11 research outputs found

    Novel method to delimitate and demarcate coastal zone boundaries

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    Different legal frameworks and concepts have been used to establish coastal zone boundaries. Integrated Coastal Zone Management use some criteria, while Land-Use Planning use a different criteria. A critical analysis about this topic is done in the present study, with the aim of proposing a novel method for delimitation and demarcation of coastal zone boundaries. The method offers an integrated perspective regarding the river basin, the coastal zone, and their corresponding economic zones. Moreover, it is comprised of dependent and independent variables, representing useful decision-making tools for applying Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Land-Use Planning initiatives. The concepts of Primary Environmental Coastal Units for Integrated Management (PECUIM) and Basic Environmental Coastal Units for Integrated Management and Land-Use Planning (BECUIMLUP) were proposed and applied in Cuba, where twenty-three PECUIM and four BECUIMLUP were demarcated and delimitated. At the end of this paper, the importance of integrated criteria for coastal zone boundaries is concluded and demonstrated

    Methodological proposal for ecological risk assessment of the coastal zone of Antioquia, Colombia

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    The coastline of the Department of Antioquia, in Colombia, supports a variety of ecosystems rich in diversity and abundance, but these are under intense pressure from human activities. Here, we propose a novel methodology for conducting ecological risk assessments of coastal areas that focuses on ecosystem health instead of benefits to humans, in which coastal zones are evaluated by prioritizing ecosystem risks based on four natural phenomena (erosion, sedimentation, mud diapirism, and invasive species) and two human pressures (pollution and land use changes). Ecological risk assessment of 16 ecosystems within the study area was performed using this new approach. Our research highlights the importance of monitoring land-use patterns as a primary factor influencing the threats and vulnerabilities of coastal ecosystems, in addition to demonstrating the usefulness of risk-management approaches based on ecological health

    Litter impacts on scenery and tourism on the Colombian north Caribbean coast

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    This paper provides the location, scenery and litter evaluation of 35 Colombian Caribbean beaches (9 remote, 9 village, 14 urban and 3 resort). Four litter grades were found. A: excellent (5); B: good (8); C: fair (19) and D: poor (3). A Decision Value parameter (D), for scenery gave: Class I - extremely attractive/natural, D > 0.85, 6 sites; Class II - attractive/natural sites, D = 0.85 -0.65, 2 sites; Class III - mainly natural sites, few outstanding features, D = 0.65-0.4, 1 site; Class IV - mainly unattractive sites, D = 0.4 to zero, 6 sites; Class V - very unattractive sites, D = <0, 20 sites. Litter amounts placed most beaches into a poor scenic category and many scenic beaches could jump a grade by means of clean-ups. A graphic methodology highlighted beaches with contradictory results for litter/scenic grades. Tourists abhor littered beaches and clean-ups would improve scenery scores

    Design of a Method of Evaluation of the Beach Tourist Potential from an Integrated Management Approach: Case of The Magdalena Department, Colombia

