18 research outputs found


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    Los restos humanos que aqui se estudian proceden de una sepultura en cista encontrada en Gádor (Almería), que actualmente se encuentra depositada en el Museo Arqueológico de Almería. Con ocasión del estudio arqueológico de este enterramiento, el Director de dicho Museo, Dr. Angel Pérez Casas, tuvo la amabilidad de remitirnos el material óseo al Laboratorio Interfacultativo de Antropología de la Universidad de Granada para procedera su estudio

    Sex assessment from the proximal femur in the Spanish population based on three-dimensional computed tomography metric analysis

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    The studies published in recent years have shown that the linear measurements on the three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) clinical images of the hip bone, skull or breastbone can serve as a reliable alternative method for sex estimation. In spite of the fact that the proximal femur exhibited high dimorphism when examining the skeletal material, there is still a lack of morphometric studies dealing with the CT imaging of this anatomical region that would confirm the relevance of the previously obtained results. The aim of this study was to validate the reliability and precision of some proximal femur measurements obtained in vivo from the 3D-CT models and to compare the accuracies of our findings with those formerly reported by other relevant research. The vertical diameter of neck and the vertical diameter of head were found to contribute the most when considered independently (90.4%–91.8%). When combining these with the other dimensions, the prediction accuracy increased up to 97.3%. The accuracy of CT measurements is in accordance with those obtained in the traditional morphometric studies on the skeletonized femurs of contemporary populations. The 3D-CT approach showed remarkably higher percentage of predictive ability in comparison with the 2D technique. 3D-CT is a suitable tool for the objective quantification of osteological data. The medical scans and measurements on living individuals offer a valuable source of data from which the highly reliable skeletal standards can be developed for estimating sex, even from the fragmented remains. The method proposed here can be highly useful especially in the identification of mass disaster victims when the direct osteometry is difficult to apply and maceration of the remains is not an option

    Grave number 121 of the Argaric site of Castellón Alto (Galera, Granada)

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    Recientes excavaciones en el yacimiento argárico de Castellón Alto con motivo de los trabajos de acondicionamiento para su visita publica han permitido descubrir una sepultura con restos humanos momificados en su interior. La sepultura de tipo covacha se encontraba sellada por tablones de madera y un muro de mampostería. En el interior aparecieron un individuo adulto y un infantil que conservan restos de pelo y piel. El ajuar se compone de varias vasijas cerámicas, un puñal, una azuela con mango de madera y adornos en metal, así como restos de lino y posiblemente lana.A new grave with partly mummified bodies was discovered during fieldwork to prepare the argaric site of Castellón Alto for public visits. Timber slabs and a dry stone wall seal the artificial cave preserving the interior. The human bones belong to one adult and one infant, both with preserved hair and skin fragments. The grave godds comprise several pottery vessels, one dagger, one axe with wooden handle, ornaments of metal and fragments offlax and possibly wool

    At the beginnings of the funerary Megalithism in Iberia at Campo de Hockey necropolis

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    The excavations undertaken at the Campo de Hockey site in 2008 led to the identification of a major Neolithic necropolis in the former Island of San Fernando (Bay of Cádiz). This work presents the results of the latest studies, which indicate that the site stands as one of the oldest megalithic necropolises in the Iberian Peninsula. The main aim of this work is to present with precision the chronology of this necropolis through a Bayesian statistical model that confirms that the necropolis was in use from c. 4300 to 3800 cal BC. The presence of prestige grave goods in the earliest and most monumental graves suggest that the Megalithism phenomenon emerged in relation to maritime routes linked to the distribution of exotic products. We also aim to examine funerary practices in these early megalithic communities, and especially their way of life and the social reproduction system. As such, in addition to the chronological information and the Bayesian statistics, we provide the results of a comprehensive interdisciplinary study, including anthropological, archaeometric and genetic data.State Research Agency (SRA)European Commission HAR2017-87324-P 2014-2020 ERDF Operational ProgrammeDepartment of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia FEDER-UCA18-106917 CEIMAR CEIJ-015European Social Fund (ESF) D1113102E3Junta de Andaluci

