análise política da sociedade industrial avançada, dá à dominação uma legitimação lógica. A ciência não fica imune a esse processo, sendo também uma garantia de manutenção política de um mundo não-livreThis article intends to analyse the relation between formal logic and domination made by Herbert Marcuse in Ideology of Industrial Society. In Greek classical philosophy, the author points out to the transcendental and subversive tendency of Platonic dialectics, in opposition to Aristotelian formal logic, which, by means of formal judgments of reality seeks to anticipate the criteria for truth and falsehood. Such anticipation acquires the status of control, since it rejects any possibility of transcending the positive moment- which, in a political analysis of the advanced industrial society, gives domination a logical legitimacy. Science is not immune to that process, also being a guarantee of political maintenance of an unfree worl

    O preceito da cidadania nas políticas públicas educacionais no Brasil

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a presença da formação para a cidadania nos mais relevantes atos legislativos posteriores à Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF/88) no Brasil. Trata-se de uma reflexão teórica a partir da revisão bibliográfica e conceitual da temática cidadania, a partir dos olhares de Marshall (1967), Gadotti (2016) e Freire (2001), o que permitiu construir uma compreensão das dimensões civil, política, social e planetária do tema. Para a análise das legislações educacionais contou-se com as considerações de Ruy Barbosa (1946), no que tange à técnica da redação legislativa, destacando a importância da ordem das palavras em textos legais. Conclui-se que as políticas públicas educacionais seguintes à CF/88 no Brasil valorizaram de modo consistente uma educação dirigida precipuamente a qualificar o estudante para o trabalho quando comparado à sua formação para o exercício da cidadania. Esta conclusão aparece com nitidez ao se analisar a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional no9.394/1996, a Lei do Ensino Médio no 3.415/2017 e a Resolução 2/2017 do Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE) que instituiu a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), onde a tônica trabalho se apresenta superior que a da cidadania, afinando-se assim aos anseios das relações capitalistas de produção conforme sugere Bourdieu (2001)

    Improved identification of secondary hypertension: use of a systematic protocol

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    Background: The accurate identification and diagnosis of secondary hypertension is critical, especially while atherosclerotic cardiovascular heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the industrialized world. Nevertheless, despite the existence of diagnostic tools, there are significant variations of the estimated prevalence of secondary hypertension, due to multiple etiologies and suboptimal recognition. This study demonstrates the results of using a systematic and protocolled approach to improve recognition of the presence of secondary hypertension. In the future, this questionnaire can be a quick and effective tool to unveil secondary hypertension in a broad array of clinical settings. Methods: A total of 28,633 consecutive patients from January 1, 2007 to January 1, 2017 were diagnosed as having primary or secondary hypertension, utilizing the International Code of Diseases. Patients were located at the Center of Hypertension, Institute of Cardiology at Austral University Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina and were then further classified as having TRH, or non-resistant hypertension, to which a systematic protocol was employed in search for secondary hypertension. The confirmation of secondary hypertension was subsequently confirmed by diagnostic laboratory and imaging techniques in a hospital setting. Results: A final population of 12,284 patients with treatment resistant hypertension (TRH) and nontreatment resistant hypertension (NTRH) were included in this study, where an etiology of secondary hypertension was identified in 50.9% and 36% of patients in each treatment group, respectively. Physicians used confirmatory laboratory testing and imaging of patients who were identified as having a cause for their secondary hypertension, with no significant differences in sex, age and body mass index (BMI) among study groups. Conclusions: These results illustrate the prevalence and distribution of the causes of secondary hypertension using a systematic, protocolled approach, which revealed a higher percentage of secondary hypertension than previously reported. This tool may be used by healthcare providers to ensure the appropriate recognition of secondary causes of hypertension in a wider range of patients with high blood pressure beyond resistant hypertension, changing the diagnostic paradigm of this condition.Fil: Kotliar, Carol Virginia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Austral. Hospital Universitario Austral; Argentina. Santa María de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Obregón, Sebastián. Universidad Austral. Hospital Universitario Austral; Argentina. Santa María de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Koretzky, Martin. Santa María de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Botto, Fernando. Universidad Austral. Hospital Universitario Austral; Argentina. Santa María de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Di Leva, Ana. Universidad Austral. Hospital Universitario Austral; Argentina. Santa María de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Boscaro, Marcelo. Santa María de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Ali, Ayan. University of Tulane; Estados UnidosFil: Ferdinand, Keith C.. University of Tulane; Estados Unido