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    En la costa Caribe de Colombia, el departamento del Magdalena cuenta con un importante número de playas de uso turístico; sin embargo, no se conoce cuál es su potencial turístico, de manera que se puedan diseñar estrategias que permitan su gestión integrada según sea el caso particular de cada playa. Este trabajo busca aportar a esta necesidad de gestión, a través del diseño y aplicación de una herramienta para evaluar cualitativa y cuantitativamente el potencial turístico específicamente en playas. El modelo de evaluación fue desarrollado a partir del análisis de cuatro metodologías integradas como un instrumento adaptado a las condiciones del área de estudio y a los principios de la gestión integrada. La aplicación del método se realizó con el apoyo de sensores remotos, sistemas de información geográfica, levantamientos in situ y correcciones en post-proceso. Como resultado, se identificaron las características que poseen 21 playas del departamento del Magdalena para el desarrollo de la actividad turística en un marco de sostenibilidad. De acuerdo con el método cuantitativo, la mayoría de las playas obtuvieron un potencial turístico medio (77,3%), mientras que el 22,7% obtuvieron un potencial turístico bajo y ninguna con potencial alto; las playas con mayor puntuación fueron El Rodadero (0,66) y La Bahía (0,70). Por otra parte, el método cualitativo fue más flexible para definir el potencial, de manera que el 27,3% de las playas estuvieron rango de potencial alto y el 72,7% rango de potencial medio. Finalmente, se definieron estrategias y procedimientos para la gestión integrada de las playas del área de estudio, ofreciendo un insumo para el ejercicio de las actividades de las entidades públicas y privadas que tienen incidencia sobre el turismo de sol y playa.On the Colombian Caribbean coast, the department of Magdalena has a significant number of beaches for tourist use; however, its potential is unknown, so that strategies can be used to allow its integrated management accord- ing to the case particular of each beach. This work seeks to contribute to this management need, through the design and application of a tool to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the specific tourist potential on beaches. The assessment model was developed from the analysis of four integrated methodologies as an instrument adapted to the conditions of the study area and the principles of integrated management. The application of the method was carried out with support of remote sensors, geographic information systems, on-site surveys and post-process corrections. As a result, characteristics of 21 beaches in the department of Magdalena for the development of tourist activity in a framework of sustainability are identified. According to the quantitative method, most of the beaches obtained a medium tourist potential (77.3%), while 22.7% obtained a low tourist potential and none with a high potential; the beaches with the highest scores were El Rodadero (0.66) and La Bahía (0.70). On the other hand, the qualitative method was more flexible to define the potential, so that 27.3% of the beaches got range of high potential and 72.7% range of medium potential. Finally, strategies and procedures were defined for the integrated management of the beaches in the study area, and an input for the exercise of the activities of public and private entities who work on sun and beach tourism was offered

    Evaluation of the scenic value of 100 beaches in Cuba: Implications for coastal tourism management

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    This paper provides coastal scenic values of 100 sites along coastal Cuba by the use of a weighted, fuzzy logic, based checklist containing 26 physical/human factors. Sites were categorized into five classes from Class I, top grade scenery, to Class V, poor scenery. Seven beaches belonged to Class I, e.g. rural areas with a low impact of human activities and high scores of natural parameters. Most Class II beaches were located at international resort areas in cays having white coral sand beaches, turquoise water and vigorous vegetation together with a low impact of tourist developments because of appropriate location and design. Classes III, IV and V presented a wide distribution and their lower scores were linked to a poor environmental setting. Results allow for improvements to beach management plans to be formulated for current international tourist destinations (in cays) and other potentially attractive coastal areas at new developing tourist destinations

    Litter assessment on 99 Cuban beaches: a baseline to identify sources of pollution and impacts for tourism and recreation

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    Litter presence was assessed on the entire Cuban coastline, and includes 99 beaches from all Cuban regions, during field work carried out in 2012 and 2015. A standard method verified in several countries was applied, which classified beaches for nine types of litter into four grades (A-excellent to D-poor). Almost half of the Cuban beaches obtained excellent cleanliness scores, although many needed to be better managed. In this baseline, the most common types of residue were general litter (8% grade D and 35% grades B/C) and potentially harmful litter (< 68% with grade A). Resort beaches and those with international visitors showed the best litter management. Tourism Impacts seems to be related to visitor origin therefore choices to develop sustainable tourism in rural and village beaches (64%) appears low, if beach cleaning gross investment is focused on resort beaches (24%). Finally, this paper highlights geographical distribution and types of litter patterns

    Diseño de un Método de Evaluación del Potencial Turístico de Playas desde un Enfoque de Gestión Integrada: Caso del Departamento de Magdalena, Colombia

