72 research outputs found

    Ivory poachers and poison : drivers of Africa's declining vulture populations

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    Four species of African vultures have been recategorized as Critically Endangered, and two as Endangered, on the IUCN Red List. Their declining status is attributed partly to the impacts of widespread poisoning. Prior to 2012 poisoning of vultures was mostly associated with illegal predator control by livestock farmers, in which vultures were typically unintended victims. More recently, ivory poachers have been using poisons to kill elephants Loxodonta africana or to contaminate their carcasses specifically to eliminate vultures, whose overhead circling might otherwise reveal the poachers’ presence. Between 2012 and 2014 we recorded 11 poaching-related incidents in seven African countries, in which 155 elephants and 2,044 vultures were killed. In at least two incidents the harvesting of vulture body parts (for fetish) may have provided an additional motive. We show that vulture mortality associated with ivory poaching has increased more rapidly than that associated with other poisoning incidents, and now accounts for one-third of all vulture poisonings recorded since 1970. This recent surge in the illegal use of poisons exposes weaknesses in the regulations, for which we propose measures aimed primarily at retail controls. However, because ivory poachers already operate outside any legal framework, African governments require international support in applying more punitive sentencing against mass wildlife poisoning.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Combating financial crime : evaluating the prospect of a whole-of-government approach

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    Tax crimes, money laundering and other financial crimes threaten the strategic, political and economic interests of developed and developing countries. The problems encountered by the researcher, is the broad and vague meaning of financial crime compounded by the confusing and ill-considered use of the term by law- and policymakers, politicians, government agencies, agency officials and practitioners weakening effective communication about the phenomenon. The literature shows that given the complexity and multi-faceted nature of financial crime, combating financial crime in all its facets cannot be undertaken by investigative agencies acting in isolation. This study was undertaken with the aim to describe and systematically categorise financial crime and evaluate the prospect of using a Whole-of-Government approach as a framework to harness the capacity of the existing government agencies to combat financial crime more effectively. The research was underpinned by a pragmatic paradigm allowing the researcher to apply a qualitative research methodology using an exploratory and evaluation research design. A detailed review of the literature available nationally and internationally was conducted to establish a conceptual and practical understanding of the issues under investigation. An interview schedule with predetermined questions was developed, pre-tested and administered to participants who are active practitioners involved in combating financial crime in the primary government agencies responsible for combating financial crime based on a purposive sample. The data obtained from the literature and participants were analysed, interpreted and thematically listed according to the frequency with the aim of identifying and comparing similarities and differences between the data. The data was used to develop a system to categorise financial crime systematically based on descriptors used to describe the meaning and application of the term financial crime and to propose practical methods practises and models to combat financial crime more effectively. This research indicates that financial crime can be systematically categorised according to descriptors of the unlawful conduct and that the whole of government approach is a viable approach to combat financial crime more effectively according to the available models for arranging Whole-of-Government work.Police ScienceD.Litt. et Phil. (Police Science

    The external dimension in the transformation of Afrikaner Nationalism

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    This work looks at Afrikaner Nationalism, and more closely the changes it has undergone in years since external pressure has been applied against it from as early as 1946. This has been accomplished by placing it against the background of the international context ego as in relation to India and the British Commonwealth. Following a discussion of the ideology of nationalism in general, the thesis examines the specific case of Afrikaner Nationalism, which it portrays as an example of ethnonationalism. This latter is distinguished by familial ties and other stereotypes. After outlining the changing characteristics of Afrikaner Nationalism over time by reference to pronounciations by its leaders and other prominent spokesmen, this process of change is analysed with particular regard to the role played by international and other external pressures upon Afrikaner Nationalism. By carefully describing the changing attitudes of elite groups within Afrikaner Nationalism, the thesis assesses the impact of external factors. Then it is reasonably stated in this work that Afrikaner elites have become less exclusive under external pressure. The writer of this study is of the opinion that, give the fact that the doors of the National Party were thrown open, Afrikaner Nationalism and its aforementioned ideological organ are no longer identical

    Towards modelling the formation of ore bodies initial results dealing with the fluid mechanical aspects of magma chamber convection