    Primer registro de Litomosoides pardinasi (Nematoda: Onchocercidae) en roedores nativos y exóticos de Chile

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    Litomosoides pardinasi es registrada por primera vez en roedores nativos y exóticos de Chile. La especie Litomosoides pardinasi, parásita de Phyllotis xanthopygus y Oligoryzomys longicaudatus en la Patagonia Argentina, fue encontrada en Chile parasitando la cavidad torácica y abdominal de O. longicaudatus (prevalencia (P)= 18.9%, intensidad media (MI)= 57.3) y de Phyllotis darwini (P= 4.2%, MI= 10), y la cavidad abdominal del roedor exótico Rattus rattus (P= 1.24%; MI= 22.5). La P total en roedores nativos de Chile fue significativamente menor que la P de Argentina, en tanto la MI total fue significativamente mayor. La P y MI de L. pardinasi en O. longicaudatus de Chile y Argentina no mostraron diferencias significativas; la P en P. darwini de Chile fue significativamente menor que la de P. xanthopygus de Argentina y que la de O. longicaudatus de Chile. Considerando la distribución de las especies de Litomosoides entre los sigmodontinos, estos resultados apoyan la hipótesis que L. pardinasi está bien establecida en O. longicaudatus y que posiblemente haya sido recientemente adquirida por P. darwini y R. rattus. Así, L. pardinasi colonizó primero a la Tribu Oryzomyini y posteriormente por un fenómeno de cambio de hospedero a la Tribu Phyllotini y a R. rattus.We report the first record of Litomosoides pardinasi in native and exotic rodents from Chile. Litomosoides pardinasi, described in the Argentine Patagonia parasitizing Phyllotis xanthopygus and Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, was found in Chile parasitizing the peritoneal and thoracic cavities of O. longicaudatus (prevalence (P)= 18.9%, mean intensity (MI)= 57.3) and Phyllotis darwini (P= 4.2%, MI= 10), and in the peritoneal cavity of Rattus rattus (P= 1.24%; MI= 22.5). Total P in native rodents from Chile was significantly lower than in Argentina, while the total MI was higher. Prevalence and MI of L. pardinasi in O. longicaudatus from Chile and Argentina showed non-significant differences; prevalence in P. darwini from Chile was significantly lower than in P. xanthopygus from Argentina and than in Chilean O. longicaudatus. Our results, together with those from Argentina, support the hypothesis that L. pardinasi is well established in O. longicaudatus, but seems to be recently acquired by P. darwini and the exotic R. rattus. Considering the known host distribution of Litomosoides species among the sigmodontines, our results also support the hypothesis that L. pardinasi first colonized the Oryzomyini tribe and later, by different phenomena of host-switching, colonized the Phyllotini tribe and the exotic R. rattus.Fil: Landaeta Aqueveque, Carlos. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: Notarnicola, Juliana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores; ArgentinaFil: Correa, Juana P.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Yánez Mesa, Andrea. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Henriquez, AnaLía. Universidad Santo Tomás; ChileFil: Cattan, Pedro E.. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Botto Mahan, Carezza. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Torres Pérez, Fernando. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso; Chil

    Effects of X-rays on Tuta absoluta for use in inherited sterility programmes

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    Tuta absoluta is a key pest of tomato crops originating from South America. The consequences of X-radiation on this species were studied under laboratory controlled conditions. The effect of radiation on adult emergence was evaluated exposing male and female pupae to increasing X-rays. Adult emergence decreased as doses of X-radiation increased, with the appearance of deformities such as malformed wings and bent legs at doses C350 Gy. Besides, males and females obtained from irradiated pupae were out crossed with untreated counterparts to explore the effects of X-radiation on inherited sterility. (a) Irradiated male 9 untreated female crosses. Both fecundity and fertility of the untreated females were reduced by radiation, and the effect was stronger as the doses increased. Neither the longevity of parental males and F1 adults nor the sex ratios of the F1 and F2 generations were affected by X-radiation (F1 and F2: first and second generation of descendants of irradiated adults). Inherited sterility effects weremanifested by a significant reduction in the F1 fecundity, F1 fertility, and the amount of larvae and pupae produced. Doses of 200?250 Gy could be used to induce inherited sterility in T. absoluta males. (b) Untreated male 9 irradiated female crosses. The minimum dose at which irradiated females were completely sterile was 200 Gy. The present study is the first study in T. absoluta that provides the starting point for implementing the inherited sterility in this species.Fil: Cagnotti, Cynthia Lorena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Viscarret, Mariana Mabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Riquelme, Maria B.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Botto, Eduardo Norberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola; ArgentinaFil: Carabajal Paladino, Leonela Zusel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Segura, Diego Fernando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: López, Silvia N.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Microbiología y Zoología Agrícola; Argentin

