635 research outputs found

    Linear stability, transient energy growth and the role of viscosity stratification in compressible plane Couette flow

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    Linear stability and the non-modal transient energy growth in compressible plane Couette flow are investigated for two prototype mean flows: (a) the {\it uniform shear} flow with constant viscosity, and (b) the {\it non-uniform shear} flow with {\it stratified} viscosity. Both mean flows are linearly unstable for a range of supersonic Mach numbers (MM). For a given MM, the critical Reynolds number (ReRe) is significantly smaller for the uniform shear flow than its non-uniform shear counterpart. An analysis of perturbation energy reveals that the instability is primarily caused by an excess transfer of energy from mean-flow to perturbations. It is shown that the energy-transfer from mean-flow occurs close to the moving top-wall for ``mode I'' instability, whereas it occurs in the bulk of the flow domain for ``mode II''. For the non-modal analysis, it is shown that the maximum amplification of perturbation energy, GmaxG_{\max}, is significantly larger for the uniform shear case compared to its non-uniform counterpart. For α=0\alpha=0, the linear stability operator can be partitioned into LLˉ+Re2Lp{\cal L}\sim \bar{\cal L} + Re^2{\cal L}_p, and the ReRe-dependent operator Lp{\cal L}_p is shown to have a negligibly small contribution to perturbation energy which is responsible for the validity of the well-known quadratic-scaling law in uniform shear flow: G(t/Re)Re2G(t/{\it Re}) \sim {\it Re}^2. A reduced inviscid model has been shown to capture all salient features of transient energy growth of full viscous problem. For both modal and non-modal instability, it is shown that the {\it viscosity-stratification} of the underlying mean flow would lead to a delayed transition in compressible Couette flow


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    Objective: The purpose of this paper was to contribute to the psychometric properties and dimensionality of the IGD-20. Method: An online survey was completed by 392 Italian online gamers (Mage = 29.2, SD = 11.3; 45.2% males). A battery of self-report questionnaires was administered to assess internet gaming disorder, internet addiction, loneliness, anxiety, depression, stress, social-interaction anxiety, self-esteem, and perceived social support. To test the factor structure of IGD-20, both traditional (i.e., EFA and CFA) and innovative (i.e., ESEM) techniques were applied. Convergent, concurrent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity were evaluated. Results: Our study revealed the outperforming 3-factor ESEM model (χ2=39.951, p = 0.0021; RMSEA = 0.056, 90% C.I. [0.032 - 0.079]; CFI = 0.986; TLI = 0.965; and SRMR = 0.017; ω = .76, .77, and .79, respectively) as a new short version (IGD- 10SV) for the IGD-20. The validity of the IGD-10SV was supported by significant associations with theoretically related measures. Conclusions: The current findings support the adoption of the analytic ESEM approach for complex multidimensional measures and the use of the IGD-10SV for the assessment of internet gaming disorder

    MicroRNA as Possible Mediators of the Synergistic Effect of Celecoxib and Glucosamine Sulfate in Human Osteoarthritic Chondrocyte Exposed to IL-1β

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    This study investigated the role of a pattern of microRNA (miRNA) as possible mediators of celecoxib and prescription-grade glucosamine sulfate (GS) effects in human osteoarthritis (OA) chondrocytes. Chondrocytes were treated with celecoxib (1.85 µM) and GS (9 µM), alone or in combination, for 24 h, with or without interleukin (IL)-1β (10 ng/mL). Cell viability was determined using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, apoptosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) by cytometry, nitric oxide (NO) by Griess method. Gene levels of miRNA, antioxidant enzymes, nuclear factor erythroid (NRF)2, and B-cell lymphoma (BCL)2 expressions were analyzed by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (real time PCR). Protein expression of NRF2 and BCL2 was also detected at immunofluorescence and western blot. Celecoxib and GS, alone or in combination, significantly increased viability, reduced apoptosis, ROS and NO production and the gene expression of miR-34a, -146a, -181a, -210, in comparison to baseline and to IL-1β. The transfection with miRNA specific inhibitors significantly counteracted the IL-1β activity and potentiated the properties of celecoxib and GS on viability, apoptosis and oxidant system, through nuclear factor (NF)-κB regulation. The observed effects were enhanced when the drugs were tested in combination. Our data confirmed the synergistic anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective properties of celecoxib and GS, suggesting microRNA as possible mediators