    Implications of the prevalence of Ascaris sp. in the funerary context of a Late Antique population (5th-7th c.) in Granada (Spain)

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    E. Camarós is funded by the Ramón y Cajal Program. A. Rubio Salvador is funded by the Postdoctoral Margaritas Salas grant from the Ministerio de Universidades [UNI/551/2021] and by a Next Generation EU grant from the University of Granada.Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of gastro-intestinal parasites in human remains from Late Antiquity (5th – 7th c.) Granada (Spain). Materials: The study included pelvic and cranial control samples from 17 skeletons from the archaeological sites of Los Mondragones (n = 13) and Rafael Guillén (n = 4). Methods: In the paleoparasitological study, soil samples from pelvic area and cranium were analyzed using the rehydration, homogenization, and micro-sieving method and visualization under brightfield microscopy. Results: Ascaris sp. eggs were detected in pelvic samples from seven individuals. Conclusions: These findings may indicate that this parasite was endemic. Its detection frequency is one of the highest reported at group level in an osteological series from Late Antiquity. Significance: The prevalence of Ascaris sp. associated with skeletal remains has implications for assessing the lifestyle and health of populations in southern Spain during the Late Antique period. Limitations: The number of individuals is small and taphonomic processes could have limited paleoparasitological findings Suggestions for further research: Future interdisciplinary studies of this type are warranted in larger osteological series to improve knowledge of parasitosis in the past.Ramón y Cajal ProgramMinisterio de Universidades [UNI/551/2021]Next Generation EUUniversity of Granad


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    Dado que la concentración de materiales en el talud del camino a que nos hemos referido anteriormente ocupaba un área bastante restringida, nos decidimos a plantear la excavación precisamente en esta zona, penetrando hacia el Norte en el talud todo lo que permitiese, hasta llegar a la vertical del escarpe del Llano del Zamborino. Sin embargo, una de las mayores dificultades que encontramos al emprender la excavación fue la existencia de ese conjunto de estratos de conglomerados rojos y arcillas, de una potencia de 9'45m, que era necesario retirar con el fin de plantear los cortes directamente sobre los niveles fosilíferos. Debido a la gran potencia de ese conjunto de estratos, la labor de desmonte supuso la pérdida de numerosos dias de trabajo de excavación, toda vez que ignorábamos si eran estériles o no, por lo cual este desmonte debió hacerse de una manera metódica y cuidada hasta que se comprobó su absoluta esterilidad

    Risk factors for metabolic syndrome in a population with sleep apnea: evaluation in a population of Granada: the Granada study