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    On the Colombian Caribbean coast, the department of&nbsp; Magdalena has a significant number of beaches for tourist&nbsp; use; however, its potential is unknown, so that strategies&nbsp; can be used to allow its integrated management according to the case particular of each beach. This work seeks&nbsp; to contribute to this management need, through the de sign and application of a tool to qualitatively and quan titatively assess the specific tourist potential on beaches.&nbsp; The assessment model was developed from the analysis of&nbsp; four integrated methodologies as an instrument adapted&nbsp; to the conditions of the study area and the principles of&nbsp; integrated management. The application of the method&nbsp; was carried out with support of remote sensors, geographic information systems, on-site surveys and post-process&nbsp; corrections. As a result, characteristics of 21 beaches in the department of Magdalena for the development of tourist activity in a framework of sustainability are identified.&nbsp; According to the quantitative method, most of the beaches obtained a medium tourist potential (77.3%), while 22.7%&nbsp; obtained a low tourist potential and none with a high potential; the beaches with the highest scores were El Rodadero&nbsp; (0.66) and La Bahía (0.70). On the other hand, the qualitative method was more flexible to define the potential, so that&nbsp; 27.3% of the beaches got range of high potential and 72.7% range of medium potential. Finally, strategies and proce&nbsp; dures were defined for the integrated management of the beaches in the study area, and an input for the exercise of the&nbsp; activities of public and private entities who work on sun and beach tourism was offered.&nbsp;En la costa Caribe de Colombia, el departamento del Magdalena cuenta con un importante número de playas de usoturístico; sin embargo, no se conoce cuál es su potencial turístico, de manera que se puedan diseñar estrategias quepermitan su gestión integrada según sea el caso particular de cada playa. Este trabajo busca aportar a esta necesidad degestión, a través del diseño y aplicación de una herramienta para evaluar cualitativa y cuantitativamente el potencialturístico específicamente en playas. El modelo de evaluación fue desarrollado a partir del análisis de cuatro metodologíasintegradas como un instrumento adaptado a las condiciones del área de estudio y a los principios de la gestión integrada. La aplicación del método se realizó con el apoyo de sensores remotos, sistemas de información geográfica, levantamientos in situ y correcciones en post-proceso. Como resultado, se identificaron las características que poseen 21 playas del departamento del Magdalena para el desarrollo de la actividad turística en un marco de sostenibilidad. De acuerdocon el método cuantitativo, la mayoría de las playas obtuvieron un potencial turístico medio (77,3%), mientras que el22,7% obtuvieron un potencial turístico bajo y ninguna con potencial alto; las playas con mayor puntuación fueron ElRodadero (0,66) y La Bahía (0,70). Por otra parte, el método cualitativo fue más flexible para definir el potencial, de manera que el 27,3% de las playas estuvieron rango de potencial alto y el 72,7% rango de potencial medio. Finalmente, se definieron estrategias y procedimientos para la gestión integrada de las playas del área de estudio, ofreciendo un insumo para el ejercicio de las actividades de las entidades públicas y privadas que tienen incidencia sobre el turismo de sol y playa

    Sand colour at Cuba and its influence on beach nourishment and management

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    The colour of 93 beaches in Cuba was assessed in CIEL*a*b* colour space. Study sites comprised exposed and sheltered mainland beaches and keys. Notwithstanding the limited extension of this country, beaches show real colour variability due to mineralogical differences in rock outcrops in the various watersheds, the proximity of the coral reef and the shell fragments originated in open coast or mangrove areas. PCA performed on the L*, a* and b* parameters allowed beach groupings which fitted with their geographical locations and identified those altered by beach nourishment. Sand lightness was considered by taking into account visitor's preferences, addressed to very clear sand, which is infrequent in mainland Cuba. One strongly coloured beach was found, for which a geosite institution is proposed. The impact of beach nourishment on native sand colour was studied and the beach at Varadero, probably the most popular Cuban beach, was negatively impacted by this activity. Reconstruction was necessary after severe erosion induced by Sea Level Rise and hurricanes. Recommendations for wise beach nourishment in tropical areas are given

    Proposal of management framework for tourist beaches based on integrated coastal management