    MicroRNA as Possible Mediators of the Synergistic Effect of Celecoxib and Glucosamine Sulfate in Human Osteoarthritic Chondrocyte Exposed to IL-1β

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    This study investigated the role of a pattern of microRNA (miRNA) as possible mediators of celecoxib and prescription-grade glucosamine sulfate (GS) effects in human osteoarthritis (OA) chondrocytes. Chondrocytes were treated with celecoxib (1.85 µM) and GS (9 µM), alone or in combination, for 24 h, with or without interleukin (IL)-1β (10 ng/mL). Cell viability was determined using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, apoptosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) by cytometry, nitric oxide (NO) by Griess method. Gene levels of miRNA, antioxidant enzymes, nuclear factor erythroid (NRF)2, and B-cell lymphoma (BCL)2 expressions were analyzed by quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (real time PCR). Protein expression of NRF2 and BCL2 was also detected at immunofluorescence and western blot. Celecoxib and GS, alone or in combination, significantly increased viability, reduced apoptosis, ROS and NO production and the gene expression of miR-34a, -146a, -181a, -210, in comparison to baseline and to IL-1β. The transfection with miRNA specific inhibitors significantly counteracted the IL-1β activity and potentiated the properties of celecoxib and GS on viability, apoptosis and oxidant system, through nuclear factor (NF)-κB regulation. The observed effects were enhanced when the drugs were tested in combination. Our data confirmed the synergistic anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective properties of celecoxib and GS, suggesting microRNA as possible mediators

    Filling the Gap and Improving Conservation: How IUCN Red Lists and Historical Scientific Data Can Shed More Light on Threatened Sharks in the Italian Seas

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    Chondrichthyans are one of the most threatened marine taxa worldwide. This is also the case in the Mediterranean Sea, which is considered an extinction hotspot for rays and sharks. The central position of the Italian peninsula makes it an ideal location for studying the status and changes of this sea. There is a lack of biological, ecological and historical data when assessing shark populations, which is also highlighted in the Red List of Threatened Species compiled by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Historical data can provide important information to better understand how chondrichthyan populations have changed over time. This study aims to provide a clearer understanding of the changes in distribution and abundance of eight shark species in the Italian seas that are currently classified as at risk of extinction by the IUCN. In this respect, a bibliographic review was conducted on items from the 19th century to the first half of the 20th century, focusing on the selected species. The results show that all sharks were considered common until the beginning of the 20th century but have declined since, with a clear negative trend, mainly in the past 70 years. The strong local decline has been attributed to overexploitation, bycatch, habitat loss, depletion of prey items and environmental pollution. Furthermore, historical data also allow us to avoid the issue of a 'shifting baseline', in which contemporary abundances are assumed to be "normal". Using historical data to further our knowledge of the marine environment is becoming increasingly common, and is fundamental in understanding human impact and evaluating mitigation measures to manage and conserve marine species and environments

    The solution structure of the N-terminal domain of hepatocyte growth factor reveals a potential heparin-binding site

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    AbstractBackground: Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is a multipotent growth factor that transduces a wide range of biological signals, including mitogenesis, motogenesis, and morphogenesis. The N-terminal (N) domain of HGF, containing a hairpin-loop region, is important for receptor binding and the potent biological activities of HGF. The N domain is also the primary binding site for heparin or heparan sulfate, which enhances receptor/ligand oligomerization and modulates receptor-dependent mitogenesis. The rational design of artificial modulators of HGF signaling requires a detailed understanding of the structures of HGF and its receptor, as well as the role of heparin proteoglycan; this study represents the first step towards that goal.Results: We report here a high-resolution solution structure of the N domain of HGF. This first structure of HGF reveals a novel folding topology with a distinct pattern of charge distribution and indicates a possible heparin-binding site.Conclusions: The hairpin-loop region of the N domain plays a major role in stabilizing the structure and contributes to a putative heparin-binding site, which explains why it is required for biological functions. These results suggest several basic and/or polar residues that may be important for use in further mutational studies of heparin binding

