59 research outputs found

    Nevezetesebb hártyásszárnyúak (Hymenoptera) Foktő környékéről

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    50 rare Hymenoptera mainly Aculeata species are reported írom the South-Western part of the Great Hungarian Plain. Miscophus niger (Dahlbom, 1844) is new to Hungary

    Fröccsöntő paraméterek optimalizálása a szerszámban kialakult belső nyomás segítségével.: Optimization of injection molding parameters based on cavity pressure

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    The aim of this work is to optimize the process parameters of an injection molding machine that was built in the framework of a final project and is located in the laboratory of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Sapientia University. The examined parameters were the injection temperature, the injection pressure and the holding time. The experimental design was generated by using a 3 factorial Box-Behnken method. Tensile specimens were injection molded, while monitoring the cavity pressure at two locations with a Cavity Eye system. The parameters were optimized for HDPE. Based on the analysis of the results, considering the tensile strength as the output of the statistical model, only the holding time showed a significant effect. Kivonat Egy, a Sapientia Egyetem Marosvásárhelyi Kárának Gépészmérnöki laboratóriumában található, államvizsga dolgozat keretében kivitelezett, fröccsöntő gép paramétereinek optimalizálása a dolgozat célja. A vizsgált fröccs paraméterek a fröccsöntési hőmérséklet, fröccs nyomás és az utónyomási idő. Box-Behnken metódus által generált kísérleti tervet próbatestek fröccsöntésére alkalmaztuk, melyeken szakítószilárdsági vizsgálatot végeztünk. A szerszám üregben kialakult nyomást a Cavity Eye által gyártott rendszer segítségével mértük két helyen.  A kísérletekben használt anyag a HDPE. A szakító szilárdságot tekintve kimeneti paraméterként kizárólag az utónyomási idő szignifikáns paraméter.&nbsp

    Phylogenetic quantification of intra-tumour heterogeneity.

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    Intra-tumour genetic heterogeneity is the result of ongoing evolutionary change within each cancer. The expansion of genetically distinct sub-clonal populations may explain the emergence of drug resistance, and if so, would have prognostic and predictive utility. However, methods for objectively quantifying tumour heterogeneity have been missing and are particularly difficult to establish in cancers where predominant copy number variation prevents accurate phylogenetic reconstruction owing to horizontal dependencies caused by long and cascading genomic rearrangements. To address these challenges, we present MEDICC, a method for phylogenetic reconstruction and heterogeneity quantification based on a Minimum Event Distance for Intra-tumour Copy-number Comparisons. Using a transducer-based pairwise comparison function, we determine optimal phasing of major and minor alleles, as well as evolutionary distances between samples, and are able to reconstruct ancestral genomes. Rigorous simulations and an extensive clinical study show the power of our method, which outperforms state-of-the-art competitors in reconstruction accuracy, and additionally allows unbiased numerical quantification of tumour heterogeneity. Accurate quantification and evolutionary inference are essential to understand the functional consequences of tumour heterogeneity. The MEDICC algorithms are independent of the experimental techniques used and are applicable to both next-generation sequencing and array CGH data.This is the final published version. It was originally published by PLoS in PLoS Computational Biology here: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1003535

    t2prhd: a tool to study the patterns of repeat evolution

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    BACKGROUND: The models developed to characterize the evolution of multigene families (such as the birth-and-death and the concerted models) have also been applied on the level of sequence repeats inside a gene/protein. Phylogenetic reconstruction is the method of choice to study the evolution of gene families and also sequence repeats in the light of these models. The characterization of the gene family evolution in view of the evolutionary models is done by the evaluation of the clustering of the sequences with the originating loci in mind. As the locus represents positional information, it is straightforward that in the case of the repeats the exact position in the sequence should be used, as the simple numbering according to repeat order can be misleading. RESULTS: We have developed a novel rapid visual approach to study repeat evolution, that takes into account the exact repeat position in a sequence. The "pairwise repeat homology diagram" visualizes sequence repeats detected by a profile HMM in a pair of sequences and highlights their homology relations inferred by a phylogenetic tree. The method is implemented in a Perl script (t2prhd) available for downloading at http://t2prhd.sourceforge.net and is also accessible as an online tool at http://t2prhd.brc.hu. The power of the method is demonstrated on the EGF-like and fibronectin-III-like (Fn-III) domain repeats of three selected mammalian Tenascin sequences. CONCLUSION: Although pairwise repeat homology diagrams do not carry all the information provided by the phylogenetic tree, they allow a rapid and intuitive assessment of repeat evolution. We believe, that t2prhd is a helpful tool with which to study the pattern of repeat evolution. This method can be particularly useful in cases of large datasets (such as large gene families), as the command line interface makes it possible to automate the generation of pairwise repeat homology diagrams with the aid of script

    Béta-amiloid peptidek aggregációja és kölcsönhatása fehérjékkel; új neuroprotektív vegyületek alkalmazása az Alzheimer-kór megelőzésére = Beta-amyloid aggregation and interaction with proteins; novel neuroprotective compounds for prevention of Alzheimer's disease