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    Tese mest., Gestão da água e da costa, 2008, Universidade do AlgarveO estudo tem como objectivo propor uma nova e melhor estrutura de gestão das praias na América Latina de acordo com a perspectiva da Gestão Costeira Integrada (GCI). Neste sentido, foram revistos vários autores no âmbito do estudo da GCI sobre as praias como sistemas complexos. Enquanto instrumento de gestão, o foco incidiu sobre a certificação de qualidade das praias, numa análise de avaliação da sua utilidade na estrutura da GCI. Uma tripla dimensão das praias foi definida a partir de um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável, e quatro características principais foram propostas como estrutura epistemológica deste trabalho. O modelo de certificado de qualidade balnear para a América Latina foi obtido através da revisão de oito certificados de qualidade, sugerindo o fortalecimento da utilidade deste instrumento na gestão das praias. Adicionalmente, um instrumento de gestão foi criado para classificar as praias de acordo com quatro tipos de turismo, tendo sido aplicado a cinco praias na Colômbia. A compreensão não integrada das praias foi encontrada na maioria dos autores de GCI, demonstrando que as linhas de actuação da GCI não foram consideradas na sua aplicação à escala local, fornecendo apenas uma solução parcial para a gestão das praias. Como consequência de terem vindo a usar aproximações fragmentada, foi constatada a fraqueza do suporte da gestão das praias nos actuais instrumentos de gestão. Em resultado, aponta-se na América Latina um forte potencial de melhoramento da gestão das praias, devido ao recente interesse em promover as relações entre turismo balnear, cultural e sistema político. Finalmente, é proposta uma nova estrutura de gestão das praias como suporte à melhoria dos processos de decisão na América Latina, bem como para garantir a implementação da GCI nas praias.This study aims to propose a new framework to improve beach management in Latin America within Integrated Coastal Management approach. Thus, several authors of ICM were reviewed to study the beach as a complex system. Moreover, the beach quality awards, an existing beach management tool, were analysed to evaluate its usefulness within ICM framework. A triple dimension of the beach was defined from sustainable development model and its four main characteristics were proposed as the epistemological framework of this study. A model beach quality award for Latin America was obtained from the eight beach quality awards reviewed, suggesting to strengthen the usefulness for beach management of these tools. In addition, a management tool was created to classify beaches according to four tourism beach sorts and it was applied to five Colombian beaches. A non-integrated comprehension of the beach has been found in majority of ICM authors, showing that ICM guidelines have not been thought to apply in a local scale, giving only partial solutions to beach management. Moreover, a weakness to support beach management have been demonstrated in currents management tools as a consequence that they have been used fragmented approaches. In spite of that, a big potential to improve beach management have been found in Latin America, due to the recent interest there to promote beach tourism and cultural and political similarities. Finally, a new framework to manage beaches has been proposed to support decision making process in Latin America and to guarantee ICM implementation in beaches

    Impactos de la basura sobre el paisaje y el turismo en la costa norte del Caribe colombiano

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    This paper provides the location, scenery and litter evaluation of 35 Colombian Caribbean beaches (9 remote, 9 village, 14 urban and 3 resort). Four litter grades were found. A: excellent (5); B: good (8); C: fair (19) and D: poor (3). A Decision Value parameter (D), for scenery gave: Class I - extremely attractive/natural, D > 0.85, 6 sites; Class II - attractive/natural sites, D = 0.85 -0.65, 2 sites; Class III - mainly natural sites, few outstanding features, D = 0.65-0.4, 1 site; Class IV - mainly unattractive sites, D = 0.4 to zero, 6 sites; Class V - very unattractive sites, D = 0,85, 6 sitios; Clase II: sitios atractivos / naturales, D = 0,85 -0,65, 2 sitios; Clase III: principalmente sitios naturales, pocas características sobresalientes, D = 0.65-0.4, 1 sitio; Clase IV: sitios principalmente poco atractivos, D = 0.4 a cero, 6 sitios; Clase V: sitios muy poco atractivos, D = <0, 20 sitios. Las cantidades de basura colocaron a la mayoría de las playas en una categoría escénica pobre y muchas playas escénicas podrían saltar un grado mediante la limpieza. Una metodología gráfica resaltó las playas con resultados contradictorios para los grados de basura / paisajes. Los turistas aborrecen las playas llenas de basura y las limpiezas mejorarían la puntuación del paisaj