    Primer registro de Litomosoides pardinasi (Nematoda: Onchocercidae) en roedores nativos y exóticos de Chile

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    We report the first record of Litomosoides pardinasi in native and exotic rodents from Chile. Litomosoides pardinasi, described in the Argentine Patagonia parasitizing Phyllotis xanthopygus and Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, was found in Chile parasitizing the peritoneal and thoracic cavities of O. longicaudatus (prevalence (P)= 18.9%, mean intensity (MI)= 57.3) and Phyllotis darwini (P= 4.2%, MI= 10), and in the peritoneal cavity of Rattus rattus (P= 1.24%; MI= 22.5). Total P in native rodents from Chile was significantly lower than in Argentina, while the total MI was higher. Prevalence and MI of L. pardinasi in O. longicaudatus from Chile and Argentina showed non-significant differences; prevalence in P. darwini from Chile was significantly lower than in P. xanthopygus from Argentina and than in Chilean O. longicaudatus. Our results, together with those from Argentina, support the hypothesis that L. pardinasi is well established in O. longicaudatus, but seems to be recently acquired by P. darwini and the exotic R. rattus. Considering the known host distribution of Litomosoides species among the sigmodontines, our results also support the hypothesis that L. pardinasi first colonized the Oryzomyini tribe and later, by different phenomena of host-switching, colonized the Phyllotini tribe and the exotic R. rattus.Litomosoides pardinasi es registrada por primera vez en roedores nativos y exóticos de Chile. La especie Litomosoides pardinasi, parásita de Phyllotis xanthopygus y Oligoryzomys longicaudatus en la Patagonia Argentina, fue encontrada en Chile parasitando la cavidad torácica y abdominal de O. longicaudatus (prevalencia (P)= 18.9%, intensidad media (MI)= 57.3) y de Phyllotis darwini (P= 4.2%, MI= 10), y la cavidad abdominal del roedor exótico Rattus rattus (P= 1.24%; MI= 22.5). La P total en roedores nativos de Chile fue significativamente menor que la P de Argentina, en tanto la MI total fue significativamente mayor. La P y MI de L. pardinasi en O. longicaudatus de Chile y Argentina no mostraron diferencias significativas; la P en P. darwini de Chile fue significativamente menor que la de P. xanthopygus de Argentina y que la de O. longicaudatus de Chile. Considerando la distribución de las especies de Litomosoides entre los sigmodontinos, estos resultados apoyan la hipótesis que L. pardinasi está bien establecida en O. longicaudatus y que posiblemente haya sido recientemente adquirida por P. darwini y R. rattus. Así, L. pardinasi colonizó primero a la Tribu Oryzomyini y posteriormente por un fenómeno de cambio de hospedero a la Tribu Phyllotini y a R. rattus.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Cardiovascular disease in times of COVID-19