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    Új, standardizálható módszert dolgoztunk ki toxikus �béta-amiloid (Abéta) 1-42 peptid oligomerek előállítására, a preparált oligomereket fiziko-kémiai módszerekkel jellemeztük. Két új neuroprotektív peptidmimetikum vegyületcsaládot találtunk, ezek az anyagok megvédik a neuronokat az Alzheimer-kór (AK) állatmodelljében az Abéta neurotoxikus hatásától. Mindkét vegyületcsoportot szabadalmilag védjük, mint az AK potenciális gyógyszerjelölt vegyületeit. Új ex vivo módszert dolgoztunk ki az Abéta peptidek toxicitásának mérésére (patkány hippocampus szelet, MTT-teszt), a módszer alkalmas az új neuroprotektív vegyületeink aktivitásmérésére is. Az ex vivo hippocampus szeleteket sikerrel alkalmaztuk a neuronális plaszticitás (LTP) mérésére, az Abéta-toxicitás meghatározására, multielektród array (MEA) technikával. In vivo, egysejt-elvezetéses elektrofiziológiai mérésekkel bizonyítottuk az új peptidmimetikumaink neuroprotektív hatását. Proteomikai módszerekkel azonosítottuk az Abéta peptidekkel kölcsönhatásba lépő fehérjéket, ezek elsősorban plazmamembrán, ill. intraneuronális fehérjék (mitokondrium, endoplazmás reticulum, mikrotubuláris rendszer). Az intraneuronális fehérjék és az Abéta peptidek kölcsönhatásai kulcsszerepet játszhatnak az AK patogenezisében. Igazoltuk, hogy a Zn2+ ionok toxikus Abéta-aggregátumok képződését indukálják. Az AK transzgén állatmodelljén bizonyítottuk, hogy a Zn-kelátorok (pl. Perindopril) neuroprotektív hatásúak. Új AK-állatmodellt dolgoztunk ki az Abéta oligomerek icv bevitelével. | A new method was introduced for the preparation of toxic beta-amyloid (Abeta) 1-42 oligomers, these assemblies were characterized with physicochemical methods. Two families of novel neuroprotective peptidomimetics were found, these substances protect neurons against the toxic effect of Abeta in tg mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Both groups of the novel substances will be patented as putative drug candidates for AD treatment. A new ex vivo method was introduced for toxicity measurement of Abeta peptides (rat hippocampal slices, MTT-assay); this method proved to be suitable for activity measurement of the novel neuroprotective substances. Hippocampal slices were successfully used for measurement of neuronal plasticity (LTP) for demonstrating neurotoxicity of Abeta aggregates, applying multielectrode array (MEA) technique. The neuroprotective effect of our novel peptidomimetics was demonstrated also in vivo, using one-cell electrophysiology. Proteomic methods were used for identification of proteins interacting with Abeta peptides; these are mainly plasma membrane and intraneuronal (mitochondrial, endoplasmatic reticular and microtubular) proteins. Interaction of intracellular proteins with Abeta may play key role in AD pathogenesis. The role of Zn2+ ions in formation of toxic Abeta-aggregates was demonstrated. Zn2+-chelators (e.g. Perindopril) were neuroprotective in a tg-mouse model of AD. A new AD rat model was introduced using icv administration of synthetic Abeta oligomers

    PhyloSim - Monte Carlo simulation of sequence evolution in the R statistical computing environment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Monte Carlo simulation of sequence evolution is routinely used to assess the performance of phylogenetic inference methods and sequence alignment algorithms. Progress in the field of molecular evolution fuels the need for more realistic and hence more complex simulations, adapted to particular situations, yet current software makes unreasonable assumptions such as homogeneous substitution dynamics or a uniform distribution of indels across the simulated sequences. This calls for an extensible simulation framework written in a high-level functional language, offering new functionality and making it easy to incorporate further complexity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><monospace>PhyloSim</monospace> is an extensible framework for the Monte Carlo simulation of sequence evolution, written in R, using the Gillespie algorithm to integrate the actions of many concurrent processes such as substitutions, insertions and deletions. Uniquely among sequence simulation tools, <monospace>PhyloSim</monospace> can simulate arbitrarily complex patterns of rate variation and multiple indel processes, and allows for the incorporation of selective constraints on indel events. User-defined complex patterns of mutation and selection can be easily integrated into simulations, allowing <monospace>PhyloSim</monospace> to be adapted to specific needs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Close integration with <monospace>R</monospace> and the wide range of features implemented offer unmatched flexibility, making it possible to simulate sequence evolution under a wide range of realistic settings. We believe that <monospace>PhyloSim</monospace> will be useful to future studies involving simulated alignments.</p

    Exome sequencing identifies NBEAL2 as the causative gene for gray platelet syndrome.

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    Gray platelet syndrome (GPS) is a predominantly recessive platelet disorder that is characterized by mild thrombocytopenia with large platelets and a paucity of α-granules; these abnormalities cause mostly moderate but in rare cases severe bleeding. We sequenced the exomes of four unrelated individuals and identified NBEAL2 as the causative gene; it has no previously known function but is a member of a gene family that is involved in granule development. Silencing of nbeal2 in zebrafish abrogated thrombocyte formation