    An updated checklist of chondrichthyans of Calabria (Central Mediterranean, southern Italy), with emphasis on rare species

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    In this contribution the checklist of chondrichthyans of Calabria (Central Mediterranean, southern Italy) is reported. Data presented is derived from twenty years of opportunistic and active surveys from 2000 to 2020. A total of 55 species of chondrichthyans is present in Calabrian seas: 33 sharks, 20 rays, and 2 chimaeras. These species represent approximately 62% of the total reported for the Mediterranean. Approximately 71% of Calabrian species have been reported in the Tyrrhenian Sea, 49% in the Ionian Sea, and 33% in the Strait of Messina. According to IUCN criteria, new records of Endangered and Critically Endangered species (i.e., Carcahrodon carcharias [Linnaeus, 1758], Lamna nasus [Bonnaterre, 1788], Cetorhinus maximus [Gunnerus, 1765], Mobula mobular [Bonnaterre, 1788], Sphyrna zygaena [Linnaeus, 1758]) are reported, together with the first record of Raya brachyura Lafont, 1873 for the Ionian coasts and probably third confirmed record of the rare chimaera Hydrolagus mirabilis (Collett, 1904) for the Mediterranean

    Electromyographic analyses of muscle pre-activation induced by single joint exercise

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    Objetivo: Verificar se a execução de um exercício monoarticular de baixa intensidade para os extensores do joelho é uma estratégia eficaz para aumentar o número de unidades motoras recrutadas no músculo vasto lateral durante a realização de um exercício multiarticular subsequente. Métodos: Nove sujeitos saudáveis do sexo masculino (23,33±3,46 anos) foram submetidos a rotinas de treinamento nas quais os exercícios cadeira extensora e leg press 45° eram realizados em sequência. Na rotina de baixa intensidade (R30), foram realizadas 15 extensões unilaterais de joelho, seguidas de 15 repetições de leg press 45° com cargas de 30% e 60% de uma repetição máxima (1-RM), respectivamente. Na rotina de alta intensidade (R60), a mesma sequência foi executada, porém a carga dos dois movimentos foi de 60% de 1-RM. Uma série simples de 15 repetições leg press 45° com carga de 60% de 1-RM foi utilizada como exercício controle (RC). A eletromiografia de superfície foi registrada no músculo vasto lateral por meio de um arranjo linear de eletrodos. O valor RMS foi calculado para cada repetição do leg press 45° e, a partir desses resultados, foram calculadas regressões lineares. As inclinações das retas obtidas foram então normalizadas pelos coeficientes lineares das equações de regressão e comparadas por meio da ANOVA de um fator para medidas repetidas. Resultados: As inclinações observadas na rotina RC foram significativamente inferiores às de R30 e às de R60 (p<0,05). Conclusões: Os resultados indicaram um recrutamento mais efetivo de unidades motoras nas rotinas de exercício multiarticular precedidas de exercício monoarticular.Objective: To investigate whether performing a low-intensity, single-joint exercises for knee extensors was an efficient strategy for increasing the number of motor units recruited in the vastus lateralis muscle during a subsequent multi-joint exercises. Methods: Nine healthy male participants (23.33±3.46 yrs) underwent bouts of exercise in which knee extension and 45°, and leg press exercises were performed in sequence. In the low-intensity bout (R30), 15 unilateral knee extensions were performed, followed by 15 repetitions of the leg presses at 30% and 60% of one maximum repetition load (1-MR), respectively. In the high-intensity bout (R60), the same sequence was performed, but the applied load was 60% of 1-MR for both exercises. A single set of 15 repetitions of the leg press at 60% of 1-MR was performed as a control exercise (CR). The surface electromyographic signals of the vastus lateralis muscle were recorded by means of a linear electrode array. The root mean square (RMS) values were determined for each repetition of the leg press, and linear regressions were calculated from these results. The slopes of the straight lines obtained were then normalized using the linear coefficients of the regression equations and compared using one-way ANOVAs for repeated measures. Results: The slopes observed in the CR were significantly lower than those in the R30 and R60 (p<0.05). Conclusions: The results indicated that the recruitment of motor units was more effective when a single-joint exercise preceded the multi-joint exercise