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    Existen crecientes informes sobre una drástica caída en consultas y realización de procedimientoscardiovasculares (incluyendo urgencias y emergencias) en regiones afectadas por la pandemia deCOVID-19, con el consecuente incremento marcado de la mortalidad total que no se explica totalmente por las defunciones atribuidas a COVID-19. En Argentina, la enfermedad cardiovascular lidera el ranking de muertes en adultos con 280 muertes por día, y en las últimas décadas hemos reducido su mortalidad entre 20 y 30% mediante diversas intervenciones basadas en la evidencia. En el presente trabajo realizamos análisis predictivos para entender cuáles podrían ser las consecuencias de una peor implementación de dichas intervenciones. Estimamos que un menor control de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular de abril a octubre de 2020 podría causar hasta 10 500 nuevos casos prevenibles de enfermedad cardiovascular. En términos de infarto de miocardio, una caída del 40% al 60% del tratamiento de reperfusión podría incrementar la mortalidad del 3% al 5%. Un incremento marginal de riesgo relativo de 10% a 15% de muerte cardiovascular equivaldría a un exceso de 6000 a 9000 muertes evitables. En conclusión, dada la alta prevalencia y fatalidad de la enfermedad cardiovascular, incluso un pequeño impacto negativo en la eficacia de su cuidado se traducirá en grandes cantidades de afectados en Argentina. Es necesario informar a las autoridades y educar al público para que sigan controlando enfermedades cardiovasculares y sus factores de riesgo, siempre que existan recursos y minimizando el riesgo de contagio y propagación del virus.There are increasing reports of a drastic drop in consultations and cardiovascular procedures (including urgencies and emergencies) in regions affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with a consequent marked increase in total mortality that is not fully explained by COVID-19. Cardiovascular disease leads the ranking in deaths in adults in Argentina with 280 deaths per day, and in recent decades we have reduced its mortality by 20-30% through various evidence-based interventions. Herein we conducted predictive analyses to understand what could be the consequences of a worse implementation of those interventions. We estimate that less control of cardiovascular risk factors from April to October 2020 could cause up to 10 500 new preventable cases of cardiovascular disease. In terms of myocardial infarction, a drop from 40% to 60% of the reperfusion treatment could increase mortality by 3% to 5%. A marginal 10% to 15% increase in relative risk of cardiovascular death would be equivalent to an excess of 6000 to 9000 preventable deaths. In conclusion, given the high prevalence and fatality of cardiovascular disease, even a small negative impact on the efficacy of its care will translate into large numbers of people affected in Argentina. It is necessary to inform the authorities and educate the public so cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors remain a health priority, as long as resources exist and minimizing the risk of contagion and spread of the virus.Fil: Lamelas, Pablo. Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires; Argentina. McMaster University. Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact; Estados UnidosFil: Botto, Fernando. Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Pedernera, Gustavo. Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Alves de Lima, Alberto Enrique. Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Costabel, Juan Pablo. Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Belardi, Jorge. Instituto Cardiovascular de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    Primer registro de Litomosoides pardinasi (Nematoda: Onchocercidae) en roedores nativos y exóticos de Chile

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    We report the first record of Litomosoides pardinasi in native and exotic rodents from Chile. Litomosoides pardinasi, described in the Argentine Patagonia parasitizing Phyllotis xanthopygus and Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, was found in Chile parasitizing the peritoneal and thoracic cavities of O. longicaudatus (prevalence (P)= 18.9%, mean intensity (MI)= 57.3) and Phyllotis darwini (P= 4.2%, MI= 10), and in the peritoneal cavity of Rattus rattus (P= 1.24%; MI= 22.5). Total P in native rodents from Chile was significantly lower than in Argentina, while the total MI was higher. Prevalence and MI of L. pardinasi in O. longicaudatus from Chile and Argentina showed non-significant differences; prevalence in P. darwini from Chile was significantly lower than in P. xanthopygus from Argentina and than in Chilean O. longicaudatus. Our results, together with those from Argentina, support the hypothesis that L. pardinasi is well established in O. longicaudatus, but seems to be recently acquired by P. darwini and the exotic R. rattus. Considering the known host distribution of Litomosoides species among the sigmodontines, our results also support the hypothesis that L. pardinasi first colonized the Oryzomyini tribe and later, by different phenomena of host-switching, colonized the Phyllotini tribe and the exotic R. rattus.Litomosoides pardinasi es registrada por primera vez en roedores nativos y exóticos de Chile. La especie Litomosoides pardinasi, parásita de Phyllotis xanthopygus y Oligoryzomys longicaudatus en la Patagonia Argentina, fue encontrada en Chile parasitando la cavidad torácica y abdominal de O. longicaudatus (prevalencia (P)= 18.9%, intensidad media (MI)= 57.3) y de Phyllotis darwini (P= 4.2%, MI= 10), y la cavidad abdominal del roedor exótico Rattus rattus (P= 1.24%; MI= 22.5). La P total en roedores nativos de Chile fue significativamente menor que la P de Argentina, en tanto la MI total fue significativamente mayor. La P y MI de L. pardinasi en O. longicaudatus de Chile y Argentina no mostraron diferencias significativas; la P en P. darwini de Chile fue significativamente menor que la de P. xanthopygus de Argentina y que la de O. longicaudatus de Chile. Considerando la distribución de las especies de Litomosoides entre los sigmodontinos, estos resultados apoyan la hipótesis que L. pardinasi está bien establecida en O. longicaudatus y que posiblemente haya sido recientemente adquirida por P. darwini y R. rattus. Así, L. pardinasi colonizó primero a la Tribu Oryzomyini y posteriormente por un fenómeno de cambio de hospedero a la Tribu Phyllotini y a R. rattus.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse