531 research outputs found

    Abelhas, drones e outras Coisas no espaço público: fazendo estratégias na cidade

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    In this article we explore some emerging strategizing practices that citizens use for the development of their immediate urban fabric. We make use of our experiences and engagements with two citizen-driven initiatives in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The first case attempts to rethink uses and actors of public space by creating viable conditions for the emergence of urban gardening in public spaces. The second initiative is engaged in a political discussion of the boundaries of participation, cultural appropriation and ownership of city space. We discuss and reflectively analyze some of their strategizing practices, as forms of infrastructuring, commoning and patchworking. The cases shed light on forms of designing that are enacted collectively through mobilizing particular concerns and caring approaches. We conclude by highlighting aspects made visible in the cases that can give a sense of direction for exercising forms of continuous, open-ended design that are attentive to the collective construction of Things.Keywords: city-making, citizen participation, infrastructuring, patchworking, commoning.Neste artigo, exploramos algumas práticas estratégicas emergentes que os cidadãos utilizam para o desenvolvimento do tecido urbano ao seu redor. Usamos nossas experiências e engajamento em duas iniciativas lideradas pelos cidadãos em Helsinki, capital da Finlândia. O primeiro caso é relativo às tentativas de repensar os usos e os atores do espaço público através da criação das condições de viabilidade para o surgimento de jardinagem urbana em espaços públicos. A segunda iniciativa faz parte de uma discussão política dos limites de participação, apropriação cultural e do espaço da cidade. Discutimos e analisamos algumas de suas práticas estratégicas, como formas de infraestrutura, commoning e patchworking. Os casos lançam luz sobre as formas de fazer design que são realizadas coletivamente através da mobilização em torno de preocupações específicas e por meio de abordagens de cuidado. Concluímos destacando aspectos tornados visíveis nos casos que podem indicar um caminho para desenvolver processos de design contínuos, open-ended que focam na construção coletiva das Coisas.Palavras-chave: city-making, participação cidadã, infraestruturação, patchworking, commoning

    Improving the Classroom Experience by Providing Teachers with a Mindfulness Intervention

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    The purpose of this study was to improve the classroom environment for teachers by providing them with a mindfulness-based intervention. This experimental study evaluated the outcomes of an eight-week stress and mindfulness prevention intervention (SPAM) created specifically for teachers. The current study measured the following variables: mindfulness, stress, self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and well-being. This study used a four-way ANOVA (2 X 3 X 2 X 5) with two between subjects’ factors, groups and levels, and two within subjects/repeated measures factors, pre-test-posttest and scales. There were 14 teacher participants in the experimental group and 19 teacher participants in the control group. Although the study did not show any significant effects for mindfulness, stress, self-efficacy, and well-being for either group, teacher participants in the control group demonstrated significantly lower levels of job satisfaction compared to the experimental group from pre-post outcomes. Future directions related to mindfulness-based interventions are discussed and recommendations for researchers, educators, and education administrators are provided

    Diseño del plan de marketing para la Empresa Preparación Física Integral Wheeler ubicada en la ciudad de Pereira

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    Este trabajo contiene la investigación necesaria para la realización de un plan estratégico de marketing para la empresa Centro de entrenamiento Wheeler, partiendo de un análisis de la situación actual, a través del cual se realiza un diagnóstico de su estructura organizacional; se identifican las oportunidades, fortalezas, amenazas y debilidades y se analiza la mezcla de marketing actual. Igualmente, se desarrollan diferentes instrumentos para analizar la competencia y segmentar el mercado para caracterizar el consumidor, permitiendo definir el producto en estudio Fitness. Finalmente se plantean estrategias en cuanto a Producto, Precio, Plaza y Promoción; se construye el plan estratégico de marketing estableciendo las acciones tácticas necesarias para llevar a cabo cada actividad; así mismo se plantea el presupuesto, cronograma y métodos de control, herramientas que orientaran a la organización en la correcta realización de este plan

    Fatores psicossociais preceptores da qualidade de vida nas pessoas em com necessidades especiais