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    This thesis forms part of a larger effort which aims to establish the means of assessing the fluid mechanical behaviour of magma 1 as it cools inside a magma chamber surrounded by porous country rock. The reason for doing so is to advance the understanding of some types of mineral deposits; for example,the Platinum Group Elements (PGEs). The magma is modelled with the governing equations for a single-phase incompressible Newtonian fluid with variable viscosity and density. In this thesis, thermal conductivity and specific heat are approximated as constants and the country rock is treated as a conducting solid so as to save on computational time in the initial phases of the project. A basic review of the relevant literature is presented as background material and three basic models of magma chambers are discussed: crystal settling, compositional convection and double diffusive convection.The results presented in this thesis are from finite element calculations by a commercial computer code: ANSYS 5.4. This code has been employed in industry for over 26 years and has a long and successful benchmark history. In this context, finite element methods that are applicable to the code are discussed in chapter 5. In chapter 6, results that were obtained in the course of this research are presented. The thesis concludes with an indication of the possible geological significance of the results and various refinements that should be made to future models

    Risk management in a bulk coal export logistic chain: A stakeholder perspective

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    Background: In South Africa, the export of coal is a large contributor to the gross domestic product. Statistics indicate that the export of coal is stagnant or declining, which indicates a risk for coal as a foreign exchange earner. A study into the risks facing the bulk coal export logistics chain is therefore of great importance. Any risk to this logistics chain will directly affect its efficiency and contribution to foreign exchange. The nature of a logistics supply chain is such that risks to one stakeholder (partner or node) affect not only that stakeholder’s own operations but also those of the other partners and the whole supply chain’s efficiency and sustainability. Objectives: The objective of the study was to identify and explore the risks and risk management practices in the bulk coal export logistics chain from a stakeholder theory perspective. Methods: A qualitative research design was used, and in-depth, structured interviews were conducted with different stakeholders in the chain. A total of eight interviews were conducted, audio-recorded, transcribed and analysed by means of a thematic analysis. Results: Many risks were identified in the bulk coal export logistics chain, and of these risks, it was found that the most important ones were infrastructure, the macro-economy and people-related risks. The findings revealed evidence of underlying tensions between different stakeholders with regard to investment to mitigate infrastructure risks. The findings suggest that there is a lack of communication and an aligned vision among the stakeholders in the logistics chain and that they strategise for their risks separately. Conclusion: Close cooperation on a high level between the stakeholders in the logistics chain is needed to strategise for risk mitigation in an integrated, holistic manner

    Refined electron-spin transport model for single-element ferromagnetic systems: Application to nickel nanocontacts

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    Through a combination of atomistic spin-lattice dynamics simulations and relativistic ab initio calculations of electronic transport we shed light on unexplained electrical measurements in nickel nanocontacts created by break junction experiments under cryogenic conditions (4.2 K). We implement post-self-consistent-field corrections in the conductance calculations to account for spin-orbit coupling and the noncollinearity of the spins, resulting from the spin-lattice dynamics. We find that transverse magnetic domain walls are formed preferentially in (111)-oriented face-centered-cubic nickel atomic-sized contacts, which also form elongated constrictions, giving rise to enhanced individual domain wall magnetoresistance. Our calculations show that the ambiguity surrounding the conductance of a priori uniformly magnetized nickel nanocontacts can be traced back to the crystallographic orientation of the nanocontacts, rather than spontaneously formed magnetic domain walls “pinned” at their narrowest points.This work was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana through Grant No. PROMETEO2017/139. C.S. gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Dean Fellowship of the Weizmann Institute of Science and Generalitat Valenciana (Grant No. CDEIGENT2018/028). O.T. appreciates the support of the Harold Perlman family, and acknowledges funding by a research grant from Dana and Yossie Hollander, the Israel Science Foundation (Grant No. 1089/15), the Minerva Foundation (Grant No. 120865), and The Ministry of Science and Technology of Israel (Grant No. 3-16244). J.J.P. acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO through Grants No. FIS2016-80434-P and No. PID2019-109539GB-C43, the Fundación Ramón Areces, the María de Maeztu Program for Units of Excellence in R&D (Grant No. CEX2018-000805-M), the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid through the Nanomag COST-CM Program (Grant No. S2018/NMT-4321), the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 604391 Graphene Flagship, the Centro de Computación Científica of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the computer resources at MareNostrum and the technical support provided by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Grant No. FI-2019-2-0007). The SLD and DFT calculations in this paper were performed on the high-performance computing facilities of the University of Alicante and the University of South Africa

    Directional bonding explains the high conductance of atomic contacts in bcc metals