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    Introducción: El síndrome metabólico se está convirtiendo en uno de los principales problemas de salud pública del siglo XXI. Se considera que la aparición del síndrome metabólico está determinada por la interacción de factores genéticos, ambientales y nerviosos centrales (disfunción de los centros hipotalámicos de hambre y saciedad) que generan dos alteraciones metabólicas importantes: la resistencia a la acción de la insulina y la obesidad visceral. La relación de este síndrome, que concentra en la actualidad al mundo científico, con las alteraciones del sueño sigue siendo un punto sin esclarecer. Aunque se ha teorizado sobre la relación causa efecto, se desconoce aún su interrelación convirtiéndose su estudio en un objetivo primario de la investigación epidemiológica. Muestra y métodos: Se reclutaron 1016 sujetos que acudieron al servicio de Fisiología Respiratoria del Hospital Universitario "San Cecilio" de Granada (España) por sospecha de Apnea de Sueño. Resultados: Se encontró una correlación significativa (p < 0,001) entre los valores de apneas hipopneas y los valores de saturación de Oxigeno nocturna con las diferentes alteraciones metabólicas asociadas al síndrome metabólico (Hipertensión, Diabetes y Obesidad). Por el contrario, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas test (t-Student) en la mayoría de las variables entre el grupo NO-Apnea y el grupo Apnea moderada. Conclusiones: Los sujetos con apnea de sueño poseen significativamente más riesgo de desarrollar síndrome metabólico, y por lo tanto de presentar patología cardiovascular. Estos sujetos deben ser evaluados en este sentido para reducir la morbimortalidad asociada a estas patologías.The Metabolic Syndrome is one of the first health problems in the public health of the century. It's consider that the beginning of the syndrome is determined by numerous factors that developed two main metabolic disturbances: the insulin resistance and the central obesity. This relationship is concentrating the scientific world. As the cause-effect relationship has to be answered, the epidemiologic research has focused on without results. Material and methods: 1,016 subjects were recruited in the sleep disorders laboratory in San Cecilio Hospital with sleep apnea suspicion. Results: Significant correlation (p < 0,001) was found between sleep apnea severity and nocturnal saturation values and the different metabolic disturbances related to the metabolic syndrome (Hypertension, Diabetes and obesity). By the contrary, we doesn't found significant differences between No-Sleep apnea group and moderate sleep apnea group in the majority of the variables. Conclusions: Subjects with sleep apnea have significantly more possibilities to develop metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular pathology. These subjects had to be evaluated in this sense to reduce the impact associated to this pathology

    Influencia de las emociones en el juicio clínico de los profesionales de la salud a propósito del diagnóstico de enfermedad terminal

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    En España, el proceso de morir se describe con frecuencia como «malo» o incluso como «muy malo». Entre los motivos, destacan las dificultades de los profesionales de la salud para afrontar la muerte y para asistir y acompañar en el proceso de morir a sus enfermos. A la influencia del contexto cultural actual en cuanto al sentido de la muerte y al modo de morir, se unen situaciones de carácter clínico y profesional como el momento del diagnóstico de una enfermedad terminal, con importantes implicaciones emocionales para el profesional, el enfermo y la familia, y un efecto directo en la respuesta asistencial a la situación. Planteamos un estudio cualitativo de tipo fenomenológico, fundamentado en la Grounded Theory, sobre una muestra final de 42 entrevistas en profundidad a médicos y enfermeros de diferentes ámbitos asistenciales de la provincia de Granada (España), para conocer, en su propio contexto, el punto de vista de los profesionales implicados en la atención al enfermo terminal. Los datos se analizaron con el software ATLAS.tí siguiendo una codificación temática. Los resultados muestran el efecto que el factor emocional tiene en el juicio clínico del profesional y justifican la necesidad de ampliar y profundizar en su estudio.In Spain, the dying process is sometimes described as «bad» or even «awful». There are many reasons for this situation, the most important being the difficulties health care professionals have to face with death and their lack of ability to help and assist patients to go through the dying process. The influence of the current cultural context regarding death and the way people die is paired with other factors. These factors are both clinical and professional in nature such as for example: the moment of diagnosis of a terminally ill patient that entails important emotional implications for the health care professionals, the patient and their family. All these factors have a direct influence on the health care assistance. We conducted Grounded Theory-based, phenomenological, qualitative research using a final sample of 42 indepth interviews with doctors and nurses from different fields in Granada (Spain) in order to understand their point of view, as health care providers, on the assistance given to terminally ill patients. The results were analysed with Atlas-tí software using thematic coding. The results show the effect the emotional factor has on the clinical judgment of health care professionals and support the need for broader and more comprehensive study.Este trabajo se ha financiado con ayudas del Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (PI030495) y del Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Granada

    Estudio antropológico de los restos óseos humanos aparecidos en el cementerio de La Rauda

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    Cuadernos de la Alhambra, n. 36 (2000); p. 181-190Cuadernos de la Alhambra, n. 36 (2000); p. 181-19