534 research outputs found

    Saturation studies of the E-beam sustained discharge atomic xenon laser

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    In an electron beam sustained discharge xenon laser the discharge energy deposition has been varied in order to investigate the saturation effect on the xenon laser. The current density of the electron beam is varied separately in the range of 0.1-2.7 A/cm2 to obtain optimized discharge excitation conditions as a function of electron beam current density and gas pressure. An optimal fractional ionization f=3.5-4Ă—10-5 is found, independent of the electron beam parameters. The synergy of electron beam and discharge excitation has resulted in a maximum specific energy of 15 J/l at a total gas pressure of 9 ba

    Nursing student’s perceptions on how immersive simulation promotes theory–practice integration

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    AbstractThe inability of nurses to transfer to the clinical setting what they have learned in class, may be because nurse educators do not use teaching strategies that promote transfer of learning. Unfortunately there is paucity of evidence as to which teaching strategies promote transfer of learning. Based on a qualitative descriptive study, this article attempts to answer the question about how simulation helps students to apply in practice what they have learned in class. Open coding of the data that were gathered through two focus group interviews and documents revealed that simulation promotes theory–practice integration, builds confidence, makes students aware of the aspects of care that need to be improved through deliberate practice, increases the motivation to learn and transfer their knowledge, and strengthens communication among team members. Knowledge on the benefits of simulation can guide nurse educators to harness the method to enhance transfer of learning

    IR Recombination Lasers

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    The present study contributes to a better understanding of the atomic Xe laser as a powerful IR source. Several important phenomena like the dependence of both the observed optimized input power and maximum output power on the square of the gas density and also the constant fractional ionization are reported and verified theoretically. The insight in the kinetics of this system has also lead to the realization of small-size continuous systems with output powers in the range of watts. The results of the present study can be used to predict the performance of the atomic Xe laser under different operating conditions

    Deradikalisasi Paham Keagamaan Melalui Pendekatan Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Keluarga

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    Maraknya gerakan-gerakan radikalisme dan terorisme yang mengancam keutuhan NKRI telah menjadi perhatian serius pemerintah, duniapendidikan dan juga lembaga-lembaga pemerhati semangat kebangsaan. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan dalam rangka menangkal dan menanggulangi gerakan tersebut salah satunya dengan menambah materi anti radikalisme pada kurikulum pembelajaran di sekolah-sekolah. Tulisan ini mengemukakan gagasan untuk menangkal gerakan dan laju radikalisme melalui pendidikan agama Islam yang diberikan oleh orang tua dalam keluarga. Hal ini dipandang akan sangat berpengaruh dikarenakan keluarga merupakan sekolah pertama tempat seorang anak ditempa dan dibentuk sehingga bisa meng-counter informasi dengan konsep dasar yang telah ditanamkan dalam pendidikan yang diperolehnya dalam keluarga. Melalui analisis kualitatif deskriptif, tulisan yang menggunakan metode library research ini dalam risetnya menemukan bahwa perlunya pendidikan agama Islam diajarkan dalam bentuk teori dan praktik dalam keluarga adalah salah satu gerakan deradikalisasi yang mesti mendapat perhatian dan disosialisasikan kepada masyaraka

    Feasibility of a low-cost computing cluster in comparison to a high-performance computing cluster: A developing country perspective

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    In recent years, many organisations use high-performance computing clusters to, within a few days, perform complex simulations and calculations that otherwise would have taken years, even lifetimes, with a single computer. However, these high-performance computing clusters can be very expensive to purchase and maintain. For developing countries, these factors are viewed as barriers that will slow them in their quest to develop the necessary computing platforms to solve complex, real-world problems. From previous studies, it was unclear if an off-the-shelf personal computer (single computer) and low-cost computing clusters are feasible alternatives to high- performance computing clusters for smaller scientific problems. The aim of this study was to investigate this gap in literature since according to our knowledge, this kind of study has not been conducted before. The study made use of High Performance Linpack benchmark applications to collect quantitative data comparing the time-to-complete, operational costs and computational efficiency of a single computer, a low-cost computing cluster and a high-performance cluster. The benchmark used the HPL main algorithm and matrix sizes for the n x n dense linear system ranged from 10 000 to 60 0000. The costs of the low-cost computing cluster were kept to the minimum (USD4000.00) and the cluster was constructed using locally available computer hardware components. In this study for the cases we studied, we found that a low-cost computing cluster was a viable alternative to a high-performance cluster if the environment requires that costs be kept to a minimum. We concluded that for smaller scientific problems, both the single computer and low- cost computing cluster was better alternatives to a high-performance cluster. However, with large scientific problems and where performance and time are of more importance than costs, a high- performance cluster is still the best solution, offering the best efficiency for both theoretical energy consumption and computation

    Ways to improve research outputs of nurse academics in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Published ArticleIn academia, evidence of scholarship, e.g. published articles, is required for career progression. A consensus-seeking design was used to identify ways in which nurse academics in sub-Saharan Africa could be mentored to increase their publications. Convenient sampling was done and data were gathered through two nominal groups. Only 9 of the 24 participants who had at least a master's degree have had an article published. Nurses in sub-Saharan Africa who acquire master's and doctoral degrees should be mentored to get their findings published in journals. Developmental network mentoring appeared to be more appropriate for mentoring nurse academia over geographical distances than individual dyad mentoring relationships

    A competence assessment tool that links thinking operations with knowledge types

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    Background. Although there is a need for a greater number of nurses to meet the demands for universal health coverage, these trained nurses should also be competent. However, assessment of nurses’ competence remains a challenge, as the available instruments do not focus on identifying the knowledge level that is lacking.Objectives. To report on the development and reliability of an instrument that can be used to assess undergraduate student nurses’ competence.Methods. A methodological research design was used. The authors extracted items from existing competence assessment instruments, inductively analysed the items and categorised them into themes. The extracted items were used to draft a new instrument. Review by an expert panel strengthened the content and face validity of the instrument. Twenty assessors used the developed assessment instrument to assess 15 student nurses’ competence via video footage.Results. The Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.90 and intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.85 indicate that the instrument is reliable and comparable with other instruments that assess competence.Conclusions. Nurse educators can use the developed instrument to assess the competence of a student and identify the type of  knowledge that is lacking. The student, in collaboration with the educator, can then plan specific remedial action
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