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    Atomic-sized contacts of iron, created in scanning tunneling microscope break junctions, present unusually high values of conductance compared to other metals. This result is counterintuitive since, at the nanoscale, body-centered-cubic metals are expected to exhibit lower coordination than face-centered-cubic metals. In this work we first perform classical molecular dynamics simulations of the contact rupture, using two different interatomic potentials. The first potential is isotropic, and produces mostly single-atom prerupture contacts. The second potential accounts for the directional bonding in the materials, and produces mostly highly coordinated prerupture structures, generally consisting of more than one atom in contact. To compare the two different types of structures with experiments, we use them as input to density functional theory electronic transport calculations of the conductance. We find that the highly coordinated structures, obtained from the anisotropic potential, yield higher conductances which are statistically in better agreement with those measured for body-centered-cubic iron. We thus conclude that the directional bonding plays an important role in body-centered-cubic metals.This work was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana through PROMETEO2017/139 and GENT (CDEIGENT2018/028), the Spanish government through Grants No. MAT2016-78625-C2-1-P and No. FIS2016-80434-P, and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the “María de Maeztu” Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D (CEX2018-000805-M), by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid through Grant No. S2018/NMT-4321 (NanomagCOST-CM), by the Fundación Ramón Areces, and by the European Union Graphene Flagship under Grant No. 604391

    Human rights in diverse education contexts

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    The focus of this publication is on answering the central research question: How can Human Rights be advanced with regard to different kinds of diversities, and in different educational settings? The publication pays special attention to the advancement of human rights in a variety of education-related contexts, in keeping with human rights as a declared national priority for both society at large and the education system. One strategic priority of the Faculty of Education is research based on market requirements and needs. This book strives towards meeting this expectation by directly aiming at building human rights and social justice in the South African society, public schools and higher education institutions. Adjudication in the education context of the constitutional values of dignity, equality and freedom focusses regularly on learners. The book highlights the value of education for full-fledged citizenship by delineating what schooling should entail to inspire learners towards both claiming equal freedoms and rights and taking accountability for the responsibilities attached to citizenship

    Effects of GnRH vaccination in wild and captive African Elephant bulls (Loxodonta africana) on reproductive organs and semen quality

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    OBJECTIVES: Although the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in some isolated habitats in southern Africa, contraception is of major interest due to local overpopulation. GnRH vaccination has been promoted as a non-invasive contraceptive measure for population management of overabundant wildlife. We tested the efficacy of this treatment for fertility control in elephant bulls. METHODS: In total, 17 male African elephants that were treated with a GnRH vaccine were examined in two groups. In the prospective study group 1 (n = 11 bulls, ages: 8±36 years), semen quality, the testes, seminal vesicles, ampullae and prostate, which were all measured by means of transrectal ultrasound, and faecal androgen metabolite concentrations were monitored over a three-year period. Each bull in the prospective study received 5 ml of Improvac® (1000 μg GnRH conjugate) intramuscularly after the first examination, followed by a booster six weeks later and thereafter every 5±7 months. In a retrospective study group (group 2, n = 6, ages: 19±33 years), one examination was performed on bulls which had been treated with GnRH vaccine for 5±11 years. RESULTS: In all bulls of group 1, testicular and accessory sex gland sizes decreased significantly after the third vaccination. In six males examined prior to vaccination and again after more than five vaccinations, the testis size was reduced by 57.5%. Mean testicular height and length decreased from 13.3 ± 2.6 cm x 15.2 ± 2.8 cm at the beginning to 7.6 ± 2.1 cm x 10.2 ± 1.8 cm at the end of the study. Post pubertal bulls (>9 years, n = 6) examined prior to vaccination produced ejaculates with viable spermatozoa (volume: 8±175 ml, sperm concentration: 410-4000x106/ml, total motility: 0±90%), while after 5±8 injections, only 50% of these bulls produced ejaculates with a small number of immotile spermatozoa. The ejaculates of group 2 bulls (vaccinated >8 times) were devoid of spermatozoa. Faecal androgen metabolite concentrations measured in captive males decreased significantly after the fourth vaccination. None of the males entered musth during the treatment period. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed a marked decrease in semen quality, testicle and secondary sex gland sizes following repeated GnRH vaccinations. After 2±4 years of continuous treatment every 5±7 months, the effects were similar to surgical castration.ISIScopu
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