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    El presente estudio correlacional descriptivo se propuso evaluar los factores que determinan la calidad de vida (CV) relacionada con la salud en 78 personas con discapacidad física que vivían en Bogotá, y hacían parte de un proyecto de inclusión laboral dirigido por una ONG. Se evaluó la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (Cuestionario de Salud SF36 y visita domiciliaria), al igual que las condiciones asociadas a la discapacidad y algunos factores psicológicos (Escala de Autoeficacia Generalizada, Prueba de Imagen Corporal, Inventario de Estilos de Afrontamiento, Prueba de optimismo disposicional, Inventario de Depresión de Beck y Escala de Ansiedad de Zung). Se utilizó un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para encontrar el poder predictivo de las variables en la calidad de vida. El modelo obtenido predecía un 39% de la varianza, incluyendo en orden de peso relativo aportando variables como condiciones de enfermedad, depresión, afrontamiento centrado en la fantasía, trascendencia, pesimismo, ansiedad y autoeficacia. Se discuten los hallazgos y las limitaciones del estudio.O presente estudo correlacional descritivo se propôs avaliar os fatores que determinam a qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde em 78 pessoas com necessidades especiais que moravam em Bogotá, e faziam parte de um projeto de inclusão trabalhista dirigido por uma ONG. Avaliou-se a qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde (Questionário de Saúde SF36 e visita domiciliar), da mesma forma que as condições associadas à necessidade especial e alguns fatores psicológicos (Escala de Autoeficácia Generalizada, Teste de Imagem Corporal, Inventário de Estilos de Enfrentamento, Teste de otimismo disposicional, Inventário de Depressão de Beck e Escala de Ansiedade de Zung). Utilizou-se um modelo de equações estruturais para encontrar o poder preditivo das variáveis na qualidade de vida. O modelo obtido predizia 39% de variância, incluindo em ordem de peso relativo contribuindo variáveis como condições de doença, depressão, enfrentamento centrado na fantasia, transcendência, pessimismo, ansiedade e autoeficácia. Discutem-se as descobertas e as limitações do estudo.This descriptive correlational study aimed to assess the factors that determine the quality of life related to health in 78 people with physical disabilities who lived in Bogotá and were part of a labor inclusion project run by a NGO. Quality of life related to health was assessed with the SF36 Health Questionnaire and a home visit, as well as the conditions associated with disability and some psychological factors which were measured with the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale, Body Image Test, Coping Styles Inventory, Dispositional Optimism Test, Beck Depression Inventory and Zung Anxiety Scale. A structural equation model was used in order to determine the predictive power of the quality of life variables. The obtained model predicted 39% of the variance, including the variables' relative weight order, and provided variables as disease condition, depression, coping style focused on fantasy, transcendence, pessimism, anxiety and self-efficacy. Findings and limitations of the study are discussed

    Expanding design space(s) : design in communal endeavours

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    The present research inquires into the contemporary shapes and strategies of situated and participatory perspectives on design. It proposes a re-conception of the notion of design space to capture the wider interplay of possibilities, practices, and partly assembled technologies, as well as developing competencies and social arrangements that are the basis for ongoing design choices. In so doing, this work looks at the arrangements that evolved at the intersection of two design research engagements. The first engagement deals with the life project of an association of seniors developing an alternative housing arrangement with its related growing-old-together practices. In particular, the first case study draws on a mutual journey to design and develop what the community refers to as their everyday life management system or Miina, which helps them coordinate their daily joint practices. The second engagement looks at forms of active citizenship in the interactions of citizens both with each other and with officials in the city administration as these interactions are enacted through locative technologies. In this case, the research takes advantage of the collaborative design process for an online platform service, namely Urban Mediator, for sharing locative media content about the urban environment. The research highlights aspects that are relevant to the development of design approaches which do not only deal with designers and their design processes, but which can also deal with how both the things undergoing design and the design process itself are simultaneously embedded in existing everyday life arrangements. Drawing on work from different fields, especially Design Research and Science and Technology Studies, the design space framework introduced herein elaborates nuanced navigational aids for long term design engagement. The main purpose of this framework is to help recognize the inescapability of confronting collective design spaces and the relevance and potential that their explicit construction as collaborative endeavours can have in particular settings

    On DIY Cloth Face Masks and Scalar Relationships in Design

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    In this paper, we take the case of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) face masks as an entry point to questions of scale and scalar relations in design. We provide two example scalar trajectories that illustrate how DIY face masks - as everyday design artefacts - are in continuous shaping and re-shaping through various forms of active use and design. We also point out how scalar relations manifest in knowledge sharing and circulation of know-how, as DIY masks emerge in a world facing the same COVID-19 virus but within different local realities and relationships.Peer reviewe


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    Mario Bellatin: El Giro Hacia El Procedimiento y La Literatura Como Proyecto

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    MARIO BELLATIN: THE PROCEDURAL TURN AND THE LITERARY PROJECT Andrea Cote Botero Director: Reinaldo Laddaga This dissertation studies the work of Latin-American writer Mario Bellatin as a paradigmatic example of a tendency in contemporary literature that I called the procedural turn. This notion comprehends a manifestation in the art of the last three decades where artists exhibit the creative process as an artistic product in itself while engaging in the design of alternative practices that challenge the limits between artistic fields and disciplines. Through the analysis of a corpus of selected books and performances by Mario Bellatin, I explore the procedural turn that manifests in his work; particularly through the poetics of literature as a project, where individual books are seen as unfinished manifestations of a wider performance. I study his works vis-Ã -vis other contemporary Latin American writers and representatives of twentieth century European avant-garde. I establish a dialogue between Bellatin\u27s proposal and an artistic tradition that critically approaches material culture of literary products as well as notions of authorship and artistic community. I finally argue that Bellatin\u27s poetic of procedures involves, ultimately, a notion of literary language as a generator not of discourses but of experiences